hemophilia 发音
英:[,hiːmə'fɪlɪə] 美:[,hɛmə'fɪlɪr]
英: 美:
hemophilia 中文意思翻译
hemophilia 网络释义
n. [内科] 血友病(等于haemophilia)
hemophilia 短语词组
1、vascular hemophilia ─── 血管性 ─── 血友病
2、hemophilia A ─── 血友病a ─── 血友病甲
3、classical hemophilia ─── [医]典型性血友病
4、hemophilia B ─── [网络] 血友病B
5、hemophilia neonatorum ─── 新生儿血友病
hemophilia 相似词语短语
1、hemophiles ─── n.血友病细菌;血友病患者;adj.血友病的
2、haemophiliac ─── n.血友病患者(等于hemophiliac)
3、haemophilic ─── 嗜血的
4、hemophiliac ─── n.血友病患者;adj.血友病的
5、haemophilia ─── n.[内科]血友病
6、nemophila ─── 丛林草
7、hemophiliacs ─── n.血友病患者;adj.血友病的
8、hemophilic ─── adj.血友病的;嗜血的
9、hemophile ─── n.血友病细菌;血友病患者;adj.血友病的
hemophilia 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、The hospital chiefly cures thrombocytopenia, erythrocytosis, myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS), aplastic anemia, leucocythemia, hemophilia, and anaphylactoid purpura, etc. ─── 医院主治血小板减少症、红细胞增多症、骨髓异常综合症、再生障碍性贫血、血友病、过敏性紫癜等各种血液疾病。
2、How does hemophilia affect the lives of those involved? ─── 血友病是如何影响患者生活的?
3、A person who is affected with hemophilia. ─── 血友病患者感染血友病的人
4、Coagulation factors can be removed from plasma and may be used to treat people with coagulation factor deficiencies, such as hemophilia. ─── 人们能够从血浆中分离出凝血因子,用来治疗一些凝血功能障碍的患者,如血友病患者。
5、Now refers to cancer, tuberculosis, hemophilia and other diseases advanced by the state in terms of systemic failure. ─── 现在是指癌、结核、血友病等疾病晚期所出现的全身衰竭状态而言。
6、Someone who has hemophilia and is subject to uncontrollable bleeding. ─── 患有血友病并且遭受无法控制的流血疾病的人。
7、We will learn how to manufacture Factor 8,a rare and expensive medicine used to treat hemophilia. ─── 我们将能在轨道上试验制作“第八因子”,这是一种非常珍贵的稀有药物,可以治疗血友病。
8、These disorders may include cystic fibrosis, hemophilia, sickle cell anemia, and many others. ─── 这些变异包括包囊纤维症、血友
9、Producing commercial-grade AAV at a large scale is an important factor in meeting our commitment to being the first company with a gene therapy product for patients with hemophilia. ─── 生产商业级aav在一个大规模是一个重要因素,在会议上我们的承诺,作为第一家与基因治疗产品为血友病患者“ 。
10、a form of hemophilia discovered by von Willebrand. ─── 一种血友病由冯威尔布兰德发现。
11、Fresh frozen plasma (FFP) and cryoprecipitate, often called “cryo” for short, are transfused to patients who have abnormal or low levels of blood clotting proteins, such as in hemophilia. ─── 新鲜冷冻血浆及冷沉淀物(常简称为冷沉淀)可用来输给凝血因子异常或缺乏的患者(比如,血友病患者)。
12、Here, we review the advance in the research of retroviral vector in the hemophilia A gene therapy. ─── 本文对逆转录病毒在血友病A基因治疗中的研究进展作一综述。
13、Researchers have long dreamed of treating diseases from hemophilia to cancer by replacing mutant genes with normal ones. ─── 研究人员长期以来一直梦想用正常基因取代突变基因的方法治疗血友病,癌症等各种疾病。
14、In human trials of the hemophilia treatment, patients show a response at first, but it fades over time. ─── 在治疗血友病的人体试验中,病人最初有一些反应,但经过一段时间,这种反应就消失了。
15、Until now, the safety of continuous axillary brachial plexus block in a patient with hemophilia has not been reported. ─── 直到现在,持续的安全腋路臂丛神经阻滞在血友病患者没有得到报告。
16、If you have hemophilia do not get tattoo. ─── 如果你有血友病不要纹身。
17、Listed in rough order of tractability by hypnosis, these include a subgroup of asthmas; some dermatological disorders, including warts; irritable bowel syndrome; hemophilia; and nausea associated with chemotherapy. ─── 依有效性概略排列的名单包括:某些种类的气喘、些包括疣的皮肤病变、性大肠症候群、友病,以及化学疗法引发的恶心。
18、Which indicates that the short term of inbitor generation is 3.3%(1/30).Conclusion Kogenate FS has better efficacy, safety and lower inhibitor generation in Chinese patients with hemophilia A. ─── 然而,拜科奇在中国血友病A人群中临床使用的有效性和安全性需要更多的重复研究。
