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09-06 投稿



gladiator 发音

英:[ˈɡlædieɪtər]  美:[ˈɡlædieɪtə(r)]

英:  美:

gladiator 中文意思翻译



gladiator 网络释义

n. 斗剑者;古罗马公开表演的格斗者;争论者

gladiator 短语词组

1、story of a gladiator ─── 角斗士的故事

2、maximus gladiator ─── 马克西姆斯角斗士

3、perforate gladiator ─── 穿角斗士

4、gladiator heroes ─── 角斗士英雄

5、Borghese Gladiator ─── 博格赫斯角斗士

6、Gladiator Fighter Aircraft ─── 角斗士战斗机

7、allium gladiator ─── 葱角斗士

gladiator 词性/词形变化,gladiator变形


gladiator 相似词语短语

1、radiator ─── n.散热器;暖气片;辐射体

2、graduator ─── n.分度器;刻度员;分度之人

3、gladiators ─── n.角斗士;与野兽搏斗的人(gladiator的复数形式)

4、digladiators ─── 数字放大器

5、gladiatorial ─── adj.争论的;斗剑者的

6、gladiatory ─── 角斗士

7、digladiator ─── 拨号

8、gladiate ─── adj.(叶子)剑形的

9、gladiatorian ─── 角斗士

gladiator 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Undoubtedly, Gladiator is the most successful film of the year. ─── 毫无疑问,《角斗士》是本年度最成功的影片。

2、Popular wisdom links the gesture to the Roman arena, where the emperor and/or the mob supposedly spared a wounded gladiator's life by turning thumbs up and ordered death by turning thumbs down. ─── 据民间传说,这种手势与罗马竞技场有关。皇帝和观众竖起拇指,表示他们想放过受伤的角斗士;拇指朝下表示他们想处死角斗士。

3、A pair of ankle-high gladiator shoes will cut the length of your legs. ─── 一双及踝罗马鞋会使你的腿看上去很短。

4、Blackmoore taught the orc about tactics, philosophy, and combat.Thrall was even trained as a gladiator. ─── 布莱克摩尔将关于战术、哲学和格斗的知识传授给萨尔,并将他训练成为一名角斗士。

5、Since Spike might be an army deserter, Rehgar feels confident enough to use him as his new gladiator without worrying about Alliance revenge. ─── 由于狼牙可能是个逃兵,雷加一点都不担心联盟会找他麻烦。

6、When Claudia to visit their prisoners, she also display their wrists, doing everything possible to cheat and fool gladiator, but was ineffective. ─── 当屋大维去看望自己的俘虏时,她还施展手腕,千方百计哄骗和迷惑屋大维,然而未能奏效。

7、In his palm lay a small larva, a gladiator in the second stage of its life. ─── 他的手掌上有只很小的若虫,是一只螳,正值生命的第二阶段。

8、Molly : Only if every other man in the world dies in the gladiator arena. ─── 莫莉:除非世界上其他所有的男人都在角斗场上死光了。

9、Today only: gladiator championship! ─── 今日赛事:决斗士锦标赛!

10、Andria earned some success as a minotaur gladiator due to her wiry strength and great cunning, but she knew she would soon perish to one of the larger, bulkier males. ─── 作为一个牛头怪角斗士,安骓亚凭借其金属丝般的力量和极端的诡诈赢得过一些胜利,但她知道自己很快就会被某个更加强大的男性杀死。

11、The slave who became a gladiator. ─── 变成角斗士的奴隶。

12、Thus the gladiator pits of Rattatak came to be, and many sprang up in what rare patches of neutral lands could be found on the craggy world. ─── 这样,拉塔塔克角斗场出现了。在这个充满悬崖峭壁的世界,中立地区稀少,一被发现就会很快建起角斗场。

13、The nearest Roman town was St Albans - or Verulamium - a busy market on Watling Street with its own gladiator theatre. ─── 最近的罗马城叫做圣奥尔本斯——或维鲁拉米恩——沃特林街道上一个繁忙的市场,拥有自己的角斗士剧院。

14、Another gladiator team -- a tauren, a troll, and an undead managed by a goblin -- watch Spike and wonder what he's up to. ─── 另外一个角斗士队伍——一个牛头,一个巨魔以及一个亡灵和他们的地精经纪人——看着狼牙,不知道他在干嘛。

