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09-03 投稿



elm 发音

英:[elm]  美:[elm]

英:  美:

elm 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 榆树




elm 词性/词形变化,elm变形


elm 常用词组

elm street ─── 榆树街(美国小城镇的大街两旁多植榆树);小城镇

elm tree ─── n. [植]榆,榆树

slippery elm ─── 榆树

elm 短语词组

1、Dutch elm disease ─── [植保] 荷兰榆树病

2、dwarf elm un. ─── 白榆

3、elm family 【 ─── 植物】榆科(Ulmaceae)

4、English elm ─── 英国榆树;大叶榆

5、Huntingdon elm ─── [网络] 亨廷登榆树

6、red elm ─── 红榆

7、mucilage of slippery elm ─── [医] 赤榆胶浆, 赤榆粘浆

8、Dutch-elm beetle ─── [网络] 荷兰榆树甲虫

9、European elm ─── [网络] 欧洲榆木

10、Dutch elm 【 ─── 植物】荷兰榆 (Ulmus hollandica)

11、guernsey elm ─── [网络] 根西榆树

12、elm bark ─── [医] 赤榆皮, 美榆皮

13、Chinese elm un. ─── 榔榆 [网络] 榆树

14、American elm ─── [机] 美国榆

15、European field elm ─── [网络] 欧洲榆树

16、Dutch elm fungus ─── [网络] 荷兰榆木

17、elm tree n. ─── 榆, ─── 榆树

18、Jersey elm ─── [网络] 泽西榆树

19、cedar elm ─── 硬叶榆

elm 相似词语短语

1、eld ─── n.高龄;古人;n.(Eld)人名;(芬)埃尔德

2、Ulm ─── n.乌尔姆(德国南部城市,位于慕尼黑和斯图加特之间);abbr.超声光调制器(UltrasonicLightModulator);水下发射导弹(UnderwaterLaunchMissile);n.(Ulm)人名;(德、捷)乌尔姆

3、helm ─── n.舵;舵柄;领导地位;驾驶盘;vt.指挥;给...掌舵;n.(Helm)人名;(英、瑞典)赫尔姆;(法)埃尔姆;(德、匈、捷)黑尔姆

4、elmy ─── adj.多榆树的

5、elem ─── abbr.元素(element);基本的(elementary)

6、elf ─── n.小精灵;淘气鬼;n.(Elf)人名;(芬、瑞典)埃尔夫

7、elms ─── n.[林]榆树;n.(Elms)人名;(英)埃尔姆斯

8、el. ─── abbr.预期损失(ExpectedLoss);n.(El)人名;(匈)埃尔;

9、elk ─── n.麋鹿;软鞣粗皮;驼鹿皮革;n.(Elk)人名;(芬)埃尔克

elm 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Either deer or lovers had lain in this grass near the elm, for it was flattened. ─── 可能是野鹿或者是情人在大榆树旁边的草地上躺过,因为那片草地已经被压平了。

2、I went north on Union Boulevard to Elm Street. ─── 我从联合大道向北到爱尔姆街。

3、North American elm having twigs and young branches with prominent corky projections. ─── 产于北美洲,细枝和幼小分枝上有引人注目的软木突起。

4、In return for my wise counsel, he gave me the only fee I ever received for legal advice in the Elm Street Diner, a raffle ticket. ─── 为了对我“精明的”建议表示回报,他给了我一张兑奖券,这是我在埃尔姆街餐馆里得到的唯一一笔律师咨询费。

5、Maple, elm, birch, and other deciduous trees lose their leaves in the fall. ─── 在秋天,枫树、榆树、白桦树及其它落叶树都掉光了树叶。

6、RESULTSThe positive rate of inhalational sensitinogen was 67%, and the most common inhalational sensitinogen was peni cilli n, neurospora, black root, elm, willow and poplar. ─── [结果 ]吸入性过敏原阳性率为 67% ,最常见的吸入性过敏原为点青霉、链孢霉、黑根霉、榆树、柳树及杨树 .