19、CONCLUSION: HC infections in hemophiliacs may be less seere than in HC infected patients without hemophilia. ─── 结论:在血友病患者中的HC感染相对于无血友病患者中的HC感染程度较轻。
20、Lack of factor VIII causes classic hemophilia; other types are caused by deficiency of factor IX or XI . ─── 在典型的血友病中缺乏的是凝血因子VIII;其它的血友病是因缺乏凝血因子IX或xi。
21、Gene therapy is being developed not only to treat inherited diseases such as cystic fibrosis and hemophilia, but also to grow new blood vessels for heart disease patients as an alternative to dangerous bypass surgery. ─── 基因疗法的发展不仅能治疗像膀胱壁纤维变性、血友病这样的遗传病,还能通过培育新血管为心脏病人避免危险的旁支手术增加一种选择的机会。
22、It was also the first pedigree of hemophilia A carrier and prenatal diagnosis made by direct sequencing in China. ─── 此突变位点为国内首次报道,且该家系为国内首例运用直接核酸测序法进行HA携带者及产前诊断的家系。
23、His mother was not a carrier of hemophilia A and he tolerated an operation of right inguinal hernia well before. ─── 病人于1岁左右曾接受手术无大量出血现象,且其母亲非血友病基因携带者。
24、People with hemophilia A, the most common form of the disease, are deficient in Factor VIII and suffer episodes of uncontrolled bleeding. ─── A型血友病是血友病中最常见的类型。 病人第8因子缺失,罹患无法控制的出血。
25、Title:Are Chronic Hepatitis C iral Infections More Benign in Patients With Hemophilia? ─── 丙肝病毒在血友病患者身上表现更温和?
26、If you have another medical condition, such as hemophilia, drug addition, or kidney failure, seek out information about these conditions so that you get the best overall treatment. ─── 如果你患有其它的疾病或病状,如,血友病,吸毒,肾竭等,你应该尽量查询有关方面的信息从而帮助你治疗.
27、Hemophilia: Hereditary bleeding disorder caused by deficiency of a coagulation factor. ─── 血友病:一种遗传性出血性疾病,因先天性缺乏某种凝血因子而引起。
28、Adapt the World Hemophilia Day theme to further your own needs. ─── 调整世界血友病日的主题以发展你们自己的需求。
29、We know that one of the kids has inheritd a gene responsible for blood coagulation from her mother, Chen said. Humans whose blood does not clot quickly can develop hemophilia. ─── 农委会畜产试验所组长陈立人:这两头小羊当中,我们已经知道其中有一头遗传了宝钰的凝血基因。人类的血液中如果欠缺凝血因子的话,就会产生血友病。
30、Hemophilia is hereditary. ─── 血友病是遗传的
31、Another example is the collapse of the Romanov dynasty in Russia, which was due to hemophilia in the family. ─── 另一个例子是俄国罗曼诺夫王朝的灭亡,这也是由于家族中出现了血友病。
32、A division of Deerfield, Illinois-based Baxter Healthcare Corp, based in Glendale, California, is another biotech pioneer. It introduced the first biotech drug for hemophilia A in 1992. ─── 位于伊利诺斯州鹿园的贝克斯特康复公司在加州的格林代尔设有分部。这个分公司是生物技术方面的又一个先锋,于1992年推出第一种治疗A型血友病的生物技术药。
33、In the same year in Zhejiang Province from hemophilia patients and HIV-infected people found in 4 cases, for the first time for China's HIV virus were found. ─── 同年在浙江省从血友病病人中又检出HIV感染者4例,为我国首次发现HIV带毒者。
34、Recently, large number of promising research results make it possible to cure hemophilia B life long. ─── 近年来,国内外学者在基因治疗方面取得的大量研究成果给血友病B患者带来了根治疾病的希望。
35、Many genetic diseases that can be used PGD to prevent the generations to come, such as hemophilia, color blindness, thalassemia, Down's syndrome and so on. ─── 很多遗传性疾病都可以使用这种PGD方法避免遗传给后代,譬如血友病、色盲、地中海贫血、先天愚型等等。
36、Inherited gene mutations, such as those that cause hemophilia or muscular dystrophy, would have to be corrected as well before using a patient's own cells to create ES cells. ─── 在使用带有遗传性基因突变(例如血友病或肌肉营养性萎缩症)患者的细胞来制造胚胎干细胞之前,也需要先矫正缺陷基因。
37、St14(DXS 52) was a useful polymorphism marker for carrier detection of hemophilia A in southern Chinese population, and it was different from those in Caucasian. ─── St14(DXS5 2 )位点VNTR多态是对华南地区血友病A携带者检测有一定应用价值的遗传标记 ,并与欧洲白种人群间存在差异性。
38、Hemophilia was first described in 1803. ─── 血友病在1803年初次被描述。
