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09-03 投稿



grubby 发音

英:['grʌbɪ]  美:['ɡrʌbi]

英:  美:

grubby 中文意思翻译



grubby 网络释义

adj. 肮脏的;生蛆的;卑鄙的;矮小的

grubby 短语词组

1、moon vs grubby wcg ─── 月亮vs肮脏的wcg

2、moon grubby wcg ─── 选择类别

3、grubby vs happy ─── 肮脏vs快乐

4、moon grubby ─── 月亮脏兮兮的

5、grubby vs moon wcg ─── 肮脏vs月亮wcg

6、grubby vs madfrog ─── 肮脏vs madfrog

7、sky vs grubby ─── 天空vs肮脏

8、sky vs grubby wcg ─── 天空vs肮脏的wcg

9、grubby hide ─── [化] 虻疮皮

10、sky grubby ─── 天空肮脏

11、grubby vs sky ─── 铺垫

12、grubby vs moon ─── 肮脏vs月亮

13、shortround grubby ─── 矮胖的

14、moon vs grubby ─── 月亮vs肮脏

grubby 词性/词形变化,grubby变形

形容词最高级: grubbiest |形容词比较级: grubbier |名词: grubbiness |副词: grubbily |

grubby 相似词语短语

1、scrubby ─── adj.矮小的;树丛繁盛的

2、rubby ─── 鲁比

3、bubby ─── n.乳房

4、grabby ─── adj.贪婪的;n.步兵

5、shrubby ─── adj.灌木的;灌木繁茂的;灌木一般的

6、grumbly ─── 格伦布利(人名)

7、grubbed ─── n.(昆虫的)蛆,幼虫;小毛虫;食物;v.翻掘,搜寻;刨地;(从土中)挖出;掘除(地上的)残根及树桩;笨拙地搜寻;苦干;拼命苦干得到;n.(Grub)(美)格鲁布(人名)

8、grubbily ─── 肮脏地

9、grubber ─── n.挖掘者;孜孜工作的人;[林]除根机

grubby 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A new internet site (http://PostSecret.com)has come up with the answer for everyone harbouring a grubby, unpleasant or even criminal secret that they have sworn never to reveal. ─── 心中有话想说,但去教堂告解不太方便,说出来就算挚友也不见得守密牢靠,闷在心里实在苦不堪言,该怎麽办呢?

2、Indeed, the grubby courtyard next to a rubbish tip down the dirt lane housing the equipment does not inspire confidence. ─── 事实上,这些设备被放置在一个布满尘土的垃圾站旁的肮脏庭院里,看上去确实不怎么可信。

3、a grubby affair/scandal ─── 丑事/闻

4、I pressed a dime into his grubby mitt. ─── 我把一个十分的硬币塞进了他脏兮兮的手里。

5、only now could the women herd the children to play in the yard with kites made of torn paper, without their grubby hands chapping from the cold. ─── 那些妇女们才敢不甚惭愧的把孩子们赶到院中去玩玩; 那些小孩子们才敢扯着张破纸当风筝,随意的在院中跑,而不至把小黑手儿冻得裂开几道口子。

6、It was very fun!Grubby and I played 2on2 and beat Tasteless and MYM]Testie I think (If I remember correctly).At that point Starcraft II was far from finished. ─── 我记得是Grubby和我一伙对抗Tasteless和MYM]Testie,我们打2v2(如果我没记错的话),那时候星际争霸2还差很多没有完成。

7、LL: Well, maybe you think so, Li Hua. I'm just glad I wore some grubby, old clothes. Look how grubby the knees of my pants are! ─── 真没想到你还挺爱干净。别忘了,园艺一半的乐趣就在于浑身上下沾满泥土。

8、Well, mostly now Grubby Pup never sees the sun, but just 'cause I'm all grown up, don't mean love is done, and we still have fun. ─── 然而,现在小脏狗几乎看不到太阳,但是我长大了并不意味着爱停止了,我们会一直快乐。

9、Look at your grubby hands ! ─── 看你那双脏手!