15、The empire reached its zenith in 117 AD, when the emperor Trajan ruled from Rome and months-long gladiator games were held to celebrate the city's glory. ─── 公元117年罗马帝国盛极一时,罗马皇帝图拉真曾举行长达数月的格斗表演以庆祝帝国的辉煌。

16、Gladiator Fighter Aircraft ─── 格斗形战斗机

17、He was a handsome man, and built like a gladiator ─── 他这人仪表堂堂,体格魁梧得像一位斗士。

18、The gesture has been linked to the time of the Roman arena, where the emperor or mob supposedly ordered life or death for a gladiator by giving the thumbs up or down. ─── 这种手势和罗马竞技场有关。在竞技场上,帝王或者是观看角斗表演的人竖起拇指,表示他们想放过角斗士;拇指朝下则表示他们想处死角斗士。

19、The time soon comes when Proximo's troupe is called to Rome to participate in a marathon of gladiator games held at the behest of the new emperor, Commodus. ─── 但是,马克西默斯从未放弃复仇的心愿,因为他坚信人的意志比皇权更为强大。

20、The [Merciless Gladiator's Shield Wall] can also be a useful option if your gear can handle a loss in defense from having a shield without it. ─── 也是不错的选择,如果你并不缺少盾牌带给你的防御等级属性的话。

21、In his view, the contemporary was an age of darkness, he was a hermit more than a gladiator. ─── 在他看来,当代是一个黑暗的时代,但他不是一个斗士,而更象一个隐士。

22、"as I held Gladiator, my heart started beating heavily. " ─── 我搂着"斗士",心咚咚地跳着。

23、The top ranked team of each battlegroup for each format will receive a new unique title for the end of Season 2 called "Merciless Gladiator". ─── 各个服务器组排名顶尖的团队在第二季结束会获得独一无二的称号:”残忍角斗士“。

24、In his view, the contemporary was an age of darkness, he was a hermit more than a gladiator. ─── 在他看来,当代是一个黑暗的时代,但他不是一个斗士,而更象一个隐士。

25、commodus: the general who became a slave. the slave who became a gladiator. the gladiator who defied an emperor. striking story! ─── 科莫多斯:变成奴隶的将军。变成角斗士的奴隶。挑战皇帝的角斗士。

26、The tickets for ?Gladiator?have been sold out. It‘s a real hit. ─── 角斗士?的票已经告罄。真是部成功的片子!

27、Gladiator Games And A Family's Fight For Justice Imtiaz Amin ─── 格斗竞赛和一个为正义而战的家庭

28、Gladiator Road to Freedom Special Remix ─── 神鬼战士。自由之路

29、THE FIRST QUESTION we wanted to answer was: Are gladiators still alive, or did the order pass into extinction since the Tanzanian gladiator was collected half a century ago? ─── 我们想回答的第一个问题是:既然螳最近的标本是半个世纪前在坦尚尼亚采集到的,现在牠们还活在世上吗?或是已经灭绝了?

30、Commodus: The general who became a slave.The slave who became a gladiator.The gladiator who defied an emperor.Striking story! ─── 科莫多斯:变成奴隶的将军.变成角斗士的奴隶.挑战皇帝的角斗士.多么惊人的故事!

31、Director Ridley Scott ("American Gangster," "Gladiator," "Thelma &Louise")discusses how his work in commercial advertising was his film school. ─── 爱心福德学校,亦被誉为杏林摇篮-教育局杀校引发420护校大行动,社会贤达,传媒,区及立法议员、家长、学生、历届旧生支持

32、This summer's Roman gladiator sandals, inset with turquoise and other gems, are right up your alley. ─── 今夏以绿色或其它颜色的宝石为点缀且带罗马风情的时尚凉鞋就是妳最好的选择。

33、Reghar bought her from the jail and took her for gladiator training. ─── 雷加把她从监狱里买了出来,然后给她进行角斗士训练。

34、Just then more Hovertanks showed up, in Gladiator mode: stumpy, two-legged walking artillery pieces the size of a house. ─── 这时更多角斗士模式的气垫坦克出现了:敦实、双足行走的火炮系统,大小像座房屋。

35、You can imagine yourself a gladiator in the Colosseum, showered with applause and flowers like a thunderstorm from the spectators. ─── 在罗马,你可以想象自己是圆形竞技场上的角斗士,耳边传来观众席上雷鸣般的掌声和如潮的鲜花。

