genital 发音
英:[ˈdʒenɪtl] 美:[ˈdʒenɪtl]
英: 美:
genital 中文意思翻译
genital 网络释义
adj. 生殖的;生殖器的n. 生殖器;外阴部
genital 常用词组
genital tract ─── 生殖道;产道
genital system ─── 生殖系统
genital organ ─── 生殖器
genital 短语词组
1、genital cord ─── [医] 生殖索
2、genital furrow ─── [医] 生殖沟
3、genital crest ─── [医] 生殖嵴
4、genital cavity ─── [医] 生殖腔
5、genital corpuscles ─── [医] 生殖器神经小体(外生殖器的一种感觉小体)
6、genital eminence ─── [医] 生殖隆起, 生殖结节(胚)
7、female genital organ ─── 雌[女]性生殖器
8、cranial genital fold ─── [医] 头生殖褶
9、genital duct ─── [医] 生殖管
10、genital cells ─── [医] 生殖细胞, 胚细胞
11、genital areas ─── [医] 经区(经期中鼻部充血之区)
12、genital center ─── [医] 脊髓生殖中枢
13、genital atrium ─── [医] 生殖腔
14、genital fold ─── [医] 生殖褶
15、genital cleft ─── [医] 生殖裂
16、genital gianas ─── [医] 生殖腺
17、caudal genital fold ─── [医] 尾生殖褶
18、genital groove ─── [医] 生殖沟, 尿道沟
19、genital fossae ─── [医] 生殖窝
genital 词性/词形变化,genital变形
genital 相似词语短语
1、genial ─── adj.亲切的,友好的;和蔼的;适宜的
2、genitalia ─── n.[解剖]生殖器,外阴部
3、genitival ─── adj.属格的;属格形的
4、genal ─── adj.(解剖学)(与)脸颊(有关)的;n.(Genal)(美、塞、匈)盖纳尔(人名)
5、genitalic ─── 生殖器
6、genistas ─── n.金雀花
7、genitals ─── n.生殖器;外阴部
8、genitally ─── 生殖器
9、Benita ─── n.贝妮塔(女子名)
genital 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、from genital ridge and mesenterium of human embryo was incubated on fibroblast feeder layers for subculture. ─── 从人胚胎生殖嵴、肠系膜中消化分离的原始生殖细胞,将其接种在人子宫内膜成纤维细胞饲养层上传代培养。
2、Artificial abortion, medical abortion, genital itching, Leucorrhea increased, cervical erosion, and other gynecological diseases. ─── 无痛人流、药流、外阴瘙痒、白带增多、宫颈糜烂等妇科疾病。颈、肩、腰、腿痛、创外伤、清创缝合。
3、If an outbreak is occurring, a c-section is typically performed; however, most women with genital herpes are able to deliver vaginally. ─── 如果出现了复发,通常情况下会选择剖腹产;不过,许多患有生殖器疱疹的妇女都可以通过产道生产。
4、If you have symptoms of genital herpes but swab tests have always been negative. ─── 在出现症状的3天内进行检查是最好的时机。
5、Some women suddenly feel after menstrual genital Throw Down the evening with hot water washing when the piece will emerge into a large pimple. ─── 有的女性经期后突然感觉外阴很痒,晚上用热水洗的时候,还会出现成片的大疙瘩。
6、A total of 82% had oral aphthae only, and 18% having oral and genital aphthae. ─── 55名患者中82%仅有口腔阿弗它,18%口腔和生殖器部位同时发生阿弗它。
7、Female genital mutilation or female part of tubular. The bottom of the vagina in cervical, bladder and rectum in the middle. ─── 女性或某些雌性动物生殖器官的一部分,管状。人的阴道在子宫颈的下方,膀胱和直肠的中间。
8、HP infection isn't inconsequential in men. Certain strains of the irus are known to cause genital warts in men as well as women. ─── HP感染对男性并非无关紧要。现在知道,部分病毒株在男性也和女性一样引起生殖器疣。
9、HPV is a common sexually transmitted virus. It is well known for causing cervical cancer and genital warts. ─── HPV是常见的性传播性病毒。它普遍的被认为是引起宫颈癌和生殖器疣的原因。
10、"We also need to do more in defining a real path of success for a genital herpes vaccine," he added. ─── 他补充说:“我们同样需要更加努力,以找到一种真正有效的方法研制出生殖器疱疹疫苗。
11、Cadmium is a heavy metal with obvious chronic toxicity and is mast sensitive to genital system. ─── 摘要镉是一种具有慢性毒害的重金属,生殖系统对其毒性最敏感。
12、Women with PSAS experience genital arousal and lubrication without direct stimulation or even a desire to become sexually aroused. ─── PSAS妇女在没有直接刺激或者甚至是没有性冲动的情况下,也会出现性唤起和阴部湿润现象。
13、Women who acquire genital herpes before becoming pregnant have a low risk of passing the virus to their baby. ─── 妇女在怀孕前感染PZ只有很低的风险通过病毒感染给婴儿.
