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09-14 投稿



repercussion 发音

英:[ˌriːpərˈkʌʃ(ə)n]  美:[ˌriːpəˈkʌʃ(ə)n]

英:  美:

repercussion 中文意思翻译



repercussion 词性/词形变化,repercussion变形


repercussion 短语词组

1、repercussion effect ─── 反冲效果,波及效果

repercussion 相似词语短语

1、repercusses ─── 反响

2、percussion ─── n.[临床]叩诊;振动;碰撞;敲打乐器;打击乐器组

3、percussions ─── n.打击乐器(percussion的复数形式)

4、repercussive ─── adj.反射的;反响的

5、repercuss ─── 反响

6、repression ─── n.抑制,[心理]压抑;镇压

7、repercussions ─── n.反响,影响(repercussion的复数形式)

8、repercussed ─── 反响

9、repercussing ─── 反响

repercussion 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It would inevitably evoke a strong repercussion among people from different walks of life . ─── 它不可避免会引起不同生活北京的人的强烈反响。

2、On the base of this, we compared the birth weigh, the postnatal weigh of ten and forty-two days, we also compared the beginning and completely repercussion time of physiologic jaundice. ─── 统计对比 2组新生儿的出生体重、出生后第 10天体重、出生后第 4 2天体重、生理性黄疸开始消退时间、生理性黄疸完全消退时间。

3、Though this isn't the first time such a thing has happened, this time we find much more repercussion. ─── 虽然这不是抄袭事件第一次发生,但这次我们发现对于该事件产生了更多的回响及反应。

4、Conclusion:Acupuncture treatment can notably improve the above indexes especially in the stage of repercussion. ─── 结论:针刺对实验性脑缺血-再灌注家兔脑水肿、自由基病理学损伤具有保护作用。

5、As there is inverse correlation between commercial confidence and the fundamental benefit of capitalism, policies in favor of poor people will necessarily provoke strong repercussion from the rich. ─── 由于维持商界信心和资本主义的根本利益之间存在着逆相关的关系,为促进经济良性运行所采取的维护穷人利益的政策必然会在短期内激起富裕的商业界的强烈争议。

6、This is probably the biggest repercussion of the calculation. ─── 这大概是计算的最大影响。

7、Keywords Drug Repercussion Administrative Policy of Hospital;Drug;Drug repercussion; ─── 医院退药管理办法;药品;退药;

8、According to most versions of the three-fold law, whatever one does comes back to one thrice-multiplied, in amplified repercussion. ─── 按照多数的三重法则的译本说法,无论谁,回到了三倍的递增,就在扩大了的回响里面。

9、A clue provided by a ChengDu citizen created a wide repercussion among the historical science field.--Diao Chan's grave were once discovered near the north bound of the city of ChengDu. ─── 而由成都市民提供的一条线索更是立时震动史学界成都北郊曾发现貂蝉墓葬。

10、If a Plug and Play net chip is on either the motherboard or a card in the new computer, it will be enumerated on first boot. This has the following repercussion. ─── 如果即插即用网络芯片位于主板或新计算机的硬卡上,在第一次引导时,系统将列出这一芯片。该操作将产生以下影响。

11、Keywords Psychiatric department;Inpatients;Drug repercussion; ─── 精神专科;住院患者;退药;

12、The results showed that the blood of goats and its complex prescription have significant effects on repercussion,analgesia and have long time of drug action. ─── 结查显示山羊血及其小复方具有明显的消肿镇痛作用,而且具有药效作用维持时间长的优点。

13、OBJECTIVE: To provide references for the reduction and standardization of repercussion of drugs. ─── 目的为减少和规范退药提供参考。

14、error repercussion ─── 误差影响

15、As it turns out, it's usually fear of repercussion that keeps us from torturing our fellow human beings. ─── 正如它所验证的那样,这通常是出于对方反击的恐惧使得我们对我们的人类同胞百般折磨。

16、The Intention Survey Research on the Hospital Repercussion Caused by Implementation of the "Global Budget and Structure Adjustment in Medical Expenditure" Policy ─── 意向论证医疗费用"总量控制、结构调整"政策下的医院常见行为

17、101. with similar economic systems to resist repercussion engendered by globalization. ─── 使用相同的经济体制,以抵御全球化所造成的影响。

18、To understand this deeply and directly is to see things the way they really are, the practical repercussion of which is a complete cessation of egoistic grasping, attachment, and self-concern. ─── 要深刻而直接地理解这一点,就要以无挂碍之心如实观察事相,由此也可以使各种我执、贪欲、私念断灭不生。

