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09-01 投稿



dodging 发音

英:[ˈdɑːdʒɪŋ]  美:[ˈdɒdʒɪŋ]

英:  美:

dodging 中文意思翻译




dodging 常用词组

tax dodging ─── 漏税;逃税

dodging 词性/词形变化,dodging变形

原型:dodge 现在分词:dodging

dodging 短语词组

1、automatic dodging ─── 自动回避

2、automatic dodging printer ─── 自动回避打印机

3、electronic dodging printer ─── 电子避光打印机

4、electronic dodging device ─── 电子控光装置

5、automatic dodging device ─── 自动回避装置

6、tax dodging ─── 逃税(的) [经] ─── 逃税, 漏税

7、dodging ability ─── 规避能力

dodging 相似词语短语

1、dredging ─── n.挖泥;清淤;v.疏浚;挖掘(dredge的ing形式)

2、-dogging ─── n.慢跑;绳头插接;钩卡,夹钳住

3、dogging ─── n.慢跑;绳头插接;钩卡,夹钳住

4、modging ─── vt.把……弄糟;亲吻不喜欢的人

5、drudging ─── n.苦工;做繁重无聊工作的人;繁重的劳动;v.做苦工;被迫做苦工;n.(Drudge)(美)德鲁奇(人名)

6、donging ─── n.盾(越南货币单位);vt.打击;敲击;vi.发出铛铛的钟声;n.(Dong)人名;(中)董(普通话·威妥玛)

7、bodging ─── v.拙劣地修补;(使)混乱;糟蹋(bodge的现在分词)

8、-lodging ─── n.寄宿;寄宿处;出租的房间、住房;倒伏

9、lodging ─── n.寄宿;寄宿处;出租的房间、住房;倒伏

dodging 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、WILSON: Dodging chainsaws, no doubt. ─── 是呀,在天花板上躲电锯。

2、I am dodging the character first seat sofa! Is moved Arab League ─── 我在闪字吧第一次坐沙发!感动阿

3、It's a case of timing, dodging the minions and timing my burrowing to crack that fragile shell without pinging off the shielding. ─── 这就是一个时机的问题,避开小黄人和我挖洞的时机,在不破坏防护的情况下打开脆弱的外壳。

4、image dodging ─── 图像匀光

5、Where the outstanding amount is wholly or partially uncollectible by reason of insolvency, dodging of the debtor, compromise or adjudication of bankruptcy, or any other cause; ─── 一因倒闭逃匿、和解或破产之宣告,或其他原因,致债权之一部或全部不能收回者。

6、Amanda: (to Phoebe) No I distinctly remember you were dodging her (points at Monica) calls and trying to avoid seeing her. ─── 不,我清楚地记得你当时在躲她的电话,还尽量不见她。

7、As the late afternoon sun lowered in the sky, we explored our wilderness, dodging prickly cactus and sharp rocks. ─── 在傍晚夕阳西下时,我们探险我们的荒野,闪躲著多剌的仙人掌和尖锐的石头。

8、He ran across the road, dodging the traffic. ─── 他躲开来往的车辆跑过马路。

9、Extensive Analysis of Tax Dodging Model in Game Theory ─── 对偷税博弈模型的扩展分析

10、By the mid '80s,Travolta was dodging the slings and arrows of outrageously bad fortune: he was certainly yesterday's news. ─── 到80年代中期,在糟糕透顶的坏运气的袭击下,特拉沃尔塔躲闪求生:他的确已是明日黄花了。

11、One dive shop features a scuba diving Easter bunny hiding hard boiled eggs.Divers search for eggs on the sea floor dodging schools of fish, then turning in eggs for prizes. ─── 一家潜水用品商店推出特色活动,派一名装扮成复活节兔子的潜水员藏好煮熟的彩蛋,人们潜入水中在海床上避开鱼群寻找彩蛋,然后用彩蛋换取奖品。

12、When Harry runs into the tower after Snape, Ginny is fighting the lumpy Death Eater and dodging his hexes (HBP28). ─── 当哈利跟在斯内普后面跑进塔楼(译者注:根据原著,似应为跑出),金妮正和粗壮的食死徒战斗,躲避着他的咒语。

13、We accused her of dodging her taxes. ─── 我们责骂她逃税。

14、With her face painted with Chinese flags, she ran alongside the convoy dodging protesters who blew whistles at her. ─── 她不仅把国旗画在脸上,还一路小跑跟随着火炬护卫人员,无视沿途抗议者的口哨声。

15、Were he alive today, Jesus would be leading the campaign to crack down on tax-dodging billionaires and multinational corporations. ─── 如果耶稣活到今天,他一定会开展打击逃税的亿万富豪和跨国公司的运动。

