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09-09 投稿



siam 发音

英:  美:

siam 中文意思翻译



siam 短语词组

1、siam center ─── 暹罗中心

2、bird of paradise siam rice ─── 天堂鸟暹罗饭

3、siam park ─── 暹罗公园

4、siam paragon ─── 暹罗paragon

5、Gulf of Siam ─── [网络] 暹罗湾;暹逻湾;暹罗海湾

siam 相似词语短语

1、sial ─── n.硅铝带;硅铝层;n.(Sial)(巴、美、英、印、加)西亚尔(人名)

2、Siam ─── n.暹罗

3、sham ─── n.假装;骗子;赝品;vt.假装;冒充;vi.假装;佯装;adj.假的;虚假的;假装的;n.(Sham)人名;(英、印、毛里塔)沙姆

4、scam ─── n.骗局,诡计;故事;vt.欺诈;诓骗;vi.欺诈;诓骗

5、seam ─── n.缝;接缝;vt.缝合;接合;使留下伤痕;vi.裂开;产生裂缝

6、sam ─── n.萨姆(男子名)

7、sima ─── n.硅镁层;n.(Sima)人名;(塞、卢、喀、罗、泰、瑞典、赤几)西玛(女名),西马;(卢旺)西马,西玛(女名)

8、sim ─── abbr.用户身份识别卡(subscriberidentitymodule);电脑模拟游戏(simulation);n.(Sim)(美、新、加)西姆(人名)

9、diam ─── n.直径

siam 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Quite a number of ethnic Chinese married the local women and settled down in Siam, and they began to be assimilated during the course of abiding by the Siamese custom and culture. ─── 不少华人与暹罗妇女通婚,定居于此,并遵从暹罗的习俗、文化,逐渐被暹罗人同化。

2、3. The lush jungle paradise they created inevitably caught the attention of the neighboring kingdom of Siam now known as Thailand. ─── 他们创建的奢华的丛林天堂不可避免地引起了邻国暹罗王国(即现在的泰国)的注意。

3、She practiced and did umpteen times of tests with the help of Mr Tan.They finally manage to produce their very first tub of Non coconut milk Thick Gravy Mee Siam. ─── 她不停地研究与尝试,再加上陈老板对调味的敏感,经过一翻努力,他们终于烹煮出一锅香喷喷无椰浆的浓汁米暹。

4、JSS Journal of the Siam Society, Bangkok. ─── 暹逻学会学报。

5、Hotel Siam Bayview Hotel $37.23 ─── 暹罗湾观光旅馆37.23美元。

6、It was the same in the foreign country where Cantonese resided, like Singapore, Siam, Saigon, Manila, etc. ─── 在国外以粤人多聚居之地,亦兼有之,如石叻(即新加坡)、暹罗、西贡、马尼拉等地。

7、Anna and the King of Siam ─── 安娜与暹罗王

8、The lovely Siam ctrystal heart signifies love and the rhodium plated wrap lends it a touch of warmth. The pendant reflects a special bond - strong yet delicate. Chain length 38 cm. ─── 亮丽的暹罗水晶心型鍊坠象徵永恒的爱。镀铑鍊项突显女性坚强又优雅的气质。鍊长38厘米。

9、Miss Siam the Spirit of Aviation, a classical shooting game, based on a true story. ─── 一款以真实故事为原型的飞行射击游戏,场景十分火爆,这是体验版。

10、Carved figurine of an Upsara, on the walls of the Ankor Wat temple in Siam Reap, Cambodia. ─── 柬埔寨暹粒吴哥窟寺庙墙上的雕刻塑像。

11、By applying the multiple quotient singular value decomposition QQQQQ-SVD, We prove a conjecture appeared in SIAM J. ─── 我们通过使用六个矩阵的广义奇异值分解QQQQQ-SVD,证明了1998年发表在SIAM J.

