calculates 发音
英:[ˈkælkjuleɪts] 美:[ˈkælkjuleɪts]
英: 美:
calculates 中文意思翻译
calculates 短语词组
1、re-calculates (re-calculate ─── 的第三人称 -s形式) vt. 重新计算;重新估计
2、calculates on ─── 指望;期待
calculates 常用词组
calculate on ─── 指望;期待
be calculated for ─── 适合于……;为适合…而设计的
calculates 词性/词形变化,calculates变形
动词过去式: calculated |动词第三人称单数: calculates |动词过去分词: calculated |动词现在分词: calculating |
calculates 相似词语短语
1、cannulates ─── adj.筒状的(等于cannular);vt.插管
2、calculator ─── n.计算器;计算者
3、calculators ─── n.计算器(calculator的复数)
4、calculated ─── adj.计算出的;适合的;有计划的;v.计算;估计;打算(calculate的过去式和过去分词)
5、calyculate ─── 有花萼的
6、recalculates ─── vt.重新计算;重新估计
7、calceates ─── 插座
8、calculuses ─── n.[数]微积分;演算;[病理]结石(calculus的复数)
9、calculate ─── vi.计算;以为;作打算;vt.计算;预测;认为;打算
calculates 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、How calculates best the gestation period? ─── 如何计算最佳受孕期?
2、Job cost system allows managers to input physical completion % and calculates with them. ─── 作业费用系统允许管理器输入物理的结束%并且与他们一起计算。
3、This program calculates the 2D photonic Band Structure with PWE method. ─── (译):此程序计算了二维光子带结构PWE方法。
4、The average holder of a bachelor's degree earns about 51,000 a year, Baum calculates. ─── 她指出,如果是加上40年的工龄,总的工资级差大约是80万美元。
5、FuelLog for Series 80 calculates distance, fuel consumption and fuel price after input of odometer, fuel and expense. ─── 在里程表,燃料和花费的输入端之后计算距离,燃料消耗和燃料价格。
6、If you do not supply a title for a control, the Web Parts control set automatically calculates a default string to use as a title. ─── 如果没有为某个控件提供标题,Web部件控件集会自动计算一个默认字符串用作标题。
7、So the calculateMortgage method takes information gathered from the MortgageInfo class and calculates how much every month the user can afford. ─── 因此,calculateMortgage方法得到从MortgageInfo类收集来的信息并计算用户每月所能负担的金额。
8、Exchange 2003 automatically calculates an optimal default value based on the number of processors in the server. ─── Exchange 2003根据服务器中的处理器数自动计算最佳默认值。
9、The example below contains the code that calculates the total binary size by adding the size of the files in the binaries folder. ─── 下面的示例包含计算二进制文件总大小的代码,方法是将二进制文件夹中文件的大小相加。
10、Any operation that compares or calculates the difference between an unspecified time and either UTC or the local time reflects simple clock time. ─── 任何比较或计算未指定的时间与UTC或本地时间之差的运算都反映简单的时钟时间。
11、Now, the team wounded soldiers only then Ram, Sagenuoer, the Ahl pavilion Topp 3 people, the lineup also calculates neatly. ─── 如今,球队伤兵只有拉姆、萨格诺尔、大阿尔亭托普3人,阵容还算齐整。
12、also comes with a pedometer: Throughout the day it calculates the calories you are burning as you walk around with your mobile phones. ─── 为使分析更加完整,这套新软件还带有一个计步器,只要你身上带着手机,就可计算出你一整天通过走路消耗了多少卡路里。
13、For example, the following report groups sales by date shipped and calculates the total amount of sales for each day. ─── 例如,以下报表按发货日期对销售数据进行分组,并计算每天的销售总量。
14、When overridden in a derived class, calculates the number of bytes produced by encoding all the characters in the specified character array. ─── 在派生类中重写时,计算对指定字符数组中的所有字符进行编码所产生的字节数。
15、Under ANSI-92 SQL, Access calculates the New Freight value using the Freight field, and therefore increases each Freight by 10%. ─── 在ANSI-92 SQL下,Access用Freight字段计算New Freight值,于是每个Freight值增加10%。
16、An RF signal demodulating unit receives the GPS signal and calculates position information based on the GPS signal. ─── RF信号解调单元接收GPS信号并基于GPS信号来计算位置信息。
17、Calculates the Prayer times.Sets the Direction of Qibla. ─── 免责声明:此下载只供个人使用。
18、After adding different locations to the list, it calculates their time based on your current timezone. ─── 在把不同的位置加入到清单以后,可以根据你的本地时区估算出各地不同的时间。
19、In this example, the subquery calculates exactly one value: the average quantity from the sales_order_items table. ─── 在此示例中,子查询只计算一个值:sales_order_items表的平均数量。
20、In the altogether in group of this familial construction two people can whitewash the wall, he calculates. ─── 在这个家族施工队里一共两人会刷墙,他算一个。
21、The study calculates that the plant has facilitated about six tonnes of weapon-grade or 90% enriched uranium. ─── 该研究算出,这一工厂已经生产了大约6吨军用的或90%浓度的浓缩铀。
22、Inserting a minus (-) followed by a number in the appropriate part of the function calculates a date that number of units in the past. ─── 同理,在函数的相应部分插入一个减号(-)和数字,可以计算与数字相同天数以前的日期。
23、What can there be to adumbrate before occurrence schizophrenia, the depressed disease that how calculates? ─── 出现精神分裂症之前会有什么预兆,怎样算的抑郁症?
