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09-04 投稿



hypanthium 发音


英:  美:

hypanthium 中文意思翻译



hypanthium 词性/词形变化,hypanthium变形

形容词: hypanthial |名词复数: hypanthia |

hypanthium 相似词语短语

1、hypanthia ─── n.隐头花序;萼筒;由花托形成之杯状体(hypanthium的变形)

2、cyathium ─── n.杯状聚伞花序

3、hypothecium ─── n.[植]子囊下层;[植]囊层基;[植]下盘层

4、hypanthial ─── adj.杯状体的;管状体的

5、hypognathism ─── 下颚畸形

6、hypoxanthic ─── 次黄嘌呤

7、hypoxanthine ─── n.[生化]次黄嘌呤

8、hypogastrium ─── n.下腹

9、Byzantium ─── n.拜占庭(古罗马城市,今称伊斯坦布尔)

hypanthium 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Hypanthium obconic, ca. 3.5 mm. ─── 托杯倒圆锥形,长约3.5毫米。

2、Hypanthium narrowly funnelform, ca. 5 mm, obtusely 4-sided, puberulous or glabrescent. ─── 托杯狭漏斗状,大约5毫米,钝4边,被微柔毛或者后脱落。

3、Hypanthium cupular to cupular-funnelform, 4-sided, usually winged on angles. ─── 托杯杯状到杯状漏斗状,4边的,通常在角上具翅。

4、Leaf blade oblong-lanceolate, base cuneate, margin prominently doubly serrate, apex acute. Hypanthium glabrous. ─── 长圆状披针形的叶片,基部楔形,边缘显著重锯齿,先端锐尖。托杯无毛。

5、Fruit a baccate drupe, often globular, apex with hypanthium forming a ring; ─── 果一浆果状核果,通常球状,先端具托杯形成一环形;

6、A fleshy fruit,such as an apple,a pear,or a quince,having several seed chambers and an outer fleshy part largely derived from the hypanthium. ─── 梨果,一种多肉的水果,如苹果、梨或温桴,有几个子房和一个主要由杯状体发育而成的外层多肉部分。

7、Hypanthium ca. 7 mm, corrugate when dry, glaucous. ─── 托杯约7毫米,干燥时具皱褶,苍白。

8、Petiole to 1 cm; leaf blade glaucescent abaxially, to 7 cm, glabrous on both surfaces, base cuneate. Inflorescences and hypanthium abaxially glabrous. ─── 叶柄长达1厘米;带白霜背面的叶片,在7厘米,两面无毛,基部楔形。花序和托杯背面无毛。

9、calyptra 5-7 mm, slightly longer than hypanthium, apex acute. ─── 帽状体5-7毫米,稍微长于托杯,先端锐尖。

10、Hypanthium obconic, ca. 2.5 mm, apical part ampliate. ─── 托杯倒圆锥形,大约2.5毫米,顶部膨大。

11、calyptra ca. 1.5 mm, slightly wider than hypanthium, apex rounded, apiculate. ─── 帽状体约1.5毫米,比托杯稍微有点宽,先端圆形,具细尖。

12、Achenes 1 or 2, included in closed hypanthium, distally with hooked prickles. ─── 瘦果1或2,在关闭的托杯,上部具钩刺内包括。

13、calyptra nearly as long as hypanthium, apex slightly acute. ─── 帽状体近等长于托杯,顶稍锐尖。

14、Leaf blades abaxially glabrous or subglabrous; inflorescences pilose; hypanthium abaxially glabrous, or pilose only on tube. ─── 叶片背面无毛或近无毛;花序具柔毛;只在管上的托杯背面无毛,或具柔毛。

15、Hypanthium campanulate, acutely 4-angled, furfuraceous. ─── 托杯钟状,尖锐四棱形,软鳞片状。

16、Hypanthium obconic, ca. 3 mm. ─── 托杯倒圆锥形,长约3毫米。

17、Sepals triangular-lanceolate, slightly shorter than hypanthium, margin with capitate glands, apex acuminate. ─── 萼片三角状披针形,稍短于托杯,边缘与一起腺体,先端渐尖。

18、calyptra slightly obtuse conic to slightly acute, shorter than hypanthium. ─── 帽状体稍钝圆锥形到稍锐尖,短于托杯。

