trickster 发音
英:[ˈtrɪkstər] 美:[ˈtrɪkstə(r)]
英: 美:
trickster 中文意思翻译
trickster 词性/词形变化,trickster变形
形容词最高级: tricksiest |形容词比较级: tricksier |
trickster 短语词组
1、trickster tale ─── 机智人物故事
2、euchre trickster ─── 欧几里特里克斯特
3、confidence trickster ─── 行骗者;骗子
4、trickster tales ─── 机智人物故事
5、bastions fall trickster key ─── 堡垒倒下骗子的钥匙
6、Trickster Online ─── 骗子在线
trickster 相似词语短语
1、tricker ─── n.恶作剧者,欺骗者
2、tricksier ─── adj.欺骗的,狡猾的;恶作剧的;顽皮的(tricksy的变形)
3、trimester ─── n.三个月;一学期
4、tricksters ─── n.骗子;魔术师
5、trickier ─── adj.狡猾的;机警的(tricky的变形)
6、trickstering ─── n.骗子;魔术师(trickster的变形)
7、slickster ─── n.投机取巧的人;骗子
8、tricksiest ─── adj.欺骗的,狡猾的;恶作剧的;顽皮的(tricksy的变形)
9、slicksters ─── n.投机取巧的人;骗子
trickster 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、We have seen that only Loki the trickster manages to escape the fee. ─── 我们看到了只有洛基这骗子有本事逃脱代价。
2、confidence trickster( person who swindles people in this way) ─── (以此术行骗的)骗子.
3、Sages is the glory of the glorious history of our nation, it should be a high level of power we have today, and will by no means the banner of a trickster or to whitewash the face cream. ─── 先贤的荣耀是我们民族的光辉历史,它应成为我们今天发奋图强的动力,而决不是我们招摇撞骗的旗帜或涂脂抹粉的面霜。
4、Nov. 4. Maurizio Cattelan: All will present the complete works of this Italian trickster at the Guggenheim Museum in New York. ─── 11月4日“莫里吉奥·卡特兰:所有”将会在纽约古根海姆博物馆开幕,届时会展出这位意大利骗子的全部作品。
5、After swallowing the poison dice the trickster fell down sick and fainted. ─── 赌友吞下毒骰子后,立即昏倒。
6、Clowns go to the Trickster. ─── 小丑走向魔术师。
7、She thought the original Zor must have been one mixed-up character, another trickster in a galaxy full of them. ─── 她想原本的佐尔应该是他们两个人的组合,另外一个银河系中的骗子。
8、A series of "Cook Yearbook" and for today's well-known 18th century French trickster Fool's Day at a time when organized a dinner to imitate the funeral will be arranged. ─── 以编著“烹饪年鉴”而为当今人们熟知的18世纪末法国恶作剧者格里莫?雷涅赫,在某次愚人节时,举办了一个模仿葬礼布置的聚餐会。
9、One evening, while Thor was away hunting, Loki the trickster god entered Thor's home and cut off all of Thor's wife's hair while she was sleeping. ─── 一天傍晚正当托尔离开去打猎时,洛基,骗子之神,进来了托尔的家中,趁着托尔妻子在睡觉的时候,把她的头发全剪掉了。
11、1.A shifty, dishonest person;a trickster . ─── 骗子惯耍花招的、不诚实的人;
12、Is Bush the 21th century version of the trickster or the antichrist? ─── 布什是二十一世纪版本的骗子和敌基督者吗?
13、Failure is a trickster with a keen sense of irony and cunning.It takes great delight in tripping one when success is almost within reach. ─── 失败是一个极讽刺又极狡猾的骗子,正当成功近在眼前之际,它乐此不疲地把人绊倒。
14、Borat trickster Sacha Baron Cohen returns to the big screen to offer yet ... ─── 影片来源: The Hollywood Reporter. 请告诉我们你为什麽不喜欢这个影片: ...
15、The 21-year-old trickster stood out on a difficult night for The Red Devils in Lisbon as they gained some revenge for last season's exit from the UEFA Champions League. ─── 这位21岁的球员在上赛季欧冠联赛对阵本菲卡队的比赛中吃到红牌而停赛,这次他来到葡萄牙带有复仇的意味,这让他感到压力很大。
16、the Indian trickster ─── 印第安恶作剧者
17、1.Whatever the prank, the trickster usually ends it by yelling to his victim, "April Fool!" ─── 无论怎么胡闹,骗局结束的时候,人们通常对受害人喊道:“笨蛋!”
