gravid 发音
英:[ˈɡrævɪd] 美:[ˈɡrævɪd]
英: 美:
gravid 中文意思翻译
gravid 词性/词形变化,gravid变形
名词: gravidity |副词: gravidly |
gravid 短语词组
1、gravid female ─── 妊娠女性
2、gravid eye cream ─── 妊娠眼霜
3、gravid uterus ─── [医] 妊娠子宫
4、gravid female prawn ─── 母虾
5、gravid segment ─── [医] 孕卵节片
6、gravid proglottid ─── [医] 孕卵节片
7、gravid corpus luteum ─── 妊娠黄体
gravid 相似词语短语
1、gravidae ─── n.孕妇(gravida的变形)
2、gravidly ─── 严肃地
3、gravidas ─── n.孕妇
4、Dravida ─── n.达罗毗荼(印度地名)
5、graved ─── n.墓穴,坟墓;死亡;沉音符;(废旧机器等的)堆积处;adj.重大的;严肃的;黯淡的;有沉音符的;(乐)缓慢的;v.雕刻;铭记;拷铲油漆(船底);adv.(乐)缓慢地,庄严地;n.(Grave)(德、英)格拉维(人名)
6、agravic ─── adj.[物]无重力区的,[物]无重力状态
7、gravis ─── 剧烈的;重的
8、gravies ─── n.肉汁;不法利润;轻易得来的钱
9、gravida ─── n.孕妇
gravid 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、From wear brassiere to rise, no matter after the marriage before marriage, gravid, lactation wants to wear, hold to all the timeSenile, this is beneficial to the body. ─── 从戴上乳罩起,不论婚前婚后、妊娠、哺乳都要戴,一直坚持到老年,这对身体有益。
2、According to the average gestation with statistical gravid dual only 37 weeks. ─── 据统计双胎妊娠的平均妊娠期仅37周。
3、primiparas that come on inside week 7, the 2nd gravid 6. ─── 初产妇7例,第二次妊娠6例。
4、In gravid nettle rash was gotten after 3 months, nettle rash virus may cause all sorts of pathological change. ─── 在妊娠3个月之后得了风疹,风疹病毒可能导致各种病变。
5、Semiochemicals from mature ovaries of gravid females attracting the oviposition of female Musca domestica ─── 家蝇卵巢中的信息化学物质引诱雌蝇产卵的研究
6、Should ask the reoccupy after the doctor is diagnosed, if because of,be gravid the Huang Heban that cause, that lacks the cause of vitamin C inside pregnant woman body namely. ─── 应请医生诊断后再用,如果是因妊娠引起的黄褐斑,那就是孕妇体内缺少维生素C的缘故。
7、Objective: to probe into the effect of the pregnancy for the gravid of the heart disease and the baby. ─── 目的:探讨妊娠对心脏病患者及围产儿的影响。
8、Be in gravid 13 weeks, need to measure fetal size to reach with supersonic appearance have without deformation, investigate fetal heart and fetal activity regularly. ─── 在妊娠13周,需用超声仪测胎儿大小及有无畸形,定期查胎心及胎儿活动。
9、Radiography of gravid uterus ─── 妊娠子宫X线摄影[术]
10、Prolapse of gravid uterus ─── 妊娠子宫脱垂
11、gravid sickness ─── 孕妇恶心
12、(17) has gravid complication, be like gravid and abortion, toxic disease, amniotic fluid for many times inside dead palace of overmuch, embryo, deadborn person. ─── (17)有妊娠并发症,如多次流产、妊娠中毒症、羊水过多、胎死宫内、死产者。(18)有反应性低血糖者。
13、In the illness development comes before serious degree, give attention to two or more things is fetal maturity, timely stop gravid . ─── 在病情发展至严重程度以前,兼顾胎儿成熟度,适时终止妊娠。
14、1.Genetic element: Much embryo is gravid have domestic sex tendency, the person that there is childbirth much embryo in family of every couple one party, the occurence rate of much embryo increases. ─── 1.遗传因素:多胎妊娠有家庭性倾向,凡夫妇一方家庭中有分娩多胎者,多胎的发生率增加。
15、Be in gravid and terminal, use large dose penicillin to also make new student easy happening red blood cell is deliquescent; ─── 在妊娠晚期,使用大剂量青霉素也使新生儿易发生红细胞溶解;
16、Stop the be addicted to after classics to sleep, it is one of expression that early pregnant reacts, also be gravid and inchoate physiology need. ─── 停经后嗜睡,是早孕反应的表现之一,也是妊娠早期的生理需要。