16、Tax - Dodging ─── 偷逃税

17、As a master warrior, Raphael is Samurai, Soldier, gunfighter and martial artist.His immortal strength him with powers of bullet dodging speed and wound healing mystery. ─── 接受武士训练后的卡利,能力大增,而且不死之身使他能抵挡袭击,更拥有闪避子弹及自愈的神奇能力。

18、While Ross was striding over the damp, uncut grass in the direction of his car, dodging the pricking grasp of wild, unkempt japonicas. ─── 而洛斯也避开蓬乱的疯长的灌木的羁绊和顶刺,大踏步穿过潮湿未割的草地朝他的汽车方向走去。

19、Enhance Citizens'Sense of Paying Taxes, Stop Tax Dodging and Evasion ─── 增强公民纳税意识杜绝偷税漏税行为

20、Increases dodging and movement speed. ─── 增加闪避几率和移动速度。

21、Whenever he went dodging about the village, he was surrounded by a troop of them, hanging on his skirts, clambering on his back, and playing a thousand tricks on him with impunity; ─── 不管他去到哪儿,他身边总是围着一群小孩,扯着他的裙子,爬上他的后背,肆无忌惮地耍弄他。

22、For decades, Mr Specter was an agile armadillo, constantly dodging the two-way traffic. But this week, his footwork finally failed him. ─── 数十年来,SPECTER是一名敏捷的犰狳,不停地阻拦两边的交通,在这个星期他的如此步法终于使他失败了。

23、Within these environments, the two creatures vying for the square will fight in real-time, dodging each other's attacks and retaliating in an arcade-style battle. ─── 在这些环境中,两个生物将进行一次街机游戏风格的实时的相互闪避对方攻击,相互对方报复的打斗。

24、Men were moving toward him, dodging behind chimneys. ─── 有些人朝着他的方向移动,在烟囱背后躲躲闪闪。

25、I could see furtive wolf shapes dodging in and out of the shadows, eyes shining. ─── 我能看见狼形的诡秘身影在黑暗中时隐时现,眼睛闪着亮。

26、The most important reasons that result in bone unconnected is instability or the bone coloboma and stress dodging. ─── 不稳定或骨缺损以及应力遮挡是导致骨不连的最重要原因。

27、when it saw that the tactical situation had changed only slightly, it simply began an even more straightforward attack, dodging Gnea's inexpert shots by jumping behind a mound of debris. ─── 当它发现战术形势只是发生了轻微的改变,就兀自发起了更为直接的进攻。

28、The authors believe that in the current restrictions,dodging toll is the optimal selection in mutual game among the users,the villagers and managers. ─── 为揭示非封闭式收费公路逃费的本质原因,规避逃费行为,运用博弈理论和期望矩阵模型对逃费现象进行分析。

29、For Via Modesta Valenti is one of at least a half a dozen "virtual streets" in Italy that bear witness to Italian inventiveness, soft-heartedness - and skill at dodging awkward laws. ─── 为解决无家可归者生活中的一些具体问题,意大利一位来自博洛尼亚的官员最近想到了为无家可归者创建虚拟大街的主意。

30、Remember that doing so is risky however, while casting you are incapable of blocking, dodging or parrying. ─── 可以在怪攻击空隙或者释放法术的时候,放飞盾或者愤怒之锤,虽然这么做相当危险,因为释放法术时候,无法躲闪,招架,格挡。

31、Dodging further inquiries into life with Kyan Douglas, Gant switches the subject to pets. ─── " 为了避免继续谈关于是否会和Kyan Douglas共同生活的话题,Gant巧妙地把话题转到了宠物上去。

32、After dodging a cab fare, the last thing a Romanian man in Germany expected was to be reunited with his victim when he phoned for another taxi, police said Friday. ─── 上周五警方说,在赖掉打车费之后,一名身处德国的罗马尼亚男子最不愿意看到的事情发生了:他再次打电话叫车,而来接他的司机竟然是刚才的受害者。

33、"He is in great danger," answered the god, dodging the question with the agility of all oracles. ─── “他非常危险。”神仙以巧妙的语气回避这个问题。

34、FOURTH ELDER CHANG (dodging): You want to start something? ─── 常四爷(闪过)你要怎么着?

