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09-11 投稿



Yemen 发音

英:[ˈjemən]  美:[ˈjemən]

英:  美:

Yemen 中文意思翻译



Yemen 网络释义

n. 也门(西南亚国家)

Yemen 词性/词形变化,Yemen变形


Yemen 常用词组

north yemen ─── 北叶门(指原阿拉伯也门共和国)

Yemen 短语词组

1、north yemen ─── [经] 北叶门

2、the yemen arab republic ─── 阿拉伯也门共和国

3、the Arab Republic of Yemen ─── 阿拉伯也门共和国

4、Yemen myrrh ─── [医] 也门没药

5、Republic of Yemen ─── [网络] 也门共和国;叶门共和国

6、car company yemen ─── 也门汽车公司

7、South Yemen =Southern Yemen

8、Southern Yemen ─── 南也门(民主也门的简称, ─── 南北也门已合并为也门共和国)

Yemen 相似词语短语

1、remen ─── v.给……配备新人员;使重鼓勇气;n.(Reman)(美、印、埃等)雷曼(人名)

2、apemen ─── n.猿人(apeman的复数)

3、byremen ─── 负担

4、yamen ─── n.衙门(中国古代)

5、Yemen ─── n.也门(西南亚国家)

6、Bremen ─── n.不来梅港市(德国地名)

7、yewen ─── 紫杉木制的

8、semen ─── n.精液;精子;n.(Semen)(罗、土)塞门;(俄)谢苗(人名)

9、Niemen ─── n.(Nieman)人名;(英)尼曼

Yemen 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、However, Amnesty International has recorded executions of child offenders in Yemen convicted of murder and sentenced to death despite uncertainty of their age. ─── 可是国际特?组织对叶门政府处决犯谋杀罪的未成年犯,及在不确定罪犯年纪就判决死刑等事件均有纪录。

2、Amnesty International has longstanding concerns about the use of the death penalty in Yemen, particularly as death sentences are often passed after proceedings which fall short of international standards for fair trial. ─── 国际特赦组织一直以来都非常关心叶门执行死刑的情况,尤其是叶门在处理死刑判决诉讼的过程中,往往低于国际公平审判的标准。

3、Can we stabilize population before countries such as India, Pakistan and Yemen are overwhelmed by shortages of the water they need to irrigate their crops? ─── 在印度、巴基斯坦与叶门被缺水、无法灌溉农作物的问题打倒之前,我们能否及时稳定世界人口?

4、Yemen, March 21, 2003: Two people were shot dead and dozens more were injured as police clashed with demonstrators trying to storm the U. ─── 2003年3月21日:两个人被打死,数十人受伤,由于警方发生冲突,示威者试图冲进美国驻也门大使馆。

5、Yemen has named the area as a national park and is promoting eco-tourism. ─── 叶门已将此区定为国家公园,并推广生态旅游业。

6、The South Yemen women's development was faster than that of North Yemen's. Before unification of South and Norteh Yemen. There are some questions in Yemen women's development. ─── 南北也门统一前南也门妇女发展比北也门快 ,但目前也门妇女发展还存在许多问题有待解决。

7、Most of the plane's passengers had flown on a different Yemenia aircraft from Paris or Marseille before boarding flight IY626 in Sanaa, the capital of Yemen. ─── 多数乘客都是乘另一架也门客机,从巴黎或马赛飞抵也门首都萨那后,登上这架编号IY626的班机的。

8、Yemen is one of the least evangelized countries in the world. ─── 叶门是全球最少接触福音的国家之一。

9、On his watch American drones and special forces have been busier than ever, not only in Afghanistan and Pakistan but also, it is reported, in Somalia and Yemen. ─── 又因为在他的任期内,美军的无人侦察机和特种部队比以前更为繁忙,不仅仅是在阿富汗和巴基斯坦,据报道在索马里和也门也有他们的踪影。

10、To say qat is popular in Yemen would be a massive under-statement, practically everybody in this country chews qat, two thirds of men and a third of women. ─── 光说咖特在也门很流行,远远不能体现咖特真正的流行程度。几乎每个也门人--三分之二的男性和三分之一的女性--都嚼咖特。

