ellipses 发音
英:[ɪˈlɪpsiːz] 美:[ɪˈlɪpsɪz]
英: 美:
ellipses 中文意思翻译
ellipses 相似词语短语
1、eclipsis ─── n.省音
2、elapses ─── vi.消逝;时间过去;n.流逝;时间的过去
3、ellipse ─── n.[数]椭圆形,[数]椭圆
4、eclipser ─── 日食
5、ellipsis ─── n.省略;省略符号;脱漏
6、allises ─── n.(Allis)(美、英、荷)阿利(人名)
7、eclipsed ─── v.引起日蚀;遮暗;使…失色(eclipse的过去分词)
8、eclipses ─── n.(日、月)[天]食(eclipse的复数形式);省略(eclipsis的复数形式);v.引起(日、月)[天]食;遮暗;使相形见绌(eclipse的第三人称单数)
9、eclipse ─── n.(天体的)食;日食,月食;(重要性、权势等的)黯然失色;(尤指雄鸭的)羽毛暗淡期;(交配期后不复鲜艳的)非婚羽;v.遮住……的光;(诗、文)遮暗;(使)黯然失色
ellipses 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、an eraser tool and erase anything previously entered, or it can become an ellipse tool and draw any number of new ellipses. ─── 光标可以变成橡皮擦,擦除先前输入的任何内容,也可以变成椭圆工具,绘制多个新的椭圆。
2、We put forward in this article the method of applying common tangent circle drawing to draw ellipses. ─── 提出应用公切圆法画椭圆,可不必推平行线和多次加长圆规,只需用直线尺作图,且理论上误差为零。
3、Generally speaking, there are fewer subject ellipses but more predicate ellipses in English than in Chinese. ─── 主语省略在英语中不及在汉语中使用广泛,而谓语的省略在英语中使用较多。
4、A geometric surface, all of whose plane sections are either ellipses or circles. ─── 椭球,椭面其所有切面都是椭圆或圆一种几何面
5、Ellipses and pragmatic inference in conversation ─── 对话中的省略和语用推理
6、2. 2 。Supports all DWF entity types exported by AutoCAD, including arcs, elliptical arcs, ellipses, true type fonts and etc. ─── 支持所有[下载实体类型出口的AutoCAD ,包括圆弧,椭圆弧,椭圆,真正的类型的字体和等。
7、Comet orbits are mostly long ellipses , so they spend most of the time far from the sun, cold. ─── 彗星的轨道大部份是很长的椭圆,所以大部份时间离太阳很远,很冷。
8、Ellipses indicate nonessential information omitted from examples. ─── 省略号标识省略部分内容。
9、Moons that are hauled into inclined orbits wind up on highly stretched ellipses, again leading potentially to their ejection or destruction. ─── 在倾斜面上运行的卫星,轨道会非常椭圆,使它们更加容易逃脱或是遭致毁灭。
10、DT_END_ELLIPSIS or DT_PATH_ELLIPSIS Replaces part of the given string with ellipses, if necessary, so that the result fits in the specified rectangle. ─── ELLIPSIS或DT_PATH_ELLIPSIS如果必要,将用椭圆替代部分指定的文本,以便适合给定的矩形。
11、MacAdam ellipses ─── MacAdam椭圆
12、Ellipses indicate other settings that would be in the runtime node. ─── 椭圆指示将在runtime节点中的其他设置。
13、Step 9: Create the displacement Create a new layer and using the Ellipse Path tool draw two ellipses over the dashed ring and set their fill opacity to 0%. ─── 加上图层样式。新建新图层,之后选取一笔刷设定如下,开始绘制。用选区工具选取删除外边的部分。调整图层模式为线性加深,不透明度设定为12%,效果如下。
14、On Precise Drawing of Ellipses in Architectural Design ─── 建筑图中椭圆的精确绘制方法
15、The planets do not travel about the Sun in circles, but in slightly lopsided, or egg-shaped, orbits called ellipses. ─── 行星的绕日公转轨道并不是圆形,而是有些不对称、像蛋型的椭圆形轨道。
16、The planets move around the sun in ellipses. ─── 各行星围绕太阳按椭圆形运转。
17、So, orbits in general are ellipses. ─── 所以,轨道总体上说是椭圆的。
18、Defines arcs and ellipses and identifies the classes needed to draw them. ─── 定义弧形和椭圆并确定绘制这些形状所需的类。
19、"A closed curve is a path that repeats itself, and thus encloses one or more regions.Simple examples include circles, ellipses, and polygons. ─── 封闭曲线的路径是循环的,包围一个或更多区域,简单的例子如圆、椭圆、多边形。
20、Ellipses represent statistical nodes. ─── 椭圆表示统计节点。