19、4.Spontaneous art expression in a non-judgmental atmosphere allows the person to express repressed thoughts or feelings without the threat of repercussion. ─── 在自由自在的氛围中,自主性艺术表达使得参加者无拘束的情况下表露自己压抑的情感。

20、10.Mineral bath make impacts on massage, restrain, repercussion and acesodyne by the specificity and non-specificity of mineral water on human body; ─── 矿泉浴通过矿泉水对人体的特异性和非特异性作用,起到按摩、收敛、消肿和止痛的作用;

21、This edition, which attracted over 500,000 visitors, continued to consolidate the Biennial’s position as a leading cultural event in South America, with important international repercussion. ─── 这个展览吸引了500 000观众,而属于南美的一个主要文化活动之一。

22、Series of test methods are proposed to improve the repercussion test accuracy of concrete compressive strength in this paper, based on plenty of work practice. ─── 摘要从实践出发,就如何提高回弹检测混凝土抗压强度精确度,提出一系列检测措施;

23、negative repercussion ─── 负面影响

24、The results showed that the drug has a good effect on anti-inflammation, repercussion and analgesia and functions to inhibit the bacteria and promote the wound healing. ─── 结果表明该药具有良好的抗炎、消肿、镇痛、抑菌及促进伤口愈合的作用。

25、OBJECTIVE: To probe into the causes of drug repercussion of inpatients in psychiatric hospital to promote rational drug use. ─── 目的:分析精神专科医院住院患者退药原因,以促进合理用药。

26、repercussion; echo; reverberation ─── 反响

27、Computer has entered the public data processing areas from the pure military purpose, and caused society's strong repercussion truly . ─── 计算机已从单纯的军事用途进入公众的数据处理领域,真正引起了社会的强烈反响。

28、Protective Effect of Acupuncture on Schema and Repercussion Injury of Free Radical Pathobiology, Edema in Rabbit Brain and their Correlation Analysis ─── 针刺对脑缺血及再灌注家兔脑水肿、自由基病理学损伤的保护作用及相关性分析

29、The Remote Repercussion--eview on the ethicality of Chinese traditional culture ─── 遥远的回响--评中国传统文化的伦理性

30、Many rural families violate the nation's one-child policy and often turn down hospital care for fear of repercussion. ─── 很多农村家庭违反了国家独生子女政策害怕受处罚而拒绝在医院生产。

31、2. What role did the U.S. play in that conflict and how could 9.11 be understood as its repercussion? ─── 美国在那场冲突中的角色是怎样?而9.11为何被理解为是这事件的回响?

32、Repercussion of the Truman Doctrine in China in the early Cold War ─── 试析冷战初期杜鲁门主义在中国引起的反响

33、The presidents death had unexpected repercussion. ─── 中文:总统的逝世引起出乎意料的反响。

34、Probe into the Countermeasures to Increase the International Repercussion of Scientific and Technical Journal ─── 提高科技期刊国际影响的对策探析

35、The Baile series, Fighting Series, Baodan Connection Series and Marie Single Series developed independently by Da Chun has made a hit and has evoked strong repercussion at home or from overseas. ─── 公司自主研发的百乐系列、真人单挑系列、保单连线系列、及玛莉单机系列,在海内外反响强烈,异常火爆。

36、Drug repercussion ─── 退药

37、Computer has entered the public data processing areas from the pure military purpose, and caused society's strong repercussion truly. ─── 计算机已从单纯的军事用途进入公众的数据处理领域,真正引起了社会的强烈反响。

38、The immediate repercussion of the upcoming bond offerings may be more modest, however; ─── 不过,即将进行的债券发行眼下引起的反响可能会比较温和;

39、chain repercussion ─── 连锁银行

40、The Data Analysis on the Hospital Repercussion Caused by Implementation of the "Global Budget and Structure Adjustment in Medical Expenditure" Policy ─── 医疗费用"总量控制、结构调整"政策下医院部分经营行为的数据分析

41、A consequence or repercussion ─── 影响,反应

42、more important repercussion has to do with sovereign risk. ─── 更重要的后果则与主权风险有关。

43、As it turns out, it's usually fear of repercussion that keeps us from torturing our fellow human beings. ─── 正如它所验证的那样,这通常是出于对方反击的恐惧使得我们对我们的人类同胞百般折磨。

44、repercussion of tax ─── 税收影响

45、Keywords Drug;Outpatient clinic;Drug repercussion;Drug quality; ─── 药品;门诊;退药;药品质量;