24、Microsoft Office Project 2007 calculates the costs for resources based upon a number of factors and resource types. ─── Microsoft Office Project 2007根据一系列因素和资源类型计算资源的成本。
25、The VARP() function calculates the variance based on an entire population. ─── 函数根据整个总体计算方差。
26、This paper presents several ways of data transformation to map quality measurements to normal variables,and then calculates PCIs. ─── 为此介绍总结了若干种数据转换方式,将质量特性的分布映射为正态形式,在此基础上再计算过程能力指数。
27、The DEVSQ() function calculates the sum of squares of deviations. ─── 函数计算偏差的平方和。
28、An algorithm, which calculates the contour elevation automatically based on bin tree, is presented too. ─── 同时编制了基于二叉树的等高线高程自动赋值算法。
29、Project calculates the duration of tasks based on the definitions of the duration units on the Calendar tab of the Options dialog box (Tools menu). ─── Project根据“选项”对话框(“工具”菜单)的“日历”选项卡上的工期单位定义来计算任务的工期。
30、It finds your ascendant sign and calculates numerology according to the Chaldean system of root and compound numbers. ─── 发现你的上升的标志和根据根占星术系统计算数字算命学。
31、The Histogram analysis tool calculates individual and cumulative frequencies for a cell range of data and data bins. ─── “直方图”分析工具可计算数据单元格区域和数据接收区间的单个和累积频率。
32、After adding different locations to the list, Meeting Time calculates their time based on your current timezone. ─── 在把不同的位置添加到列表后,会议时间应用软件就会以你所处的实际时区为基础来估算他们所处的时间。
33、When overridden in a derived class, calculates the number of characters produced by decoding all the bytes in the specified byte array. ─── 在派生类中重写时,计算对指定字节数组中的所有字节进行解码所产生的字符数。
34、Matlab program that calculates the resonant freequency of a seria RLC circut. ─── (译):MATLAB程序的计算谐振freequency一个串行冲电路。
35、Jim calculates a solar eclipse easily because he is an astronomer. ─── 因为吉姆是个天文学家,所以很容易的计算出日蚀。
36、The STANDARDIZE() function calculates a normalized value. ─── 函数计算规格化的数值。
37、How much day calculates safety period after menstruation? ─── 月经后多少天算安全期?