14、Methods To make laboratory inspection and clinical resolution with 116 patients with genital ulcer diseases according to united criteria. ─── 方法按照统一的诊断标准,实验室检查和临床分析116例生殖器溃疡患者的临床资料。
15、Method Seven cases of MPMT of the female genital tract were studied by clinicopathology in combination with the review of the literature. ─── 方法回顾分析7例女性生殖系统MPMT的临床病理资料并复习文献。
16、Method: 6 cases of male genital organ deep burn wounds were treated with MEBO. ─── 方法:采用湿润烧伤膏(MEBO)治疗男性外生殖器深度烧伤6例。
17、Excitation of one's own or another's genital organs, usually to orgasm, by manual contact or means other than sexual intercourse. ─── 手淫,自淫非性交的手动的接触或方式以刺激自己或他人的生殖器使其达到高潮
18、The clinic behaes of CA is mainly cauliflower or papilloma proliferation in genital parts, CA is kind of proliferation diseas ... ─── CA临床多表现为生殖器部位菜花状或乳头状增生物,该病虽是一种良性增生物,但易误诊、漏诊、病情顽固,且部分有转化为恶性肿瘤的可能。
19、Genital infection with the herpes simplex iruses (HS) 1 or 2 is not just an inconenience, doctors note. ─── 医生们称单纯疱疹病毒(HS)1或2的生殖器感染带来的不仅仅是不便。
20、The genital herpes virus invades the body through a vulnerable area of skin or mucous membrane. ─── 单纯疱疹病毒通过破损皮肤或粘膜组织进入人体。
21、Antibacterial detoxification, treatment influenza, herpes, mucositis, Candida genital infection. ─── 抗菌排毒,治疗感冒,疱疹,粘膜炎,念珠菌生殖器感染。
22、Malignant ovarian neoplasm is a common carcinoma in female genital tract, and its prominent type is epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC). ─── 卵巢恶性肿瘤是女性生殖道常见的恶性肿瘤,其中绝大部分为上皮性卵巢癌(Epithelial Ovarian Cancer,简称EOC)。
23、Some preach abstinence yet turn a blind eye to polygamous marriages, adultery and genital mutilation. ─── 一些人一边鼓吹节欲一边却对一夫多妻,通奸和摧残生殖器的行为视而不见。
24、A few months later, his Adam's apple would be shaved down and he would receive breast implants. Genital surgery would follow. ─── 几个月后,他的“亚当的苹果”将会被切下,并接受隆胸手术,随之而来的还有女性生殖器再生手术。
25、What astonished the archeologists is a one palm-sized stone genital found on the inner wall of a tomb with a small stone statue of Goddess below. ─── 令考古学家惊讶的是,内墙上发现了一个手掌形状的石头生殖器,下面是一个小型的石头女神雕像。
26、The female reproductive system is composed of ovary, oviduct, genital pore and spermatheca. ─── 卵巢由外膜和内生殖上皮构成;
27、FACT: There is no relationship between the size of a man's feet and the size of his genital organs, or so says science. ─── 真相:没有科学依据证明男人的脚的尺寸和他的生殖器大小有关系。
28、An African aid group opposed to female genital mutilation receives the Hilton Prize for humanitarian work. ─── 反对女性的生殖切断的一个非洲援助小组接受希尔顿奖为人道主义者工作。
29、Primary carcinoma of the fallopian tube is the rarest cancer of the female genital tract with an incidence of less than 1% of all gynecologic tumors. ─── 原发性输卵管癌是少见的女性生殖道恶性肿瘤,发病率占原发性妇科恶性肿瘤发病率的1%以下。
30、Big bacili of Duan Jisheng falls in normal woman genital, when airframe resistance is low, can cause ulcer of acute female shade. ─── 在正常妇女生殖器下段寄生的大杆菌,在机体抵抗力低下时,可引起急性女阴溃疡。
31、Has20 years experience in urology and male genital system. ─── 对淋病、毒、锐湿疣、殖器疱疹、原体衣原体感染的诊治,亦得心应手,尤其是双向免疫接种治疗尖锐湿疣疗效显著。
32、"Almost one in five overall had a strain of HPV associated with cervical cancer or genital warts," she said. ─── “其中大约有总数五分之一的几少女,患上了由乳突状淋巴瘤引起的子宫颈癌和外生殖器疣,”她这样说道。
33、I masturbate overly in adolescence, bring about genital smallish, how to do? ─── 我在青春期过分手淫,导致生殖器短小,怎么办?
