hegemonic 发音
[,hedʒɪ'mɒnɪk; ,hegɪ-]
英: 美:
hegemonic 中文意思翻译
hegemonic 网络释义
adj. 霸权的;支配的
hegemonic 短语词组
1、hegemonic fairy ─── 霸主神仙
hegemonic 相似词语短语
1、hegemons ─── 霸主
2、hegemonial ─── 霸权的
3、hegemonies ─── n.霸权;领导权;盟主权
4、hegemonistic ─── adj.霸权主义的
5、hegemonical ─── 霸权的
6、hegemonism ─── n.霸权主义
7、hegemon ─── n.霸王;霸权国
8、hegemony ─── n.霸权;领导权;盟主权
9、hegemonist ─── n.霸权主义者;鼓吹霸权者
hegemonic 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、No other part of the world has enjoyed the same level of continuous hegemonic concern. ─── 上没有其他地区,享有同等级别的,持续的霸权关注。
2、In recent years, multinational corporations repeatedly use kinds of trademark strategies in China, in order to protect the hegemonic positions of their trademark and hold our market powerfully. ─── 摘要为保住自己品牌的霸主地位以及更有利地占有我国市场,近年来,跨国公司在我国频繁运用各种商标战略。
3、In patriarchal societies, the ideology of male right built a edifice of of civilization through the gender system and the hegemonic discourse. ─── 摘要在父权制社会中,男权意识形态通过性别制度和话语霸权秩序构筑起男性社会的文明大厦。
4、Despite occasional bellicose reactions to what it regards as provocations, China still harbours no ambition to be a hegemonic power. ─── 尽管在认为受到挑衅时,中国偶尔也会表现得好斗,但它并没有称霸的野心。
5、The theory of hegemonic stability based on the American mission supplies theoretical basis for the exportation of American values. ─── 建立在"天赋使命"基础上的霸权稳定论为美国价值观的输出提供了理论基础。
6、Chinese citizens, including college students, expressed indignation over such arrogance, and condemned the United States for its hegemonic behaviour. ─── 包括大学生在内的中国公民,对美国的这一傲慢态度表示愤慨,并且谴责美国的这一霸权行为。
7、The California seacoast has had two huge prehistoric marine life, they to obtain the sea the hegemonic position, but battle several hundred years, until one day of them to freeze by the glacier. ─── 加州海岸一直都存在着两只巨大史前海洋生物,他们为了取得海洋的霸主地位而争斗了数百年,直到有一天他们被冰河所冻结。
8、America-centered Hegemonic Order ─── 美国为中心的霸权秩序
9、China aims to be a responsible big country while America insists on its hegemonic leadership. ─── 在国际贡献方面,中国力争做负责任的大国而美国坚持霸权领导。
10、International institutions are defined as public goods by both hegemonic stability theory and neoliberal institutionalism. ─── 摘要霸权稳定论和新自由主义都是西方国际政治经济学的主流理论范式。
11、I'm willing to bet that the brightest new Ph.D.’s in English that year will be people who never want to hear the terms “binary opposition” or “hegemonic discourse” again as long as they live. ─── 我愿意打赌,最有生机的新的英语专业的博士们,在那一年里正是他们,只要还活着将再也不想听“二元对立”或“霸权话语”这些话。
12、In the cross-cultural communication between China and the West, the Chinese literary criticism can still feel,tangibly or intangibly, the pressure of the Western hegemonic discourse. ─── 在中西文化交流中,中国文学批评或隐或显地受制于西方的强势话语。
13、Behaviors of the United States at the conference revealed its hypocrisy when it professes itself as "a world judge of human rights" and show how arrogant and isolated the hegemonic acts of the US government are. ─── 美国一意孤行,干扰会议茕茕孓立,暴露了美国以“世界人权法官”自诩的虚伪性,凸显了美国政府霸权行径的狂妄和孤立。
14、Thus, the West not only "constructs" the Oriental but also "domesticates" the East as the Oriental by the west's hegemonic discourse. ─── 其实是西方人侵略东方的借口,抬高自己民族地位的手段。
15、And the unipolar, bipolar is having one or two power centers in the hegemonic system. ─── 所谓单极、两极,实质上就是一个或两个权力中心的霸权体系。