11、A country of southwest Asia at the southern tip of the Arabian peninsula. It was formed when Yemen(or North Yemen) merged with Southern Yemen in May1990. Sana is the capital and Aden the largest city. Population,8, 959, 000. ─── 也门西南亚一国家,位于阿拉伯半岛南端。1990年,它是由也门(或北也门)与南也门合并而成。首都萨那,亚丁是最大城市。人口8,959,000

12、In Iraq, Libya, Jordan, Morocco, Oman and Yemen, married women must have their husband’s written permission to travel abroad, and they may be prevented from doing so for any reason. ─── 在伊拉克,利比亚,约旦,摩洛哥,阿曼和也门,已婚女性必须要有她们丈夫的书面批准才能到国外旅行,并且她们可能会被禁止出行无论任何理由。

13、"What I'm seeing and hearing on the streets of Sana'a is sort of widespread panic and fear of what's coming in Yemen, " said Finn. ─── “我所看到和听到的萨那的街道是普遍恐慌和什么在也门未来的恐惧排序,”芬兰人说。

14、Saudi Arabia is located along two spreading centers - along the Gulf of Aden and in the Red Sea, and in recent years we saw some impressive volcanism in the Red Sea off Yemen. ─── 大家不相信 70 公里/小时的另一个原因,是因为它是肇事者自己说的。就凭这点来怀疑,也是没有根据的。坏人就不会说真话了?

15、Its large areas of quicksand to Saudi Arabia, Oman, Yemen and the United Arab Emirates in the four countries along the border ambiguous. ─── 其大面积的流沙让沙特阿拉伯、阿曼、也门和阿联酋四个国家在此接壤的边界模糊不清。

16、Christian groups were concern that the arrests may herald a new era of persecution in Yemen. ─── 基督教团体十分关切这件逮捕行动,因它可能预告叶门新一波迫害时代的来临。

17、The authorities in Yemen say that their forces have killed more than 30 Iokaida militance in the air raid. ─── 也门政府声称在一次空袭中杀死iokaida的30名武装成员。

18、A motorcycle taxi operator and a passenger, holding bags of tomatoes, as they drive on a street in Sanaa, Yemen Sunday, Sept. 14. ─── 九月十四日周日,一名摩托计程车司机与乘客拿著多袋蕃茄,驶过叶门沙那的街上。由于价钱低廉,摩托计程车已成为大部份叶门城市常见的交通工具。

19、Germany said it had suspended passenger flights from Yemen, and was considering expanding a cargo flight ban to other unnamed countries. ─── 德国表示已暂停接收发自也门的客运航班,且在考虑将货运航班禁令扩大到其它一些国家。

20、Most of the countries have suffered far more severe symptoms, from Libya's civil war to the vicious oppression seen in Syria and Yemen. ─── 大多数国家仍在遭受更为严重的后遗症,从利比亚的内战,到在叙利亚和也门所看到的凶残镇压。

21、a native or inhabitant of Yemen. ─── 也门的土著或者居民。

22、Urban Roads in Aden of Republic of Yemen. ─── 也门亚丁市内道路工程。

23、Chen Mingzheng (first from the left), Party secretary of North China Bureau, saw the workers off, who would leave SiWu for Yemen. ─── 华北石油局党委书记陈明政(左一)为四物出国将士送行。

24、The Ash Shihr, Yemen Port is located on the Gulf of Aden. ─── 也门AshShihr港位于亚丁湾。

25、A new study ranking 121 countries according to how peaceful they are puts Russia in the bottom five and the US below Yemen in the bottom 30. ─── 一项新的研究根据和平程度对121个国家进行了排名,俄罗斯落在最后5名之列,美国排在也门之,位居后30名之列。

26、Yemen Airways (referred to as the "aircraft are also") 2, announced in a communique from the "real time" from "indefinite" to cancel the company in Marseille, France flights taking off and landing. ─── 也门航空公司(简称“也航”)2日在一份公报中宣布,从“即时”起“无限期”取消该公司在法国马赛起降的航班。