34、Female genital mutilation usually involves the removal of the clitoris and other parts of female genitalia. ─── 女性割礼通常是将阴蒂或生殖器其他部份割除。
35、Methods CT in female genital tract was detected by NPCR and DFA. ─── 方法应用套式聚合酶链反应(NPCR)技术和直接荧光(DFA)法检测女性生殖道沙眼衣原体。
36、As the animation plays, activity first builds up in the genital area of the sensory cortex, a response to being touched in that region. ─── 正如短片显示的那样,大脑活动先从负责生殖器官那部分的感觉皮层开始,触发了此区域的感应。
37、The microbes invade into the amnion by many ways,the common way is ascending infection from the lower genital tract. ─── 微生物可经多种途径入侵羊膜腔,其中最常见的是上行感染。
38、Among gay men in the study, MRSA was spread by skin contact, causing abscesses and infection in the buttocks and genital area. ─── 其中男同性恋在研究中, MRSA的蔓延,是由皮肤接触,又造成了脓肿和感染,臀部及生殖器区。
39、Objective To investigate the relationshipm between genital Ureaplasma urealyticum infection during perinatal period and preterm labor. ─── 摘要目的探讨孕妇生殖道解脲支原体感染与早产的关系。
40、When postpartum hemorrhage occurs, the possibility of retained placental fragments, genital tract trauma and coagulopathy must be ruled out first. ─── 在排除孕妇本身凝血功能异常、产道裂伤、胎盘滞留后,我们常以按摩子宫及药物治疗子宫收缩无力。
41、To genital bleb, 2 investigation make clear with lack annulus to cut have apparently statistical the relation that go up, 4 make clear did not concern. ─── 对于生殖器疱疹,2项调查表明与缺少环切有明显统计学上的关系,4项表明没有关系。
42、Objective To observe treatment effects and security of topical 5% Imiquimod cream to external genital warts. ─── 摘要目的观察5%咪喹莫特乳膏治疗外生殖器尖锐湿疣的疗效和安全性。
43、They mistakenly thought that the sperm cell contained a miniature preformed human Being that grew when it was deposited in the female genital tract. ─── 他们误以为精子细胞在女性外生殖器着床时就已经内含缩小的人体。
44、Venereal and main it is urethritis of sex of gonococcus of syphilis, clap, blame, acerb bleb of wet wart, genital, soft chancre, AIDS. ─── 性病主要是梅毒、淋病、非淋菌性尿道炎、尖锐湿疣、生殖器疱疹、软下疳、艾滋病等。
45、None had HIV, genital herpes or HPV at the start of the study.The men were split into two groups. ─── 在研究的开始,任何一位都没有HIV,生殖器疱疹或者人乳头状瘤。
46、They produce sperm which may be ejaculated through a system of genital ducts. ─── 产生能通过生殖管道系统射出的精子。
47、Lafferty W. Genital herpes. Recommrndations for comprehensive care[J]. Postgrad Med, 1988 ;80:157. ─── 周萍英,朱光斗.常规与大剂量阿昔洛韦治疗带状疱疹临床疗效对比[J].临床皮肤科杂志,1997;6:369.