16、Small mountain states, such as Nepal and Bhutan, have a disproportionate share of water resources, which they can potentially leverage against the hegemonic influence of their larger neighbors. ─── 尼泊尔和不丹等高山小国,对于水资源掌握着不成比例的巨大控制权,这使得它们可以对强大邻国的支配性影响进行制衡。
17、Keywords The Charity Organization;Interest Distributive Mechanism;The Hegemonic and Functional Supplementary Relation;Unsymmetrical Power and Function;Government Choice;Social Choice; ─── 慈善组织;利益分配机制;支配性功能协作;非对称性组织权能;政府选择;社会选择;
18、For Beck, imposing a single world order is considered hegemonic at best and ethnocentric at worst. ─── 在世界主义理论中,强制单一世界秩序的最好结果是霸权主义,最糟结果是民族优越感。
19、Historically, China and America have been hegemonic powers able to set their own agendas essentially unilaterally. ─── 在历史上,中国和美国都曾经是可以基本上单方面制定自己的议程的霸权。
20、Zhou was then the most powerful principality playing the role of hegemonic. ─── 当时,周是所有诸侯的最高权力统领。
21、Laclau and Mouffe's hegemonic project: the story so far; Jules Townshend ─── 拉克劳和墨菲的领导权规划:迄今为止的故事
22、Individually, it should start with encouraging males to change hegemonic masculinities.There exist multiple masculinities;and hegemonic masculinities can be reconstructed. ─── 笔者提出应该从制度和个人两方面鼓励男性参与,在个人这一方面应该从鼓励男性改变支配性男性气概做起。
23、global hegemonic pretensions ─── 全球霸权野心
24、Besides, this paper takes the reproduction health field as an example to demonstrate how reconstruction of hegemonic masculinities influences active male participation. ─── 作者并以生殖健康领域为例,说明支配性男性气概的改变将如何影响到男性在生殖健康领域的积极参与。
25、The United States felt uncomfortable with the international institutions of the interwar period, in part because they were aligned with the interests of the old hegemonic power, Britain. ─── 美国在世界大战期间与国际联盟组织相处的并不愉快,导致这一局面的部分原因是由于美国当时和老牌霸主英国是盟友。
26、Historical Review of the Capitalist World System and Its Hegemonic Supersession ─── 资本主义世界体系的历史考察及其霸权更迭
27、Power seduces only when it becomes a challenge to itself; otherwise it is just an exercise, and satisfies only the hegemonic logic of reason. ─── 仅仅当力量变成自己的挑战时具有诱惑力;否则,它只是个练习,满足霸权逻辑的原因。
28、This is a hegemonic act that disregards China's sovereignty and violates the basic norms governing international relations. China by no means agrees with this. ─── 这是无视中国主权、违背国际关系基本原则的霸权行径,中国绝不会答应。
29、In this view of the world economy, savings are not a driving force, as in the savings-glut hypothesis, but a passive result of excess money creation by the system's hegemonic power. ─── 在这种全球经济视角中,储蓄不是推动力(就像在储蓄过剩假说中那样),而是系统中的霸权国家过度货币创造的被动结果。
30、Abstract: There seems to be a contradiction in the association between McDonald's advertising and hegemonic power. ─── 将麦当劳和霸权联系起来似乎很矛盾。
31、Afghanistan war is what Vietnam War repeats itself, which will be the last straw to break the back of the American hegemonic power. ─── 阿富汗战争成为另一个越战,它将成为压垮美国霸权的最后一根稻草。
32、the hegemonic system ─── 霸权体系
33、Origins of American Hegemonic Psychology ─── 美国霸权心理产生的根源
34、Hegemonic discourse ─── 话语权
35、The developing countries must take active measures to defend the hegemonic diplomacy of U.S. and stimulate the international human rights cause. ─── 针对美国这一强权外交,发展中国家应采取积极的措施,以促进国际人权事业的发展。
36、If McDonald's carries hegemonic power, why do Chinese who have a strong sense of national identity and culture succumb to it? ─── 如果麦当劳在推行霸权,具有强烈的民族情感和文化意识的中国人为什么还会屈从于这种霸权呢?