35、After using up the three squats, the child must depend on his/her running and dodging ability to escape. ─── 不妨回忆一下加州反同性恋游行。

36、Rowling had been dodging a number of questions on things like whether Lord Voldemort would die or not, and what jobs James and Lily held while they were alive. ─── 当时她一直在回避书迷的问题,如什么伏地魔会不会死啦,詹姆和莉莉在生时职业是什么啦等等。

37、Arrangement dodging "to come to rule that average person , this are this jury system average person". ─── 修改翻译英文段落-让“普通人来裁判普通人”,这就是这种陪审制度的安排。

38、Now the revenue crimes is serious in China, which shows in the fields of the climb of crime rate, the serious of tax dodging, the fatal harm of invoice crime and otherwise. ─── 当今中国的税收犯罪现象严重,表现为犯罪率上升、偷税现象严重、发票犯罪危害大等几个领域。

39、Widen turning best to the scheme of dodging studying of the water areas ─── 开阔水域的最佳转向避让方案研究

40、I crossed the highway, dodging the traffic. ─── 我闪身避让着来往的车辆,穿过了公路。

41、Nimble (Level 2)- You are agile and dodge your foes' attacks easily. (Gives you a 4% chance of dodging blows per level) ─── 敏捷(要求等级2级)你的速度很快而且可以轻易的躲开敌人的攻击(每升一级增加4%的躲避几率)

42、And, again dodging the boom, I ran to the colour lines, handed down their cursed black flag, and chucked it overboard. ─── 我再次避开帆杠,跑到旗索前,将那面可恶的黑旗降下来,扔到了海里。

43、The reason of accounting distortion stems from tax dodging, evasion, prettify achievement, making fake for profit, corruption and theft. ─── 会计失真的原因是偷税漏税、粉饰业绩、为获利而造假、贪污盗窃。

44、Opinions on Dodging of Fishing Boats ─── 对于渔船避让的几点见解

45、Meanwhile your own citizens are dodging fire storms from your scheming half-brothers. ─── 与此同时,你自己的子民们正躲避着你那些心怀不轨的同父异母兄弟们降下的烈火风暴。

46、Periodically left to care for himself by his own alcoholic father and psychotic mother, Charlie already knew what being an abandoned kid was all about-living on the streets, dodging the cops and orphanage authorities, scavenging to survive. ─── 曾几何时,他被酗酒的父亲和精神错乱的母亲所抛弃,不得不自己照顾自己,查理早已深谙一个被抛弃孩子的全部生活:露宿街头,闪躲着警察和孤儿院官员,靠拣食维持生命。

47、In the case of tax dodging, the results were even more striking. ─── 对于逃漏税的问题,测试结果甚至更为突显。

48、And adding example to his words, he began to run, dodging among the willows, and in marshy places leaping from tussock to tussock ─── 为了表示言行一致,他带头跑了起来,借着柳树的掩护,在那多沼泽的岛上,从一个草丛到一个草丛地跳越着。

49、Monk 500 +2 to Unarmed skill and Dodging skill. ─── 僧侣500+2空手格斗和躲避技能。

50、In the early 1990s, scientists estimated that there were about 200 baiji left, dodging the freighters and fishing boats clogging the river. ─── 20世纪90年代早期,科学家们估计白暨豚仅存约200头,还得不停地逃避运务繁忙的河道里来往的船只/货船和渔船。

51、The movements are marked by floating and sinking, swallowing and spiting, dodging and snapping, and power by completeness of pressing, chopping, hardness and softness. ─── 劲力强调沉、碎、刚、柔四劲完整,以刚为主,刚柔相济,爆发力强。

52、Another night two women were shot down behind German lines but managed to walk back to their unit, dodging the enemy for three days. ─── 另一次两名女飞行员被击落在德军后方,一连三天躲避敌人的追击,最终徒步返回部队。

53、Are you going to tell me about this project, or are you going to keep dodging the subject until teatime? ─── 你是想要现在说,还是准备留到下午茶的时候再说呢?

54、I'm spending half my time dodging Imperial ships and the other half avoiding Her Holiness. ─── 我有一半的时间用来躲避帝国飞船,另一半的时间用来回避陛下。

55、The Investigation of Tax Dodging by the Company Run by Foreign Capital ─── 外资企业偷税犯罪侦查

56、How to avoid enterprise's dodging payment of banks debts by bankruptcy act ─── 如何避免企业通过破产逃避银行债务

57、It was obvious that the main swarm hadn't arrived yet but the scouts had come first.These outlying pickets alone had them dodging and swatting in total confusion. ─── 显然大军未到,斥候先至,仅仅这些前哨兵,就让人人目送手挥、狼狈不堪。

58、He was accused of dodging his taxes. ─── 他被指控逃税。

59、Increases the chances of dodging. ─── 增加闪避几率。

60、'Within 30 seconds he goes, 'I got this opportunity I want to talk to you about,'' recalls Mr.Carruthers, who had been dodging the recruiter's phone calls. ─── “还没过30秒,他就说,'我想跟你谈谈这个机会,'”卡拉瑟斯回忆说,之前他一直回避佩里的电话。

61、Krishnamurti: Sir, please, I am not dodging the issue. ─── 克:先生,请注意,我不是在逃避这个问题。