27、Kidnappers have released three Germans abducted in Yemen after the Yemeni government agreed to meet some of their conditions, including paying a ransom and releasing some tribesmen from prison. ─── 在也门政府同意满足劫持者的一些条件之后,劫持者释放了在也门被绑架的三名德国人质。这些条件包括支付赎金和释放一些狱中的“部落男子”。

28、The International Maritime Bureau says that the latest hijackings both took place in the Gulf of Aden, the narrow waterway between Somalia and Yemen. ─── 国际海洋局说最新的海盗抢劫事件发生在亚丁湾的索马里和也门之间的比较狭窄的航道。

29、Food riots have erupted in recent months in Guinea Mauritania Mexico Morocco Senegal Uzbekistan and Yemen. ─── 几内亚、茅利塔尼亚、墨西哥、塞内加尔、乌兹别克和叶门等国,这几个月都曾因食物爆发骚动。

30、One good example comes from the targeting mechanism used within the UNDP-funded and FAO-supported Community-Based Regional Development Project (CBRDP) in Yemen. ─── 在环境规划署供资、粮农组织支助的也门基于社区的区域发展项目(CBRDP)中运用的目标选取机制是一个很好的例子。

31、In concert with neighbouring Saudi Arabia, Yemen's air force has hammered rebellious tribesmen in the north. ─── 在同邻国沙特阿拉伯的配合下,也门政府空军打击了北方的叛乱部族。

32、Somalia's chaos is just across the Gulf of Aden from Yemen. ─── 也门与处于骚乱中的索马里仅隔着亚丁湾。

33、A passenger jet from Yemen with 153 people on board crashed as it tried to land during heavy wind on the island nation of Comoros. ─── 从也门出发的载有153人的客机在大风中试图降落科摩罗岛时坠毁。

34、A former British colony and protectorate of southern Arabia, part of Southern Yemen(now Yemen) since1967. ─── 亚丁以前为英国的殖民地及阿拉伯半岛南部的一个保护国,1967年以后是南也门(现也门)的一部分

35、While a group calling itself Islamic Jihad in Yemen has claimed responsibility for the attack, McCormack said the United States has suspicions that al-Qaida or a local affiliate may be to blame. ─── 一个自称为“也门伊斯兰圣战组织”的团体宣称对袭击负责,不过麦科马克说,美国怀疑这次袭击是基地组织,或在当地的一个附属组织策划的。

36、In Yemen, freed Western tourists said the kidnappers hid behind them as shields during the army's rescue operation. ─── 刚刚在也门获得自由的西方游客说,在也门政府军队为了营救他们而向绑架者开火的时候,绑架者把他们当作掩护板。

37、Based on the climate of Yemen, the advantages of different type of asphalt mixtures were analyzed and the mixture suitable for Yemen is put forward. ─── 基于也门的自然及社会条件,分析了不同级配沥青混合料的优越性,给出了适合也门的沥青混合料类型。

38、Coffee berries were transported from Ethiopia to the Arabian peninsula, and were first cultivated in what today is the country of Yemen. ─── 咖啡豆从埃塞俄比亚运到阿拉伯半岛,第一次在今天的也门种植。

39、Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, a Qaeda member accused of playing a major role in the bombing of the American destroyer Cole in Yemen in 2000, was charged with murder and other crimes on Monday. ─── 在周一,他被以谋杀罪和其他罪行落案起诉。

40、The Egyptian government hosted the meeting, which was attended by representatives of Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Sudan, Jordan, and Djibouti. A Somali transitional government official was also there. ─── 埃及政府主办了这次会议,其中代表出席的有沙特阿拉伯,也门,苏丹,约旦,和吉布提。也有索马里过渡政府官员。

41、A former British colony and protectorate of southern Arabia,part of Southern Yemen(now Yemen)since1967. ─── 亚丁以前为英国的殖民地及阿拉伯半岛南部的一个保护国,1967年以后是南也门(现也门)的一部分