21、A more subtle problem is that drawing an ellipse requires another parameter (ellipses have both a major and a minor diameter) that would be irrelevant to the line case. ─── 一个更微妙的问题是,绘制椭圆要求另一个与线不相关的参数(椭圆有一个大直径和一个小直径)。
22、Ellipses parameters are used when it is impossible to list the type and number of all the arguments that might be passed to a function. ─── 在无法列举出传递给函数的所有实参的类型和数目时,可以使用省略符形参。
23、The buildings are curved and based on streamlined shapes, such as arcs, half spheres, ellipses, curves, etc.. well symmetric and harmonic. ─── 人马座集团的建筑大部份具有曲线感,它们主要由流线型的形状组成,例如:弧型、半球体、椭圆、曲线,等。非常的相称和谐。
24、After selecting one of the original ellipses and the overlapping circle, press the Intersect Shape Areas button in the Pathfinder Panel. ─── 提请另一个更大的椭圆重叠的中心,原来的椭圆形。
25、Rational refers to the underlying mathematical representation.This property allows NURBS to represent exact conics (such as parabolic curves, circles, and ellipses) in addition to free-form curves. ─── 有理指的是其背后的数学表示法。
26、Amplified by proximity, the gravity of the stars modifies the rotation speed of the ellipses. ─── 星球的重力被其近邻的星球放大,进而修改了椭圆的旋转速率。
27、In Chapter 2 the author proposes a classification of ellipses. ─── 在第二章对省略进行了分类。
28、a surface whose plane sections are all ellipses or circles. ─── 截面都是椭圆或圆的表面。
29、Finite Strain Measurement of Rocks by Using of Inertia Moment Ellipses ─── 利用惯量椭圆进行岩石有限应变分析
30、Not for them the closed ellipses ofMercury and the other planets;at the whim of their masters in Pasadena theyare following much more unusual hyperbolic curves. ─── 它们的轨道不同于水星和其他行星的闭合椭圆形轨道,而是由于它们在Pasadena的设计者们奇思妙想而产生的极不寻常的双曲线形轨道。
31、Extracting Ellipses Based Hough Transform and Active Snake Technique ─── 基于Hough变换和变形曲线技术的椭圆提取研究
32、Verify the uniformity of CIE1964 LUV and CIE1976 LAB color space with MacAdam ellipses ─── 用MacAdam椭圆检验CIE1964 LUV和CIE1976 LAB色空间的均匀性
33、Recently, LCD suppliers have started to introduce fairly simple non-rectangular LCD shapes, including circles, ellipses and rectangles with trimmed corners. ─── 最近,LCD供应商已开始引进比较简单的非矩形的LCD外形,包括圆,椭圆和边角经过裁剪的矩形。
34、As soon as everything is placed, hide some layers and ellipses... ─── 当所有的面都对好以后我们隐藏掉一些数字和面。。。
35、Most planetary orbits are not circles but ellipses. ─── 大多数行星的运转轨道是椭圆形而非圆形。
36、Based on global geometric symmetry, the original Hough transform(HT)is improved,and a 3 stage approach to extract ellipses or circles is presented . ─── 本文基于椭圆和圆的对称性,对传统的哈夫变换检测曲线方法进行改进,提出分三步快速检测椭圆和圆的方法。
37、A string specifying how parts of overlong file names should be replaced by ellipses, depending on the zoom level. ─── 依据缩放等级,决定过长文件名的一部分将以省略符替换的字符串值。
38、It can be classified into nominal, verbal and clausal ellipses. ─── 省略通常被分为名词性省略、动词性省略以及小句省略。
39、either of two quadric surfaces generated by rotating a hyperbola about either of its main axes and having a finite center with certain plane sections that are hyperbolas and others that are ellipses or circles ─── 双曲面,两个二次曲面的任何一个,通过使一个双曲线绕其任何一根中轴旋转而成,而且旋转时有一个有一定双曲线平面切面的中心,而其他切面是椭圆或圆周
40、Either of two quadric surfaces generated by rotating a hyperbola about either of its main axes and having a finite center with certain plane sections that are hyperbolas and others that are ellipses or circles. ─── 双曲面两个二次曲面的任何一个,通过使一个双曲线绕其任何一根中轴旋转而成,而且旋转时有一个有一定双曲线平面切面的中心,而其他切面是椭圆或圆周
