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09-04 投稿



piously 发音


英:  美:

piously 中文意思翻译



piously 网络释义

adv. 虔诚地

piously 同义词

believing | moralizing | religious | monastic | virtuous | pure | reverent | hypocritical | faithful | holy |devout | self-righteous | zealous | sanctimonious | sincere | godly | saintly | holier-than-thou | smug | moral | spiritual | goody-goody

piously 反义词


piously 词性/词形变化,piously变形

名词: piousness |副词: piously |

piously 相似词语短语

1、piteously ─── adv.可怜地;慈悲地

2、vinously ─── 葡萄酒

3、copiously ─── adv.充裕地;丰富地

4、perilously ─── adv.危机四伏地;充满危险地

5、odiously ─── adv.可恨地;讨厌地

6、impiously ─── adv.不信神地;不虔诚地

7、captiously ─── adj.吹毛求疵的

8、timously ─── 胆怯地

9、porously ─── 多孔的

piously 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、3、He had courage to doubt, where all the others piously believed. ─── 一眼就能看出这些汽车不同于装配线生产的汽车。

2、While delivering the blasphemies, I remember how I work piously at home writing an apology of the holy Scriptures and of the Revelation. ─── 当我说着那些亵渎之言时,却记起我是如何在家中虔诚写作、为《圣经》和《启示录》辩护。

3、Carter ever had accepted Christian severe test piously when south. ─── 卡特在南方时曾虔诚地接受过基督教的洗礼。

4、His friends thought he had become an atheist and piously circulated gossip adducing unmentionable motives for his unbelief.His moral character was maligned. ─── 他的朋友认为他已经成为无神论者,传播闲话说他为了自己的不信而引证不宜说出口的动机。

5、The priests piously consecrated the robbery with a hymn. ─── 教士们虔诚地唱了一首赞美诗,把这劫夺行为神圣化了。

6、"God have mercy on his soul," said my aunt piously. ─── “上帝保佑他的灵魂吧,”姑妈虔诚地说。

7、I will pray piously, I believe God will let me find the truth of life. ─── 我虔诚的祈祷,我相信上帝最后会让我找到生命的真谛。

8、Many pilgrims knelt piously at the shrine ─── 许多朝圣者心虔意诚地在神殿跪拜。

9、Even if we pray piously , we don't forget to pray that should be after taking action either. ─── 即使我们虔诚的祈祷 , 我们不 忘记祈祷应该是在也采取行动之后。

10、So, it is no wonder that the western artists including Matisse, Picasso, Modigliani and Klimt all derived nutrition from eastern and Chinese arts modestly and piously after their graduation. ─── 难怪西方的马蒂斯、毕加索、莫迪里阿尼、克里姆特等艺术家,毕业都虚心而虔诚的从东方及中国的艺术中汲取营养。

11、However, the gold digger of capital market still with pilgrim search the secret Ji that leads to investment success the other shore piously, probably they should wake woke. ─── 然而,资本市场的淘金者仍然以朝圣者的虔诚找寻通往投资成功彼岸的秘笈,或许他们该醒醒了。

12、That day, upon reaching home, he immediately lit the best sandalwood incense before the statue of the Quan Yin Bodhisattva and worshipped piously. ─── 那天他回去以后,马上烧那种用很好的檀香木做的香,然后在观音菩萨像面前膜拜。

13、The region will not turn away from Islam but remain piously conservative, probably misogynistic too. ─── 中东地区将来不会排斥伊斯兰教,但是依然虔诚保守,可能还会歧视女性。

14、But it seems to me better to have a little religion and practice it than think piously and do nothing about it. ─── 但我认为与其虔诚地思考而不采取行动,不如有一点宗教信仰并付诸实践。

15、A sea of men in black suits and white prayer shawls congregate there, praying loudly and piously bowing their heads; ─── 海运男子在黑色西装和白色披肩聚集那里祈祷,祈祷和虔诚地大声鞠躬他们的头上;

16、He piously sang several songs, absolutely engrossed in praising God. Silently, I prayed to God to bless this devout disciple. ─── 他很专注投入地唱了几首,完全沈浸在对上帝的赞颂中,我默默地祈祷上帝赐福给这个虔诚的弟子。

17、" Buddhist accepts a directive piously. ─── 佛教徒虔诚地接受指示。

18、Pay respects to Concentration Camp piously. ─── 虔诚瞻仰集中营。

19、Incense sticks and red candles are lighted, and the men (no women allowed) make obeisance and piously invite the blessing-spirits to eat away.And after this, of course, the crackers. ─── 煮熟之后,横七竖八的插些筷子在这类东西上,可就称为“福礼”了,五更天陈列起来,并且点上香烛,恭请福神们来享用,拜的却只限于男人,拜完自然仍然是放爆竹。

20、It's the old conscientious versus indulgent battle, the angel piously perched on one shoulder and the devil giggling on the other. ─── 桔解:这是一场老生常谈的良心与纵容的斗争,既有天使虔诚地栖息在一个肩头,又有魔鬼在另一个肩头窃笑。

21、I will tell you that how piously I have adored you for so many years. ─── 你起始有些愕然,随即认识了我,我已因过度的欢喜而昏厥了。