48、The removal of the genital glands, even in adult individuals, produces some modifications of the mental state. ─── 即使在成年之后,切除他们的性腺,也会使他们的心智状态产生改变。
49、METHODS: PGC from genital ridge and mesenterium of human embryo was incubated on fibroblast feeder layers for subculture. ─── 方法:从人胚胎生殖嵴、肠系膜中消化分离的原始生殖细胞,将其接种在人子宫内膜成纤维细胞饲养层上传代培养。
50、"I would say that, at the moment, the genital herpes accine is a field that does not hae much interest, does not hae much money," Corey said. ─── 但是,先前昂贵的(试验)失败已使制药业对资助疱疹疫苗试验感到很恼火。
51、Although only 6% of women had culturable infectious virus, 57% had HIV-1 RNA in their genital secretions. ─── 尽管只有6%的妇女能培养出感染性HIV病毒,但57%的妇女在生殖道分泌物中检测到了HIV核醣核酸。
52、Males have no penises and are armed with a genital opening which looks little different from that of a female. ─── 雄鸟没有阴茎只有一个与雌鸟相比区别不大的生殖管道开口。
53、Methods: A total of259 female genital swabs were cultured on the selective solid media and liquid media. ─── 方法:259例女性泌尿生殖道标本分别接种于固体培养基和液体培养基,观测菌落,同时检测细菌性阴道病。
54、Still, if a woman has genital herpes, it is important that she discuss this with her health care provider. ─── 尽管如此,如果一个妇女患有生殖器疱疹,她需要同医生讨论这个问题,这非常重要。
55、HPVs also can be transmitted by skin contact and are found in the mucus of the genital tract, and in saliva, urine, and semen. ─── 人乳头状病毒也能通过皮肤接触传染,并且在生殖道的粘液中、唾液、尿液和精液中也能找到它们。
56、Studies in a group of 24 women suggest the gel is nonirritating and does not harm the beneficial bacteria that normally inhabit the genital area. ─── 对一组24名妇女的研究表明,这种凝胶没有刺激反应,也不伤害正常情况下生活在生殖器部位的有益细菌。
57、In these exercises, the woman and her partner take turns caressing each other's body, except for the genital area. ─── 在这种训练中,女性和她的伴侣轮流爱抚另一半的身体,除了生殖区域。
58、HPV, the human papilloma virus, is a cause of genital warts and cervical cancer. ─── 人类的乳突淋瘤病毒是导致生殖器和子宫颈瘤的病毒。
59、They are taking the measure of Hesperian, the genital of husband of measure coming home, how do you say the result is met? ─── 她们拿着西方人的尺度,回家丈量丈夫的生殖器,你说结果会怎么样?
60、Uterine myoma is the most common of the female genital tumors, and the traditional management is laparotomy surgery. ─── 子宫肌瘤是女性生殖器最常见的良性肿瘤,传统的治疗方法以开腹手术为主。
61、An increasing number of immigrants from countries practicing female genital mutilation (FGM) has begun to concern Europe as well. ─── 越来越多的移民国家实行切割女性生殖器官(女性割礼)已开始关注欧洲。
62、You need not worry about catching genital herpes by sharing the bathroom, toilet, shower, etc with an infected person. ─── 从一般常识性的角度来说,避免立即使用你所知道的生殖器疱疹患者刚使用过的湿毛巾是明智的做法,但即使这样做了风险也是极端之低。
63、But the most essential essence is pair of external genital organs massage, promote local blood circulation, improvement, improve its function. ─── 但最根本的实质是对外生殖器的按摩,促进局部血液循环,改善、提高其功能。
64、Abstract: Objective: To explore the effects of genital endocrine hormone exposure to benzene, toluene, xylene in femaleworkers. ─── 摘 要: 目的:探讨苯系物对接触女工生殖内分泌激素的影响。
65、InThe maleIn genital official, prostate is a the biggest accessary sexual gland. ─── 在男性生殖器官中,前列腺是一个最大的附属性腺。
66、The reason that causes coital ache is very much, all sorts of diseases of genital official and urology, congenital deformation cause possibly. ─── 引起性交疼痛的原因很多,生殖器官和泌尿系统的各种疾病,先天畸形等都可能引起。
67、Of, relating to, or involving both the urinary and genital structures or functions. ─── 尿生殖的,尿道的生殖器的结构或功能的,与生殖器的结构或功能有关的,涉及生殖的结构或功能。
