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09-12 投稿



earthward 发音

英:[ˈɜːrθwərd]  美:[ˈɜːθwəd]

英:  美:

earthward 中文意思翻译




earthward 词性/词形变化,earthward变形

副词: earthwards |

earthward 相似词语短语

1、earthworm ─── n.[无脊椎]蚯蚓

2、earthwards ─── adv.向地面;向地球地

3、earthwax ─── 地蜡

4、northward ─── adj.向北的;adv.向北地;n.北方,北部地区

5、earth art ─── 大地艺术;地景艺术

6、eastward ─── adv.向东;朝东;adj.向东方的,朝东的;n.朝东的方向(或地区)

7、deathward ─── adv.趋向死亡;adj.趋向死亡的

8、earthwork ─── n.[建]土方工程;土木工事

9、earthenware ─── adj.陶制的;n.陶器

earthward 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The same can be achieved in self-cultivation, and that in a more practical way, by looking earthward instead of skyward. ─── 把仰望的双眼移到地面,同样可以收到修养上的效益,而且更见切实。

2、The same can be achieved in self-cultivation, and that in a more practical way, by looking earthward instead of skyward. ─── 把仰望的双眼移到地面,同样可以收到修养上的效益,而且更见切实。

3、The Soyuz TMA-9 capsule took off less than a day after the US space shuttle Atlantis pulled away from the orbiting station and began its journey Earthward. ─── 在联盟TMA 9号飞船发射升空不到一天前,美国阿特兰蒂斯号航天飞机已与轨道空间站脱离,开始向地球飞行。

4、21 Who knows if the life-breath of the children of men goes upward and the life-breath of beasts goes earthward? ─── 人的气息是否向上高升,走兽的气息是否下降地下,有谁知道?

5、He hurtles earthward, linked to the 35-metre structure by vines, one tied to each ankle ─── 他纵身一跳,头朝下地向地面飞去,他的脚踝部各用一股长藤拴在35米的高塔顶上。

6、There was the quiet terror that suffused my sense when vast hazes of gold washed earthward from star -heavy skies on silent nights . ─── 静夜里,金色的雾气一片苍茫,掠过满天星斗,扑奔大地而来。这时候我混身都充满了无言的恐怖。

7、plasmoids on the earthward side of the neutral line move toward the earth and coalesce with the reconnection region near the earth. ─── 中性线近地侧的等离子体团朝着地球运动,并合并于地球附近的重联区内。

8、Early I searched through the earth for earthward so as to research in earthquake. ─── 早先我在泥土中搜寻陶器以研究地震.

9、Near-Earth breakup triggered by the earthward traveling burst flow ─── 利用向着地球滑动暴流来引发近-地球崩裂

10、But the space agency is also looking earthward, hoping to build a radar system that could peer through trees, clouds and other obstructions to find lost planes and hopefully save lives. ─── 但是另一方面太空署也着眼于地面,希望能构建一个雷达系统能够穿透树林,云层和其他的障碍物来寻找失事飞机和挽救生命。


12、303. The abundance mixing those occurs in the estuary, the outstandinger is the earthward flow in the subsurexpression layer. ─── 在河口湾呈现的混合越强烈,次表层向陆地方向的流量就越大。

13、Near-Earth breakup triggered by the earthward traveling burst flow ─── 利用向着地球滑动暴流来引发近-地球崩裂

14、the light rattling fall of a dead branch broken under the feet of a squirrel and sent bounding and ricocheting earthward. ─── 此乃绿透四季之松针于风中轻叹,那是半倒之树,斜倚旁枝,树皮相擦而生之嘎吱声隐杂那沉沉之呻吟声,那是松鼠足下,枯枝断坠,飘然落地之丝丝声响。

15、earthward beam ─── 指向地球的波束

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