37、After all, it has always claimed to its neighbors that its rise is benevolent and non-hegemonic. ─── 毕竟,中国一直试图向各邻国表明它将和平崛起,永不称霸。
38、Thus,it brings about the deficit in the contemporary cultural transmission,in which western culture takes a dominant place,American culture plays a hegemonic role while China has an inferior part. ─── 在当代文化传播逆差中,西方文化占据着主导地位,美国文化占据着霸权地位,而中国文化处于弱势地位。
39、It is real gospel to human being to find an agreement and harmony between the two entities in modern times when science and technology has almost become hegemonic. ─── 在科技话语已近乎霸权的现代,找出这两种“话语”、两种存在的契合点和共鸣处,才是人类获得真实存在的福音。
40、Yet the Americans were reluctant to take on Britain's hegemonic role in global finance. ─── 但美国不愿承担英国在全球金融中的霸主角色。
41、"I would like the United States to live up to the responsibilities of its hegemonic power because it is not going to give up its hegemonic power, "he says. ─── 他说:"我希望美国能够承担起作为霸权国家的职责,因为美国不会放弃自己的霸权地位。
42、From Hegemonic Expansion to Sudden Retreat--The Mistake of Soviet Diplomatic Policy and Its Enlightenment for China ─── 从霸权扩张到仓促退却--苏联对外政策的失误及对中国的启示
43、The US Preemptive Strategy, Hegemonic Rent-Seeking and the Interests of Financial Monopolies ─── 美国先发制人战略、霸权寻租与垄断财团利益
44、hegemonic cooperation ─── 霸权合作
45、In this context, the academic debate over Stern's methods is irrelevant - it is his findings, authority and use of the hegemonic power of economic argument that carry the day. ─── 在这种背景下,对斯特恩方法的争论是不切题的----切题的是他的发现,也就是得胜的经济论点的权威性和支配权。
46、Accurate comprehension and hold the United States hegemony with the hegemonic innate character, for rightly handle with resolve the China-U. ─── 准确的理解和把握美国霸权和霸权主义的本质,为正确的处理和解决中美关系问题提供某些建议。
47、Studies on the Arabia-Islam within the Western Hegemonic Context ─── 西方霸权语境中的阿拉伯-伊斯兰研究
48、Discussion on the Dialogue between Civilizations and Cultural Consciousness within the Western Hegemonic Context ─── 论西方霸权语境中的文明对话与文化自觉
49、Some of these newcomers see claims to editorial impartiality as a cover for western hegemonic power and seek to redress the balance. ─── 一些新进者将编辑公正的主张视为西方霸权的伪装,并试图恢复平衡。
50、In the case of Japan, hegemonic corporate masculinity, as embodied in the figure of the white-collar salaryman has been premised on an ideology of the male as heterosexual husband and father. ─── 我将考察处于虚拟空间时代的男同性恋身份和它的复杂性。这种虚拟空间怎样影响生活在泰国和菲律宾的男同性恋的生活方式?
51、Power differentials between hegemonic cultures and dominated cultures are perpetuated in the postcolonial context.The inequalities between cultures thus make balanced dialogues quite an illusion. ─── 摘要在后殖民主义视角下,存在着强势文化与弱势文化之间的权力差异,而文化的不平等关系使平衡的对话根本无法实现。
52、They really saw the hegemonic side of the United States bandits and their real purpose! ─── 他们真正看到了美国强盗的霸道一面和其真正的目的何在!