62、5.Overpower has been deemed overpowered, and will now be called Underpower, will damage you instead of your target, and will automatically be used upon your target dodging. ─── 压制被认为过于强大,现在被修正为“被压制”,会对你自己而不是你的目标造成伤害,并且在你的目标躲闪后会自动使用。

63、If not dodging in time, they will be trampled on by these wild beasts ready-made a mud. ─── 如果不及时躲避,他们会被这些野兽践踏成泥的。

64、Another night two women were shot down behind German lines but managed to walk back to their unit, dodging the enemy for three days. ─── 另一次两名女飞行员被击落在德军后方,一连三天躲避敌人的追击,最终徒步返回部队。

65、You've come to expect Sunday morning sidewalk vomit dodging. ─── 您逐渐期望星期天早晨边路的呕吐。

66、The chopper roared in six feet off the deck, jinking and dodging in case of NVA fire; ─── 有关越战的书,大意就是直升机在降落时躲避敌军火力,这些人坐在防弹背心上?

67、Her shy eyes dodging our line of sight, appears as timid as a mouse, accustomed to self-conscious of the Ni. ─── 她那害羞的眼神躲着我们的视线,显得胆小如鼠,忸忸怩怩的。

68、Increases the chances of parrying and dodging, but also the chances of being critically wounded. ─── 增加闪避及格挡得几率,同时增加受到致命伤害的几率。

69、Dodging past most of the Americans, the column clashed with a US armoured regiment. ─── 他们躲开了美军的主力,只遭遇了美军1个装甲团。

70、Geils, Aerosmith struggled to forge ahead while living in a cramped Boston apartment, dodging eviction notices and stealing food from supermarkets to survive. ─── 乐队住在波士顿一个拥挤的公寓里,拖欠房租,为了生存而从超市里偷食物。

71、In the novel that follows Alice in Wonderland,young Alice seeks to return home while exploring a mad,enchanted land and dodging those who seek to do her harm. ─── 小说中讲述了爱丽丝在奇境里的故事,年轻的爱丽丝寻找归家之路,在这期间,探索了一块疯狂的、被施过魔法的大陆并且巧妙地躲过了试图伤害她的人。

72、Some Reflections on Perfecting the Legislation about Tax Dodging ─── 完善我国偷税罪立法的几点思考

73、Several types of added-tax dodging way and its countermeasure research ─── 增值税常见的几种偷税方式及对策研究

74、Kept dodging the reporter's questions. ─── 一直在躲避记者的提问

75、Tax evasion and dodging act and its punishment ─── 偷、抗税罪的行为及其处罚

76、MASK dodging principle ─── MASK匀光法

77、It occurred to me there was no time to lose; and, dodging the boom as it once more lurched across the deck, I slipped aft, and down the companion-stairs into the cabin. ─── 我意识到不能再浪费任何时间了,便避开再次横扫过甲板的帆桅,溜到船尾,走下升降口的楼梯进了房舱。

78、Well, dodging the hunter is the most important now! Jork goes, but soon stops. ─── 不管她了,先躲开猎人要紧!可是,约克刚走了几步就停住了.

79、Legal Evolution of Crime of Tax Dodging in China ─── 新中国偷税罪的立法沿革

80、" No wonder you're dodging me, now that you've found yourself a little bitch of an amah here. ─── “怨不得你躲着我呢,敢情这儿有个小妖精似的小老妈儿;

81、Because weare only accepting of pleasure in our lives,animmense amount of fear is created as wespend our lives dodging fain. ─── 因为我们只接受快乐,所以在我们闪避痛苦时,就产生无限的恐惧。

82、Dodging and burning are steps to take care of mistakes God made in establishing tonal relationships! ─── 减淡及加深是处理上帝在建立色调关系时犯下的错误的方法。

83、Pondering over Dodging the Operating Risks in Foreign Exchange Trade ─── 对规避外汇交易操作风险的若干思考

84、"They're just kind of dodging games in preseason," he said jokingly. ─── 他开玩笑的说他们只是在逃避季前赛.

85、The Strategy Analysis of the Investigating Tax Dodging Crime ─── 偷税犯罪案件侦查方略探析

86、Who knows, Shapiro may even get an all-cash bid, thereby dodging the current mortgage crisis. ─── 他也许是对的:成千上万的人都知道这座房子,因为大名鼎鼎的“教父”曾经在这里取景。

87、We were dodging the rain under an arcade, watching the green mailbox standing lonely across from the street. ─── 我们就在骑楼下躲雨,看绿色的邮筒孤独地站在街的对面。

88、The theories of wave chunnel diffluence, multilevel depleting energy, depleting and preventing and dodging what had been brought forward recently by Zhongguang Lightning Protection experts were also put forward. ─── 同时介绍了近期“中光”防雷专家提出的新颖防雷理论:波道分流、多级泻能和消、防、避三结合防雷理论。

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