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09-10 投稿



enwrapping 发音


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enwrapping 中文意思翻译



enwrapping 词性/词形变化,enwrapping变形

异体字: inwrap |动词过去式: enwrapped |动词现在分词: enwrapping |动词第三人称单数: enwraps |动词过去分词: enwrapped |

enwrapping 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Conclusion Dyslipidemia is related to the enwrapping of peritoneal dialysis catheter by omentum, and is probably one of the risk factors for this complication. ─── 结论 血脂代谢紊乱与腹膜透析置管术后发生大网膜包裹相关,可能是易于发生大网膜包裹的一个危险因素。

2、enwrapping concrete ─── 外包混凝土

3、The devices that enwrap you serve to nourish and stimulate your senses. ─── 包裹(围绕,笼罩,连累,吸引住,使沉浸在...中,使...专心

4、1.Shaped steel/steel profile concrete beam.Its characteristic is to enwrap a layer of concrete outside of the structural steel beam. ─── 摘要聚丙烯纤维混凝土柔性喷层是软岩巷道支护中一种新型的喷层形式。

5、Keywords Dyslipidemia;Hyperlipidemia;Peritoneal dialysis;Catherization for peritoneal dialysis;Enwrapping by omentum; ─── 血脂代谢紊乱;高脂血症;腹膜透析;腹膜透析置管术;大网膜包裹;

6、This product ‘s size and color was designed according to female physical character .it is very legerity and fashion, soft gum enwrap your tits,it trembling according to your body's move. ─── 如果你能加入人体做不到的震动功能,会使调情发挥最大作用。真正作爱高手会用心尝试不同方法满足伴侣。

7、Failure analysis of polyethylene-cannula enwrapping thermal pipeline ─── 夹套式热力管网的聚乙烯外套管的失效分析

8、ObjectiveTo investigate the sustained release property of chemotherapy by fibrin glue enwrapping mitomycin (MMC/FG). ─── 探讨丝裂霉素纤维蛋白胶凝胶(MMC/FG)化疗的缓释特性。

9、Mechanism of Enwrapping Hollow Tiny Glass Particles with Hydrate Titanium Ions ─── 水合钛离子包膜空心玻璃微珠机理的研究

10、The composite material can be used in the in-situ fast insulation enwrapping of broken wire and ca... ─── 该复合材料可用于煤矿井下电线电缆的现场安全快速包覆、运输带的安全快速修复。

11、mix technique with enwrapping sand ─── 裹砂搅拌工艺

12、Such factors as the compression strength of timber,flaws of timber columns,stress modes,enwrapping forms of CFRP sheets are influenced the bearing capacity of strengthened columns. ─── 木材自身强度、木柱的缺陷、受力方式、碳纤维布间距及碳纤维布层数对加固柱极限承载力均有影响。

13、The results showed that enwrapping dimple is main style produced in the multi-point stretching process, the dimples can be suppressed effectively when elastic cushion was used. ─── 研究结果表明:多点拉形工艺中的压痕主要分为包络式和凹凸式压痕;采用弹性垫技术能够有效抑制压痕的产生;

14、When the mumber of the layer has exceeds 5, the Van der Waals interaction become so faint that the enwrapping process can not be continued. ─── 当包膜的厚度超过5层后,则范德华力已经很微弱,即已无法继续包膜,包膜过程随即结束。

15、Rooting in atrocious survival environment, pants, which invented by local people for withstand frigidity and safeguard their bodies, enwrap peoples' legs. ─── 裤子是对人们的腿部分别进行包裹的衣物,它产生于生存环境恶劣的地区,是当地的人们为了抵御寒冷和保护身体而发明的。

16、fast insulation enwrapping of broken wire and cable as well as the in-situ fast repair of conveyor belt in mine. ─── 该复合材料可用于煤矿井下电线电缆的现场安全快速包覆、运输带的安全快速修复。

17、It is easy to produce fine and rich foams, which can quickly enwrap and insulate dirt, leaving the face thoroughly cleaned. ─── 迅速起泡,柔软细腻的泡沫能迅速包裹、分离污垢,彻底洗净脸部;

18、A gasbag (shake-proof bag) can enwrap goods according to their shape and size. ─── 气囊式包装袋可以根据物品的形状和大小来制作相适应的包装。

19、Piroxicam-Beta-Cyclodextrin is made by enwrapping medical piroxicam and medical beta-cyclodextrin in a certain inverse proportion with a unique art. ─── 吡罗昔康倍他环糊精(又称炎痛昔康倍他环糊精),是采用独特的工艺路线,按一定的比例将医药级的倍他环糊精包合精制而成。

20、Keywords hydrate titanium ion;enwrap;tiny glass particle;mechanism; ─── 水合钛离子;包膜;玻璃微珠;机理;

21、Keywords near-IR, hollow balotini, enwrap, dope, paint; ─── 关键词近红外;空心玻璃微珠;包覆;添加剂;涂料;

22、The products is tailored in a ergonomic way in five pieces, and it is easier to enwrap the buttocks comfortably and much fitted. ─── 产品以五片式人体工学剪裁,顺者臀部更容易包裹,合身舒适!

23、sodium chlo-ride enwrapping ─── 氯化钠包埋

24、to soap-free polymerization ,on the contrary , the content of PMMA enwrapping nano-silica effect few on results, which is obviously shown in data of stain resistance. ─── 无皂乳液聚合也许由于本身方法的因素使得MMA包裹量对结果影响不显著。

25、Sustained Release Property of Chemotherapy by Fibrin Glue Enwrapping Mitomycin ─── 丝裂霉素纤维蛋白胶凝胶化疗的缓释特性

26、Shaped steel/steel profile concrete beam. Its characteristic is to enwrap a layer of concrete outside of the structural steel beam. ─── 采用型钢混凝土大梁,它的特征是在钢结构梁外面再包裹一层混凝土外壳。

27、It can enwrap skin with a clear and moist moisture film, prevent dark pigments from generating and create white and transparent skin; ─── 形成清爽滋润的水份膜包裹住肌肤,同时抑制暗沉肌肤的生成,塑造白皙透明的肌肤;

28、Mechanism of Enwrapping Hollow Tiny Glass Particles with Hydrate Titanium Ions ─── 水合钛离子包膜空心玻璃微珠机理的研究

29、Efficacy: This product contains multiple vegetable ingredients as well as allantoin and olive essence, and can quickly create rich foams to enwrap dirt and aged keratose. ─── 功能: 含本品采用橄榄精华油和蜂蜜为主要原料的透明洁面皂;具备能够彻底清除肌肤污垢及老化角质的“洗净力”和“滋润肌肤”的双重功效;

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