hymen 发音
英:['haɪmən] 美:['haɪmən]
英: 美:
hymen 中文意思翻译
hymen 网络释义
n. [解剖] 处女膜
hymen 词性/词形变化,hymen变形
形容词: hymenal |
hymen 短语词组
1、circular hymen ─── [医] 环状处女膜
2、lunar hymen ─── [医] 半月形处女膜
3、denticular hymen ─── [医] 锯齿状处女膜
4、persistent hymen ─── 持久性处女膜
5、infundibuliform hymen ─── [医] 漏斗形处女膜
6、hymen vaginae ─── [医] 处女膜
7、falciform hymen ─── [医] 镰状处女膜
8、ruptured hymen ─── [医] 处女膜破损
9、cribriform hymen ─── [医] 筛状处女膜
10、torch of Hymen ─── 爱情
11、hymen bifenestratus ─── [医] 双孔处女膜
12、fenestrated hymen ─── [医] 筛状处女膜
13、hymen subseptus ─── [医] 部分中隔处女膜
14、septate hymen ─── [医] 中隔处女膜
15、the torch of Hymen n. ─── 爱情
16、imperforate hymen ─── [医] 无孔处女膜, 处女膜闭锁
17、annular hymen ─── [医] 环状处女膜
hymen 相似词语短语
1、hymned ─── n.赞美诗;圣歌;欢乐的歌;vt.唱赞美歌;vi.唱赞歌
2、hymens ─── n.[解剖]处女膜
3、hymenal ─── 处女膜的
4、hymenia ─── n.子囊层;子实层(hymenium的变形)
5、flymen ─── n.管理大道具的人;马车夫
6、hymn ─── n.赞美诗;圣歌;欢乐的歌;vt.唱赞美歌;vi.唱赞歌
7、Hymen ─── n.许门(婚姻之神);婚姻;[解剖]处女膜
8、hymner ─── 赞美诗
9、baymen ─── n.住在港湾的居民;靠伐月桂为生者
hymen 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、"From a medical point of view, the hymen is no more than a piece of tissue, yet people have given it too much symbolic meaning, " Zhou said. ─── “从医学的角度,处女膜只是一张纸,但是,人们赋予了她更多的象征意义”周说。
2、Now the magic really fast development, even hymen repair can seem to understand the magic that guy in the Storm City brothels very popular. ─── 现在的魔法发展真快,连处女膜都能修补,看来懂魔法的那家伙在暴风城的妓院里很吃香。
3、So virginity as a virtue and a concept is all about the hymen? ─── 因此视贞操唯美德的观念,只在乎处女膜?
4、Today, the essential fragility of the hymen would seem to make it an unreliable indicator of whether or not a woman has had intercourse. ─── 今日,天生脆弱的处女膜,似乎不再是一个女性是否性交过的可靠标志。
5、the torch of Hymen ─── n. 爱情
6、Some females have no hymen at birth at all, since the tissue divided completely while they were still in the womb. ─── 一些女性在出生时就根本没有处女膜,因为这一组织还在子宫中的时候就完全分裂。
7、hard hymen ─── 鼓花, 鼓
8、hymen sculptatus ─── 锯齿状处妇膜
9、Having the hymen unbroken. ─── 完好无缺的,特别是
10、Herefrom he will never be at a loss for the torch of Hymen and love another girl,But it will be chaste no more,Because of it already include orectic,pitiful,pitying......... ─── 男人真正纯洁的爱只有一次的,当那次爱来了,他会不顾一切,当那次爱死了,也就不会再有了,那次爱的太深,然而痛的也太深。
11、The medical report confirms that Assiya's hymen had been broken and that she had abrasions all over her body. ─── 体检报告证实阿西娅的处女膜破裂并且全身均有损伤。
12、So virginity as a virtue and a concept is all about the hymen?I am not defending the product, nor am I defending premarital sex. ─── 就像不懂事的孩子,被禁止接近危险的事物,因为他们无法保护自己,也没能力分辨是非。
13、the torch of Hymen n. ─── 爱情
14、Love, the torch of Hymen, is always the overwhelming, eternal and sacred theme in modern feminine poems. ─── 爱情始终是现代女性诗歌中压倒一切的、永恒而神圣的话题。
15、Among her children, but not by Hephaestus, were eros, and Anteros, Hymen, and Hermaphroditus ─── 阿佛洛狄忒的孩子厄洛斯、安忒洛斯、许墨恩和赫耳玛佛洛狄托斯,都不是与赫费斯托斯所生。
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