42、Yemen, a security source said police have arrested 25 people in Sana'a. ─── 也门一名安保消息人士说,警方已经在萨那拘捕25人。

43、The governments of Yemen and Indonesia, for example, spent more holding down the price of fuel than they spent on health and education combined. ─── 例如,在也门和印度尼西亚,政府在控制燃油价格上的花费要远远高于用在卫生与教育方面的两者之和。

44、Some of these weapons were deployed;for example, in Abyssinia in the 1930s, in China in World War II, in Yemen in 1963, and in the Iran-Iraq war of the 1980s. ─── 其中一些武器已经被使用,比如 1930 年在阿比西尼亚,二战时在中国战场,1963 年在越战中,以及上世纪 80 年代的两伊战争。

45、Ashitaer, the UN representative of Yemen strongly condemned this incident and asked the United Nations Security Council to be responsible for the passed resolution No. 678 which permits military actions against Iraq. ─── 也门驻联合国代表阿什塔尔强烈谴责这起事件,要求联合国安理会对被通过的对伊拉克动武的678号决议负责。

46、Adopted in 1990 when the north and south of Yemen unified. ─── 北叶门和南叶门于一九九零年统一时采用这面旗。

47、Once-thriving Mocha, Yemen, grew rich exporting coffee, cultivated in the mountains nearby, and its name became synonymous with the drink. ─── 也门的港口城市穆哈,依靠在附近山上种植咖啡并进行出口而致富,一度非常繁荣,甚至城市的名字也曾经与“咖啡”同义。

48、We are taking this opportunity to introduce ourselves as one of the leading Rice Miller Cum Exporter of Pakistani Basmati Rice, having branches in UAE, Iran and Yemen. ─── 借此机会,我们自我介绍一下,我们是领先的巴基斯坦巴斯马蒂大米碾磨出口商,在阿拉伯联合酋长国、伊朗和也门都有分公司。

49、In Yemen Kat is used daily by 85% of adults. ─── 在也门,85%的成年人每天都饮用阿拉伯茶。

50、Indeed, Yemen is a showcase for Total, whose experience here shows how far an oil company will go these days to unearth new energy supplies. ─── 也门确实是总基地,他在也门的经验说明了这些日子,石油公司将去多远开发新能源的供应。

51、Since January, at least 91 ships have been hijacked in the Gulf of Aden, a 1 million-square-mile waterway between Somalia and Yemen. ─── 1月份以来,至少有91艘船只在1百万平方英里的亚丁湾海域被劫。亚丁湾位于索马里和也门之间。

52、Qat is an integral part of life here in Yemen, but these days the government is becoming concerned about its effects and this week sounded alarm bells about qat's grip on the country. ─── 咖特是也门生活中不可缺少的一部分,但这些天来,政府开始对其带来的后果表示关切,并于这个星期敲响了警钟,防止咖特对该国的控制。

53、For several weeks, countries such as Cuba, Yemen, etc. have been asking the to hold a formal meeting. ─── 几个星期以来,古巴和也门等国要求安理会举行正式会议。

54、But suffice it to say that Yemen is an area that we've been paying quite a lot of attention for a number of years now. ─── 但我只想说,也门是我们关注了很多年的地区。

55、monetary unit in Southern Yemen. ─── 南也门使用的货币单位。

56、Yemeni officials say they are releasing about 170 detainees with suspected ties to al-Qaida, two weeks after al-Qaida said it would use Yemen as its base of operations for the Arabian peninsula. ─── 也门官方称,他们释放约170名囚犯因此被怀疑与基地有联系,两个星期后基地组织表示,将利用也门作为其在阿拉伯半岛行动的基地。

57、To add complexity and brightness Ethiopian Harrar, Kenyan, Yemen Mocha, Zimbabwe, and Zambian coffees are used. ─── 为了增加复杂度和明亮度,会使用埃赛俄比亚哈拉尔,肯尼亚,也门磨卡,津巴布韦和赞比亚咖啡。