68、She is good at the treatment of STDs including syphilis, gonorrhea, nongonococcal urethritis, condyloma acuminatum, genital herpes, chancroid etc. ─── 擅长诊治梅毒、淋病、非淋菌性尿(阴)道炎、尖锐湿疣、生殖器疱疹、软下疳等性传播性疾病;对性病后遗心理障碍者进行疏导治疗。
69、The main causes of dystocia of vertex presentation were occiput malpresentation, macrosomic infant, uterine atony, abnormal pelvic and genital tract. ─── 导致头位难产的主要因素依次为胎头位置异常、巨大儿、宫缩乏力、软产道及骨产道异常。
70、Genital ambiguity occurs in an estimated one in 4,500 births, and problems such as undescended testes happen in one in 100. ─── 估计每4500名新生儿就有一名出现外阴性别不明,而像隐睪症等问题则是每100名就有一例。
71、Genital ulcer is also the signs of gonococcal dermitis of penis. ─── 发现生殖器溃疡时,还要考虑生殖器淋菌性皮炎。
72、Genital infection with the herpes simplex viruses (HSV) 1 or 2 is not just an inconvenience, doctors note. ─── 医生们称单纯疱疹病毒(HSV)1或2的生殖器感染带来的不仅仅是不便。
73、The cleanness that carries official of external genital organs is wholesome, it is the fundamental condition that too good husband and wife lives. ─── 保持外生殖器官的清洁卫生,是过好夫妻生活的重要条件。
74、Does the alexipharmic water that can complexing iodic and so on use before of the same branch of a family clean bilateral genital? ─── 同房前可以用络合碘之类的消毒水清洗双方的生殖器吗?
75、In some SJS cases, oral mucositis or ulceration, genital ulceration, and/or fever were also reported. ─── 在一些SJS 案例中,出现口腔黏膜炎或者溃疡、生殖器溃疡、和/或发烧;
76、Dr Kublin said genital herpes and tuberculosis were also suspected of increasing the likelihood of infection. ─── 库柏恩医生说,生殖的泡疹,而且肺结核也被怀疑增加传染的可能。
77、Including female genital circumcision, the vagina, uterus, fallopian tube and ovary. ─── 女性生殖器官主要包括外阴、阴道、子宫、输卵管和卵巢。
78、The external genital organs of the female, including the labia majora, labia minora, clitoris, and vestibule of the vagina. ─── 外阴女性外部生殖器官,包括大阴唇、小阴唇、阴蒂和阴道前庭
79、Generally the only appendages seen in the abdomen of an adult pterygota insect are those on the genital segments (external genitalia) and the cerci. ─── 在有翅亚纲成虫体表,最常见的附肢是生殖节的外生殖器和末节的尾须.
80、Female genital mutilation of any type has been recognized as a harmful practice and violation of the human rights of girls and women. ─── 任何种类的切割女性生殖器行为均被确认是一种有害做法,侵犯了女童和妇女的人权。
81、Genital infection with the herpes simplex viruses( HSV)1 or2 is not just an inconvenience, doctors note. ─── 医生们称单纯疱疹病毒(sv)或2的生殖器感染带来的不仅仅是不便。
82、Stanberry LR Glycoprotein-D-adjuvant vaccine to prevent genital herpes[J].N Engl J Med,2002,347:1652. ─── 孟祥俊.单纯疱疹病毒糖蛋白的特性及其l临床意义[J].国外医学:病毒学分册,2002,9(6):184.
83、Another kind is to be used at recreational appeal toy, be like doll of genital mould, sex this is argumentative central issue. ─── 另一类是用于娱乐的情趣玩具,如生殖器模具、性玩偶这是争论焦点。
84、Although the virus can cause genital warts, most infected people have no outward symptoms. ─── 尽管这种病毒能导致生殖器疣,但大部分被感染的人群没有显示症状.
85、Verrucous to genital, about, have nothing to do, negative closes each 1. ─── 对于生殖器疣,有关、无关、负相关各1项。
86、Objective: To discuss the clinical characteristics, therapy and prognosis of the primary melanoma of female genital tract. ─── 摘要目的探讨原发性女性生殖道恶性黑色素瘤的临床特点、治疗及预后。
87、Evaluation for dyspareunia should include careful assessment of the genital tract and an attempt to reproduce symptoms during bimanual examination. ─── 性交困难的评估应包括仔细评估生殖道且在双合诊时尝试再现症状。
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