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09-13 投稿



hemothorax 发音


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hemothorax 中文意思翻译



hemothorax 相似词语短语

1、hemotherapy ─── 血液疗法

2、hydrothorax ─── n.[内科]胸膜积水,[内科]水胸

3、chemotherapy ─── n.[临床]化学疗法

4、pyothorax ─── 胸膜腔积脓;脓胸

5、prothorax ─── n.(昆虫的)[昆]前胸

6、pneumothorax ─── n.[内科]气胸

7、metathorax ─── n.[昆]后胸

8、mesothoraxes ─── [昆]中胸

9、mesothorax ─── [昆]中胸

hemothorax 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、traumatic clotted hemothorax ─── 外伤性凝固性血胸

2、Postoperative complications included pneumothorax, hemothorax , stress bleeding of digestive tract, and coincidental infections. ─── 术后并发症有气胸、胸腔渗血多、消化道出血和条件性致病感染等,均治愈。

3、7. The right lung is atelectatic and floating in bloody fluid filling the right chest cavity as a consequence of trauma. This is a hemothorax. ─── 图示血胸。外伤后,大量出血,充满胸膜腔,使右肺萎陷,并在血性液体中飘浮。收藏指正

4、traumatic hemothorax ─── 外伤性血胸

5、Delayed hemothorax is an extremely rare complication which often occurs within 1 to 2 months postoperatively [3-5]. ─── 紧急之胸管引流术为首要之治疗,若病人之生命徵象或血行动力学状态不稳定,手术确认并控制出血即为必要。

6、Experiences of treatment in sponteneous or traumatic hemothorax using videothoracoscopy ─── 电视胸腔镜在血胸处理中的作用

7、Traumatic hemothorax caused by a ruptured mediastinal schwannoma is rare. ─── 摘要纵膈腔内神经鞘瘤破裂造成的创伤性血胸非常少见。

8、Coagulated hemothorax; ─── 凝固性血胸;

9、Objective: To summarize the experience of treatment of traumatic hemothorax. ─── 目的:总结创伤性血胸的治疗方法。

10、Results In sixty patients of open hemothorax fifty-seven were saved and only three died.The success rate is ninty-five percent. ─── 结果本组60例患者成功救治57例,死亡3例,成功率95%。

11、Objective: To summarize the experience of treatment of traumatic hemothorax. ─── 目的:总结创伤性血胸的治疗方法。

12、Objective To detect anti cardiac muscle antibody(ACMA) in the patients after autotransfusion of hemothorax blood and to find out if it is safe to use hemothorax blood for autotransfusion. ─── 目的 了解胸血自体回输后患者抗心肌抗体 (anticardiacmuscleantibody ,ACMA)的产生情况 ,为临床自体血回输工作的开展提供科学依据。

13、In heart trauma, the patients with hemothorax received preoperative fluid replacement more than those with pericardial tamponade. ─── 合并血胸的心脏损伤病例术前补液量明显多于心包填塞型病例。

14、No pneumothorax or hemothorax in PICC group while 1 case (0.83%) of pneumothorax was found in CVC group. ─── 气、血胸并发症 :PICC组无血气胸 ; CVC组 1例 ,占 0 .83%。

15、Hemothorax: accumulation of blood in the pleural cavity (the space between the lungs and the walls of the chest). ─── 血胸:各种原因所致的胸膜腔内积血、肺萎陷称为血胸。

16、Our experiences of treatment of sponteneous or traumatic hemothorax under videotHoracoscopy ─── 电视胸腔镜手术处理血胸的利弊分析

17、spontaneous hemothorax ─── 自发性血胸

18、Injuries that may acutely impair ventilation are tension pneumothorax, flail chest with pulmonary contusion, massive hemothorax, and open pneumothorax. ─── 损伤可以对通气造成严重损伤,导致张力性气胸以及由肺挫伤、大量血胸和开放性气胸造成的连枷胸。

19、Objective: To investigate the feasibility of closed traumatic hemothorax blood transfusion. ─── 摘要目的:探讨外伤性闭合性胸腔内积血直接回输的可行性。

