disinherited 发音
英:[ˌdɪsɪnˈherɪtɪd] 美:[ˌdɪsɪnˈherɪtɪd]
英: 美:
disinherited 中文意思翻译
disinherited 同义词
divest | cut off | cut out | disown |dispossess | deprive
disinherited 反义词
disinherited 词性/词形变化,disinherited变形
动词第三人称单数: disinherits |名词: disinheritance |动词过去式: disinherited |动词现在分词: disinheriting |动词过去分词: disinherited |
disinherited 短语词组
1、disinherited son ─── 被剥夺继承权的儿子
2、disinherited masses ─── 被剥夺继承权的群众
disinherited 相似词语短语
1、disinterested ─── adj.无私的;公正的;冷漠的;廉洁的;v.使不再有利害关系;使无兴趣(disinterest的过去分词)
2、disherited ─── 洗碗
3、disinfested ─── vt.消灭害虫,驱除害虫
4、disinherits ─── vt.剥夺…的继承权(过去式disinherited,过去分词disinherited,现在分词disinheriting,第三人称单数disinherits,名词disinheritance)
5、disintegrated ─── adj.分裂的;崩溃的;v.使分解;使碎裂;使崩溃;使衰变(disintegrate的过去式和过去分词)
6、disinheriting ─── vt.剥夺…的继承权(过去式disinherited,过去分词disinherited,现在分词disinheriting,第三人称单数disinherits,名词disinheritance)
7、disinfected ─── v.将……消毒;杀菌(disinfect的过去式和过去分词)
8、disinhibited ─── 去抑制
9、disinherit ─── vt.剥夺…的继承权(过去式disinherited,过去分词disinherited,现在分词disinheriting,第三人称单数disinherits,名词disinheritance)
disinherited 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、The Disinherited Knight sprung from his steed, and also unsheathed his sword. ─── 但这话又出自阿特尔斯坦之口,他一向对他十分尊敬,不想追究他的动机或弱点。
2、Hart's good-bad man was always an outsider, always one of the disinherited. ─── 哈特扮演的被误为坏人的好人总是一个局外人,总是一个被剥夺继承权的人。
3、but he considers it sufficient if descendants of the female sex, that is to say, daughters, granddaughters, and great-granddaughters, are either disinherited by name, or among others. ─── 但裁判官认为,对于女性的后裔,比如女儿、孙女和重孙女,以指明的方式或者共同的方式剥夺继承都已经足够了。
4、Here a parallel is drawn where the heir, on whose behalf we have a Regency, may be disinherited in favour of the experienced sibling of the prior Monarch. ─── 但相应的,他的继承人将来也可能被摄政会议剥夺继承权,从故君的兄弟中挑选更有经验的人继承王位。
5、1 1 Concerning the Ammonites, thus says the LORD: Has Israel no sons? has he no heir? Why then has Milcom disinherited Gad, why have his people settled in Gad's cities? ─── 关于阿孟子民:上主这样说:"难道以色列没有子孙,没有后嗣?为什么米耳公占据了加得,而他的人民竟住在加得的城中?
6、9.You can disinherit your children. ─── 你可以剥夺子女的继承权。
7、"If you're not in Gryffindor, we'll disinherit you," said Ron, "but no pressure." ─── “如果你没有进格兰芬多,我们就不认你这儿子(原文是剥夺继承权),”罗恩说,“不过别紧张”
8、I will smite them with the pestilence, and disinherit them, and will make of thee a greater nation and mightier than they. ─── 我要用瘟疫击杀他们,使他们不得承受那地,叫你的后裔成为大国,比他们强胜。
9、Article 7 a successor shall be disinherited upon his commission of any one of the following ACTS. ─── 第七条继承人有下列行为之一的,丧失继承权。
10、3. The millionaire talked cold turkey to his extravagant nephew, hinting that he might be disinherited . ─── 那百万富翁对他挥霍无度的侄儿晓以利害,并暗示其继承权可能被剥夺。
11、always one of the disinherited. ─── 总是一个被剥夺继承权的人。
12、If the process has children, disinherit them. INIT is the new parent. ─── 搜索进程表,寻找刚才终止进程的子进程,把它们变为。
13、He would disinherit Nora immediately. ─── 他会立刻取消劳拉的继承权的。
14、1.He knew what it mean to be one of the disinherited, to be chained to the deadening routine of the machine and to soul-destroying labor for an insufficient reward. ─── 他知道成为被剥夺继承权的人之一,被震耳欲聋的机器轰鸣所困,为了少的可怜的回报付出艰辛劳动意味着什么.