36、The tickets for “Gladiator” have been sold out. ─── 角斗士”的票已经告罄。

37、But serene, calm, aloof, you stand as the Nation's war guardian, as its lifeguard from the raging tides of international conflict, as its gladiator in the arena of battle. ─── 但澄净、冷静和超然的你身为国家战役的保卫人士,就像从国际冲突的汹涌潮流而来的国家救生员,就像身为国家在战场领域中的斗士。

38、But it was a rare gladiator indeed who could survive multiple fights. ─── 但事实上,一个能在多场战斗中存活下来的角斗士非常罕见。

39、The road is not easy for him.However, with strong determination he eventually becomes the contemporary gladiator. ─── 终于凭著他惊人的意志,冲出重围,成为当代的拳坛英雄。

40、"It's a bit like being a gladiator entering the arena, everyone is sitting so close and right of top of you, it's such a tight space and you almost feel like they can just reach out and touch you. ─── “在克鲁斯堡有点像决斗者进入竞技场,大家都坐的非常近,就在你的上面,空间也很紧凑,你几乎感觉到他们已经触碰到你了。”

41、"Gladiator, my cat, frightened me as he meowed his sad song." ─── "喵喵",是我的那只猫"斗士",他凄惨的叫声着实吓了我一跳。

42、The General who became a Slave. The Slave who became a Gladiator. The Gladiator who defied an Empire. ─── 沦落为奴隶的将军成为角斗士的奴隶挑战皇帝的角斗士。

43、Jennifer: After I finished watching "Gladiator", I surf on the net and chat on the BBS with my friends! ─── 看完"神鬼战士",我上上网,然后到BBS站和朋友聊天。

44、Once season 3 gear gets released the [Gladiator's Gavel] will become purchasable for honor, which makes it a very nice "first" tanking weapon. ─── 竞技场第3季的开放,[角斗士的木锤]变成可用荣誉购买,是他变成了非常好的首选tank武器,第3季随2。

45、a sword-touting Roman gladiator ─── 佩剑的角斗士

46、It was intended for gladiator shows and wild beast hunts. ─── 那是用来做角斗表演和猎捕野兽的。

47、If all of the decisions were that easy, we would all be walking around with Gladiator titles. ─── 如果所有的决定都那麽简单,那现在所有的人都挂着斗士的称号了。

48、This summer's Roman gladiator sandals, inset with turquoise and other gems, are right up your alley. ─── 今夏以绿色或其它颜色的宝石为点缀且带罗马风情的时尚凉鞋就是你最好的选择。

49、In ancient Roman times, where a sea battle, Gladiator fighting, pursuing and killing animals, and other performances. ─── 在古罗马时期,那里进行海战、角斗士的格斗,追杀野兽等表演。

50、2.The Gladiator: The famed director Ridley Scott knew he could only find the right light to portray paradise in Tuscany, specifically in the Val d'Orcia. ─── 时不时的家里有瓶中国红葡萄酒,那叫一个甜,还有那个桂花酒,让我觉得桂花就是应该这样,甜甜香香的。

51、"Mr Crowe understands that Kevin will be in Washington over the weekend," said the Gladiator's personal attache. ─── "克劳了解到,凯文将在华盛顿上周末,说: "角斗士的个人武官。

52、(3750 AP),[Vengeful Gladiator's Rifle] (3750 AP),[Vengeful Gladiator's Longbow] and [Vengeful Gladiator's Shield Wall] (1875 AP) have been added to arena rewards. ─── (3750竞技场点数),[复仇角斗士的火枪](3750竞技场点数),[复仇角斗士的长弓](3750竞技场点数)和[复仇角斗士的盾墙](1875竞技场点数)加入竞技场奖励中。

53、Oscar goes to..." Gladiator Russel Crowe, an cast clean up the Oscars. ─── 奥斯卡奖颁给……”角斗士罗素·克洛,横扫了奥斯卡奖。

54、A professor may degrade you, but you will not feel degraded, a boss may crush you, but you will not be crushed, a corporate gladiator might vanquish you, but you will still triumph. ─── 教授可能降你的级,可你自己并没有降级,老板可能排挤你,可你不会被排挤掉,一个辩论对手可能会击败你,可你却仍能胜利。