18、The late trickster is instantly rebuffed[4], as a piece of poem goes: April Fool's gone and past You're the biggest fool at last. ─── 例如:a war correspondent 随军记者。3.result in:最终结果、导致。例如:The plan resulted in failure. 那项计划最终失败了。4.rebuff:拒绝、受挫。相当于deny、refused。
19、The Pyramid over Egypt links with the Pyramid of Time and Illusion. It is run by I, Thoth or Hermes, the Trickster and Master of the Game. ─── 埃及上方的金字塔与时间和幻象的金字塔相连接,通过我,透特或赫尔墨斯魔术师和游戏大师运转。
20、Hermes was the Trickster Representing the Duality of our Reality - Good vs. Evil. ─── 赫密士是一个魔法师,象征着我们本体的二元性——好与坏。
21、They should never forget that it came to them through the agency of the Trickster! ─── 他们应该永远都别忘了,这是由于骗子的中间人,锤子才来到他们那儿!
22、The dark is the trickster - the clown - the magician - who moves through the grid programs creating the havoc our souls came here to experience and to restore to balance before we leave. ─── 黑暗是骗子-小丑-魔术师-他们感应网格程序造成严重破坏,我们灵魂来到这里去经验和在我们离开以前重新恢复平衡。
23、ZOMO THE RABBIT: A TRICKSTER TALE FROM WEST AFRICA McDermott, Gerald, retold and illustrated by ─── 兔子佐莫:西非的骗子故事
24、The white face in the mask is means for trickster. ─── 面具中的白脸是狡诈的人。
25、4. Dakini serves as instigator, inspirer, messenger, even trickster, pushing the tantrika (aspirant) across the barriers to enlightenment. ─── 空行母被看作煽动者,鼓舞者,信使,甚至是魔术师,有进取心,有抱负,横越启迪的屏障。收藏指正
26、Mozart keeps the listener continuously off-balance; he is an imp and trickster, the patron saint of practical jokes, as it were. ─── 他就像顽皮的孩子和魔术师,一个搞恶作剧的天才一样,莫扎特可以让听众时时遭遇意外之喜。
27、Dakini serves as instigator, inspirer, messenger, even trickster, pushing the tantrika (aspirant) across the barriers to enlightenment. ─── 空行母被看作煽动者,鼓舞者,信使,甚至是魔术师,有进取心,有抱负,横越启迪的屏障。
28、a confidence trickster preying on rich widows ─── 一个玩弄花招使一些阔寡妇上当的骗子
29、Tricksters: many characters in these works try to fool or deceive others. Examine how one of these authors uses the trickster to develop conflicts, challenge social order, or create comedy. ─── 骗子:这些作品中,许多角色都挖空心思愚弄或欺骗他人。细察一位作家是如何利用骗子引起矛盾冲突,挑战社会秩序或造成喜剧。
30、A shifty, dishonest person;a trickster. ─── 骗子惯耍花招的、不诚实的人;骗子
31、Mozart keeps the listener continuously off-balance;he is an imp and trickster, the patron saint of practical jokes, as it were. ─── 他就像顽皮的孩子和魔术师,一个搞恶作剧的天才一样,莫扎特可以让听众时时遭遇意外之喜。
32、1.a swindler; a deceiver; a fraud; a humbug; a trickster ─── 骗子手:善于玩弄欺骗手段的人。
33、Joseph is open, direct, focused and a secret trickster. ─── 约瑟夫很外向、直接,很惹人注意,内心有些坏坏的。
34、She thought the original Zor must have been one mixed-up character, another trickster in a galaxy full of them. ─── 她想原本的佐尔应该是他们两个人的组合,另外一个银河系中的骗子。
35、The confidence trickster used several alias ─── 该骗子用了几个化名
36、Collects folk tales from Indonesia and Malaysia that relate the adventures of the trickster Mouse Deer, who must think and act quickly to avoid being eaten. ─── 图书性质:全价/非现货图书(想了解什么是非现货图书,请点击这里)
37、In Shanghai, the trickster will tell you that they are the representatives from an international company who can bring you multi million dallor contracts. ─── 在上海,是跨国公司代表。能给你带来百万元,千万元的订单。
38、A few days ago, the Beijing Municipal People's Court in Miyun County to military personnel posing as a trickster Zhang was sentenced to two years in prison for six months. ─── 日前,北京市密云县人民法院以冒充军人招摇撞骗罪判处张某有期徒刑二年六个月。
39、An Irishman known as a drunken trickster, Jack wound up on the wrong side of both God and the devil. ─── 一个被称为醉酒魔术师的爱尔兰男人杰克,他把上帝和魔鬼搞混了。
40、Examine how one of these authors uses the trickster to develop conflicts, challenge social order, or create comedy. ─── 细察一位作家是如何利用骗子引起矛盾冲突,挑战社会秩序或造成喜剧。