15、They were married in 1933, but Dagwood's parents disapproved of Blondie and disinherited him, forcing him to go to work and live a middle class life. ─── 他们于1933年结婚,但是大梧的父母对勃朗黛并不满意,剥夺了大梧的财产继承权,迫使他不得不出去工作,去过中等阶级的生活。
16、or where a testamentary successor is disinherited;" ─── 遗嘱继承人丧失继承权的;
17、1.His daddy would disinherit him if he don't have a prenup with me! -- I doubt ! ─── 他爸爸要我们在婚前签协议,否则就和他断绝关系。--我表示怀疑!
18、This child had been the colonel's joy in his solitude;but the grandfather had imperatively claimed his grandson, declaring that if the child were not given to him he would disinherit him. ─── 这孩子是上校在孤寂中的欢乐,但是那个外祖父蛮不讲理地要把他的外孙领去,口口声声说,如果不把那孩子送交给他,他便不让他继承遗产。
19、1. John's father threatened to disinherit him if he married beneath himself. ─── 约翰的父亲威胁约翰说,如果他同地位低的女子结婚,就要剥夺他的继承权。
20、You don't mean to disinherit her, do you? ─── 你总不愿意剥夺她的继承权吧?
21、After the incident his father disinherited him. ─── 那次事变后他父亲剥夺了他的继承权。
22、From the beginning he seems to have distrusted the intelligentsia and to have had a fellow-feeling for the disinherited and the down-and-out. ─── 看来他从一开始起就不信任知识分子,而同情中国的劳苦大众。
23、disinherit one's eldest son ─── 取消自己的长子的继承权.
24、the disinherited peoples of the world ─── 世界上那些被剥夺了应享权利的民族
25、While Chiang's army was being materially divorced from its environment, the officers and soldiers in the army became psychologically and spiritually disinherited. ─── 由于蒋军被孤立于社会之外,官兵在精神上无所依托。
26、"And you disinherit your granddaughter," continued the notary, "because she has contracted an engagement contrary to your wishes?" ─── “所以您才不把遗产留给您的孙女儿,”公证人又说,“就是因为她结了一门违背您心愿的亲事,是不是?”
27、Turning their horses, therefore, at the same moment, the Norman spurred against the Disinherited Knight on the one side, and the Saxon on the other. ─── 这干脆利落的两下子使 他赢得了更大的彩声,人们谁也没料到他还有这么一手;
28、For the pr?tor requires all descendants of the male sex that is to say sons, grandsons, and great-grandsons, to be disinherited by name; ─── 补充部分:因为裁判官要求,对于所有的男性后裔,比如儿子、孙子和重孙子,必须以指明的方式剥夺继承权;
29、Of course what Lear speaks is the truth: Cordelia was disinherited and banished by Lear in a fit of petulance all because she could not bring herself to duplicate the honey-tongued hypocrisy of her sisters. ─── 当然,李尔所说的句句真实:考狄莉亚不会像姐姐们那样玩弄甜言蜜语的虚伪一套,因而激怒了李尔王,暴怒之下,他剥夺了考狄莉亚的继承权,将之驱逐出国。
30、He knew what it meant to be one of the disinherited, to be chained to the deadening routine of the machine and to soul-destroying labor for an insufficient reward. ─── 他知道这意味着为了一项少得可怜的奖励就要成为其中一个被剥夺继承权的人,就要被机械式的乏味生活和啃噬灵魂的烦闷劳活所束缚.