7、The hedgerows were planted with elm. ─── 这一排排树篱是用榆树植成的。

8、It was autumn, and the wind was sad; and the golden elm leaves lay scattered about among the grass, and on the gravel path. ─── 入秋了,风凄冷地吹着,金黄色的榆叶飘零而落,散落在草地间,洒落在砾石小径上。

9、An elm tree was planted in the first half of the 20th century on a farm near Beulah, Michigan (USA). It grew to be a magnificent tree. ─── 20世纪上半叶,在美国密歇根州比尤拉镇附近的一个农场,有人种下了一棵榆树。它最终长成了一棵参天大树。

10、Every group evenly mixed and able to replace elm wood powder, so it has better formability and smoother surface. ─── 各组分之间均匀粘合在一起,取代粘木粉,具有良好的成型性能和表面光洁;

11、Eurasian elm closely resembling the American elm; thrives in a moist environment. ─── 与美洲榆极相像的一种欧亚榆树,;在潮湿的环境才能健康生长。

12、Elm bark was dried and ground. ─── 将榆树皮干燥后磨制成粉。

13、Mainly based on old wooden Mesua ferrea, stone vertebral, Queensland Austin, Teak, Elm, etc.Most of these old trees are more than a hundred years of history. ─── 古旧木船主要取材于铁力木、石头椎、昆甸、柚木、榆木等,这些老木大多有百年以上历史。

14、Therefore, rock elm and southern rock elm are all fit to be cultivated in China, especially used as the first reference to ecosystem type in the limestone mountain areas to be recovered vegetable covers. ─── 可见,岩榆、南方岩榆均适宜在我国引种栽培,尤其可作为石灰岩山区植被恢复的首选生态型参考树种。

15、Drag onto the page to add a deciduous tree, such as maple, oak, elm, or walnut. ─── 拖到绘图页后,可以添加落叶树,如枫、橡木、榆树或胡桃。

16、C and N conternt as well as C/N ratio can be taken as a rooting index of elm tip. ─── 插穗中碳、氮的绝对量及碳 /氮比率可作为白榆新梢生根的指标。

17、Amazingly, the tree did not die. Year after year it thrived. Nobody could understand why it was the only elm still standing in the county! ─── 令人惊异的是,这棵树没有死。年复一年,反而长得枝繁叶茂。没有人知道为什么这是这个县中仍然挺立着的唯一的榆树!

18、His business is on the corner of Broadway and Elm Street. ─── 他的商号设在百老汇和埃尔姆街拐角的地方。

19、The results showed that not only the symptoms on cross sections of the dead elm wood but also the morphology of the fungi were different from those caused by Dutch elm disease. ─── 从榆木枯萎症状,病菌形态及接种后无死亡现象的结果表明,均与世界流行的荷兰榆病无相似之处。

20、The next time you're in Beulah.Michigan, look for that beautiful elm. ─── 下一次,你若来到密歇根州的比尤拉镇,去找一找那棵美丽的榆树吧。

21、The old lane that used to connect Elm Street to riverbanks was overgrown. ─── 从前连接榆树街和河岸的那条小道已经长满了草木。

22、A pigeon is cooing up in one of the elm. ─── 一只鸽子在榆树上咕咕地叫。

23、"Saturday night at 11PM," the article read, "an anonymous caller reported a brawl at the intersection of Elm and Oak. ─── “星期六夜间11时许,”文章写道,“一匿名者电话报警,称榆树大街与橡树大街交界处有人打群架。

24、In the south, elm and birch crowns shaded their neighbors' straw and tiled roofs. ─── 孔林家院子南头,榆树和桦树的伞盖遮住了隔壁人家的茅草泥瓦屋顶。

25、Anxi Yulin Cave is located 68 kilometers south of Anxi county Department of the Alpine valleys, the valley of its name all over the Health and elm. ─── 安西榆林窟位于安西县城南68公里处的高山峡谷中,因其河谷中遍生榆树而得名。

26、During my childhood, I sometimes arrived home from school to find my mother in a similar stance, staring through binoculars up into the arching American elm trees that shaded our home. ─── 在孩提时代,有时我从学校回家后发现母亲正保持着同样的姿势,通过望远镜观察着那棵弯弯曲曲为我们家带来阴凉的美国榆树。

27、Drag onto the page to add a deciduous tree style, such as maple, oak, elm, dogwood, or apple. ─── 拖到绘图页后,可以添加落叶类树,如枫、橡木、榆树、茱萸或苹果树。

28、Our school is situated on Elm Street. ─── 我们的学校位于埃尔黑大街。

29、Dr. Jeffrey Adelglass measures the pollen count for the Dallas, Texas, area. He said unseasonably warm temperatures led to relatiely high leels of cedar and elm pollen. ─── Jeffrey Adelglass博士测量得克萨斯州达拉斯地区的花粉数量。他说,不合理的温暖天气带来相对大量的雪松和榆树花粉。

30、The results showed that the distribution of herbaceous vegetation was observably negatively correlated with the distribution of sand dunes, elm trees and aeolian pits, respectively. ─── X2检验结果显示榆树、沙丘、风蚀坑三者在分布上相互之间存在极显著的正关联关系,草本植被的分布分别与榆树、沙丘、风蚀坑的分布之间存在极其显著的负关联关系.