20、Results: All 11 cases were successful with complete removal of the tumor.None was complicated with hemothorax, radicular injury, intraspinal hematoma, lung injury or CSF leakage. ─── 结果:10例患者用微创技术完整切除肿瘤,切除率100%,无1例出现血胸、神经根损伤、椎管内血肿、肺损伤及脑脊漏等并发症;

21、Trauma, wound care, head injury, epidural hemorrhage, subdural hemorrhage, subarachnoid hemorrhage, cerebral concussion, contusion, tension pneumothorax, hemothorax, flail chest, racture. ─── 创伤的评估及处置、头部外伤、脑震荡和脑挫伤、脊髓损伤、胸腔创伤、腹部创伤、泌尿系统创伤、烧伤、多发性创伤、骨骼肌肉创伤、伤口处理等。

22、Keywords Video-assisted thoracoscopy;Coagulated hemothorax; ─── 电视胸腔镜;凝固性血胸;

23、Keywords Thoracic injury;Hemothorax;Trauma score;Video assisted thoracoscopic surgery;Thoracotomy; ─── 胸部创伤;血胸;创伤评分;电视胸腔镜手术;剖胸术;


25、Keywords traumatic clotted hemothorax;urokinase;diagnosis and treatment; ─── 外伤性凝固性血胸;尿激酶;诊断和治疗;

26、Keywords Heparin Soduim;Treating;Coagulable Hemothorax; ─── 关键词肝素钠;治疗;凝固性血胸;

27、Breath sounds are auscultated high on the anterior chest wall for pneumothorax and at the posterior bases for hemothorax. ─── 胸骨骨折和肋骨骨折在加压下会有疼痛。明确有胸壁血肿和胸壁挫伤情况下需警惕存在潜在胸部创伤的可能。

28、We report a patient who experienced delayed hemothorax 6 months after a Nuss procedure for recurrent PE. ─── 原因是激烈运动后,固定矫正板之钢丝断裂,造成肋骨及肋间血管之伤害及活动性出血。

29、Disorders include blood (hemothorax) or air (pneumothorax, which can lead to atelectasis) in the pleural cavity, and inflammation of the pleura (pleurisy). ─── 其病变有胸膜腔中血液(血胸)或气体(气胸,可导致肺不张)方面的疾病,和胸膜的炎症(胸膜炎)。

30、In this case, blood filled the pleural cavity (hemothorax), but atelectasis could also result from filling the chest with air (pneumothorax), transudate (hydrothorax), lymph (chylothorax), or purulent exudate (empyema). ─── 但是肺不张也可由胸腔内充满气体(气胸)、漏出液(胸水)、淋巴(乳糜胸),或者脓性渗出物(脓胸)引起。

31、Keywords Hemothorax;Thoracoscopy;Video-assisted thoracic surgery; ─── 血胸;胸腔镜;电视胸腔镜手术;

32、Keywords Trauma;Hemothorax;Thoracic drainage;Thoractomy; ─── 创伤性;血胸;胸腔引流术;剖胸术;

33、Traumatic hemothorax is common after traffic accident.However, the association of massive traumatic hemothorax and thoracic vertebral fracture has been rarely reported. ─── 摘要外伤性血胸在交通事故后是常见的,可是胸脊椎骨骨折合并于外伤性血胸于文献上只有罕见的报告。

34、The operative diseases include sponlanevus pneumothorax, pulmonary bulla, trauma hemothorax, empyema, pernicious hydrothorax, mediastina tumor, esophageal diseases and lung diseases, etc. ─── 手术疾病包括自发性气胸、肺大疱、外伤性血胸、脓胸、恶性胸水、纵隔肿瘤、食管和肺疾病等。

35、This study is to provide a theoretical reference for the hemothorax blood autotransfusion in clinical application. ─── 为自体胸腔血回输的临床应用提供了重要的理论基础和实验依据。

36、Autotransfusion from hemothorax blood does not increase the rish of producing ACMA. ─── 胸血自体回输不会增加心胸创伤患者产生ACMA的危险性

37、Keywords VATS;Thoracic trauma;Clotted hemothorax;Flail chest; ─── 关键词电视胸腔镜术;胸部创伤;凝固性血胸;浮动胸壁;