31、His farther disinherited with him when he was caught taking drugs. ─── 彼得被发现吸毒后,他的父亲便声明跟他断绝父子关系。
32、Younger brothers are commonly fortunate, but seldom or never where the elder are disinherited. ─── 兄弟中为幼弟者多半结局良好,但假如长兄辈被剥夺或削除继承权,则鲜有或永无如是者矣。
33、'He will disinherit me!' she corrected. ─── ‘他会不给我继承财产的!'她告诫说。
34、The old man castoff his prodigal son and disinherited him. ─── 老人断绝了与他的不肖儿子的关系,并剥夺了他的继承权。
35、Hart's good-bad man was always an outsider,always one of the disinherited, ─── 哈特扮演的被误认为坏人的好人总是一个局外人,一个被剥夺继承权的人
36、Just as the Chinese people disinherited from society had grown in leaps and bounds, so there took place a disinheritance within the Kuomintang itself. ─── 中国社会上无以为生的人数直线上升,同时在国民党内部也不断有人因受排挤而无法在党内立足。
37、which did very often disinherit its sons for suggesting improvements in laws and customs that had long been highly objectionable, but were only the more respectable. ─── 国家总是剥夺提出修改法律和习俗的儿子们的继承权,因为法律和风俗正是因为它们长期令人深恶痛绝而尤其可敬的。
38、disinherit sb. ─── 剥夺继承权
39、367. always one of the disinherited, ─── 总是一个被剥夺继承权的人。
40、When he married my mother, Miss Jane Reed of Gateshead, the Reed family were so angry that they disinherited her. ─── 把我单独关在里面,又不点蜡烛,真是太残酷了,我永远忘不了!”
41、After the incident his father disinherited him. ─── 那次事变后他父亲剥夺了他的继承权。
42、Many minority groups throughout history have been disinherited by the majority. ─── 贯穿全部历史许多少数民族已被大民族剥夺了应享的权利。
43、2) where a testamentary successor is disinherited; ─── 约翰逊先生是校长的继任者。
44、Children were under the absolute authority of their parents, who could disinherit them or, as mentioned before, could sell them into slavery. ─── 孩子在父母的绝对权威之下,父母可以剥夺他们的继承权,又或者正如上面提到的,把他们作为奴隶而卖出去。
45、The old man cast off his prodigal son and disinherited him. ─── 老人与他不肖的儿子断绝了关系,并剥夺了他的继承权。
46、1. The old man cast off his prodigal son and disinherited him. ─── 老人断绝了与他的不肖儿子的关系,并剥夺了他的继承权。
47、He had a father-in-law, a wealthy aunt, relatives, I don't know exactly what all, who threatened to disinherit the child if he, the father, saw him. ─── 那一伙子都威吓他,不许他这做父亲的来看他孩子,否则,便不让他的孩子继承遗产。
48、rather the fault of the privileged than the fault of the disinherited. ─── 是特权阶层的错误,而不是一无所有者的错误。
49、There is no likelihood that Roman citizens began immediately to avail themselves freely of the power to disinherit. ─── “罗马公民很少可能会立刻开始自由地运用这剥夺继承权的权力。
50、The man cast off his prodigal son and disinherited him. ─── 老人缎盔了与他的不肖儿赜赌关系-并炳夺了他的继逞权。
51、(2) where a testamentary successor is disinherited; ─── (二)遗嘱继承人丧失继承权的;
52、Article 7 A successor shall be disinherited upon his commission of any one of the following acts: ─── 第七条 继承人有下列行为之一的,丧失继承权:
53、As it was with their sin of the golden calf, God once again expressed His desire to destroy and disinherit the sinful Israelites and raise up a new chosen nation through Moses (14:12; ─── 就像在金牛犊事件中一样,上帝再次表示祂要灭掉这群恶民,使他们不得承受迦南地,并要从摩西的后裔中另立选民(14:12;
54、disinherited people ─── 失去人权的人们
55、" It had been expressly agreed that Pontmercy should never attempt to see his son nor to speak to him, under penalty of having the latter handed over to him disowned and disinherited. ─── 他们已经明确约定,彭眉胥永远不得探望他的儿子,否则就要把那孩子撵走,取消他的财产承继权,送还给父亲。
56、In his fourth combat with De Grantmesnil, the Disinherited Knight showed as much courtesy as he had hitherto evinced courage and dexterity. ─── 武士对这些善意的提示没有理会,来到场子南面,沿着那条斜坡,走上了平台;
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