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09-14 投稿



gauntly 中文意思翻译



gauntly 相似词语短语

1、bluntly ─── adv.直言地,单刀直入地,(说话)不客气地

2、saintly ─── adj.圣洁的

3、giantly ─── 巨大的

4、auntly ─── 阿姨

5、gently ─── adv.轻轻地;温柔地,温和地

6、gauntry ─── n.构台;木桶架;跨轨信号杆

7、gauntlet ─── n.长手套;(古时士兵戴的)金属护手;夹道鞭笞的刑罚;交叉射击;严酷考验

8、gaunt ─── adj.憔悴的;荒凉的;枯瘦的;n.(Gaunt)人名;(英)冈特

9、faintly ─── adv.微弱地;模糊地;虚弱地

gauntly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I remember well one gaunt Nimrod (12) who would catch up a leaf by the roadside and play a strain on it wilder and more melodious, if my memory serves me, than any hunting-horn. ─── 我还记得一个消瘦的宁呢,他随手在路边抓到一张叶子,就能在上面吹奏出一个旋律来,如果我没记错的话,似乎比任何猎号声都更野,更动听。

2、gaunt Tasmanian evergreen shrubby tree with slender tapering leaves 3 to 5 feet long. ─── 憔悴的塔斯马尼亚常绿的灌木树,有苗条的尖端细的叶子,三到五英尺长。

3、having a protruding jaw giving the face a gaunt appearance ─── 下巴突出,脸看起来很瘦长

4、One was gaunt, with flinty eyes, a long white beard, and a face as hard as a winter frost. ─── 一个比较憔悴,有著严峻的眼睛跟白色的长胡子,脸色冷若冰霜。

5、"Excessive dieting will give a woman a gaunt appearance by leading to volume loss in the midface [cheeks]. ─── “过分节食会使脸面中部(面颊)失去肌肉和脂肪,因而使女士显得憔悴。

6、Three close, love mental efforts is gauntly, hurt vitality greatly, china female illegible marry a person. ─── 三分三合,爱得心力憔悴,大伤元气,华女潦草嫁人。

7、Weight loss, making her look gaunt and stringy, alternated with periods of puffiness and overweight. ─── 体重降低,使她面容憔悴,形同麻杆,间或也夹杂着阵阵虚胖和超重。

8、Even on his last day at the White House - when the thinning hair and gaunt face of a cancer patient were so evident - he stressed how much he loved his job. ─── 即使在他在白宫的最后一天,那时癌症病人日渐稀薄的头发和憔悴的面容已十分明显,他也强调自己有多喜欢自己的工作。

9、John of Gaunt ─── 兰开斯特公约翰(1340-1399,英国兰加斯特王朝的创始人,爱德华三世之子)

10、House Gaunt - Three black lances upright on pink, between black flaunches. ─── 三把黑色的长枪竖立在粉色底纹上,两边是两个黑色的对圆弧。

11、On my way home, I thought of the short and gaunt guy repeatedly then I asked myself, “Why daren't I hold out my hand? ─── 在回家的路上,我反复地想着那个家伙,我问自己:“我为什么不敢伸出我的手呢?”

12、They have deeply lined ashen faces, dark eyes, gaunt builds and wrap themselves in thick yet tightly-bound clothing that covers all but their faces and hands. ─── 他们有着深色的眼睛,灰白的面部皮肤上布满深痕,消瘦的身体总被厚厚的衣服紧紧遮盖住,只露出他们的脸和手。

13、Chu clutched Bethune's hand, his gaunt face covered with emotion . ─── 徐紧紧抓住白求恩的手,瘦瘦的脸上充满了感情。

14、Be in malic company, thin bone of figure it may be said is like bavin, can look from his gaunt body reach his food and healthy state. ─── 在苹果公司,乔布斯的身材可谓瘦骨如柴,从他的憔悴身体可以看得出他的饮食和健康状况。

15、Conversely, I also had seen the husband and wife with a lot of disharmonious sexual life, they look countenance mostly gaunt, a lot of ageder than actual age. ─── 反之,我也见过很多性生活不和谐的夫妻,他们大多看上去面容憔悴,比实际年龄苍老很多。

16、She does not eat, she never mentions Louis, and she looks gaunt and haunted. ─── 她不吃东西,始终不提路易斯,人显得瘦削憔悴,若有所思。

17、The effect of his irregular life could be seen writ large on his gaunt features. ─── 他生活不规律,后果从他憔悴消瘦的身形上可以清晰地看到。

18、He appears as a gaunt, naked, scimitar-wielding man, or as a black cloud with glowing green eyes. ─── 信徒间互相问候时,通常会彼此拥抱以让双方的圣徽互相碰触。