41、Click the ellipses (...) button. ─── 点击ellipses(……)按钮。
42、Integer-based Algorithm for Drawing Ellipses ─── 基于整数的椭圆绘制算法
43、For a specific class, you would specify the full class name rather than ending the package name with the ellipses. ─── 对于特定类,需要指定完整的类名而不是在包名称之后加省略号。
44、Create a new layer and using the Ellipse Path tool draw two ellipses over the dashed ring and set their fill opacity to 0%. ─── 添加图层样式。创建新图层,然后选择一个笔刷设置如下,开始绘制。用选区工具选择删除外面的部分。改变图层模式为线性加深,不透明度设置为12%,效果如下。
45、The orientation of the minor axis of the ellipses is the same as that of the central axis, and is perpendicular to its surface. ─── 椭圆的辅助轴方向与中心轴相同,并且垂直于其表面。
46、Internally, as the ellipses expand with each turn of the spiral, the skylight void opens up in a stunning spectacle. ─── 在内部,由于椭圆的扩展和螺旋彼此之间的交错,使得天窗洒下来的光形成了一个异常漂亮、吸引人的景象。
47、a geometric surface,all of whose plane sections are either ellipses or circles ─── 椭面,其所有切面都是椭圆或圆一种几何面
48、Based on proper bistatic coordinates, a conclusion that equidistance curves are a series of ellipses is obtained. ─── 摘要基于合适的双基坐标系,得出双基雷达的等距离曲线方程是一族椭圆。
49、Draw five more ellipses over the ladybug body shape and group them together. ─── 提请5更多的省略号超过瓢虫的身体形态和组一起。
50、Use of adjuncts, ellipses and initials in English titles of sci-tech papers ─── 科技论文英文题名中的修饰、省略与缩写用法
51、An instrument for describing ellipses. ─── 椭圆规一种画椭圆的仪器
52、CimCAD and CimPACK allow you to draw lines, arcs, circles, rectangles, ellipses, and polygons. ─── CimCAD和CimPACK允许你绘制线条,圆弧,圆,长方形,椭圆,和多边形。线,圆弧和圆是最基本的设计单位被叫做项目(items)。
53、The reusable class library supports documents, views and graphical objects like rectangles, ellipses, polygons, meta files, text, bitmaps and lines. ─── 可再度使用的课图书馆支持文件,图形和象矩形那样的图形的宾语,椭圆,多边形,超文件,文本,位图和线。
54、Simulated annealing algorithm is adopted to detect the parameters of ellipses, hyperbolas and lines in images and applied to seismic pattern detection. ─── 摘要:我们提出一个运用模拟退火演算法的参数侦测系统来侦测影像中的直线、圆、椭圆与双曲线,并且将此系统应用到震测图形的侦测上。
55、Only simple data types from the C++ program should be passed to functions with ellipses parameters. ─── 对于C++程序,只能将简单数据类型传递给含有省略符形参的函数。
56、Click the ellipses in the Value box to edit your connection with the Connection Properties dialog box. ─── 单击“值”框中的省略号以使用“连接属性”对话框编辑您的连接。
57、This example draws outlined ellipses and rectangles on a form. ─── 此示例在窗体上绘制空心椭圆和空心矩形。
58、Algorithms for Generating Circles and Ellipses on Hexagonal Grids ─── 六角网格上的圆与椭圆生成算法
59、The research of image retrieval methods based on approaching the contour of a shape by ellipses ─── 椭圆逼近形状轮廓的图像检索方法研究
60、QPen is an elementary graphics object. It is used to draw lines, curves and outlines of rectangles, ellipses, polygons or other shapes. ─── 画笔是一个用来画直线,曲线和矩形的轮廓,椭圆,多边形或其他图形的基本绘图对象。
61、An Algebraic Condition for Classifying the Positional Relationship of Two Planar Ellipses ─── 判别平面上两个椭圆位置关系的代数条件
62、Kepler said that orbits around the sun are closed ellipses; ─── 开普勒说过,围绕太阳的轨道为闭合椭圆。
63、Ellipses parameters are used when it is impossible to list the type and number of all the arguments that might be passed to a function. ─── 在无法列举出传递给函数的所有实参的类型和数目时,可以使用省略符形参。