31、In January 2006, Telelogic, the leading global provider of software and services for Enterprise Lifecycle Management (ELM), began to entrust its localization projects to BEC. ─── 2006年1月,全球领先的企业生命周期管理(ELM)软件和服务提供商Telelogic开始将其本地化业务交给BEC。

32、Under the huge elm trees, we could see yellow dandelions’ popping through the grass in bunches, as if a painter had touched our landscape with dabs of gold. ─── 在一些高大的榆树下面,我们看到,一丛丛黄色的蒲公英冒出草坪,仿佛是一位画家为了给眼前的美景增色儿着意加上的点点金色。

33、The doctor put the lantern at the head of the grave and came and sat down with his back against one of the elm trees. ─── 医生把灯笼放在坟头上,走到榆树下,背靠着一棵坐下来。

34、The elm is the most important shelter tree here,on which have been found about 4 orders,19 families and 45 species of pest. ─── 其中白榆树在市郊防护林中所占比重较大,经调查,为害白榆的害虫种类计4目19科46种。

35、Johnny got paid $1200 a day for his work on Nightmare on Elm Street. ─── 当在拍摄半夜鬼上床1时,强尼获得一份日薪1200美金的工作。

36、Based on this,we drew such a conclusion that the salt -and-drought tolerance of three varieties was in order of rock elm > southern rock elm > U.pumila. ─── 3 种榆树的耐盐性排序为:岩榆>南方岩榆>白榆:3 种榆树的耐旱性排序为: 岩榆>南方岩榆>白榆。

37、Abandon earth to cultivate the magnifico poplar, locust, commercial forest such as elm more, dike to grow the capable person that prevent wave more. ─── 弃土多种植大官杨、刺槐、榆树等用材林,堤防多种植防浪材。

38、There's an elm tree on the left of the house. ─── 房子左边有一棵榆树。

39、Do you still reside at Elm Road? ─── 你还住在埃尔姆路吗?

40、Go up to Elm, take a right, go three blocks... ─── 一直走到爱姆街,右拐,走三个路口。

41、Marshmallow, Spearmint, Chamomile, Lemon Balm, Red Raspberry, Orange Peel, Slippery Elm Bark, Fenugreek, Peppermint, Stevia. ─── 含天然有机草本茶叶: 柠檬香蜂草、洋甘菊、燕麦草杆、橙皮、红桑子。

42、E>I found the Elm Grove Country House on the internet. ─── 我在网路上查到你们这间榆树果园乡间别墅,

43、The birds were twittering and trilling in the tall leafy boughs of oak and elm. ─── 小鸟们在高大的橡树和榆树的绿叶垂垂的枝头上啾啾地叫着或颤声唱歌。

44、I am selling a vehicle scanner / diagnostic tool, ELM 327, for OBD-II, CAN interface. ─── 可为您的车辆诊断即有的,或者潜在故障,减轻将来昂贵的维修费用.

45、Then one year, agricultural catastrophe struck Michigan in the form of Dutch Elm Disease. ─── 后来有一年,荷兰榆树病袭击了密西根州,造成了农业的大灾难。

46、An elm tree was planted in the first half of the 20th century on a farm near Beulah, Michigan (USA). ─── 20世纪上半叶,在美国密歇根州比尤拉镇附近的一个农场,有人种下了一棵榆树。

47、The reality wood flat floor takes wood assortments such as birch , oak wood , elm , color wood as raw material. ─── 实木平板地板以桦木、柞木、榆木、色木等材种为原材料。

48、My grandfather would say if you could see the elm tree then you'd never be lost. ─── 我的祖父、我的父亲会说,‘如果你能看到那棵榆树,你就永远不会迷路。’

49、In the ragged hedge on the opposite side the boughs of the elm trees swayed just perceptibly in the breeze, and their leaves stirred faintly in dense masses like women's hair. ─── 对面高高低低的树丛里,柳枝在微风中曼舞,簇簇柳叶轻轻摇曳,宛如女人的秀发。

50、The reality wood flat floor takes wood assortments such as birch, oak wood, elm, color wood as raw material. ─── 实木平板地板以桦木、木、木、木等材种为原材料。