53、Whether hegemonic country or non-hegemonic country as a rational economic person, the existence of opportunistic tendencies is in varying degrees, leading to international cooperation uncertainty. ─── 不论是霸权国家还是非霸权国家,作为理性的经济人,都在不同程度上存在机会主义倾向,导致了国际合作的不确定性。
54、Critics tend to regard Adam Bede either as an elegy for pastoral life or as a hegemonic project serving the interests of the rising ruling class. ─── 评论家们不是把《亚当.比德》简单地视为田园生活方式的挽歌,就是把它看作为新兴统治阶级服务的一项霸权课题。
55、The conventional forms of containment action against the rising hegemonic power, like the arms race and the formation of military alliance, do not appear noticeably in the post-Cold War era. ─── 冷战后制衡美国的传统均势行动,如军备竞赛与大国同盟并没有明显出现,这是因为均势的生成机制与表现方式发生变化。
56、Hegemonic Cooperation, Institutional Cooperation, Consensus cooperation--The Perspective from Different Angles on International Cooperation Theory ─── 霸权合作制度合作共识合作--国际合作理论的不同视角透视
57、History has shown that if a country's national prestige skyrockets, it can free itself from a conflict with an existing hegemonic power. ─── 历史已经表明,如果一个国家的威望高涨,它就可以摆脱与一个现存霸权国家的冲突。
58、While the US struggles to retain its hegemonic power, the Chinese will try to reinforce the impression that they will soon take over as world number one. ─── 美国要力保霸主地位,而中国将力图加深人们的印象:他们很快就会取代美国,成为世界第一。
59、Hegemonic Intention ─── 霸权企图
60、In line with these questions, this paper coins/uses the concepts of cultural aphasia and hegemonic suture to analyze and respond to these concerns. ─── 基于这样的关切,本文主修正创两个理论的概念-文化失语与霸权缝合-来分析本文的关切。
61、Mark - Stan: Although the season did not have Posey first, but Celts is still unable in the eastern hegemonic position to shake. ─── 马克-斯坦:尽管先赛季没有了波西,但是凯尔特人在东部的霸主地位依然无法撼动。
62、It is therefore an effective strategy to strengthen internal exchanges in the art world of Asia in order to confront collectively against Euro-centrism and the hegemonic Western culture. ─── 加强亚洲艺术界内部的相互交流,是共同面对欧洲中心主义和西方“强势文化”扩张的有效策略。
63、The hegemony and hegemonic is the research lesson of the international politics and international relations theories importance one of. ─── 霸权与霸权主义是国际政治与国际关系理论重要的研究课题之一。
64、Reporter : Many community on your evaluation, it was felt that you maintain hegemonic air, the view was expressed that you changed, you can look at ourselves? ─── 记者:社会上对您的评价很多,有人认为您张扬霸气,有人认为你内敛,您怎么看待自己?
65、But after 17th century mid and late parts,Holland's hegemonic position receivesEngland,Franceand so on the emerging nation-state challenge, finally its marine hegemonic position yields inEngland. ─── 但在17世纪中后期以后,荷兰的霸主地位受到英国、法国等新兴民族国家的挑战,最后其海上霸主地位让位于英国。
66、Today, The United States is the hegemonic superpower of the world, and China is the rising economic giant. ─── 今天,美国是这个世界支配性的强权,中国是正在崛起的经济巨人。
67、Poking the misleader of the Western Hegemonic Words and Searching the Islamic Real Look ─── 拨开西方话语霸权的迷雾探求伊斯兰的本真
68、In other words, censorship as hegemonic suture is any act intended to keep students from reading, seeing or hearing any materials that some person deems objectionable or morally unsound. ─── 因此,我们可以说审查制度扮演著霸权缝合的角色,主要是避免学生读到、看到或听到任何文化与道德政治上不正确的东西。
69、"hegemonic architects have done much hegemonic construction, the construction in desperate speech back over, leading to the image confusion. ─── “霸道的建筑师做了太多霸道的建筑,建筑都在拼命讲话,背对背争吵,导致城市形象混乱。”