58、A former British colony and protectorate of southern Arabia, part of Southern Yemen(now Yemen) since 1967. ─── 亚丁以前为英国的殖民地及阿拉伯半岛南部的一个保护国,1967年以后是南也门(现也门)的一部分。

59、Low degree in geological research and exploration led to less gold deposits found in Yemen. ─── 地质研究程度和勘探程度较低是目前也门金矿发现较少的主要原因

60、Yemen commands the strait at the southern end of the Red Sea. ─── 也门完全控制着红海南端的海峡。

61、Yemen says it will suspend its military offensive against Shiah rebels in the north of the country if the rebels agreed to do the same. ─── 也门称,如果反叛分子同意停止攻击,他们将停止对国家北部什叶派的军事行动。

62、In countries such as Saudi Arabia and Yemen, the authorities send Muslim scholars into prisons to try to convince jihadi detainees that their actions run counter to Islamic jurisprudence. ─── 在诸如沙特阿拉伯和也门这些国家,当局派穆斯林学者进监狱来试图说服吉哈德囚犯,告诉他们,他们的行为与伊斯兰教的教义背道而驰。

63、"Besides," he added, his voice dropping to a gurgled whisper, "when people are chewing qat, they don't ask awkward questions about where Yemen's oil revenues are going. ─── 另外,"他压低声音补充道:"当人们咀嚼咖特的时候,就不会问那些有关也门的石油收入哪里去了的尴尬问题了。"

64、But most of their adherents belong to the Zaydi sect, a normally quietist branch of Shia Islam that is unique to Yemen and which most Sunnis regard as quaintly schismatic. ─── 但是大多数教徒都是属于扎伊迪派的,扎伊迪派是伊斯兰教什叶派的一个分支,纪律严明,主张清静无为,而也门的逊尼派教徒则大不相同,他们被认为乖张古怪,纷争不断。

65、Since January, at least 91 ships have been hijacked in the Gulf of Aden, a1 million-square-mile waterway between Somalia and Yemen. ─── 1月份以来,至少有91艘船只在1百万平方英里的亚丁湾海域被劫。亚丁湾位于索马里和也门之间。

66、Amr Moussa, the secretary General of the league of Arab States;ministers from Yemen, Sudan, Tunisian, Palestine and Egypt;envoys from each Arabian countries were present at the conference. ─── 也门、苏丹、突尼斯、巴勒斯坦、埃及四国部长、阿盟各国驻华使节出席此次论坛。

67、The StratREAL Foundation will work with the Foundation for UNESCO - Education for Children in Need on a highly targeted project to help orphaned girls in the Yemen. ─── StratREAL基金会将和联合国教科文组织的Education for Children in Need基金会联手执行一项专门帮助也门女孤儿的计划。

68、The water well project in Yemen is an early international drilling project that carried out by Great Wall Drilling Co. ─── 也门水井项目是长城钻井公司独自开发的国际项目中较早的一个,业主是也门国家水电部。

69、He said an interagency team of U.S. experts has been sent to Yemen to join in an investigation of the attack, and that it is premature to discuss a possible new security steps. ─── 他说,由几个美国政府机构组成的专家小组已经前往也门,参加对袭击的调查,现在就讨论今后可能采取什么新的安全措施还为时尚早。

70、Mafrag-Mukha Road in Yemen,total lenght of 44km completed in 1981. ─── 也门默夫拉格----莫哈公路,全长44公里,1981年建成。

71、COPIES TO: diplomatic representatives of Yemen accredited to your country. ─── 副本请寄派驻贵国的叶门的外交官。

72、A former British colony and protectorateof southern Arabia, part of Southern Yemen(now Yemen) since1967. ─── 亚丁以前为英国的殖民地及阿拉伯半岛南部的一个保护国,1967年以后是南也门(现也门)的一部分。

73、They need black mask to attend the ceremony in Sanaa, the capital of Yemen. ─── 也门首都萨那,大学毕业生蒙黑面纱参加毕业典礼。

