thickish 发音
英:[['θɪkɪʃ]] 美:[['θɪkɪʃ]]
英: 美:
thickish 中文意思翻译
thickish 相似词语短语
1、thickie ─── 傻瓜;笨蛋
2、thickies ─── 傻瓜;笨蛋
3、sickish ─── adj.多病的;像要吐的
4、thickos ─── 灌木丛
5、thicks ─── adj.厚的,有……厚;浓密的;粘稠的;浑浊的;迟钝的;明显的;粗壮的;(字体)粗体的;(气味)浓烈的;沙哑的;口音重的;思路不清的;大量的;(非正式)交情厚的;n.最激烈处;最密集处;中心处;adv.厚厚地;密集地;n.(Thick)(美、英、加)西克(人名)
6、hickish ─── 乡巴佬
7、trickish ─── adj.狡猾的,欺骗的
8、thickest ─── 浓的;厚的(thick的最高级)
9、thievish ─── adj.有偷窃癖的;贼似的;偷偷摸摸的
thickish 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、The motoring organizations have advised of thick mist on the mountains. ─── 各汽车协会组织已发出警告,山上有大雾。
2、The earth's crust is between 5 and 25 miles thick. ─── 地壳有五至二十五英里厚。
3、I could not get at him for the thick crowd. ─── 人群拥挤得很,我没法走近他。
4、She has been thick with that family for years. ─── 多年来她与那家关系密切。
5、The thick ice has iced the windshields up. ─── 厚厚的冰已覆盖了挡风玻璃。
6、A thick window set in a ship's side or deck. ─── 固定舷窗安装在船侧或甲板上的厚窗户
7、He is thick with my brothers. ─── 他与我兄弟过往甚密。
8、A large iceberg loomed through the thick, gray fog. ─── 一座巨大的冰山在灰白色的浓雾笼罩下若隐若现。
9、A film or layer of a compound one molecule thick. ─── 单分子层一分子厚度化合物的膜或层
10、A thick muscle in the cheek that closes the jaws during chewing. ─── 咬肌一块颊内咀嚼时靠近下颔厚块肌肉
11、Speculators are thick on the ground-literally speaking. They buy up land, sit on it for a year of two and resell for several times what they paid. ─── 不夸张地说,投机商多得很,他们买下土地,然后放它个一两年,再以几倍于以前的价格卖出去。
12、Twenty or thirty monkeys were huddled along the thick branches. ─── 二、三十只猴子挤在粗大的树枝上。
13、If you add too much liquid the mixture will not be thick enough. ─── 加入的液体太多,混合液的浓度就不够。
14、His accent is so thick you could cut it with a knife I can hardly understand a word he says. ─── 他的口音很重--我简直一个字都听不懂。
15、He melted into the thick fog. ─── 他慢慢消失在浓雾中。
16、He was an old man who wore thick glasses. ─── 他是个戴着厚厚眼镜的老头。
17、He tried to shade his house with thick trees. ─── 他想让这些大树把房子遮住。
18、It's prudent to take a thick coat in cold weather when you go out. ─── 在寒冷的天气下外出时带上件厚外套是谨慎的。
19、He walked out into the snow, heavily muffled (up) in a thick scarf and warm overcoat. ─── 他雪天出门,裹著厚厚的围巾,穿著暖和的大衣。
20、I thought you laid it on a bit thick when you said that Ann's was the best painting you've ever seen. ─── 你就说安的作品是你见过的最出色的,我想你的说法有点过分恭维。
21、I'll support you through thick and thin. ─── 在任何情况下我都会支持你们。
22、They managed to wriggle (their way) through the thick hedge. ─── 他们设法钻过了厚厚的树篱。
23、Offers of help are coming in thick and fast. ─── 四面八方立即伸出援助之手。
24、He remained loyal to me through thick and thin. ─── 他历尽艰辛始终都忠实於我。
25、He wriggled through the thick hedge. ─── 他穿过浓密的树篱蜿蜒而行。
26、Last winter the snow lay thick on the ground. ─── 去年冬天,地上积雪很厚。
27、A thick forest girdled the castle about. ─── 一片浓密的森林包围着城堡。
28、The cap rock over Grand Salme is only 28 ft thick. ─── 大萨林盐丘的冠岩厚度只有28英尺。
29、Thick and fast indeed came the events. ─── 事情接二连三地发生。
30、Thick cloud blotted out the view. ─── 云层把风景遮住了。
31、I could hardly make out anything in the thick fog. ─── 在浓雾中我几乎什么也看不见。
32、A thick coat is a good defense against the cold. ─── 厚外衣能防寒。
33、Then I heard footsteps on a stairs, and in a moment the thickish figure of a woman blocked out the light from the office door. ─── 接着我听到楼梯上有脚步的声音,过了一会儿一个女人粗粗的身材挡住了办公室门口的光线。
34、He wears a thick overcoat as a protection against the bitter cold. ─── 他穿著厚实的大衣以抵御严寒。
35、His thick black hair is admirable. ─── 他那满头浓密的黑发真令人羡慕。
36、A thick, woolen rug covers the floor behind the desk. ─── 一块厚羊毛小地毯铺在写字台后面的地板上。
37、The castle walls are very thick. ─── 城堡的墙很厚。
38、Don't spread the butter too thick. ─── 别把黄油涂得太厚。
39、Dust lay thick on the desk in his room. ─── 他房间里的桌子上积着厚厚的灰尘。
40、Behave yourself or I'll give you a thick ear! ─── 你放规矩一些,不然我就揍你!