70、hegemonic culture ─── 强势文化
71、The role that Asian architects and planners might play, the hegemonic assumptions they might challenge, and the vision for truly integrated and sustainable communities will be explored. ─── 亚洲建筑师与规划家面临了同质化社会的挑战,并且应该探讨真正的统合与永续的社群。
72、post-colonialism has complicated theoretic sources, which concerns and resists all hegemonic discourse . ─── 摘要后殖民理论思想来源复杂,关注和反抗一切权力话语是其理论所指。
73、According to economic theory and the game theory, the hegemonic country leads to establish the international regimes because of intrinsic motive of its own. ─── 根据博弈论等经济学理论,霸权国家主导创设国际机制有其内在动机。
74、His great Asia-ism opposed the hegemonic culture with kingcraft culture, in order to restore the national position of Asia and to seek a culture of equality and liberation. ─── 当然,欧洲的文化发展也正是建立在这样一个超民族国家的整体政治架构之上的。
75、Realistic morality creates theoretical basis for hegemonic politics, either taking morality for nothingness or putting it totally under the control of power. ─── 现实主义从权力概念出发,或者持道德虚无态度,或者将道德置于权力的支配之下,为强权政治制造理论依据。
76、hegemonic power/control ─── 霸权力量/统治
77、The Image of the Adapted Other--Bellow's Man Hegemonic Discourse from the Image of Madeleine ─── 被改写的他者形象--从马德琳形象看贝娄的男性霸权话语
78、hegemonic architects have done much hegemonic construction, the construction in desperate speech back over, leading to the image confusion. ─── 霸道的建筑师做了太多霸道的建筑,建筑都在拼命讲话,背对背争吵,导致城市形象混乱。
79、It seems that American don't want to believe that no other countries in this world can challenge and threaten the hegemonic position of the U. ─── 美国人似乎怎么都不愿意相信,当今世界已经没有了足以挑战和威胁到美国霸权地位的力量。
80、Their whole rationale for being is that they are resisting a hegemonic American power that wants to keep everyone down. ─── 毛拉们存在的基本逻辑就是,要和美帝霸权主义抗衡到底。
81、Through David's neurosis, Roth discusses the difficulties Jewish people undergo in the hegemonic cultures and thus shows great concern to Jewish people's destiny and situation. ─── 罗思通过戴维的遭遇,隐喻犹太民族在异族强势文化下无以摆脱的困境,以探讨整个犹太人的命运与处境。
82、cultural hegemonic discourse ─── 文化霸权话语
83、Corporate organizations are good examples of spaces where outward hegemonic heteronormativity may often be undergirded by what Michael Roper refers to as ‘circuits of homosocial desire’. ─── 在泰国和菲律宾的城市中,表面上出现了为男同性恋而设的虚拟空间,但是,当我们对男同性恋在其中的生存状况进行观察时,我们发现,男同性恋身份的概念被重新定义了。
84、On one hand, the U.S. fosters Japan for serving its own hegemonic strategy and on the other hand, is alw... ─── 总的趋势是,美日关系将向平等合作方向发展,日本实力上升,扩张野心膨胀。
85、China has a perfect right to spend as much on weaponry as it likes, and such a fleet represent a logical safeguard against the hegemonic power of the US. ─── 中国完全有权按照自己的意愿设定军费,而且这样一支舰队是对美国霸权的合理防范。
86、To strike at hegemonic ideology imposed on minorities. Broaden the space for multiplicity. ─── 冲击打压弱势的意识形态,扩阔社业~元性生活空间。
87、Due to the mechanism of capitalist market, the profit-driven women-focused websites are hegemonic in power relations. ─── 受到市场机制的左右,营利属性的女性网站较占优势,其不但物化女性形象,也将性别议题纳入商业体系之内。
88、The Literary Criticism of Antipathic Words on Hegemonic Words--On Tolstoy's Viewpoint of womenfolk ─── 反叛话语对霸权话语的文学批评--兼论托尔斯泰的妇女观
89、Hitler then addressed the question of how the threat of the United States' "menacing hegemonic position" could be met ─── 不久,他在一次演说中谈到美国的"威胁性霸主地位"
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