12、Deang J.M. and Gunzburger M.D., Issues related to least-squares finite element methods for the Stokes equations, SIAM J.Sci.Comput., 20(1998), 878-906. ─── 段火元,新型混合/杂交有限元方法,学位论文,中国科学院计算数学与科学工程计算研究所,北京,(1997).

13、e noi siam tutti l’opera delle tue mani. ─── 我们众人都是你手所作的。

14、SIAM Signal Information And Monitoring ─── 信号信息和监控

15、Cardamom was a common tributary item sent from Java and Siam. ─── 檀香是项广受欢迎的商品。

16、SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis. ─── 数学分析杂志。

17、As a vassal state of China at the time, Siam was the country that paid the most numerous and largest tributes to Ming. ─── 作为明朝的臣属国,泰国是对明朝朝贡次数最多、贡品最丰厚的国家。

18、The principle role of Sales Manager for Siam Ocean World in ATR is to increase market share of the growing outbound travel market of China. ─── ATR的暹罗海洋世界的销售经理,主要职责是帮助暹罗海洋世界在不断成长过程中的中国出境旅游市场赢得更大的市场份额。

19、SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics. ─── 工业与应用数学会应用数学杂志。

20、Welcome to our family of "The Love of Siam"!! ─── 楼主,欢迎来到我们的“爱在暹罗”之家呀!!

21、karn had shown me to the bridge that links Siam Discovery Center and MBK Center together after we had met up. ─── karn抵达后便带我前往连接SiamDiscovery中心以及MBK中心之间的行人天桥。

22、Locals check out the menu at a Japanese restaurant during opening weekend at Bangkok's ritzy Siam Paragon shopping mall. ─── 意译:体验曼谷图片。当地人检查菜单在一个日本人的餐馆当开放在周末位于曼谷的优雅的暹罗大型购物中心。

23、It relates to the Buddhist belief in Siam. ─── 这与暹罗人信仰佛教有紧密的联系。

24、By learning Western etiquette, Siam can understand Western culture as an important aspect and derive inspiration. ─── 暹罗人通过学习西餐礼仪可以了解西方文化的一个重要方面,并从中得到启发。

25、the Siam world ─── 暹罗世界

26、SDM: SIAM International Conference on Data Mining ─── 数据挖掘信息安全

27、Private foreign trade of Chaozhou flourished in the Ming dynasty, whose main trade partners were Japan, Siam, Java, Portugal, Spain, Holland, etc. ─── 明代,潮州私人海外贸易兴盛,主要外贸对象有日本、暹罗、爪哇、葡萄牙、西班牙、荷兰等国。

28、SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics ─── 工业与应用数学会离散数学杂志

29、Siam Commercial Bank Public Company Limited ─── 汇商银行

30、SIAM Streptokinase In Acute Myocardial Infarction Trial ─── 急性心肌梗死链激酶试验

31、Poinsettia in faceted Light Siam and Peridot crystal with accents in Light Topaz crystal; fully faceted clear crystal flowerpot. ─── 一品红面轻暹和橄榄石晶体口音鉴于黄玉晶体;完全清楚面水晶花盆。

32、A country of southeast Asia on the Gulf of Siam. ─── 柬埔寨,高棉共和国:亚洲东南部靠近暹罗湾的一个国家。

33、A.Banerjee,S.Merugu,I.Dhillon,and J.Ghosh.Clustering with Bregman divergence.Proceeding of SIAM Data Mining conference,(2004)234--245. ─── 刘东辉,王树明.基于数据挖掘的计算机动态取、证系统[J]微计算机信息,2005,11:45-47

34、Alpert, M. and Raiffa, H.“Systematic search in high-dimensional sets,” SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 14, 296-312, 1977. ─── 林宏泽、林清泉编著,系统模拟,高立图书有限公司出版,台北市,民80年。

35、But you could buy him as the King of Siam, or as a cowboy in The Magnificent Seven, or as a robot in Westworld. ─── 但你可以接受作为暹罗王的他,或是《豪勇七蛟龙》里扮演牛仔的他,或是《未来世界》里他扮演的机器人。

36、Rhodium-plated pierced earrings with bezel-set Siam crystal chaton and Siam crystal heart on chain drops. The chain drops removable for a versatile look. ─── 957035这款设计的很好,吊坠的部分是可以取下的,耳环就变成了耳钉,两种戴法!