10、As soon as we’re able to get our grubby mitts on a code, we’ll be all over it and hopefully in time for the review. ─── 只要我们能获得一个代码的肮脏手套,我们将全国各地,并希望在该检讨的时候。

11、grubby hands ─── 脏手

12、a miner's begrimed face; dingy linen; grimy hands; grubby little fingers; a grungy kitchen. ─── 矿工积满灰尘的脸;肮脏的亚麻布;肮脏的手;肮脏的小手指;肮脏的厨房。

13、Hand-cranked contraptions suck grubby, leaded gasoline into large glass bulbs to measure how much has been taken. ─── 他们用手摇装置汲取肮脏的含铅汽油到一个大玻璃泡中以测量取了多少汽油。

14、I always feel grubby in the morning. ─── 我在早上总是觉得脏兮兮的。

15、Shiny new aluminum facades are being hastily stapled onto grubby family storefronts, and fresh coats of paint and mortar are being applied, often for the first time in decades. ─── 在那里,许许多多的老旧家庭店面,几十年来首次被崭新的铝制铺面,新粉刷的油漆和新砌的砖头所取代。

16、An all-new, chip-resistant white frame, especially easy for cleaning off grubby finger-marks. ─── 全新的、不破碎的白色框架,特别易于清洗脏手指印。

17、You're done this grubby soul a great kindness ─── 你净化了我的灵魂

18、Grubby is a person who has been working very hard to get where he is.Always been a nice guy, both online and offline.I wish him the best of luck. ─── 挂比是个到哪都非常勤奋的人,总是个好小伙子,我祝福他有最好的运气。

19、A fisherman lies groaning on a grubby bed, clutching his distended belly with one hand, clasping his wife's hand with the other. ─── 一个渔民躺在肮脏的床上呻吟着,一手捂着他那巨大的肚子,一手抓着他的老婆。

20、Prostitution may be a grubby business, but it's not the government's. ─── 卖淫也许是个污秽的行当,但却不关政府的事。

21、The two grubby small boys are digging there. ─── 两个肮里肮脏的小男孩在那正挖着什么.

22、Grubby,u are my forever idol! ─── 你在文革时期绝对是把好手!!!

23、He laid these cards on the upturned palms of his grubby paws and held them out for inspection ─── 他将这两样东西摊平在他那又黑又大的手掌上,在范博文他们的眼前移过,好像是请他们鉴赏。

24、The two grubby small boys with two-coloured hair who were digging among the ragweed in front yard. ─── 两个肮里肮脏的长着亚麻色头发的小男孩正在前院的杂草丛里挖什么东西.

25、grubby,I hope you will come back. You are No.1. ─── 弹指夺取灵魂,任何人都可以做到,我喜欢有创意的杀法。

26、grubby hands/clothes ─── 脏手/衣服

27、The technology is not inherently frugal or green.It can be used to deliver not just clean renewable energy more efficiently, but also the grubby coal-fired sort. ─── 技术并非内在的就是节约和环保的,它不仅可以被用于更有效的传输清洁的可再生的能源,对于肮脏的燃煤火力发电也是一样。

28、LL: Grubby does mean dirty. Li Hua, my hands are so grubby, I've got dirt under my fingernails. Yuck! ─── 真没想到你还挺爱干净。别忘了,园艺一半的乐趣就在于浑身上下沾满泥土。

29、The weapons master too appeared to be a scurvy, broken-down ore in grubby rags. Unbelievably, he was devouring his vile repast without any overt show of repugnance. ─── 武器大师也打扮成一个衣衫肮脏褴褛且地位卑微的老兽人。难以置信的是,他竟能大口吞吃这些低劣的食物还毫无怨言。

30、MTw-Ghostridah Grubby is the best Orc in the world in my opinion. He's one of the nicest guys I've met; ─── 挂比是最好的兽族,也是我曾经见过的最好的小伙子。

31、Those grubby urchins ran to me and asked for candy ─── 那群邋遢的小淘气们向我跑过来要糖果。

32、When he saw her, his face puckered and he began to cry, holding up a grubby bruised finger. ─── 他一看见她,就歪着脸举着一个受伤的指头哭起来了。

33、Is your phone getting a bit grubby? Wipe it down with rubbing alcohol. It'll remove the grime and disinfect the phone at the same time. ─── 你的手机是不是看起来有点脏了?用酒精擦擦。很容易就把污垢清除了,同时还不伤手机呢。

34、Instead, bug your brood to give those grubby forearms a good scrubbing. ─── 相反为了除去细菌,好好擦洗你那脏兮兮的前臂吧!

35、Grubby - A great player who got great skills in wc3. ─── 一个有着伟大的魔兽技艺的伟大选手.