41、” You will have to pay attention and not be hung up on time, for that will become the trickster and cause the energy to take even longer to calm. ─── 你将必须专心而且不要卡在时间,因为那将会成为骗子而且导致能量要花更久的时间去平静。
42、" An Irishman known as a drunken trickster, Jack wound up on the wrong side of both God and the devil. ─── 一个被称为醉酒魔术师的爱尔兰男人杰克,他把上帝和魔鬼搞混了。
43、In early August, I had written that the trickster aspect of the program was going to play another hand. ─── 八月初,我已经写了程序的魔术师外貌正要玩弄另一门手艺。
44、The dirty trickster also had a foreign-policy brain. ─── 在外交领域,这个”卑鄙的骗子[4]居然闯出一片天,乃至独步天下。
45、A further twist was added when the trickster admitted to engineering the plot to raise attention to the mother's plight. ─── 更加纠结的是,这名骗子承认,他炒作此事是为了引起公众对这位母亲深陷困境的注意。
46、The Cherokee legend,commonly known as "The Rabbit Goes Duck Hunting," is about a rabbit who is a braggart and a trickster able to persuade other animals that he can back up his boasts. ─── 这个切罗基族传说讲的是一只“想捉鸭子的兔子”。这只爱说大话的兔子总想在其他动物面前表现的能够自圆其说。
47、The Pyramid over Egypt links with the Pyramid of Time and Illusion. It is run by I,Thoth or Hermes, the Trickster and Master of the Game. ─── 埃及上方的金字塔与时间和幻象的金字塔相连接,通过我,图特或赫密斯魔术师和游戏大师运转这整个过程。
48、a confidence scheme; a confidence trickster. ─── 欺诈的阴谋;欺诈的魔术师
49、The moral is: The trickster who can't be trusted, has played his last trick. ─── 这个故事告诉我们:骗子的骗术终将被识破。
50、The farmer got his treasure and his reputation grew as the best trickster in the land. ─── 农夫不仅得到金银财宝,全国最会耍花招的人这样的名声也跟著不胫而走.
51、The Cherokee legend, commonly known as "The Rabbit Goes Duck Hunting," is about a rabbit who is a braggart and a trickster able to persuade other animals that he can back up his boasts. ─── 这个切罗基族传说讲的是一只"想捉鸭子的兔子"。 这只爱说大话的兔子总想在其他动物面前表现的能够自圆其说。
52、a plausible trickster, rogue, liar, etc ─── 花言巧语的骗子、 无赖、 说谎大王等
53、Now, we also have Jack to thank for the tradition of trick-or-treat, because he was such a trickster. ─── 现在,我们因有耍诡计的传统来感谢杰克,因为他曾是这样的人。
54、As the tale is told, a man named Jack, who was notorious as a drunkard and trickster, tricked Satan into climbing a tree. ─── 故事是这样的,一个叫杰克的人,既是酒鬼又是骗子,声名狼藉,而他竟然把撒旦骗上了树。
55、For the first Olympian sacrifice, the taboos surrounding the sacred kine of Apollo had to be transgressed, and the trickster god of boundaries was the one to do it. ─── 在首次奥林匹克运动会的献祭上,围绕在阿波罗的神圣雌牛周围的禁忌已经被违反了,魔术师般的边界之神是其中一位始作俑者。
56、Whatever the prank, the trickster usually ends it by yelling to his victim, "April Fool!" ─── 不管是什么恶作剧,实施恶作剧的那个人一般以向被整蛊的人喊出“愚人节快乐”来结束恶作剧。
57、Examine how one of these authors uses the trickster to develop conflicts, challenge social order, or create comedy. ─── 细察一位作家是如何利用骗子引起矛盾冲突,挑战社会秩序或造成喜剧。
58、A shifty, dishonest person; a trickster. ─── 骗子惯耍花招的、不诚实的人; 骗子
59、: If you want to appear as just a typical trickster, do NOT order this special set. ─── : 如果你想要出现作为一个典型的诈欺者,不要定购这个特别集合。
60、Any self-evolver must be a coyote trickster. ─── 所有自进化者必须是像土狼一样高明的魔术师。
61、The confidence trickster used several alias. ─── 该骗子用了几个化名。
62、Edwards'Structural Theory of Afro-American Trickster Tales ─── 爱德华精灵故事结构理论述评
63、The trickster is never satisfied in remaking itself. ─── 这位魔术师对自身的改造永远也不满意。
64、King Atreus of Mycenae retook the throne from his brother, Thyestes using advice he received from the wise trickster Hermes. ─── 迈锡尼的国王阿特柔斯(也是希腊神)从他的兄弟手上重夺王位,梯厄斯忒斯(希腊神)利用了从明智的魔术师赫密士而来的建议。
65、At that, the trickster quickly grabbed the bill and stuffed it into his pocket. ─── 就在那时,那耍把戏的人快速地抓住那钞票,而塞进他口袋里。
66、confidence trickster ─── 先博取信任而后骗取钱财的骗子
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