37、It is an era of civil war among the people of Siam where the fight is to protect the capital city of Ayuthaya from being conquered and overthrown. ─── 在这里,拓荒者可以任意占有西部平原上任何一块无主的土地,并选择将自己的生命永远留在辛勤的劳作与坚实的草原之上。

38、1.Add Woh Hup Mee Siam paste to water or stock.Stir over heat until boiling. ─── 1.将和合新加坡酸辣面酱和水或上汤搅匀煮滚。

39、I have several rare manuals that talk about "martial arts" from Indonesia, SIAM(read THAILAND), Burma and the Philippines, as well as China, and Japan. ─── 我有一些少见的,来自印度尼西亚、暹罗(就是泰国)、缅甸、菲律宾、以及中国和日本的“武术”手册。

40、SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization ─── 工业与应用数学会控制与最佳化杂志

41、SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications. ─── 工业与应用数学会矩阵分析和应用杂志。

42、" Yao generations in order to commemorate the achievements of Siam, they Youngpoong Drainage renamed "Yao Siem Drainage. ─── 后世为了纪念姚暹的政绩,就把永丰渠改名为“姚暹渠”。

43、China cotton; Ceylon cotton; Siam cotton; tree cotton ─── 中国棉;锡兰棉;暹罗棉;木棉

44、“Hi I am Mario Maurer. Thank you for your support,Love of Siam Forum,thank you very much.” ─── “你好,我是马里奥毛雷尔.感谢大家的支持,谢谢暹罗吧,非常感谢。”

45、L. Grippo, F. Lemporriello and S. Lucidi, A nonmonotone line search technique for new ton's。method;SIAM J. Numer. Anal, 23: 4(1986), 707-716。 ─── 周方俊等,一类新的非单调曲线搜索算法,运筹与决策;1(1992),340-345(成都科大出版社)

46、Little Siam is the first hotel in Holland with a real Thai ambiance. ─── 小暹罗是第一个酒店在荷兰与一个真正的泰国风情。

47、Stainless steel bottle stopper with black rubber seal. Decorative faceted clear crystal top with poinsettia motif in Light Siam and accents in Light Topaz crystal. ─── 在贴着黑橡胶的不锈钢瓶底就是这一系列的创意之作,菱形切面的纯净水晶底座里镶嵌着一品红五叶花,呈现变幻效果。

48、Researches on The Record of Siam's Last Tribute to China ─── 《泰国最后一次入贡中国纪录书》初考

49、Siam Square is the city's most prominent shopping district and offers a multitude of stores, boutiques, restaurants and cafes, while Central World Plaza is South-East Asia's largest mall complex. ─── 暹逻区是曼谷最热闹的商业街,有许多知名品牌连锁店,还有时装设计工作室,旅馆和咖啡店,然而中心百货广场是整个东南亚最大复合购物中心。

50、i am still trapped in the file love of Siam, and felt absentminded. so i told myself: doing things not too serious, watching films not to too deep and so was reading books. ─── 发现自己还是陷在loveofSiam里,有点恍惚了,所以我告诉自己做事不能太认真,看电影不能太深入,书也是同样的道理。

51、Mini Siam in Pattaya is where you can take a glimpse of famous attractions around the world in a limited time. ─── 迷你沙炎在芭提雅里,你可以饱览风景名胜世界在限一段时间。

52、At all times reflect to the market place the professional integrity of ATR and Siam Ocean World. ─── 时刻在旅游行业内体现ATR以及暹罗海洋世界的员工的专业和认真。