39、Of, relating to, or affected by hemophilia. ─── 血友病的血友病的,与血友病有关的,患血友病的
40、Hemophilia: Hereditary Bleeding disorder caused by deficiency of a coagulation factor. ─── 血友病: 一种遗传性出血性疾病,因先天性缺乏某种凝血因子而引起。
41、Hemophilia can be mild, moderate, or severe, depending on how much clotting factor is present in one's blood. ─── 血友病可以是轻微、温和的,或者是剧烈的,这是根据人体血液里凝血因子的多少而定。
42、Fibrin and platelets combine to form a clot. Hemophilia is caused by a hereditary lack of one of the clotting factors. ─── 血纤维蛋白和血小板一起形成血栓。血友病就是因为遗传上缺乏一种凝血胶原引起的。
43、Hemophilia and porphyria. ─── 血友病和卟啉病。
44、The family apparently suffered from a very rare form of hemophilia, indeed. ─── 这一家族似乎真的罹患一种罕见的血友病。
45、Recently,large number of promising research results make it possible to cure hemophilia B life long. ─── 近年来,国内外学者在基因治疗方面取得的大量研究成果给血友病B患者带来了根治疾病的希望。
46、Main treatment: control hemorrhage or prevents the hemorrhage of main center diabetes before surgery, Enuresis nocturna and hemophilia. ─── 主要治疗:控制出血或手术前预防出血中枢性尿崩症,夜间遗尿及血友病。
47、As genetic blood disorders, hemophilia and porphyria had serious effects on the crowned heads of Europe. ─── 血友病和卟啉病这两种遗传性血液病,在欧洲的皇室内产生了严重的影响。
48、Fibrin and platelets combine to form a clot. Hemophilia is caused by a hereditary lack of one of the clotting factors. ─── 血纤维蛋白和血小板一起形成血栓。血友病就是因为遗传上缺乏一种凝血胶原引起的。
49、Hunan boy with hemophilia died from AIDS after receiving a clotting agent that had not been properly treated. ─── 湖南一男孩患有血友病,因使用凝血因子治疗而感染艾滋病死亡。
50、In addition, serious impact on family health and stability of many genetic diseases, such as hemophilia, thalassemia, Down's syndrome, and so on. ─── 此外,严重影响家庭健康和稳定的遗传性疾病也很多,如血友病、地中海贫血、唐氏综合症等等。
51、These disorders may include cystic fibrosis,hemophilia,sickle cell anemia,and many others. ─── 这些变异包括包囊纤维症、血友病、镰状细胞贫血症和其他多种疾病。
52、When I took office, they championed the cause of hemophiliacs with AIDS, and successfully lobbied Congress for the passage of the Ricky Ray Hemophilia Relief Fund. ─── 我就职以后,他们推动了抗击艾滋病和血友病的事业,并成功地说服国会通过了建立里基.雷血友病救济基金会。
53、Formerly, the disease was widely spread by the transfusion of whole blood or blood products, such as the cryoprecipitate used in the treatment of hemophilia. ─── 以前,被广泛蔓延的疾病全血输血或血液制品如冷沉淀用于治疗血友病。
54、Before Baxter's biotech treatment, hemophilia patients relied solely on Factor VIII proteins derived from plasma, and the supply of plasma is dependent on blood donations, which can carry the risk of contamination. ─── 在有贝克斯特生物治剂治疗之前,血友病人完全依赖摄取自血浆的第8因子蛋白质。 不过血浆的供应又必须依赖献血,这会遇到血源污染的危险。
55、Objective To study the perioperative treatment of the patients having fracture with hemophilia A. ─── 目的探讨甲型血友病合并骨折的围手术期治疗方法。
56、The top drug authority is set to approve imports of a hemophilia treatment to help make up for a shortfall that has deprived some patients of the medication they need. ─── 我国最高药监局已经批准了对治疗血友病治疗药物进口,以解决药品不足,一些病人无药可治的局面。
57、To make the carrier detection and prenatal diagnosis in a pedigree with hemophilia A. ─── 对一血友病A(HA)家系进行携带者及产前诊断。
58、Hemophilia A is the most common inherited bleeding disorder.Microsatellite is playing important role in the diagnosis of it in the recent years. ─── 血友病甲是一种最为常见的遗传性出血性疾病,微卫星在其基因诊断中发挥着越来越重要的作用。
59、If you have hemophilia do not get tattoo. ─── 假如你有血友病不要纹身。
60、Now refers to cancer, tuberculosis, hemophilia and other diseases advanced by the state in terms of systemic failure. ─── 现在是指癌、结核、血友病等疾病晚期所出现的全身衰竭状态而言。
61、Hemophilia caused by a congenital deficiency of factor VIII,occurs almost exclusively in men. ─── 由于先天缺乏凝血银子VIII而引起的血友病,通常出现在男性。
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