17、Being talented just like being gravid, must be known with a long time past. ─── 怀才就像怀孕,时间长了才能知道。
18、The problem and the improving measure on the breeding and management of the gravid dog ─── 妊娠犬饲养管理中存在的问题及改进措施
19、Pregnant puerpera produces the person that be short of disease of blood-vessel of head of courage and uprightness, see more at gravid and terminal, childbirth period and postpartum two weeks inside. ─── 孕产妇发生缺血性脑血管病者,多见于妊娠晚期,分娩期和产后两周内。
20、Gestational age <20 weeks. Urgent cesarean delivery need not be considered because a gravid uterus of this size is unlikely to significantly compromise maternal cardiac output. ─── 妊娠小于20周的孕妇不应该考虑急诊剖宫产,因为此时子宫的大小不可能显著影响母亲的心输出量。
21、(8) reproduction system: Detailed inquiryMenstruation, gravid reach situation of birth frequency, abortion, stillborn foetus; ─── (8)生殖系统:详细询问月经、妊娠及生育次数、流产、死胎情况;
22、If one of fetal is in gravid and inchoate death, stillborn foetus can be absorbed entirely, do not need to take step. ─── 如果胎儿之一在妊娠早期死亡,死胎可全部被吸收,不需采取措施。
23、gravid dysentery ─── 子痢
24、gravid edema ─── 子肿, 子水不利, 子水气, 子气
25、summarize gravid sex rhinitis, call hemal easy to shrink again sexual rhinitis. ─── 概述妊娠性鼻炎,又叫血管舒缩性鼻炎。
26、gravid vomiting ─── 子翻胃症
27、If one of fetal is in gravid and inchoate death, stillborn foetus can be absorbed entirely, do not need to take step. ─── 如果胎儿之一在妊娠早期死亡,死胎可全部被吸收,不需采取措施。
28、gravid skin pigmentation ─── 妊娠期皮肤色素沉着
29、Pregnancy is unfavorable apolaustic sexual life is gravid in 3 months, placenta has not been formed completely, embryonic organization is returned on adherent Yu Gongbi not quite firm, .. ─── 孕期不宜放纵性生活妊娠3个月之内,胎盘还没有完全形成,胚胎组织附着于宫壁上还不够牢固,...
30、gravid proglottid ─── 孕节
31、In the illness development comes before serious degree, give attention to two or morethings is fetal maturity, timely stop gravid. ─── 在病情发展至严重程度以前,兼顾胎儿成熟度,适时 终止妊娠。
32、Because weight is too low when insufficient gravid the burden that reachs childbirth. ─── 因为体重过低时不能胜任妊娠及分娩的负担。
33、4.Of medicaments of hurried platoon egg should use: Much embryo is gravid it is the main and intercurrent disease that medicaments causes an egg. ─── 4.促排卵药物的应用:多胎妊娠是药物诱发排卵的主要并发症。
34、gravid stranguria ─── 子淋, 妊娠小便淋痛
35、gravid female ─── 干酪屑
36、(3) embryo is passed suffer from luetic pregnant woman to be able to make through placenta fetal suffer catch, think infection happening is in commonly gravid after 4 months. ─── (3)胎传 患梅毒的孕妇可以通过胎盘使胎儿受染,一般认为感染发生在妊娠4个月以后。
37、gravid mammary hypertrophy ─── 妊娠期乳房肥大症
38、a gravid uterus; a gravid female. ─── 怀胎的子宫;怀胎的雌性
39、In gravid later period constant by preeclampsia, eclampsia, placenta inchoate come off, the be caused by such as amniotic fluid embolism and massive haemorrhage. ─── 在妊娠后期常由先兆子痫、子痫、胎盘早期剥离、羊水栓塞及大出血等所致。
40、Heart of self-confidence of the lack when sexual life and concern are gravid wait, this kind of compunctious feeling and angst often also are impotent reason. ─── 性生活时缺乏自信心和担心妊娠等,这种内疚感和焦虑也往往是阳痿的原因。
41、Female should be gravid for ten months until the child borns. ─── 在小孩出生前,妇女要怀孕十个月。
42、After gravid and joint disease happens, answer to be treated actively. ─── 妊娠关节病发生后,应积极治疗。