38、The RAND worksheet function calculates values randomly each time the function is recalculated. ─── RAND工作表函数在每次重新计算时随机计算数值。
39、The following example calculates the average of the dependent variable, employee age. ─── 下面的示例计算非独立变量(职员年龄)的平均值。
40、In inflation-adjusted terms, however, the Dow in 2007 never quite surpassed its 2000 record, Prof.Hausman calculates. ─── 不过,豪斯曼的计算结果是,如果扣除通货膨胀因素,那么2007年的道琼斯指数从未超过2000年的高点。
41、George Bush calculates that the future benefits of pleasing India, a hoped-for ally in balancing the rise of China, will outweigh the blow to the NPT. ─── 乔治布什认为,取悦印度带来的远期好处将超过对NPT的重创,他希望印度成为平衡中国崛起影响的盟友。
42、Microsoft Project calculates and adds these costs, so you can get an accurate view of how much your project will cost to execute. ─── Microsoft Project计算并添加这些成本,因此您可以精确查看执行项目要花费的成本。
43、Once all of the information is collected, each router calculates the best paths to all destinations in the network. ─── 一旦收集完成所有资讯,每个路由器计算到网路上所有目的地的最佳路径。
44、This program calculates the aerodynamic forces from take-off up to landing and through the subsonic, transonic, and supersonic speed regimes. ─── 使用的计算方法是根据实验数据和经验公式。本程序可计算起飞到着 陆的气动力。
45、The Model 6517A Electrometer applies the bias voltage (VTEST), measures the leakage current, then calculates the resistance of each resistor. ─── 6517A型静电计施加偏置电压(VTEST),并测量漏电流,然后计算出每个电阻器的电阻值。
46、Based on the distribution of the mine-out(areas),the author calculates the safety thickness of interval layers in the deposit. ─── 在采矿过程中根据采空区分布情况,确定露天开采时安全作业的隔离层厚度。
47、Calculates a checksum over the contents of the whole page and stores the value in the page header when a page is written to disk. ─── 在向磁盘中写入页面时,计算整个页面内容的校验和并将该值存储在页头中。
48、JCF calculates consensus using only those EPS estimates changed or actively validated within the last 75 days. ─── JCF在统计收益预期时,只采用那些最近75天内不断被分析师所调整,保持活跃有效的预期数值.
49、A fluffy cumulous cloud weighs the equivalent of approximately 200,000 elephants, a meteorologist calculates. ─── “当我刚开始计算的时候,我真的不知道一朵云有多重。”她说。
50、For example, placing a control that uses the Sum aggregate function in the report header calculates the sum for the entire report. ─── 例如,如果将使用Sum聚合函数的控件放在报表页眉中,则计算的是整个报表的总计。
51、Under ANSI-89 SQL, Access calculates the New Freight value using the Freight alias, and therefore increases each OrderID by 10%. ─── 在ANSI-89 SQL下,Access用Freight别名计算New Freight值,于是每个OrderID值增加10%。
52、The company calculates average sales and plans to give a premium to the people who sold most. ─── 公司核算出了这一年度每人销售额的平均数,并准备对数额最高的人予以奖励。
53、A single computer receives all this information and from it calculates a composite picture of the complete air situation. ─── 一台单个的计算机收到所有的这条信息并且从它计算完全的空气状况的复合的图片。
54、Chetan Ahya, Morgan Stanley's economist in Mumbai, calculates that off-budget items, such as oil and power subsidies, amount to another 1.8% of GDP. ─── 国际货币基金组织预计,到今年三月止的这一财年,中央及各州政府的赤字将会降至GDP的6.2%,稍低于财政预算,而且与2001-02年的10%高位相对,已经呈下降趋势。
55、average budget for a "major" kitchen overhaul in 2006, calculates Remodeling magazine, was a staggering $54,000; even a "minor" improvement cost on average $18,000. ─── 重塑》杂志的计算,2006年厨房“大修”的平均预算是54000美元;即使是“小”的改进,平均花费也要18000美元。
56、In order to conceive, she always calculates her ovulation times carefully. ─── 为了怀孕,她经常细心计算自己的排卵期。
57、Calculates natural logarithm of an OracleNumber. Natural logarithms are based on the constant e (2.71828182845904). ─── [本主题是预发布的文档,在将来发布的版本中可能会有更改。空白主题是为将来预留的。
58、As you drag the fields from the list window to the outlined areas, Microsoft Office Excel summarizes and calculates the report for you automatically. ─── 在将字段从列表窗口拖动到带轮廓的区域时,Microsoft Excel自动为您汇总并计算数据透视表。
59、Be fallen to counterpoise slowly later, nevertheless discharge also calculates stability to be controlled in 5K. ─── 后来就慢慢地被降权,不过流量也算稳定在5K左右。
60、The great-circle distance calculates the shortest distance between any two points on the surface of a sphere. ─── 大圆弧长计算球面两点之间的最短距离。
61、Then calculates the equivalent stress according to the random samplings. ─── 其次,按不同的里程从全程数据中抽取数据并计算等效应力幅;