36、It can be used to deliver not just clean renewable energy more efficiently, but also the grubby coal-fired sort. ─── 智能电网不但能够以更高的效益提供洁净的可再生能源,也可以高效提供肮脏的燃煤能源。

37、His white coat was grubby and stained. ─── 他的白外套又脏又有污迹。

38、All the government's green schemes are being undermined by an artificial abundance of cheap capital, and by bureaucrats' enthusiasm for channelling it to grubby industries. ─── 政府所有的绿色计划正在遭到破坏,人为地创造的丰富的低成本资本被官僚份子不遗余力地引入到高污染产业上。

39、His shirt was clean but his shoes were grubby. ─── 虽然他的衬衣很干净,但是鞋子却很脏。

40、These huddle with LDP members, the cosmetically enhanced politician included, who resent the resurgence under Mr Abe of grubby factional politics and backbenchers with the power to thwart market-oriented policy. ─── 他们同那些怨恨在安倍治下死灰复燃的派系政治以及有能力阻碍市场经济政策的后座议员抱成一团,包括那位化妆政治家。

41、Their grubby success will make business look dirtier still. ─── 但他们肮脏的发迹仍然会让商业看着更肮脏些。

42、When he saw her, his face puckered and he began to cry, holding up a grubby bruised finger. ─── 他一看见她,就歪着脸举着一个受伤的指头哭起来了。

43、One thing I love about Grubby Pup is that his name's got the "uh" U-sound in it. Grubby Pup. Now, here's a little song about him. ─── 那么,我不那多余的材料,只拿我需要的。加上我的狗,小脏狗,它确实是个好朋友

44、Her nose in the air, she returned, to her room with some goodies, and the little children would stuff thin, grubby fingers into their mouths and stare at her as if she were a princess. ─── 她端着碗,扬着脸,往屋里端这些零食,小孩子们都把铁条似的手指伸在口里看着她,仿佛她是个什么公主似的。

45、So science-savvy moms: don’t worry about washing behind the ears.Instead, bug your brood to give those grubby forearms a good scrubbing. ─── 科学保姆的友情提示:不用着急去清洗你的耳后,先把你那“脏兮兮”的前臂好好擦洗擦洗吧!

46、The city is dark and grubby - a cacophonous clash of technology, neon, cheap houses, sex and food.Drifter Zero sells sex toys, and just about everything else. ─── 陈国产晚上任职网上脱衣娘、日间游离浪荡,兴趣是去睇不会买的楼及光顾万种温柔的北姑。

47、Grubby Players :: GravediggeR vs 4K. ─── 软件简介: GravediggeR vs 4K.

48、Has a grubby way of treating others. ─── 处事方式可卑

49、Like priest-confessors, Eurocrats are well-placed to see the grubby deals done in the name of national interests. ─── 欧盟官员与听取人们忏悔的牧师相似,他们的位置能清楚看到诸多以国家利益为名进行的肮脏勾当。

50、grubby hide ─── [化] 虻疮皮

51、Grubby white and blue crystal towers, cliffs and crevasses soar up from the water, dispatching millenniums of compacted snow in the shape of seals, water lilies and bishops' mitres. ─── 水中高耸起污白和蓝色的水晶塔、峭壁和裂隙,将密实的千年积雪以海豚、睡莲和主教冠的形状推送出去。

52、These episodes have revealed grubby goings-on behind the veil of secrecy that normally shrouds the affairs of Asian companies, including many listedones. ─── 这些事情揭示了通常笼罩在亚洲公司事务中的神秘面纱后面的肮脏的勾当,其中还包括一些上市公司。

53、Doha added a fiction all of its own with the idea of a "development round" , seen as a clever way of giving grubby trade some moral appeal. ─── 发展回合的观念给多哈本身增加了虚构成.分,它被看作是一种聪明的做法,给肮脏的贸易增加了一些宁德吸引力。

54、grubby little fingers; ─── 肮脏的小手指;

55、Grubby You are my idol forever!!! FOR GAME FOR FUN FOR ORC!! ─── 不是的.是嘉定化妆专业的.具体我也不清楚.

56、So the kind of people you find in Cambridge are the kind of people who want to live where the smartest people are, even if that means living in an expensive, grubby place with bad weather. ─── 因此,你在剑桥发现的人是那种想在最聪明的人生活的地方生活的人,即使那意味着生活在一个生活成本高、不整洁、天气不好的地方。

57、Grubby does mean dirty. Li Hua, my hands are so grubby, I've got dirt under my fingernails. Yuck! ─── 真没想到你还挺爱乾净。别忘了,园艺一半的乐趣就在于浑身上下沾满泥土。

58、Will that suffice for the ex-McKinsey consultant who talks animatedly about the big picture, but far less so about the grubby minutiae of banking? ─── 对于普罗富莫先生,这位前麦肯锡顾问,来说,这一切足够了吗?他一直以来热衷于讨论未来的宏伟蓝图,却很少愿意提到银行业的种种坑脏细节。

59、3. Stringy blonde hair, in need of combing, spilled over a grubby pillow. ─── 没有梳理的浓密的金色头发披落在一个污秽的枕头上。