41、Don't spread jam that thick. ─── 别把果酱涂得那么厚。
42、He had a mane of thick silver hair. ─── 他有一头长而浓密的银发。
43、Can't you get it into your thick skull that we can't afford it? ─── 你这个笨脑瓜难道不明白我们买不起吗?
44、Don't believe in him. He's spreading it on thick. ─── 别信他的,他又在吹牛了。
45、The ground was covered by a thick blanket of snow. ─── 地面上覆盖着厚厚的一层雪。
46、The ice was thick enough to walk on. ─── 冰厚得可以在上面走人。
47、The events came thick and fast. ─── 事件接二连三地发生。
48、A large fortified building or group of buildings with thick walls, usually dominating the surrounding country. ─── 城堡带有厚墙的用来设防的大型建筑物或建筑群,通常控制周围的村庄
49、Thick walls deaden the noise from the street. ─── 厚墙阻隔了街上的喧嚣。
50、He strained his eyes to penetrate beyond the thick cloud of dust. ─── 他竭力想透过尘埃看清那边的东西。
51、He has an honest nature and a thick skin, and never cares a bit about other people's criticisms. ─── 他为人诚实,不计较面子,对于别人的批评一点也不在乎。
52、The outside is covered with thick water-proof felt. ─── 外面蒙着一层厚厚的防水毛毡。
53、Elyot held a thick book under his arm. ─── 埃利奥特臂下夹着一本厚书。
54、The ice will soon be thick enough for skating. ─── (那)结的冰很快就厚得可以溜冰了。
55、The thick fog has caused several bad pile-ups on the motorway. ─── 因大雾弥漫,高速公路上发生了几起严重的连环撞车事故。
56、Are not you laying it on a bit thick ! ─── 你对此称赞得过分了吧?
57、The doctor has been thick with my family for years. ─── 多年来那医生和我家人的关系一直很密切。
58、His accent is so thick you can cut it with a knife. ─── 他的口音很重。
59、He shored up the wall with a thick balk of wood. ─── 他用一根粗大的木头把墙撑住。
60、The ground was covered with thick snow. ─── 地上覆盖着厚厚的一层雪。
61、A thick blanket was spread on the floor. ─── 一张厚厚的地毯铺在地板上。
62、He has a thick skull. ─── 他笨头笨脑。
63、It is dangerous to drive in a thick fog. ─── 在浓雾天驾车很危险。
64、I cannot accept any social engagements for the next few weeks, while we are in the thick of examinations. ─── 今后几周我不能接受任何社交约会,因为我们处在考试的最紧张阶段。
65、Certain of these solids behave as if they were very thick liquids. ─── 其中有些固体的性状象是很稠的液体。
66、I heard footsteps on a stairs and in a moment the thickish figure of a woman blocked out the light from the office door. ─── 我听到楼梯上响起一阵脚步声,接著一个身体结实的女人遮住了办公室门口的光线。
67、It's get a wide belt, and one of those thick furry collar that keep your ear warm. ─── 大衣的腰带很宽,其中还有个厚厚的毛领使耳朵不受冻。
68、Two weeks of heavy rain is a bit thick. ─── 一连下了两个星期大雨,真叫人受不了。
69、A thick grey mist was all around us. ─── 四周尽是白茫茫的浓雾。
70、Their daily trips through the jungle have made a path in the thick undergrowth. ─── 他们每天往返穿过丛林,已在茂密的矮丛中踩出了一条小路。
71、A thick curtain of fog hid the mountains from view. ─── 一层浓雾遮蔽群山。
72、The crust on the snow was thick enough for us to walk on it. ─── 外层的雪已经冻硬,可以在上面行走。
73、The earth bore a thick green mantle of vegetation. ─── 大地覆盖着一层厚厚的绿色植物。
74、A snake slithered into the thick grass. ─── 一条蛇蜿蜒游进了草丛。
75、He walked out into the snow, heavily muffled up in a thick scarf and warm overcoat. ─── 他雪天出门,裹着厚厚的围巾,穿着暖和的大衣。
76、My heart beat thick in the course of the interview. ─── 在面试过程中我的心跳得厉害。
77、The army get bogged down in the thick squelch mud. ─── 军队都陷入泥沼中,行进时烂泥扑哧作声。
78、A heavy lorry was floundering around in the thick mud at the entrance to the.building site. ─── 一辆重型卡车在建筑工地入口处的烂泥中吃力地移动着。
79、One must have a thick hide to do such a thing. ─── 厚脸皮的人才干得出这种事。
80、He gaped vaguely at the thick haze in the distance. ─── 他茫然地盯着远处浓厚的烟雾。
81、Snow lays thick over the ground. ─── 大雪厚厚地覆盖着大地。
82、He had a mane of thick white hair. ─── 他有一头长而厚密的白发。
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