74、The other passengers and crew were from the Comoros, Canada, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Morocco, Yemen, the Philippines and the Palestinian territories. ─── 其他乘客和机组成员来自科摩罗、加拿大、埃塞俄比亚、印尼、摩洛哥、也门、菲律宾和巴勒斯坦领土。

75、Yemen's landscape is a mixture of mostly desert landscape, breathtaking mountains, mud villages and stone houses, and vast green fields of Khat. ─── 叶门有三个联合国教科文组织所认定的世界遗产地:首都沙那、宰比德和希巴姆。

76、The Chinese government has said milk powder was exported by Yili and Sanlu, the first company whose products were cited for melamine contamination, only to Yemen, Bangladesh, Burma, Gabon and Burundi. ─── 中国政府曾宣称,伊利和三鹿生产的奶粉仅出口销往也门、孟加拉国、缅甸、加蓬和布隆迪。三鹿是第一家被指奶粉受三聚氰胺污染的企业。

77、A country of southwest Asia at the southern tip of the Arabian peninsula.It was formed when Yemen(or North Yemen)merged with Southern Yemen in May1990.Sana is the capital and Aden the largest city.Population, 8, 959, 000. ─── 也门西南亚一国家,位于阿拉伯半岛南端。1990年,它是由也门(或北也门)与南也门合并而成。首都萨那,亚丁是最大城市。人口8,959,

78、dinar of the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen ─── 也门民主人民共和国第纳尔(货币名)

79、Yemen also plays a part in the case of Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab. ─── 也门也参与了阿卜杜勒-穆塔拉布事件。

80、Iokaida is seen as growing threat in Yemen where there are a number of ungoverned areas, especially in the east. ─── Iokaida组织正在成为也门很多政府未管辖地带的威胁,在东部地区尤其如此。

81、A man on the F.B.I.'s Most Wanted List appeared in a court in Yemen and then walked free, and no reason was given. ─── 一名登上美国联邦调查局最高通缉名单的男子出现在也门的一家法庭,然后被释放,而且没有给出任何理由。

82、He said the TSA team in Yemen will provide training, equipment and expertise to examine cargo shipments at Sana'a airport. ─── 他说也门的美国运输安全管理局团队将提供培训、设备和专业技术以检查在萨那机场的货物。

83、The government of Yemen rejected a ceasefire offer by rebels in the country's northern Saada region, where fighting has raged since the army launched an offensive in mid-August. ─── 也门政府拒绝国家北方萨阿达地区的叛乱分子提出的停火请求,此处,自从军队在八月份中旬发动攻势以来,战火不断。

84、In meetings with government officials to thrash out problems, participants typically chew khat, a mildly narcotic plant that is widely consumed in Yemen but banned in many places around the world. ─── 也门广泛消费这种植物,但世界各个地区广泛禁止。

85、Food needs to be safe, especially if it is shipped to such diverse places as Bangladesh, Burma, Yemen, Burundi and Gabon. ─── 人类需要安全的食品,那些运往孟加拉国、缅甸、也门、布隆迪与加蓬这样一些不同国家的食品尤其如此。

86、An al-Qaeda leader in Yemen wanted in connection with the 2000 bombing of the American warship USS Cole has been killed in an air raid. ─── 也门一名基地组织通缉犯在一场空袭中被杀,他涉嫌参与2000年美国科尔号战舰爆炸案。

87、The administration also fears that if it lets Yemen take back a big bunch of its nationals they would rejoin militant groups. ─── 同时,奥巴马政府也担心一旦也门政府将多名国民带回国,他们将重新加入军事组织。

88、Toward Bahrain, home of the U. S. Fifth Fleet, and Yemen, a partner in counter-terrorism, U. S. criticism was more muted. ─── 美国对巴林和也门政府的批评声音很弱。巴林驻有美国第五舰队,也门是美国的反恐伙伴。

89、According to the conditions of Yemen,the advantage of different type of asphalt mixtures is analyzed and the suitable asphalt mixture is put forward. ─── 分析了不同级配沥青混合料的优劣性,基于也门的自然及社会条件,给出了适合也门的沥青混合料类型。










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