19、Capri is a gaunt rock of austere outline, bathed in a deep blue sea; ─── 卡普里岛是一块外形突兀的荒凉的岩石,沐浴在深蓝色的海洋里。

20、Because of the silence of the night inclusive me, no one saw me gaunt appearance. ─── 因为夜色包容着我的沉默,无人看见我憔悴的容貌。

21、Drivers in Italy are getting an up-close look at the dangers of anorexia.A group has put up this billboard showing a gaunt, naked woman next to this ad showcasing a model. ─── 意大利的司机们现在可以近距离地感受厌食症的危害:一张骨瘦如柴的裸体女像和这个模特广告并列张贴在一起。

22、He was waiting, more gaunt than ever, determined to see her, if he had to send in word. ─── 他等在那里,比以前更加憔悴。 他下定了决心要见到她,即使捎话进去也要见到她。

23、Mammy cried silently as she sponged the gaunt bodies, using the remnant of an old apron as a cloth. ─── 嬷嬷一面悄悄地哭泣,一面用一块旧围裙残余的破布当海绵,擦拭着两个枯瘦的身子。

24、Went to visit late last year when optimism of her smile flowery, slightly gaunt face mask do not live on love of life. ─── 去年年底去探望时,乐观的她笑靥如花,略显憔悴的脸上遮掩不住对生命的热爱。

25、i) Mana Steal Benumb Gauntlet - This Benumb Gaunt drains the opponent's Mana fast.If the opponent's a mage, the mage's Mana Barrier and all magic attacks will be often rendered ineffective. ─── 偷蓝魔法的爪子:可以偷对手的蓝魔法,用来对付法师,使对方魔法屏障和攻击失效(对方没有兰当然就没魔法屏障,也不能攻击了)。

26、In about seven or eight minutes he reached a small shabby house that was wedged in between two gaunt factories. ─── 大约七、八分钟以后他来到一所寒伧的小房子面前,这栋房子嵌在两家形状可怖的工厂中间。

27、gaunt underfed children; badly undernourished. ─── 憔悴的营养不良的孩子;严重的营养不良。

28、having a protruding jaw giving the face a gaunt appearance. ─── 下巴突出,脸看起来很瘦长。

29、A little further on I caught sight of yet another human being, a tall gaunt old woman in cap and shawl. ─── 再往前走,我又看到一个人,一个头戴帽子、肩围披肩、面容憔悴的高个子老年妇女。

30、7. Weight loss, making her look gaunt and stringy, alternated with periods of puffiness and overweight. ─── 体重降低,使她面容憔悴,形同麻杆,间或也夹杂着阵阵虚胖和超重。收藏指正

31、But now the gaunt and jagged tower is making news of another kind: Traffic vibration has caused its walls to crumble, with chunks threatening to fall off onto pedestrians below. ─── 但是现在荒凉破败的铁塔是另一种景象,交通的震动使它的墙垮塌了,大块的碎片威胁着下面的行人。

32、Upright, herons and their egret cousins have the gaunt, hunched air of sharp-eyed spinsters dressed for an Edwardian salon. ─── 当然,夜鹭和它们的白鹭伙伴们全都骨瘦如柴,它们被穿着像参加爱德华时代沙龙的眼神犀利的妇女高高举起,倒吊着。

33、His dry pallid face often looked gaunt. ─── 他那张乾瘪苍白的脸常常显得憔悴。

34、He was a tall gaunt man with blackrimmed spectacles and the mute and patient look of an overdriven mule. ─── 他是一个瘦高个子,戴着一副黑边眼镜,他那一声不响,逆来顺受的样子看去很象一头累垮了的骡子。

35、an aged thrush,frail,gaunt,and small,/ In blast - beruffled plume(Thomas Hardy. ─── 一只脆弱、瘦削且小巧,被风吹乱羽毛的老鸫(托马斯·哈代)。

36、TMZ's photo shows Jobs is still looking gaunt. ─── 从TMZ上的照片看,乔布斯看起来依然憔悴。

37、Many HIV patients lose fat in their faces, giving them a gaunt look, while gaining it elsewhere. ─── 很多患者脸上脂肪减少,看起来很瘦,但在其他部位则出现大量脂肪堆积。

38、"an aged thrush, frail, gaunt, and small,/In blast-beruffled plume" (Thomas Hardy). ─── “一只脆弱、瘦削且小巧,被风吹乱羽毛的老鸫”(托马斯·哈代)。

39、He was tall and gaunt and wore a pointed beard of iron gray, and his clothes hung on his spare figure as though blown there by a hurricane. ─── 他个子高高的,骨瘦如柴,蓄着一把尖尖的铁灰色胡子,衣服穿在那瘦长的身躯上像是被大风刮到上面似的。