22、I will pray piously, I believe God will let me find the truth of life. ─── 我虔诚的祈祷,我相信上帝最后会让我找到生命的真谛。

23、Conti kneeled and crossed himself piously. ─── 康蒂跪下,虔诚地在身上划十字。

24、The netizen at that time can have such experience: Waiting for Yahoo extremely piously or each picture is opened slowly on the webpage of Sohu. ─── 当时的网民都会有这样的经历:无比虔诚地等着雅虎或者搜狐的网页上一个个图片慢慢打开。

25、Tommy piously intoned, but his accent was not entirely malicious.Even the most hardened little orphan felt sympathy for an erring sister who was summoned to the office to face an annoyed matron; ─── 就算是这心肠最硬的小孤儿,对一个做错事的姊姊要被叫去见那个讨厌的女监事时,还是感到相当同情的。

26、It certainly cannot be disarmed, as Israel says piously it should be, by the official Lebanese army. ─── 而且显然不可能被黎巴嫩正规军解除武装。

27、Praying piously for 5.12 Wenchuan strong earthquake victims: giving my regards to the living,praying for the dead. ─── 为5.12汶川大地震受害者虔诚祈祷:对生者祝福,为死者祈祷!

28、We treat God piously, but it will be pious to us not to need extravagant hope God. ─── 我们虔诚的对待上帝,但是它对我们将会是虔诚的不要需要奢侈的希望上帝。

29、He knelt down before him piously and would not get up, begging him for some directions, directing him to the right path searching for Buddha. ─── 小伙子虔诚地在大师面前一跪不起,苦苦哀求大师给他指点一条见佛的道路。

30、Piously got to sing, and to chant, for her destiny. ─── 她虔诚地高歌,低吟,唱着她的命运。

31、The first section: Happy sowing, praying for the abundant harvest piously. ─── 第一段:快乐的播种,虔诚祈求丰富的收获。

32、Buck Mulligan made way for him to scramble past and, glancing at Haines and Stephen, crossed himself piously with his thumbnail at brow and lips and breastbone. ─── 勃克·穆利根闪过身子,让他爬过去,瞥了海恩斯和斯蒂芬一眼,用大拇指甲虔诚地在额头、嘴唇和胸骨上面了十字[126]。

33、he behaved hypocritically by praying piously when people were watching. ─── 人们看他的时候,他假装在虔诚地做祈祷。

34、Knowing that we are conditioned we invent a divine agency which we piously hope will get us out of this mechanical state. ─── 知道我们是局限的,我们就发明了一个神圣的媒介,虔诚地希望借此能带我们走出这机械的状态。

35、However, since my mother fell ill, I always wear dress of fresh red for its auspicious symbol, and every day I pray piously for my moth-er's health with my sincere intention. ─── 然而,自从妈妈患病后,我总是穿着鲜红的吉祥颜色,拳拳赤子心,每天虔诚地祈愿妈妈安康!

36、But as everyone involved in reform piously vows their plan will be “budget neutral”, this cow is suddenly no longer so sacred. ─── 但是由于每个涉及该改革的人都虔诚地承诺他们的计划是财政中立的,这个计划突然不再可怕。

37、She practices her religion piously. ─── 她是一个虔诚的宗教信奉者

38、But it seems to me better to have a little religion and practice it than think piously and do nothing about it. ─── 但我认为与其虔诚地思考而不采取行动,不如有一点宗教信仰并付诸实践。

39、Against all the odds, the family piously carry out this act of homage to their dead relative. ─── 全家人不顾安危,虔诚地服从了已故亲人的意志。

40、Against all the odds, the family piously carry out this act of homage to their dead relative ─── 全家人不顾安危,虔诚地服从了已故亲人的意志。

41、"God have mercy on his soul." said my aunt piously. ─── “上帝保佑他的灵魂吧,”姑妈虔诚地说。

42、The priests piously consecrated the robbery with a hymn ─── 教士们虔诚地唱了一首赞美诗,把这劫夺行为神圣化了。

43、Surgeons who piously insist that no foreign material should ever be used for hernia repair often select nonabsorbable monofilamented polypropylene as their preferred suture for many kinds of operations. ─── 那些虔诚地坚持在疝修补时不要任何异物植入人体的医生却常常在许多手术缝合时选择使用聚丙烯缝线。

44、Instead, I say piously that all I want are three things. ─── 相反,我很虔诚的说,我追求的只有三件事。

45、Monkey King is gazing at the distant way on one foot, Piggy, with its naked chest and belly, Master Tang praying piously and Monk Sha carrying the luggage. ─── 孙悟空探身远眺,猪八戒敞胸露腹,沙和尚负担侍立,唐玄奘合掌闭目。

46、The family religious believes and rituals in Guoxian County in the early Republic of China were very popular, due to people piously respecting the ancestors and worshiping gods. ─── 摘要民初崞县乡村家庭的宗教信仰及行为非常普遍,主要表现为对祖先的崇拜和对神祇的敬奉。

47、this received opinion is piously affirmed. ─── 这个被普遍承认的观点已经得到值得嘉许的肯定。

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