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09-04 投稿



homily 发音


英:  美:

homily 中文意思翻译



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n. 说教;训诫

homily 词性/词形变化,homily变形

名词: homilist |名词复数: homilies |

homily 相似词语短语

1、doomily ─── 末日

2、hominy ─── n.玉米粥;碾碎的玉米

3、homely ─── adj.家庭的;平凡的;不好看的

4、hammily ─── 哈米利

5、foamily ─── adv.起泡沫地

6、homelyn ─── 霍姆林

7、roomily ─── adv.宽敞地;广阔地

8、homelily ─── 家常

9、Emily ─── n.埃米莉(女子名)

homily 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In his homily, Pope Benedict said God appeared as the baby Jesus more than 2,000 years ago to ask for love the same way every child asks for love. ─── 在布道中,教皇本尼迪说,2000多年前,上帝以圣婴耶稣的身份出现,要求得到爱,跟每个孩子要求得到爱是一样的。

2、3. Actually I am very shy and worried for this sharing, because it is my very first time to give homily in English. ─── 对于这次的分享,我真的是非常的害羞和担心,因为用英文做弥撒讲道,还实在是第一次。收藏指正

3、During his harmony homily , Pope Benedict addressed the issue of unity, which has been the a theme of his visit. ─── 布道时,教皇提出了团结的问题,这是他此行的主题之一。

4、During his homily , Pope Benedict addressed the issue of unity, which has been a theme of his visit. ─── 在他的说教说,主教强调了统一这个问题,这是也是他此行的主题。

5、Pope Benedict XVI made the final stop of his trip to France, visiting the pilgrimage city of Lourdes. In his homily the Pontiff focused on the ills of modern materialism . ─── 教皇B十六世到达了他法国行程的最后一站---拜访圣城洛德斯。在他的布道中,他集中抨击了现代唯物主义的弊端。

6、of the nature of a homily or sermon. ─── 有说教或布道特征的。

7、Every Western casualty, every reinforcement and every pious political homily on the “justness” and “necessity” of the war seem only to leave the mission floundering deeper and more hopelessly. ─── 每当西方伤亡人数增加,政治布道般地游说强调该战争多么富有“正义性”和“必要性”之时,都只是将这次任务陷入越来越深的泥淖。

8、homily A sermon, especially one intended to edify a congregation on a practical matter and not intended to be a theological discourse. ─── 一次讲道,尤其是旨在于实际问题上启发会众,而不在于成为神学讲演

9、Benedict, in gold and white vestments and mitre, showed no discomfort as he read out his Christmas Eve homily. ─── 身穿金白色法衣,头戴主教法冠的本尼迪克特教皇在宣读平安夜布道文时并未显出不适。

10、During his homily, Pope B. addressed the issue of unity, which has been a theme of his visit. ─── 在教皇B.的说教中,他提到了统一问题,这是他这次访问的一个主题。

11、She gave us a little homily about family values. ─── 她就家庭价值问题对我们进行了一些说教。

12、In his homily the Pontiff focused on the ills of modern materialism . ─── 在布道中,教皇主要抨击了现代物质主义的种种弊病。

13、Bessie supplied the hiatus by a homily of an hour's length, in which she proved beyond a doubt that I was the most wicked and abandoned child ever reared under a roof.I half believed her; ─── 在留下的空隙里,贝茜喋喋不休进行了长达一个小时的说教,证实我无疑是家里养大的最坏、最放任的孩子,弄得我也有些半信半疑。

14、Few indeed realize that Christ is honored only as we live homily unto Him, and that, by walking in subjection to His revealed will. ─── 很少有人确实意识到,我们只有顺服遵行祂已显明的旨意,籍此向祂过圣洁的生活,才是尊崇基督。

15、homily stone company ─── 弘历公司

16、During his homily, Pope Benedict addressed the issue of unity, which has been a theme of his visit. ─── 教皇本尼迪克特在他的布道中谈到了合一的问题,这也是他这次来访的主题。

17、In his homily at a Mass Monday before the conclave started, Cardinal Ratzinger denounced modern trends undermining Catholicism. ─── 在星期一选举开始前举行的弥撒说教时,本笃枢机谴责了当今破坏天主教的种种趋势。