55、An Afternoon with a Gladiator ─── 与角斗士共度一下午

56、"Every time I moved my hand down Gladiator's body, I had a new thought." ─── 我的手轻轻地划过小"斗士"的身体,每一次都会产生一个新的念头。

57、"My name is Gladiator" from "Gladiator," 2000 ─── “我的名字叫角斗士。”

58、Gladiator' and Mr. Crowe also won Academy Awards. ─── 角斗士》和罗素·克劳还荣获奥斯卡奖。

59、An even more select few are standing around the major cities brandishing Brutal Gladiator armaments. ─── 我知道很多人主张竞技场应该更大众化,这样大家都能获得点数和装备。

60、Isabel looked a moment at the vanquished gladiator ─── 伊莎贝尔望了一眼那个打败的角斗士。

61、For example, Lu Yi was the handsome friends as "the best space-age gladiator in the history of underground". ─── 比如,帅气的陆毅被网友冠以“史上最帅的地下党”称号。

62、The gladiator who defied an emperor. ─── 挑战皇帝的角斗士。

63、That is the true gladiator feeling ─── 这是真正的斗士的气魄。

64、FACE ME LIKE A GLADIATOR! ─── 像一个斗士一样面对我!

65、The rebellious Thracian Spartacus, born and raised a slave, is sold to Gladiator trainer Batiatus. ─── 古罗马的奴录不堪暴虐而发起叛变,但结果被镇压。

66、Tell me Joey, do you like Gladiator movies? ─── 我倒是不太明白飞机上那个老头,说

67、8 To be a Gladiator, your level must be over 40 and you need to collect the Mark of the Challenger, the Mark of Trust, and the Mark of the Duelist. ─── 7想成为剑斗士,需要达到40等级以上,另外还需要收集挑战者标章、信赖标章,以及决斗者标章才行。

68、An aspiring Italian actor who poses for tourists as a sword-touting Roman gladiator in front of the Colosseum could face up to three years in jail for bearing illegal arms,police said on Tuesday. ─── 3月12日意大利警方称,一位激情澎湃的意大利演员由于在古罗马竞技场前扮演佩剑的角斗士招揽游客,有可能会面临三年的牢狱之灾,罪名就是非法持有武器。

69、Best space-age gladiator! The coolest! The most desirable stars are here Oh! ─── 里面都是我喜欢的明星哦!你们可以去看看哦!

70、The makers of the film Gladiator discovered an interesting thing. ─── 电影的制作者发现了一件有趣的事。

71、Being Alive to Speak up for the Truth of Science--An Interview with Professor Zhu Guowei, a Noted Gladiator against Impostors ─── 活着,就要捍卫科学真理--访著名反伪斗士朱国伟教授

72、FAMILY: Husband( separated): Dennis Quaid; Son: Jack; father: Harry Hyra( teacher); mother: Susan; siblings: Dana, Annie, Andrew; New Hunk boyfriend: Russell Crowe- star of Gladiator. ─── 家庭:丈夫(分居)丹尼斯·德;儿子:杰克;父亲:哈里·拉(师)母亲:苏珊;兄弟姐妹:达娜,安尼,安德鲁;新男友:拉塞尔·罗,《角斗士》中的明星。

73、If you want him in a gladiator costume, don't let him start poking around in your shoe closet. ─── 比如你想要他来个角斗士造型,叫别让他在你的鞋柜里漫无目的地寻找。

74、A.The Challenger, Rival, Duelist and Gladiator titles are redistributed at the end of each season based on your team’s performance. ─── A.挑战者,竞争者,决斗家和角斗士头衔会在每赛季结束后重新分配。

75、2. A blush mantled over the bronzed cheek of the gladiator. ─── 斗士古铜色的脸膛顿时涨得通红。

76、In general, it appears that the Arena rewards are all named "Gladiator" in some form. ─── 竞技场奖励都有“格斗者”前缀。

77、Gladiator, my cat, frightened me as he meowed his sad song. ─── “喵喵”,是我的那只猫“斗士”,他凄惨的叫声着实吓了我一跳。

78、Instead of a long dress, you need a mini-skirt or a pair of cuffed shorts to match with the gladiator shoes. ─── 你需要一条迷你裙或短裤来搭配罗马鞋,而不是一条长裙。

79、When this card is Special Summoned by the effect of a "Gladiator Beast" mo ... ─── 这效果是真的话..我整个人都麻痹了...

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