dormice 发音
英: 美:
dormice 中文意思翻译
dormice 词性/词形变化,dormice变形
原型:dormice 名词复数形式:dormice
dormice 相似词语短语
1、dormins ─── n.脱落酸;n.(Dormin)(美)多尔民(人名)
2、Comice ─── 考密斯(一种美国产的梨名)
3、Formica ─── n.福米卡家具塑料贴面(商标名称)
4、dormin ─── n.脱落酸;n.(Dormin)(美)多尔民(人名)
5、dormie ─── adj.领先分数与所剩洞数相等的(等于dormy)
6、dorize ─── 欲望
7、dermic ─── adj.真皮的;皮肤的(等于dermal)
8、dornick ─── n.锦缎及其他装饰织物的统称;花缎
9、dorise ─── n.(Dorise)人名;(法)多里斯
dormice 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、In order to conduct the study, 50 dormice were fitted with microchips. ─── 为了进行该项研究,有50只榛睡鼠被植入了晶片。
2、Bears are warm-blooded, like bats, squirrels and dormice. ─── 棕熊、蝙蝠、松鼠和睡鼠一样都是恒温动物。
3、” These young dormice were comprised of animals from wild animal parks and several private breeders, ensuring genetic diversity in the new population. ─── 这些幼小的榛睡鼠由一些野生动物园和若干私营育种者选育,以确保其群体的基因多样性。
4、Mouse-tailed dormice ─── n. 鼠尾睡鼠属
5、And if one "manages to do it twice", does it mean the dormice choose to cross the road only once, or does it actually mean that none of them survive a second attempt at crossing the road? ─── 如果说“有一只甚至成功穿越了两次”,那这句话是说榛睡鼠们只选择过马路一次,还是实际上除那只成功者以外,所有榛睡鼠都没能在第二次尝试中生还?
6、Could the Highway Commission be more interested in saving money than saving dormice? ─── 路政署委员会还能更看重资金而轻视榛睡鼠的生命吗?
7、"I have just discovered how a gardener may get rid of the dormice that eat his peaches. ─── 那是一扇小木门,用柳条做的铰链,用一根绳子和一枚钉子做的搭扣。
8、Dormice therefore spend a large proportion of their lives sleeping;either hibernating in winter or in torpor in summer. ─── 因此,榛睡鼠一生中,大部分时间都在睡觉中度过:冬天有冬眠,夏天有休眠。
9、Researchers will monitor the activities of this new group, to determine how far they travel, and if they produce any new dormice. ─── 研究者将密切监视新种群的活动,以确知它们的足迹到达何处,是否有了下一代。
10、Gliridae; dormice ─── 睡鼠科
11、But like dormice,the squirrels in cold countries hibernate in winter,too. ─── 别把事情留给明天,能今天做就今天完成。
12、Researchers will monitor the activities of this new group, to determine how far they travel, and if they produce any new dormice. ─── 研究者将密切监视新种群的活动,以确知它们的足迹到达何处,是否有了下一代。
13、dormice and other Old World forms. ─── 睡鼠及其它旧域种类。
14、One hypothesis is that the prairie dogs contracted the virus from infected dormice, rope squirrels, or Gambian giant rats, which were housed in the same animal-holding facility or pet shop as the prairie dogs. ─── 有一个猜想是,草原狗从已感染的睡鼠、绳松鼠或冈比亚巨田鼠获得病毒,因为这些动物与草原狗被关在同一个动物圈养设施或宠物商店里。
15、Dormice therefore spend a large proportion of their lives sleeping; either hibernating in winter or in torpor in summer. ─── 因此,榛睡鼠一生中,大部分时间都在睡觉中度过:冬天有冬眠,夏天有休眠。
16、And if one “manages to do it twice”, does it mean the dormice choose to cross the road only once, or does it actually mean that none of them survive a second attempt at crossing the road? ─── 2. 如果说“有一只甚至成功穿越了两次”,那这句话是说榛睡鼠们只选择过马路一次,还是实际上除那只成功者以外,所有榛睡鼠都没能在第二次尝试中生还?
17、For the first two weeks, the dormice will live in large cages as they become accustomed to their new surroundings, receiving food and water daily. ─── 在放归后最初的两周内,榛睡鼠们将了解并熟悉新环境,这段时间内它们会住在大型的笼子里,人类每天都会给它们提供食物和水。
18、did the romans eat them ? " said the gardener - " ate dormice ? ─── 那位园艺家说道,“他们吃睡鼠?”
19、At the latest dormouse release organized by the People’s Trust for Endangered Species (PTES), 11 male and 14 female Hazel Dormice were released “somewhere in Warwickshire. ─── 在这次由PTES组织的榛睡鼠放归行动中,有11只雄性榛睡鼠和14只雌性榛睡鼠被放归在“沃里克郡的某个角落”。
20、bears are warm - blooded , like bats , squirrels and dormice. ─── 棕熊、蝙蝠、松鼠和睡鼠一样都是恒温动物。
21、These adorable dormice are actually increasingly rare in England, and these two were rescued from the jaws of a ferocious housecat. ─── 这些可爱的睡鼠在英格兰变得愈发的稀少,这两只小家伙是从一只凶残的家猫口中救出的。
22、Hazel Dormice have been released into 12 counties by PTES. ─── PTES已经在全球12个国家将600多只榛睡鼠放归自然。
23、Could the Highway Commission be more interested in saving money than saving dormice ? ─── 路政署委员会还能更看重资金而轻视榛睡鼠的生命吗?
24、African dormice ─── n. 非洲睡鼠属
25、family of four Glis dormice were found in the ticket machine on the platform of a little train station in Aylesbury in Buckinghamshire after complaints it had stopped working. ─── 英国白金汉郡艾尔斯·伯里的一个小火车站屡屡接到投诉电话称火车售票机无法正常运行,检测后才发现是四只小睡鼠把这台机器当成了自己的家。
26、Dormice spend most of their waking hours in trees. ─── 榛睡鼠醒着的时间,基本都在树上度过。
27、Over 600 Hazel Dormice have been released into 12 counties by PTES. ─── 至今,PTES已经在全球12个国家将600多只榛睡鼠放归自然。
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