51、They had come to the corner where Elm angles into High Street. ─── 他们走到了从榆树街转向正街去的拐角上。

52、At the edge of the field were the elm trees, faintly stirring, and somewhere beyond that was the stream where the dace lay in the green pools under the willows. ─── 在草地边上有榆树,在微风中颤动,远处有一条小溪,有雅罗鱼在柳树下的绿水潭中游泳。

53、In addition, Elm Township, bees and pig farming industry in the Government's support and guidance to develop very rapidly and cost-effectiveness has been initially apparent. ─── 另外,榆树乡的蜜蜂养殖业和养猪业在政府的扶持和引导下发展十分迅速,经济效益已经初步显现。

54、Our company is situated at Yichun forest district.There are fine quality wood: oak, pinewood, birch, linden, ash, elm and some other fine quality wood as our raw materials. ─── 公司地处伊春林区,有丰富的优质木材资源:松木,桦木,柞木,椴木,榆木,水栖柳等,使我司产品拥有品质和价格上的优势。

55、Longfellow entered the beautiful old elm-encircled house as a lodger, not knowing that this was to be his home for the rest of his life. ─── 朗费罗以寄宿者的身份住进了这座老榆树环绕的漂亮的旧家大院,从没想到这里会成为他的后生归宿。

56、The next time you're in Beulah, Michigan, look for that beautiful elm. ─── 找一找那铁链造成的创口。

57、It was a good table too, sturdily constructed of elm. ─── 这也是一张好桌子,榆木做的,很结实。

58、Tongyu have one in the north-west Mongolia, Asia's largest Huang Yulin. Ancient elm tree which nearly 400 years of history. Its high of about 13 m, crown diameter of 18 meters. ─── 在通榆西北有一片亚洲最大的蒙古黄榆林。其中一棵古榆树已经有近400年的历史了。其高约13米,树冠直径18米。

59、But that died with the Dutch Elm disease that I guess struck all the elm trees. ─── 但是那棵榆树最后死于荷兰榆树菌,我想当时所有的榆树都曾经因为这种病菌而遭殃。”

60、The mercury concentrations in the leaves were in the order of: plum>pear>willow>fir>elm>locust tree>clove>poplar>pine>cypress. ─── kg-1,植物叶汞中的浓度李树>梨树>柳树>杉树>榆树>槐树>丁香>杨树>松树>柏树;

61、They have lopped away the biggest of the branches of that elm overhanging the road. ─── 他们把那棵榆树低垂在公路上的最大的枝子砍掉了。

62、Emulsion liquid membrane (ELM) system, which comprises surfactant TH-1, kerosene, the carrier N_ 235 internal aqueous phase sodium hydroxide, is applied to separate reactive blue KN-R. ─── 利用表面活性剂TH-1、民用煤油、载体N235和内水相NaOH溶液组成的液膜体系,采用正交试验法,对提取活性艳蓝KN-R工艺进行了研究。

63、The elm trees are all dying," said Palmer, with a sad shake of his head. ─── 这些榆树全都要死了,”帕尔默说道,难过地摇了摇头。

64、Drag onto the page to add a deciduous tree style, such as maple, oak, elm, ash, or pear. ─── 拖到绘图页后,可以添加落叶类树,如枫、橡木、榆树、槐木或梨树。

65、Hg absorbency of white poplar, willow and pine was low, while that of the larch was high with the elm being the highest. ─── 其中毛白杨、垂柳和油松对汞的吸收能力较低 ,落叶松叶的吸收能力较高 ,榆树吸收汞的能力最高。

66、So he turned into the forest, following on the tracks, and came to the hollow elm where Sebald had left his boy. ─── 所以他走进森林,寻着痕迹来到希保曾遗留下他的小男孩的空榆树,他从那里沿路走着,到达一处风雪不近的地方,在那儿有处小土堆,仍然有希保的手印。

67、She sat with five men at a table under an elm tree that shaded them from the hot sun. Her talent for subterfuge lay hidden behind her sweet, serene smile. ─── 当时她正和5个男人坐在一棵遮阳的榆树下桌子旁,她的脸上带着甜甜的、不露声色的微笑,把她会施诡计的本事藏了起来。

68、B: Keep going straight for two blocks, then turn right on Elm street and you'll run right into it. ─── 一直走,过两个街区,然后往右拐是埃尔姆街,再往前走,迎面就是莫特街。

