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09-07 投稿



inhumation 发音

英:[ˌɪnhjuːˈmeɪʃn]  美:[ˌɪnhjuːˈmeɪʃn]

英:  美:

inhumation 中文意思翻译



inhumation 反义词


inhumation 同义词

brutal | heartless | savage |cruel | cold | eerie | uncivilized | fierce | cold-hearted | cold-blooded | weird | unfeeling | insensitive | unearthly | inhumane | barbarous | insensate | otherworldly | strange | merciless | ruthless | vicious

inhumation 词性/词形变化,inhumation变形

副词: inhumanly |名词: inhumanness |

inhumation 相似词语短语

1、inanimation ─── n.没有生命;不活动;不活泼

2、intimation ─── n.暗示;告知;讽示

3、exhumation ─── n.发掘;尸体发掘;掘尸

4、exhumations ─── n.发掘;尸体发掘;掘尸

5、incremation ─── 递增

6、inhalations ─── n.吸入;吸入药剂

7、inhumating ─── 不人道的

8、inhalation ─── n.吸入;吸入药剂

9、information ─── n.信息,资料;知识;情报

inhumation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The prior funeral technologies such as cremation, inhumation, burials and the like are unprogressive, which directly causes environment pollution and land waste. ─── 现有的火葬、土葬、墓葬等殡葬技术落后,直接造成环境的污染和土地的浪费。

2、The forms of burial vary among China's ethnic minorities, including cremation, inhumation, "water burial" and "sky burial" (exposure burial). ─── 中国各少数民族的丧葬习俗各有不同,有火葬、土葬、水葬、天葬等不同的葬法。

3、Laowang explains: "Combustion is cremate, degenerating is inhumation. ─── 老王解释道:“燃烧就是火葬,腐朽就是土葬。”

4、Throughout the country, cemeteries can be found in large, medium and small cities where Hui and other minority peoples preferring inhumation live. ─── 现在,全国凡有回族等习惯实行土葬的少数民族居住的大、中、小城市,都建有公墓。

5、The government respects minority peoples'burial customs,and has allotted land for cemeteries and established burial services departments specially for Hui,Uygur and other minority peoples that have the tradition of inhumation. ─── 政府尊重少数民族的丧葬习俗。对回族、维吾尔族等一些习惯土葬的少数民族,国家划拨专用土地,建立公墓,并设立专门为这些少数民族服务的殡葬服务部门。

6、Ethnic minorities which traditionally practice inhumation are exempt from the government requirement of cremation, and are allotted special land for cemeteries. ─── 在有土葬习俗的少数民族中,政府不推行火葬,并采取划拨专用土地、建立专用公墓等具体措施予以保障;

7、The government respects minority peoples' burial customs, and has allotted land for cemeteries and established burial services departments specially for Hui, Uygur and other minority peoples that have the tradition of inhumation. ─── 政府尊重少数民族的丧葬习俗。 对回族、维吾尔族等一些习惯土葬的少数民族,国家划拨专用土地,建立公墓,并设立专门为这些少数民族服务的殡葬服务部门。

8、Ann: In general, they adopt the inhumation, cremation and sea-burial. ─── 通常来说,都是采用土葬、火葬或者海葬。

9、The burial custom of Tibetans has also been respected; they can choose whatever form of burial they prefer--''sky burial,''inhumation or''water burial.'' ─── 同样,对藏族实行的天葬、土葬、水葬,国家也给予保护和尊重。

10、the requisition for prohibitory inhumation from the obliges of the parties; ─── 四是当事人的债权人申请强制执行标的物的问题;

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