64、The code to clear the drawing, then create the drawing as a set of rectangles and ellipses is shown in Listing 5. ─── 清单5中显示了一些代码,这些代码先清除绘画,然后创建由一组矩形和椭圆组成的绘画。
65、A wave occurs when many or all the ellipses rotate at the same rate. ─── 当许多或所有的椭圆以相同速率绕转时,便产生了一个波。
66、When stars' ellipses rotate at widely different speeds, the galaxy has no wave structure. ─── 当恒星画出的椭圆彼此间绕转速率差异甚大时,星系不会出现波动结构。
67、Finally line clipping algorithms against circles and ellipses are given. ─── 最后,介绍了圆形和椭圆形窗口的直线裁剪算法。
68、By establishing proper bistatic coordinates, a conclusion is obtained that equidistance curves of bistatic radar are a series of ellipses. ─── 摘要通过建立合适的双基坐标系,得出双基雷达的等距离和曲线方程是一族椭圆。
69、An integer specifying how parts of overlong file names should be replaced by ellipses on the desktop. ─── 决定桌面上过长的档案名称的一部分要以省略符号替换的字串值。
70、Experiments on the detection of ellipses, hyperbolas, circles and lines in images are quite successful. ─── 在实验的部分,对于影像中的直线、圆、椭圆与双曲线均能成功的侦测。
71、Comet orbits are mostly long ellipses, so they spend most of the time far from the sun, cold. ─── 彗星的轨道大部份是很长的椭圆,所以大部份时间离太阳很远,很冷.
72、contact ellipses ─── 接触椭圆
73、And a bunch of ellipses which can do anything. ─── 和一串无所不能的省略号。
74、confocal ellipses ─── 共焦椭圆
75、Object has methods to draw points, strings, lines, arcs, ellipses, and many other shapes. ─── 对象有绘制点、字符串、直线、圆弧、椭圆和许多其他形状的方法。
76、In a bar wave, these ellipses are aligned, producing a region of enhanced density along their major axis. ─── 在棒状波里,这些椭圆排成直线,沿著它们的主轴制造出一个密度变大的区域。
77、A Brief Analysis of the Principle of Drawing Graphs Accurately on Special Points of Ellipses ─── 椭圆上特殊点的准确作图原理简析
78、You can offset lines, arcs, circles, 2D polylines, ellipses, elliptical arcs, xlines, rays, and planar splines. ─── 检查你所偏移的是否是以上OBJECTS,或者偏移距离是否过大.
79、Comparative Study on Ellipses Detection ─── 椭圆检测算法的比较
80、Shows how to draw outlined ellipses and rectangles on a form. ─── 显示如何在窗体上绘制空心椭圆和矩形。
81、As adolescents, we may be unrealistic and unsophisticated, even prone to commit good-humored mistakes, but such shortcomings should only be compared to the ellipses of the moon. ─── 也许我们的激情不切实际,也许我们的言谈举止尚缺乏老练沉稳,也许我们的好心常常做了错事,诸如此类,堪以月蚀的缺憾来比喻;
82、In the Value Format box, click the ellipses (.). ─── 在“值格式”框中,单击省略号(。)。
83、ellipses detection ─── 椭圆检测
84、Piezoelectric Wafer-Based Damage Localization Using Ellipses Method ─── 基于压电晶体传感器的椭圆损伤定位算法
85、Our box is complete. Now we'll create jack. USing elliptical shape tool create a few ellipses and place as shown. ─── 我们的盒子完成了。下面我们绘制娃娃。使用椭圆工具绘制一些椭圆,如下进行填充和移动。
86、Show that it is possible for a triangle move rigidly with vertices traveling along three ellipses of different sizes and axes. ─── 展示这是可能的,对于一个三角形的三顶点,固定的沿著三个不同大小及不同长短轴的椭圆上移动。
87、family of ellipses ─── 椭圆族
88、A string specifying how parts of overlong file names should be replaced by ellipses, depending on the zoom level. ─── 依据缩放等级,决定过长文件名的一部分将以省略符替换的字符串值。
89、In code, ellipses signify code omitted for the sake of clarity. ─── 用在代码中,省略号表示为清楚起见省略了部分代码。
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