69、Two ecological gradient axes (EGA) were suggested: EGA(CA) and EGA(r2). These two EGA were calculated among twenty provenances of American elm. ─── EGA(CA_1)和EGA(r~2)。

70、She had a look in her eye as she checked out the pine branch extending toward the elm branch, and she went for it. ─── 大家从她的眼神里判断出,那条向着她所在的榆树枝延伸的松枝,已经经受了她的仔细考察,她开始靠近它了。

71、Abstract: The paper points to the importance of the study wood-confornation and takes down the economic wood included Beech Family, Elm Family , Ebouy Family et in northwest zone. ─── 摘 要: 本文论述了研究木材构造的重要性,并对西北地区的经济树木壳斗科、榆科、柿科等西北经济树种木材构造做了记载。

72、The next ones are separately beach blossom,apricot blossom,crabapple,elm tree,liac etc ,whichall strive to be openning first in the yard. ─── 以后接着来的是桃花、杏花、海棠、榆叶梅、丁香等等,院子里开得花团锦簇。

73、The doctor put the lantern at the head of the grave and came and sat down with his back against one of the elm trees. ─── 医生把灯笼放在坟头上,走到榆树下,背靠着一棵坐下来。

74、But there's the old community center on Elm Street. ─── 但是在Elm街有一个旧的社区中心。

75、Under the huge elm trees, we could see yellow dandelions popping through the grass in bunches as if a painter had touched our landscape with dabs of gold. ─── 在巨大的榆树下,我们看到一簇簇黄色的蒲公英从草丛中探出头来,犹如画家用一块块金色的颜料来点缀我们的风景。

76、I know Shuangyushu, the Double Elm Trees. Is that right? ─── 我知道双榆树,两颗榆树,对吗?

77、So far,the extra PCR band was found at least in grapevine yellows (stolbur) and elm yellows phytoplasma detection. ─── 另外,已知这一现象至少在葡萄黄化stolbur和榆黄化植原体的检测过程中出现。

78、Under the canopy of the pioneering trees oak maple linden elm and spruce regenerate. ─── 在它们林荫的庇护下,橡树、枫树、菩提树、榆树和云杉也都欣欣向荣。

79、One is the old elm wood door to the bedroom, which is the division between private and public space. ─── 其一是一扇通往卧室的老榆木门,这是私人空间和公共空间的分界。

80、That elm-shaded pond, Not like a clear spring, But a rainbow in the sky; Ripples among float alga, With rosy dreams settled. ─── 那榆荫下的一潭,不是清泉,是天上虹;揉碎在浮藻间,沉淀着彩虹似的梦。

81、In summer, at twilight, one saw, here and there, a few old women seated at the foot of the elm, on benches mouldy with rain.These good old women were fond of begging. ─── 夏季,将近黄昏时,这里那里,有些老婆子,带着被雨水浸到发霉的凳子,坐在榆树下向人乞讨。

82、A study to the feature of type and the pattern of activities of the eating-leavesinsect group, which harm to the gardens and elm in Qiqihar, and appropriate measures ofmevention to them. ─── 对为害齐齐哈尔国林榆树的食叶害虫类群的种类特征、发生规律进行了研究,并提出了相应的防治措施。

83、If you are fortunate enough to use elm, it is considerably easier to send a message . ─── 如果你能用elm,那么传送信息就很方便。

84、My house is at the end of Elm Road. ─── 我家在榆树街的街尾处。

85、Results as follows:The growth condition of different mixed stands is: black locust and Chinese ash >black locust and Tree of heaven>pure black locust>black locust and Elm. ─── 分析结果如下:从树木生长状况来看,刺槐生长效益的大小排序为刺槐绒毛白蜡混交林>刺槐臭椿行状混交林>刺槐臭椿块状混交林>刺槐纯林>刺槐白榆混交林。

86、Spanish Elm is the largest treehouse, with its own dining and lounge area, an alfresco shower and a wraparound deck fit for a filmstar. ─── SpanishElm为其中最大的树屋房间,拥有自己的饭厅和起居室,以及露天淋浴。

87、It is suggested that these characters could be consideredd as early selection and evaluation indexes of white elm. ─── 可以考虑用它们作为白榆早期选择与评价的指标。

88、There is an elm tree in front of my house. ─── 我的房前有一棵榆树。

89、Drag onto the page to add a deciduous tree, such as maple, oak, elm, dogwood, or redbud. ─── 拖到绘图页后,可以添加落叶类树,如枫、橡木、榆树、茱萸或紫荆。

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