62、The numbers one calculates from the facts seem to me so overwhelming as to put this conclusion almost beyond question. ─── 在我看来,人从这些事实算出的数值给予上述结论以几乎毋容置疑的压倒性支持。
63、In spite of affection again good, Taurus still calculates to the money clear. ─── 不管感情再好,金牛座对于金钱还是算得一清二楚。
64、The paper calculates the gold extent endowed with undiscovered deposits in Jiaodong exploration fie... ─── 利用分形方法对胶东地区未发现金矿床的资源总量进行了估计。
65、The FARSITE fire area simulator developed by one of us (Finney) relies on similar inputs but also calculates where a fire might spread and how quickly. ─── 作者之一芬尼设计的火灾地区模拟器(FARSITE),需要的也是类似的资料,但它也能同时计算火势会往哪个方向扩散、扩散的速度有多快。
66、For every possible pair of nodes, the Hopfield net calculates the product of their values and the weight between them. ─── Hopfield网络计算每一个可能的节点对的值与它们之间权重的乘积。
67、Mr Harford calculates that only 10% of the premium paid for Fairtrade coffee in a coffee bar trickles down to the producer. ─── 哈尔弗得通过计算得出结论:消费者在咖啡馆中为所饮咖啡支付的额外花费,流向生产者的仅有10%。
68、The article calculates the perfectly conducting thin cylinder RCS in incidence of TM plane wave by using the two different basis MOM. ─── 利用子域基和物理模式基两种不同基函数下的矩量法对平面波照射下的理想细导电圆柱的单站RCS进行了计算和分析。
69、The following code example demonstrates a ToolStripProgressBar that calculates a sequence of Fibonacci numbers. ─── 下面的代码示例演示计算Fibonacci数列的ToolStripProgressBar。
70、The COVAR() function calculates the covariance of two cell ranges. ─── 函数计算两个单元格范围的协方差。
71、She calculates to go next month. ─── 她想下个月去。
72、The following Function procedure calculates the longest side, or hypotenuse, of a right triangle, and returns it to the calling code. ─── 下面的Function过程计算一个直角三角形的最长边(或者说斜边),并将值返回给调用代码。
73、Calculates the saturation pressure of water based on input of Celcius Temperature. ─── (译):计算出的水饱和压力的基础上投入摄氏温度。
74、Project calculates the tasks'costs based on the project's progress. ─── Project根据任务的进度计算任务的成本。
75、After the thing is appeased, xiao Yongle always calculates sureness to come down. ─── 事情平息后,肖永乐总算踏实下来。
76、As you know, TCP dynamically calculates timeout based on the round-trip time measured by TCP. ─── 正如您所知道的,TCP根据所测量的往返时间,动态地计算超时。
77、When overridden in a derived class, calculates the number of bytes produced by encoding a set of characters from the specified character array. ─── 在派生类中重写时,计算对指定字符数组中的一组字符进行编码所产生的字节数。
78、At current levels, the IEA calculates, nuclear power is cheaper than gas and almost as cheap as coal. ─── 国际能源组织计算,按目前水平,核能比天然气更廉价,比煤炭更清洁。
79、When determining area of the ventilating window, it only calculates external window area of the openable parts. ─── 任何人不得复制、转载、盗用本站提供的内容。
80、He calculates to go next Tuesday. ─── 他打算下星期二走。
81、Cobertura calculates coverage both by the number of lines tested and by the number of branches tested. ─── Cobertura通过被测试的行数和被测试的分支数来计算覆盖率。
82、And it calculates adaptively the end of service period of a piece of digital information in order to prevent illegally use. ─── 同时,自适应地计算用户消费该数字产品或服务的时间,以保证不会被非法消费。
83、The VARA() function calculates the variance based on a sample. ─── 函数根据样本计算方差。
84、In 2000, he calculates, 85% of the container fleet could still pass through Panama. ─── 他计算,在2000年,85%的集装箱船队仍可能经由巴拿马运河。
85、The AVM takes the signal from the engine mounted accelerometer and calculates the vibration on that engine. ─── AVM从装在发动机上的加速器取得信号后计算出该发动机上的振动值。
86、Base class implementation and calculates the size of the frame window so that it "snaps" to the size of the property pages. ─── 基类实现并计算框架窗口的大小,使它同属性页的大小“咬合”。
87、When overridden in a derived class, calculates the maximum number of characters produced by decoding the specified number of bytes. ─── 在派生类中重写时,计算对指定数目的字节进行解码时所产生的最大字符数。
88、Thus the activities of the astronomer vary with the stars at which he gazes or about which he calculates. ─── 因而,天文学家的活动跟着他所凝视或计算的星星而变异。
89、SVM establishes the prediction model for the microbial process,and RGA taking the model as fitness function calculates the optimal control pattern. ─── SVM建立微生物发酵过程的预估模型,RGA以此模型为适应度函数计算最优控制模式。
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