60、The European Council is a rough, swaggering sort of grouping.It operates not by finding cosy consensus, but by reaching grubby compromise after lots of camp-forming, bribery and bullying. ─── 欧盟委员会充斥着一群态度粗暴、狂妄自大之人,他们并不是通过友好的共识来进行管理,而是经过拉帮结伙、行贿受贿和恃强凌弱达成肮脏的妥协。

61、Overall, a grubby 3 percent of the 18, 080 AA members surveyed admitted to washing their cars just once a year or not at all. ─── 总体来看,18080位汽车协会会员中有3%的邋遢车主承认他们一年才洗一次车,或从来不洗车。

62、But they concede that the party is a risky step for a movement that drew on middle-class disgust with grubby politics-as-normal. ─── 但他们也承认,组党对于这场依赖中产阶级反对“肮脏政治”的运动来说,是一个有风险的步骤。

63、He hoped she wouldn't notice his grubby shirt cuffs. ─── 他希望她不会注意到他肮脏的衬衫袖口。

64、A fisherman lies groaning on a grubby bed, clutching his distended belly with one hand, clasping his wife’s hand with the other. ─── 一个渔民躺在肮脏的床上呻吟着,一手捂着他那巨大的肚子,一手抓着他的老婆。

65、"Banned from returning to his beloved Florence in 1302, Dante roamed from city to city in Italy and France, from noble court to grubby back streets until he died in Ravenna in 1321." ─── 1302年,但丁被禁止回到他深爱的佛罗伦萨,于是他周游意大利和法国,从一个城市游荡到另一个城市,从高雅的宫廷徘徊到肮脏的后街,直到1321年,他死于拉文纳

66、Grubby old work clothes. ─── 肮脏的旧工作服

67、Grubby is not attending PGL anymore, since the new PGL tournament date crashes with ESWC Netherlands Qualifier and DreamHack. ─── (Grubby不会参加PGL的比赛,因为PGL比赛的时间和荷兰ESWC预选赛以及DreamHack的比赛相冲突。

68、This matters, and not just to the passengers forced to endure its grubby, cramped, time-wasting disorganisation. ─── 这一点很重要,而乘客被迫忍受污秽、狭促、浪费时间的无组织状态也不能以此为借口开脱。

69、These episodes have revealed grubby goings-on behind the veil of secrecy that normally shrouds the affairs of Asian companies, including many listed ones. ─── 这些事件显示,在通常笼罩着神秘面纱的亚洲企业背后,有着肮脏的勾当,其中还包括许多上市公司。

70、Caddy The shell of an optical disc. Protects it from grubby fingerprints, and includes write protection devices. AKA case. ─── 光盘的外壳。防止光盘上沾上手指印。也包括写保护。AKA事件。

71、And there is a growing sense that the government is tying itself in knots in its efforts to square its green ideals with the grubby reality of Norway's hydrocarbon wealth. ─── 而且,挪威人越来越感觉到,政府正努力齐心协力实现其环保的理想目标,并同时理清挪威碳氢化合物资源所引起的污染问题。

72、90 Spitting in a handkerchief and then rubbing it on your face because you're grubby. ─── 90在手绢上吐唾沫来擦你的脸,因为你是肮脏的。

73、All the government's green schemes are being undermined by anartificial abundance of cheap capital, and by bureaucrats' enthusiasmfor channelling it to grubby industries. ─── 可惜政府这些绿色计划正在被人为造成的四处充斥的便宜资本所阻挠:官员们很热衷于把这些资本引入到污染严重的工业领域。

74、Its main innovation was that it dispensed with the conventional wisdom that touch meant a stylus and allowed the use of a grubby, greasy, uneducated finger instead as its main driving force. ─── 其主要的创新是,它打破了那种只能用触控笔进行操作的思维定势,可以直接使用肮脏、油腻、笨拙的手指。

75、In another rested a manger scene produced from cardboard and poster paints by chubby, and sometimes grubby, hands ─── 教室的另一角是一个涂着海报油彩由纸板制成的马槽,这出自孩子们那胖乎乎、脏兮兮的小手。

76、Grubby is one great player, great guy, and a great friend, nothing else to add. : - ─── 挂比是一个伟大的选手,伟大的小伙子,一个好朋友,没有太多的言语形容,,

77、A fisherman lies groaning on a grubby bed, clutching his distended belly with one hand, clasping his wife's hand with the other. ─── 一位渔民在肮脏的床上呻吟着,一只手捂着肿胀的肚子,另一只紧握着他妻子的手。

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