19、Hypanthium 3-5 mm, obconic. ─── 托杯3-5毫米,倒圆锥形。

20、Leaf blade abaxially glabrous; pedicel and hypanthium abaxially sparsely pubescent. ─── 叶片背面无毛;花梗和托杯背面稀疏短柔毛。

21、Leaf margin prominently doubly serrate, apex acute, blade oblong-lanceolate, base cuneate; hypanthium glabrous. ─── 叶缘显著重锯齿,先端锐尖,长圆状披针形的叶片,基部楔形;托杯无毛。

22、Rachis, pedicels, hypanthium, and petals basally villous; leaf blade obovate-elliptic. ─── 正面的小叶是疏生柔毛;花梗具柔毛。

23、Hypanthium funnel-shaped, ca. 5 mm, 4-sided, furfuraceous puberulous, sparsely setose. ─── 托杯漏斗状,大约5毫米,4棱,软鳞片状被微柔毛,稀疏刚毛。

24、Sepals triangular, slightly shorter than hypanthium, pubescent on both surfaces, margin entire, apex acuminate. ─── 三角形的萼片,稍短于托杯,两面被短柔毛,边缘全缘,先端渐尖。

25、Hypanthium obconic or sometimes clavate. ─── 托杯倒圆锥形或者有时的棍棒状。

26、Hypanthium obconic, campanulate, or cyathiform, caducous at fruiting time, only annular base remained. ─── 托杯倒圆锥形,钟状,或者杯状,早落的在果期的时间,只是环形的基础剩下。

27、Hypanthium hemispheric to obovoid, 2-3 mm; ─── 托杯半球形到倒卵球形,2-3毫米;

28、calyptra coniform-semiglobose, as long or slightly shorter than hypanthium, sometimes apiculate. ─── 帽状体锥状半球形,等长或稍短于托杯,有时具细尖。

29、calyptra semiglobose to conic, as long or slightly shorter than hypanthium, apex acute to apiculate. ─── 帽状体半球形到圆锥形,等长或者稍短于托杯,先端锐尖到具细尖。

30、hypanthium urceolate, ca. 8 mm, densely pectinate setose-tuberculate. ─── 托杯瓶形,约8毫米,浓密栉状具刚毛具瘤。

31、Inflorescence subumbellate; pedicel, hypanthium, and fruit glabrous. ─── 花序近伞形;花梗,托杯和水果无毛。

32、Leaflet blades narrowly lanceolate, margin sharply serrate apically; hypanthium somewhat turbinate. ─── 小叶叶片狭披针形,边缘锐有锯齿;托杯有点陀螺状。

33、Hypanthium campanulate, usually contracted at middle, 4-sided, 8-ribbed. ─── 托杯钟状,通常在中间,4棱,8肋收缩。

34、Hypanthium semiglobose, ca. 7 mm, shortly stipitate. ─── 托杯半球形,约7毫米,具短柄。

35、Hypanthium globose-urceolate, pubescent or squamose strigose. ─── 托杯球状瓶形,短柔毛或者具鳞片具糙伏毛。

36、Hypanthium 5-9 mm, densely compressed strigose, margin fimbriate. ─── 托杯5-9毫米,浓密压扁具糙伏毛,边缘流苏状。

37、Hypanthium tubular-campanulate to campanulate, squamose, glabrous or pubescent, apex truncate or inconspicuous. ─── 托杯管状钟状的到钟状,具鳞片,无毛或被短柔毛,先端截形或者不显眼。

38、Hypanthium sometimes purplish red, ca. 6 mm. ─── 有时的托杯紫红色,大约6毫米。

39、Hypanthium narrowly funnelform, 0.5-1 cm, longitudinally 8-ribbed, glabrous or furfuraceous. ─── 托杯狭漏斗状,0.5-1厘米,纵向8肋,无毛或软鳞片状。

40、calyptra shortly pyramidal awl-shaped, shorter than or as long as hypanthium, apex acuminate. ─── 帽状体短金字塔的锥形,短于或者等长于托杯,先端渐尖。

41、Hypanthium funnel-shaped, 5-sided, usually narrowly winged on angles, apex truncate. ─── 托杯漏斗状,5边,通常是具狭翅在角上,先端截形。

42、Inflorescence subumbellate; pedicel, hypanthium, and fruit glabrous. ─── 花序近伞形;花梗,托杯和水果无毛。