43、Gravid nettle rash has inside 4 months, should interrupt gravid. ─── 妊娠4个月内患风疹,应中断妊娠。
44、But not complete to kidney function person should reduce an amount, gravid and inchoate careful with. ─── 但对于肾功能不全者应减量,妊娠早期慎用。
45、gravid abdominal fullness ─── 子满
46、"Although there is reticence to perform surgical procedures in gravid women, our findings did not demonstrate a change in the risk of preterm delivery in those receiving surgical intervention," the investigators write. ─── “虽然妊娠妇女不愿意接受手术治疗,但我们的研究结果表明,那些接受外科治疗的孕妇其早产风险并无变化。”
47、Hernial protrusion of gravid uterus through abdominal rectus muscle ─── 妊娠子宫疝膨出通过腹直肌
48、8. Gravid 4 months above aborts by on society of year worker month is average 1.5 months grant wage, gravid 3 months (include 3 months) abortive hair a month. ─── 妊娠4个月以上流产的按上年度职工月社会平均工资1.5个月发给,妊娠3个月(包括3个月)流产的发1个月。
49、Although be pregnant during this, also 42% is in gestation needs the 10th week to stop gravid, or initiative abortion, or remedial sex aborts. ─── 即使在此期间怀孕,也有42%在妊娠期第10周需终止妊娠,或自发流产,或治疗性流产。
50、Understanding has deny bear history, have deny induced abortion and nature abortive history, gravid the first time age, gravid frequency, birth frequency; ─── 了解有否生育史、有否人工流产及自然流产史、初次妊娠年龄、妊娠次数、生育次数等;
51、Gravid hind fixed antenatal examination, prepotent actor Yo. ─── 妊娠后定期产前检查,优生优育。
52、gravid sow ─── 妊娠母猪
53、Diagnostic ultrasound of gravid uterus ─── 妊娠子宫诊断性超声波[检查法]
54、Ding of ? of furan ?B750 can cause a new life red blood cell is deliquescent, tall bilirubin blood disease and nucleus are icteric, gravid and terminal unfavorable also use. ─── 呋喃?b750?啶可导致新生儿红细胞溶解、高胆红素血症及核黄疸,妊娠晚期也不宜使用。
55、gravid mammary nodules ─── 内吹乳
56、Retroverted gravid uterus ─── 后倾妊娠子宫
57、Effects of He-Ne laser of different dosage irradiation gravid Mouse: study young mice in the growth And behavior ─── 不同剂量的He-Ne激光对妊娠母鼠子代的生长及行为的影响
58、gravid uterus ─── 妊娠子宫
59、Pregnant woman is done not have originallyDiabetic, gestation, appear in gravid metaphase or later period normallyDiabetic, call gravidDiabetic. ─── 孕妇本来没有糖尿病,妊娠期,通常在妊娠中期或后期出现糖尿病,称为妊娠糖尿病。
60、In census in gravid woman, the incidence of a disease that discovers bacterial make water is 4.5% , and among them 82% to do not have make water of semiotic sex bacterium. ─── 在普查妊娠妇女中,发现细菌尿的发病率为 4.5%,而其中82%为无症状性细菌尿。
61、The process is here medium, corpus luteum begins to secrete the progestational hormone that has gravid effect. ─── 在此过程中,黄体开始分泌有妊娠作用的孕激素。
62、gravid aphasia ─── 子喑, 身重喑哑, 哑胎喑
63、The occurence rate of different of gestation acute platoon is made an appointment with 9% , with blame is gravid person without difference. ─── 妊娠期急性排异的发生率约9%,与非妊娠者无差异。
64、gravid female prawn ─── n. 怀卵亲虾
65、Additional, inflectional, bow, cough, gravid, ascites, head is small lie on one's back wait to the pose all can be caused or accentuate heartburn. ─── 另外,屈曲、弯腰、咳嗽、妊娠、腹水、头低位仰卧等姿势均可诱发或加重烧心。
66、The atomic absorption spectroscopy(AAS) was used to examine the level of Fe~(2+) and Mg~(2+) in serum of gravid mice. ─── 原子吸收分光光度测定法(atomic absorption spectroscopy,AAS)检测妊娠母鼠血清Fe2+、Mg2+含量;