38、The right lung is atelectatic and floating in bloody fluid filling the right chest cavity as a consequence of trauma. This is a hemothorax. ─── 图示血胸。外伤后,大量出血,充满胸膜腔,使右肺萎陷,并在血性液体中飘浮。

39、Postoperative complications included pneumothorax, hemothorax, stress bleeding of digestive tract, and coincidental infections. ─── 术后并发症有气胸、胸腔渗血多、消化道出血和条件性致病感染等,均治愈。

40、Clinical Analysis of Heparin Soduim Treating 11 ca ses of Coagulable Hemothorax ─── 肝素钠治疗11例凝固性血胸临床分析

41、Diagnosis and treatment of delayed hemothorax in 35 cases ─── 迟发性血胸35例诊治分析

42、Result: Thorax injury is the lung injury hemothorax and pneumothorax multiple rib fracture. ─── 目的:探讨胸外伤的临床特点,以提高诊治水平。

43、Echocardiography revealed massive right hemothorax which severely compressed the right atrium and right ventricle. ─── 透过心脏超音波,我们发现病患有大量的右侧血胸,且直接对于右心房和右心室造成严重的压迫。

44、Keywords Spine fracture;Anesthesia;Hemothorax or pneumothorax; ─── 脊柱骨折;麻醉;血气胸;

45、Aim To investigate the effect of the xuesaitong injection for treating a small amount hemothorax. ─── 目的评价血塞通注射液治疗少量血胸的疗效。

46、The complications were mainly pneumothorax, spit blood and hemothorax, which occurred more frequently in CT gu... ─── 结论三种穿刺方法均是安全的,临床值得开展。

47、localized encapsulated hemothorax ─── 局限性包裹血胸

48、Observation of the xuesaitong injection to treat a small amount of traumatic hemothorax ─── 血塞通注射液治疗少量外伤性血胸的临床观察

49、Keywords Thoracic Operation;Hemothorax;Hemostasis; ─── 关键词胸腔手术;血胸;止血;

50、To investigate diagnosis, causes and treatment of traumatic clotted hemothorax (TCHT). ─── 目的探讨外伤性凝固性血胸(TCHT)的诊断、发生原因及治疗方法。

51、Abstract Objective: To investigate the feasibility of closed traumatic hemothorax blood transfusion. ─── 摘 要 目的:探讨外伤性闭合性胸腔内积血直接回输的可行性。

52、Keywords Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery;Thoracic trauma;Hemothorax; ─── 关键词电视胸腔镜手术;胸部创伤;血胸;

53、To investigate diagnosis, causes and treatment of traumatic clotted hemothorax (TCHT). ─── 摘要目的探讨外伤性凝固性血胸(TCHT)的诊断、发生原因及治疗方法。

54、hemothorax [blood in the pleural space] ─── 胸腔积血

55、Simple pneumothorax or hemothorax, fractured ribs, and pulmonary contusion may compromise ventilation to a lesser degree and are usually identified in the secondary survey. ─── 单一的气胸或血胸、肋骨骨折和肺挫伤对肺通气的影响程度较小,通常在二次评估进行鉴别。

56、A comparative study of urgent video assisted thoracoscopic versus open surgery for the diagnosis and treatment of open hemothorax ─── 急诊胸腔镜与剖胸手术诊治开放血胸的比较研究

57、Keywords traumatic hemothorax;thoracotomy hemostasis;autoblood transfusion; ─── 创伤性血胸;开胸止血术;自体血回输;

58、Tuberculous empyema with hemothorax is scarce in clinic, but it often does great harm to the patients. ─── 结核性脓胸合并血胸临床少见,常严重危及患者生命。

59、Objective To sum up clinical experience of open hemothorax. ─── 目的总结开放性血气胸临床治疗经验。

60、The Emergency Treatment and Nursiry Realize of Large Quantity of Hemothorax Caused by Chest Trauma ─── 胸部创伤致大量血胸的急救及护理体会

61、hemothorax due to war injury ─── 战伤血胸

62、There were no catheter-related infection (CRI), no pneumothorax, hemothorax or brachial nerve injury. ─── 误穿锁骨下动脉5例,经局部压迫未造成血肿。

63、Looks like multiple rib fractures and a massive hemothorax. ─── 像是多处肋骨骨折还有严重的胸腔积血

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