18、She delivered a homily on the virtues of family life. ─── 她进行了一场家庭生活美德方面的说教。

19、``We forgive and we ask for forgiveness,'' the Pope, wearing the purple vestments of Lenten mourning, said in the homily at a moving and unprecedented ceremony in St Peter's Basilica. ─── “我们宽恕,我们乞求宽恕,”教皇身着斋戒的紫袍,在圣彼德教堂举行的史无前例的感人典礼上布道说。

20、As an experienced preacher, I know that some of you didn't hear at least part of what I just said in this homily . ─── 从一个有经验的传道人的角度而言,我知道在你们当中有一些人至少听漏了我一部份的证道辞。

21、This homily, it seems to me, applies with relevance to the place of education in today's world. ─── 这则名言对我来说,适用于于当今世界教育的相关领域。

22、ed., The North England Homily Collection(published privately, 1902);and G.R. ─── 注十九:可本段及以下所述,可参阅Gordon Hall Gerould.

23、In his homily, Pope B. said God appeared as the baby Jesus more than 2000 years ago to ask for love the same way every child asks for love. ─── 在步道时,教皇B.称上帝在2000多年前以耶稣转世,他像每个孩子一样所求爱护。

24、Homily polynomial ─── Homfly多项式

25、She delivered a homily on the virtues of family life. ─── 她进行了一场家庭生活美德方面的说教。

26、A sermon should be a textual homily based on ONE Biblical passage only, preferably selected from the set of the texts arranged according to the liturgical Church Year . ─── 讲章必须仅仅按照一处圣经的经文,较为合适的是按照教会年来选取经文。

27、homily n. ─── 讲道;

28、In his homily, Benedict issued an appeal for children who are abused, forced to live on the street or serve as soldiers. ─── 教皇在布道时为那些受到虐待、被迫在流浪街头或者当儿童兵的孩子们发出诉求。

29、relating to or of the nature of a homily ─── 布道的,说教的说教性质的,或与此有关的

30、In his homily , the pope referred to the changing nature of the catholic church in America as more Hispanic migrants, most of them brought up as Catholics, arrived to find work. ─── 他提到在美国,天主教的性质正在发生变化,因为越来越多的西班牙和葡萄牙人开始移民到美国来找工作,这些人大部分是生长在天主教的环境之下的。

31、”But who ever coined that phrase obviously slept through it,expecting no one to verify the truth of that homily. ─── 但发明这句话的人肯定是睡过了头而错过了黎明,以为没有人会验证这句老话的真伪。

32、1.Actually I am very shy and worried for this sharing, because it is my very first time to give homily in English. ─── 对于这次的分享,我真的是非常的害羞和担心,因为用英文做弥撒讲道,还实在是第一次。

33、As an experienced preacher, I know that some of you didn't hear at least part of what I just said in this homily. ─── 从一个有经验的传道人的角度而言,我知道在你们当中有一些人至少听漏了我一部份的证道辞。

34、What makes a speech a Christian homily or sermon? What is the most essential theological element of the sermon? There are three main points of view here. ─── 什么构成基督徒的讲道?讲道最基本的神学要素是什么?有以下三个主要的方面。

35、Palm Sunday, recap Fr Mark's homily, short and quite simple but impressed in my head. ─── 圣枝主日,重温神父马克讲道,短期和深刻的印象很简单,但在我的脑袋。

36、He launched into a homily on family relationships. ─── 他开始就家庭关系进行说教。

37、In his Fribourg homily, Cardinal Naguib said evidence suggested the October Cairo incident had been planned. ─── 纳吉布枢机在瑞士弗里堡的讲道中说,众多迹象显示,开罗的袭击事件其实早有预谋。

38、The play embodies and presents an Elizabethan homily about order and obedience, the puritans' discontent with the Elizabethan church, and two opposing images of Queen Elizabeth I. ─── 这个剧含有伊利莎白时代强调秩序与服从的训诫文,清教徒对伊利莎白教会的不满,并且也展现两种不同的伊利莎白的形象。

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