53、Dr Buckley’s tree cores show that the 18th-century drought in Siam lasted 30 years or more. ─── 巴克利博士的树心研究显示,18世纪时,暹罗的乾旱至少持续30年之久。

54、Siam: society for industrial and applied mathematics ─── 国际工业与应用数学联合会

55、Air Siam Air Company Limited ─── 暹罗航空公司(泰国)

56、Siam is the name of old Thailand. There was an intimate interchange between China and Siam on politics, economy, culture and astronomy and so on in the Ming Dynasty. ─── 暹罗就是古代的泰国,有明一朝,中国和泰国保持了密切和睦的交往,双方的交往涉及政治、经济、文化和天文历法等多个领域。

57、The Geisha's of Japan, the concubines of Siam, the ca***ites of Greece, the harlots of India. ─── 日本的艺妓,泰国的情妇,希腊的娈童,印度的妓女,我都拥有过,还有他们的图片。

58、Miss Siam accomplish to be the sky ambassador between Siam and China. ─── 暹逻小姐完成当在暹逻和中国之间的天空大使。

59、Hb Siam ─── 暹罗血红蛋白

60、The lush jungle paradise they created inevitably caught the attention of the neighboring kingdom of Siam -- now known as Thailand. ─── 他们创建的奢华的丛林天堂不可避免地引起了邻国暹罗王国(即现在的泰国)的注意。

61、By learning Western etiquette, Siam can understand Western culture as an important aspect and derive inspiration. ─── 暹罗人通过学习西餐礼仪可以了解西方文化的一个重要方面,并从中得到启发。

62、It's an award about my six-pack body. . . hahaha. But this is more formal to me and I'd like to say thank to Siam Dara for this award. ─── 对于我身体的六块肌肉的哈哈哈。但是这个是更为正式的,我想说谢谢SiamDara颁发这个奖项给我。

63、In ancient Siam, which now is called Thailand, ─── 在古暹罗,即现在的泰国,

64、Cactus in faceted Peridot crystal with blossom in facet Light Siam crystal; pot in faceted clear crystal. ─── 仙人掌面橄榄石晶体花面暹光晶体;一锅面清晰的晶体。

65、We are going to have something for breakfast and then walk around before we depart for Siam Reap at about 5 pm. ─── 我们的蛋窝非常的新鲜和燕窝有得一拼,值得一提的是,前台的帅哥太聪明了东东说的。

66、Siam Kraft Industry Company Limited ─── 和泰国纸板工业有限公司

67、Talk About from Siam to a Pig Trough ─── 从暹罗讲到猪槽

68、SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing. ─── 工业与应用数学会科学计算杂志。

69、Cambodia North by Laos and Thailand.East South by Vietname, South West by Gulf of Siam and Thailand. ─── 柬埔寨皇国位于中南半岛南部,东边与越南接壤,北邻寮国,西边北边与泰国交界。

70、Moreover, Japan wants to occupy the Philippines, Siam, Indo-China, the Malay Peninsula and the Dutch East Indies in order to cut off other countries from China and monopolize the southwestern Pacific. ─── 并且日本还想占领菲律宾、暹罗、越南、马来半岛和荷属东印度,把外国和中国切开,独占西南太平洋。

71、He made China‘s maritime trade expand to such countries as the coastal area , the Indian south coastal area and west Asia , east African,etc.. Except Vietnam , Siam ,etc. ─── 使中国海上贸易的能力扩大到东南亚沿海地区、印度南部沿海地区以及西亚、东非等国。

72、The lush jungle paradise they created inevitably caught the attention of the neighboring kingdom of Siam now known as Thailand. ─── 他们创建的奢华的丛林天堂不可避免地引起了邻国暹罗王国(即现在的泰国)的注意。