46、"The Black Cannon Incident", a satire, was made there in which a ludicrous misunderstanding, about a missing chess piece produces a whole series of costly repercussion." ─── 西影的是一部充满讽刺意味的影片,它讲述的是一只棋子失踪后由于荒唐可笑的误会而引起的一连串事件。

47、New Queer cinema led to strong repercussion in both film critics and the audiences, which helped the American Social pay attention on the Queer and gave them more understanding and acceptance. ─── 新酷儿电影引发的社会影响促进了社会对酷儿的理解和接纳,并使酷儿题材被好莱坞重视。

48、An investigation on the departments for disease control and prevention of SARS emergency repercussion of Shandong province ─── 山东省疾病预防控制部门非典型性肺炎应急反应情况的调查

49、repercussion n. ─── 反响;影响;

50、OBJECTIVE:To explore an effective mode and way for the reduction of drug repercussion in dispensary. ─── 目的:探求减少患者退药的有效模式和方法。

51、7.Materials for sling: terylen tape, nylon tape, elastomer thread, PVC tape, etc, having processes of noctilucence, fluorescence, repercussion, jacquard weaving by computer, etc. ─── 吊带材料有:涤纶带、尼龙带、高弹丝、PVC带等,并有夜光、莹光、反光、电脑提花等工艺。

52、Antibacterials, cardiovascular drugs, and Chinese patent medicine were the main kind of drug repercussion. ─── 退药品种主要是抗微生物药物、循环系统用药及中成药。

53、psychological repercussion ─── 逆反心理

54、In the observing group, the beginning and completely repercussion time of physiologic jaundice were (5.5±1.3)days, (11.87±1.2)days, those of the control group were (6.3±1.1)days, (13.67±1.7)days. ─── 观察组生理性黄疸开始消退时间 (5 .5± 1.3)天 ,生理性黄疸完全消退时间 (11.87± 1.2 )天。 对照组生理性黄疸开始消退时间 (6 .3± 1.1)天 ,生理性黄疸完全消退时间(13.6 7± 1.7)天。

55、In U.S.A, Enron event"s repercussion in the year of 2001 haven"t been put down, in 2002 the financial malpractice took place in the WorldCom and financial affairs of Xerox. ─── 在美国,2001年的安然事件余波尚未平息,2002年又接连爆出世界通信和施乐公司的财务舞弊事件。

56、In the course of the exhibition A great repercussion of the final prototype of the show, was a French customers. ─── 展会期间曾引起极大反响,最终展会的样机被一家法国客商购买。

57、foreign repercussion ─── 国外的反响

58、Drug Repercussion Administrative Policy of Hospital ─── 医院退药管理办法

59、It would inevitably evoke a strong repercussion among people from different walks of life . ─── 它不可避免会引起不同生活北京的人的强烈反响。

60、RESULTS: Of the total 203 drug repercussion cases analzyed, most were resulted from alteration of doctor's orders, man-made entry errors of drug information, and high drug costs etc. ─── 结果:涉及退药事件203例,主要退药原因有医嘱变更、人为药品信息输入错误、药费过高等。

61、The president's death had unexpected repercussion. ─── 总统的逝世引起出乎意料的反响.

62、RESULTS: The drug repercussion in Dispensary for Outpatients was mainly resulted from the adverse drug reactions(ADR). ─── 结果:门诊药房退药原因主要为药物不良反应;

63、1. The president's death had unexpected repercussion . ─── 总统的逝世引起出乎意料的反响。

64、Consequently through the ages, countries (with few exceptions) have been able to act unilaterally without repercussion. ─── 之后世世代代,国家(少数除外)一直能够单方地活动而不受其它影响。

65、uncommon in repercussion ─── 反响不俗

66、repercussion effect ─── 相互作用效果波及效果反冲效果

67、OBJECTIVE:To discuss the measures taken to reduce drug repercussion cases for references of enhancement of pharmacy management level. ─── 目的:探索减少退药事件的措施,为提高药房管理水平提供参考。

68、repercussion study ─── 相互作用研究反应研究

69、A sharp reaction; a repercussion ─── 强烈反应后果,影响

70、The status of man and livestock injured by wildlife and its strong social repercussion are analyzed. ─── 分析了全省野生动物伤害人畜和财产情况及野生动物伤人引起社会的强烈反应;

71、Keywords Drug repercussion;Analysis of prescriptions;Chinese patent medicine; ─── 关键词退药;处方分析;中成药;

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