43、calyptra shorter than or as long as hypanthium. ─── 帽状体短于或者等长于托杯。

44、A fleshy fruit, such as an apple, a pear, or a quince, having several seed chambers and an outer fleshy part largely derived from the hypanthium. ─── 梨果一种多肉的水果,如苹果、梨或温桴,有几个子房和一个主要由杯状体发育而成的外层多肉部分

45、Hypanthium obconic, ca. 2.5 mm, apex nearly abrupt. ─── 托杯倒圆锥形,大约2.5毫米,顶差不多突然。

46、Hypanthium funnelform to cup-shaped, 5-sided, narrowly crisply winged, glabrous, apex truncate. ─── 托杯漏斗状对杯状,5边,狭具脆翅,无毛,先端截形。

47、Capsule ellipsoid, ovoid, or subglobular ; hypanthium longitudinally 8-ribbed. ─── 蒴果椭圆形,卵球形,或者近球形;托杯纵向的8肋。

48、Hypanthium shortly obconic, ca. 2 mm. ─── 托杯短倒圆锥形,长约2毫米。

49、calyptra awl-shaped, as long as hypanthium, apex slightly acute. ─── 帽状体锥形,等长于托杯,顶稍锐尖。

50、Hypanthium campanulate or cupular, lined by nectariferous disk. ─── 托杯钟状或杯状,通过分泌蜜汁的磁盘排队。

51、Leaf margin ciliate; petiole lateral sides villous; hypanthium setose with inflated bases, calyx lobes sparsely setose and inside puberulous. ─── 叶缘具缘毛叶柄侧的边具长柔毛;用基部膨大具刚毛的托杯,萼裂片稀疏刚毛和在被微柔毛里面。

52、Capsule funnel-shaped, ca. 4 mm in diam., 4-sided;hypanthium exceeding capsule, furfuraceous puberulous. ─── 漏斗状的蒴果,直径约4毫米,4棱托杯超过蒴果,软鳞片状被微柔毛。

53、Rachis and pedicels sparsely tomentose-pilose when young, soon glabrescent, glabrous when old; hypanthium glabrous abaxially. ─── 幼时具柔毛轴和花梗稀疏绒毛,不久后脱落,无毛的老时;托杯无毛背面。

54、Twigs densely glandular setose and hispidulous. Leaf margin distinctly dentate. Inflorescence axis, pedicels, and hypanthium densely hispidulous and pubescent. ─── 密被具腺具刚毛的小枝和具短硬毛。清楚的叶缘具牙齿。花序轴,花梗并且托杯密被具短硬毛和短柔毛。

55、Leaflets densely pubescent on both surfaces. Pedicel and hypanthium densely pubescent. ─── 小叶密被短柔毛的在两面。花梗和托杯密被短柔毛。

56、Hypanthium obconic, eventually elongated, 10-ribbed. ─── 托杯倒圆锥形,最终拉长,10肋。

57、;hypanthium shortly turbinate. ─── 不久的托杯陀螺状。

58、Hypanthium obconic, ca. 1 cm. ─── 托杯倒圆锥形,长约1厘米。

59、Fruit a nut surrounded by corky hypanthium and crowned by often unequal sepals. ─── 果为一坚果通过被木栓质的托杯和通常不等长萼片筒包围。

60、Hypanthium obconic, ca. 4 mm. ─── 托杯倒圆锥形,大约4毫米。

61、Hypanthium semiglobose, 1.5-3 mm.Calyx lobes 4, repand. ─── 托杯半球形,1.5-3毫米萼裂片4,残波状。

62、Abaxial surfaces of both leaf blade and hypanthium densely villous. ─── 背面两个叶片和托杯密被长柔毛。

63、Hypanthium cup-shaped, campanulate, subfunnel-shaped, or semiorbicular, apex repand or shallowly 4-lobed. ─── 托杯杯状,钟状,近漏斗形,或者半圆形的,先端残波状或浅4裂。

64、Hypanthium campanulate to funnel-shaped, ca. 1 mm, sericeous. ─── 托杯钟状到漏斗状,长约1毫米,被绢毛。

65、Hypanthium shortly clavate, 3-4 mm in diam. ─── 托杯短,直径3-4毫米;

66、Twigs pubescent and glandular setose intermixed. Inflorescence axis, hypanthium, and calyx lobes hirtellous. ─── 短柔毛和具腺具刚毛小枝混合。花序轴,托杯和萼裂片具微糙硬毛。