67、rarely, males with greatly enlarged testes about to release sperm also are characterized as gravid, but the term usually is restricted to females. ─── 很少地,雄性有明显增大睪丸到处释放精子也被视为怀孕的,但是这个词通常被局限于雌性。较一般的;
68、The woman is in marriage cannot apply for to remarry inside 6 months, but the gravid diagnostic proof that has a doctor can make exceptional processing. ─── 女子在婚姻六个月内不能申请再婚,但有医生的妊娠诊断证实可作例外处理。
69、Be pregnant is a very natural physiology process, most woman can loosen gently the pine spends 10 months, and suckSmokewoman, incidental gravid complication. ─── 怀孕是一个很自然的生理过程,大多数女人都能轻轻松松度过10个月,而吸烟的女人,容易发生妊娠并发症。
70、gravid dysphoria ─── 子烦
71、Should avoid everything to invoke an element, wait like traumatic, overfatigue, excited, infection, gravid , childbirth. ─── 应避免一切激发因素,如外伤、过劳、激动、感染、妊娠、分娩等。
72、gravid abdominal pain ─── 子痛
73、2.Fetal and unbalanced: Rate of gravid and fetal deformation compares dual odd embryo is 2 times taller, oaf of odd egg dual Shu You is double egg didymous 2 times. ─── 2.胎儿畸形:双胎妊娠胎儿畸形率比单胎高2倍,单卵双胎畸形儿数又是双卵双胎的2倍。
74、Be in gravid and inchoate, whether is physician combination judgement continued by obstetrician and heart gravid, point out a note. ─── 在妊娠早期,由产科医生及心内科医生联合判断是否继续妊娠,并指出注意事项。
75、Should avoid everything to invoke an element, wait like traumatic, overfatigue, excited, infection, gravid, childbirth. ─── 应避免一切激发因素,如外伤、过劳、激动、感染、妊娠、分娩等。
76、Extracts from ovaries were also attractive to gravid females. ─── 卵巢提取物同样对产卵雌蝇有诱集活力。
77、gravid cough ─── 子嗽
78、Be in gravid and inchoate , whether is physician combination judgement continued by obstetrician and heart gravid, point out a note. ─── 在妊娠早期,由产科医生及心内科医生联合判断是否继续妊娠,并指出注意事项。
79、Arrive gravid and terminal, increscent uterus and fetal show an oppressive rectum first, also can cause defecate difficulty. ─── 到妊娠晚期,增大的子宫和胎儿先露部压迫直肠,也都能导致排便困难。
80、Gravid women ─── 孕妇
81、Gravid hind, circular blood quantity increases, in 32 weeks when reach a peak, raised cardiac negative charge. ─── 妊娠后,循环血量增加,在32周时达到高峰,增加了心脏的负荷。
82、gravid Having the body distended with ripe eggs; ─── 怀孕的有被成熟的卵扩大的身体;
83、Metabolic Bone Disease (MBD) may develop in gravid females, and extra calcium is recommended during this time. ─── 怀孕的雌性有可能患MBD症,因此在此期间建议提供更多的钙质补充。
84、gravid vertigo ─── 子晕, 子眩
85、Objective: To discuss the diagnostic and differential diagnostic value of ultrasonogram display for gravid trophocyte diseases. ─── 目的:探讨超声显像对妊娠滋养细胞疾病的诊断及鉴别诊断价值。
86、of genital calls progesterone another kind, andFemaleMaintain gravid about. ─── 另一种称为孕酮,和女性维持妊娠有关。
87、Clinical doubt is reason much embryo is gravid much, should continue to follow visit, till fetal a Shu is completely affirmatory. ─── 故临床疑为多胎妊娠多,应继续随访,直至胎儿个数完全确定。
88、Paralysis of face of gravid and amalgamative Bell is the commonnest at gravid later period 3 months or childbed initial stage. ─── 妊娠合并贝尔氏面瘫最常见于妊娠后期3个月或产褥初期。
89、Paralysis of face of amalgamative gravid to 18 Bell has foreign someone research analysis, 18 in 12 when gravid later period comes on inside 3 months, childbed is earlier the 2 6; ─── 国外有人对18例妊娠合并贝尔氏面瘫进行研究分析,18例中妊娠后期3个月内发病的12例,产褥初期2周内发病的6例;
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