73、Summary: Siam in rice trade, with its unique relevance and popularity, has always been in friendly relations between Siem an importantlunwen114 component. ─── 内容提要:中暹大米贸易,以其独特的实用性和普及性,历来是中暹友好关系中的一个重要组成部分。

74、The isolation and identification of the bacteria leading to eye conjunctivitis in Siam crocodile ─── 暹罗鳄鱼结膜炎致病菌的分离与鉴定

75、Air Siam ─── 暹逻航空公司

76、Rhodium-Plated pendant with dark red enamel and Light Siam Satin and clear crystals set using the Ceralun(TM) technique; lobster clasp. ─── 款型:金属部分为镀铑(铑是一种贵金属,价格高于白金)此款项链为银色镀铑,镶嵌红色水晶。

77、The Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics ( SIAM ) will designate one Outstanding team from each problem as a SIAM winner. ─── 将从每个赛题所有的参赛队中选出一个特别优秀的参赛队作为siam的优胜奖。

78、Elemi, Bitter Orange, Italian Lemon, Indonesian Pepper And Pink Pepper, Ambergris, Oak, Cedar, Vetiver, Balsam Of Peru And Tears Of Siam. ─── 中味:琥珀及微量香料。后味:柠檬、塞维尔橙、橄榄及胡椒。适合日间及平日使用。

79、Small Silver Medal(Short Film): Siam - Land und Leute ─── 小银牌奖(短片)

80、Some disenfranchised samurai, especially Christian ones, found themselves in places like the Philippinesand Siam. ─── 一些失去了地位的武士,特别是基督徒,在菲律宾和暹罗寻找容身之地。

81、Gender differences in Siam are also very clear and women are clearly subservient to men. ─── 男女差别在暹罗也是非常明显的,女性是明显屈从于男性的个体。

82、Siam Garden Resort - Apartments suites in an Asian themed locale. Photos, amenities, layout map, rates, and contact information. ─── 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。

83、Siam is the name of ancient Thailand. ─── 暹罗是古代的泰国。

84、It's most valuable part is the history of Tartar,Siam and so on during Lung-Ch'ing and Wa-Li period. ─── 其最有价值的部分是作者记载的隆庆、万历年间鞑靼、暹罗等历史 ,以及有关四夷馆活动的内容

85、Siam Ocean World is seeking an experienced travel industry professional to be the next sales manager responsible for developing the China outbound travel markets. ─── 暹罗海洋世界现正寻找一位旅游行业内经验丰富的销售经理,开发暹罗海洋世界在中国旅游市场的市场份额。

86、P.J. Aston, A. Spence and W. WU, Bifurcation to rotating waves in equations with O(2)-symmetry, SIAM J. Apll. Math., 52(1992)792-809. (SCI ─── 包刚,吴微,二阶双曲方程广义差分法的误差估计,吉大自然科学学报,2(1987)33-42.

87、Noi siam diventati un vituperio per i nostri vicini, un oggetto di scherno e di derisione per quelli che ci circondano. ─── 我们成为邻国羞辱的对象,成为四周的人嗤笑和讥刺的目标。

88、Caption :The sun set in Siam reap over a perfect deep blue sky and the majestic green plenitude of the Khemer land.The ruins of a temple are the only remains of the great Khmer kingdom. ─── 描述:深蓝天空的太阳宏伟的高棉国建筑寺庙遗迹是伟大的高棉帝国现存的唯一的地方。

89、When writing this article, of just wreathing around me. ─── 写这篇文张的时候,of正缭绕在耳边。


是TH,或者更全面地说是THA。它由两个字母组成,T表示泰国,H表示“Kingdom of Thailand”(泰王国),有时也叫做“Siam”(暹罗)。泰国是一个亚洲国家,位于南半球,西临安达曼海,东濒中国,北部临老挝、缅甸,西部临印度洋。全国总面积5.13万平方公里,人口约6.73亿。泰国以佛教文化为主,历史悠久,著名的普吉岛风景优美,非常适合度假和旅游。

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