67、Hypanthium narrowly funnel-shaped, 4-5 mm at anthesis, furfuraceous. ─── 托杯狭漏斗状的,4-5毫米在花期,软鳞片状。

68、Twigs sparsely glandular setose. Leaf margin inconspicuously dentate or subentire. Inflorescence axis, pedicels, and hypanthium glabrous. ─── 小枝疏生腺体具刚毛。叶缘难以觉察具牙齿的或近全缘。花序轴,花梗和托杯无毛。

69、Hypanthium 2-2.3 cm, densely squamose strigose. ─── 托杯2-2.3厘米,浓密具浓密鳞片状糙伏毛。

70、hypanthium ca. 5 mm, longitudinally 8-ribbed, furfuraceous, apically contracted. ─── 托杯大约5毫米,纵向8肋,软鳞片状的,顶部收缩。

71、Abaxial surfaces of both leaf blade and hypanthium sparsely villous. ─── 背面两个叶片和托杯疏生长柔毛。

72、Hypanthium funnelform to funnelform-campanulate, (3 or)4(or 5)-sided. ─── 托杯漏斗状的到漏斗状钟状,(3或者)4(或者5)边的。

73、The epigynous flower was composed of ovarian tissue, hypanthium and appendicular tissues. ─── 由花器附属组织包围子房形成的子房下位花,于十一月上旬左右绽放。

74、calyptra semiglobose or slightly acute, shorter than hypanthium. ─── 帽状体半球形或者稍锐尖,短于托杯。

75、hypanthium campanulate-funnelform to subglobular, 8-ribbed, ribs conspicuous or inconspicuous. ─── 托杯钟状到近球形漏斗状,8肋,肋骨显眼或者不显眼。

76、Pedicel short. Hypanthium campanulate. Sepals and petals essentially identical. ─── 花梗短托杯钟状基本上的萼片和花瓣相同。

77、Fruit a follicle, pome, achene, or drupe, rarely a capsule, naked or enclosed in persistent hypanthium and sometimes also by sepals. ─── 果为蓇葖果,梨果,瘦果,或者核果,很少蒴果,裸露或者包围在宿存托杯里面并且有时也被萼片包围。

78、Inflorescences subumbellate. Pedicels, hypanthium abaxially, and fruit glabrous. ─── 花序近伞形。花梗,背面的托杯,和无毛的水果。

79、Hypanthium obconic, ca. 4 mm, glandular punctate, corrugate when dry, glaucous. ─── 托杯倒圆锥形,长约4毫米,具腺具点,干燥时具皱褶,苍白。

80、Rachis, hypanthium, and calyx lobes hirtellous, twigs pubescent and glandular setose. ─── 托杯,和具微糙硬毛的萼裂片,青春期和腺具刚毛的枝。

81、Hypanthium obconic, ca. 2 mm. ─── 托杯倒圆锥形,长约2毫米。

82、Flowers borne in axillary panicles, bisexual, white to yellow or red, actinomorphic to zygomorphic, with or without hypanthium. ─── 花生于腋生圆锥花序,两性,白色到黄色或红色,辐射对称对左右对称,有或没有托杯。

83、Hypanthium clavate, 1-1.2 cm, straight sulcate when dry. ─── 托杯棍棒状,1-1.2厘米,干燥时直具槽。

84、The succulent fruit wall of Pyracantha develops from the hypanthium mainly by cell enlargement; ─── 子果实的肉质果壁是由托附杯借细胞体积增大发育而来。

85、hypanthium subglobular, apical margin irregular. ─── 托杯近球形,顶端边不规则。

86、calyptra semiglobose, shorter than or as long as hypanthium, apex rounded. ─── 帽状体半球形,短于或者等长于托杯,先端圆形。

87、Petiole, leaf veins, pedicel, and hypanthium glabrous; pome subglobose or obovoid. ─── 叶柄,叶脉,,和托杯无毛;梨果近球形的或倒卵球形。(8

88、1 Twigs densely glandular setose and hispidulous; inflorescence axis, pedicels, and hypanthium densely hispidulous and pubescent. ─── 浓密具腺具刚毛的小枝和具短硬毛;花序轴,花梗,并且托杯浓密具短硬毛和短柔毛。

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