40、Even on his last at the White House, with when the thinning hair and gaunt face of a cancer patient were so evident, he stressed how much he loved his job. ─── 就在他在白宫的最后一天,当一位癌症患者那稀薄的头发和憔悴的面容都已十分明显时,他还在强调了他对他工作的深切热爱。

41、He goes to the reservation desk. There's a gaunt woman behind the desk. ─── 他朝前台走去。台后站着一位瘦瘦的女人。

42、He had gaunt cheeks after his long illness. ─── 他久病後双颊瘦削。

43、Not only because of its beauty, but also because its used to hide the beauty of its haggard and gaunt. ─── 不仅因为它的美丽,更因为它那用来隐藏它的美丽的枯槁与憔悴。

44、Gaunt factor ─── 冈特因子

45、In one hovel, seven-year-old Ashraf is working a ten-hour day alongside his gaunt and bearded grandfather. ─── 一间破屋中,七岁的阿沙拉夫每天要工作十个小时,他身边是面容憔悴、胡须满面的祖父。

46、a gaunt face ─── 憔悴的面容

47、I just sized up the short and gaunt guy in front of me. ─── 我仔细地打量着眼前这个骨瘦如柴的家伙。

48、"My heart, you would like to sleep forever keeping your beauty or die gauntly?" ─── "我亲爱的公主,你是要选择现在美丽的睡去,还是要如此憔悴的死去?"

49、The gaunt countenance and dynamic posture of Pavel Korchagin had kept emerging in front of his eyes. ─── 他的眼前不时浮现出保尔瘦削的脸颊和他生机勃勃的身姿。

50、He was gaunt and sparing of speech. ─── 他很憔悴,话也不多。

51、Even on his last day at the White House , with ** - when the thinning hair and ** gaunt face of the constipation a cancer patient were so evident , - he stressed how much he loved his job. ─── 在他最后的白宫岁月里,尽管身患癌症,头发稀疏,脸色苍白,他仍然强调他有多么地热爱这份工作。

52、The eyes of the gaunt spectre darkened again, as they had in his youth. ─── 于是这瘦鬼的两眼又黯然出神,就同他年青时代的眼睛一样。

53、His gaunt face seemed paler than before. ─── 他那憔悴的脸似乎显得比以前更苍白了。

54、one may guess the power of the north wind blowing over the edge, by the excessive slant of a few stunted firs at the end of the house; and by a range of gaunt thorns all stretching their limbs one way, as if craving alms of the sun. ─── 从房屋那头有几棵矮小的枞树过度倾斜,还有那一排瘦削的荆棘都向着一个方向伸展枝条,仿佛在向太阳乞讨温暖,就可以猜想到北风吹过的威力了。

55、a white-haired pioneer, her face gaunt from overwork and worry. ─── 一位白发苍苍的拓荒者,由于过度劳累和担忧而面容憔悴

56、Chaucer was a London wine-merchant's son who married a relative of John of Gaunt. ─── 乔叟是伦敦一位葡萄酒商的儿子,后来娶了岗特约翰的一位亲戚之女。

57、And all but cry with colour! That gaunt crag ─── 且尽都褪色号哭!那荒芜的峭壁

58、My knees give way from fasting; my body is thin and gaunt. ─── 我因禁食,膝骨软弱;我身上的肉也渐渐瘦了。

59、A group has put up this billboard showing a gaunt, naked woman next to this ad showcasing a model. ─── 一个团队将画着一名憔悴的裸体妇女的广告牌放在另一块广告牌上,那块广告上是一名模特。

60、His father mounted to the seat where the older brother already sat and struck the gaunt mules two savage blows with the peeled willow, but without heat. ─── 他父亲上了座位,哥哥已坐在那里,父亲用去皮的柳条朝削瘦的骡子猛抽了两下,但毫不激动。

61、Appearing worn and exhausted; gaunt. ─── 憔悴的显得疲惫的和筋疲力尽的;瘦弱的

62、He was a gaunt old man. ─── 他是一位瘦削的老人。

63、They are gaunt, averaging 6 1/4 feet tall and typically weighing around 170 pounds. ─── 他们骨瘦如柴,平均身高6又1/4尺、普遍体重在170磅上下。

64、Even on the last day at the White House when the thinning hair and gaunt face of the cancer patient was so evident, he stressed how much whe loved his job. ─── 即使是在白宫的最后一天,这位癌症病人不断减少的头发和憔悴的面孔非常明显的时候,他仍然强调他有多么热爱他的工作。

65、I recall Min An, long brown hair tumbled over bent shoulders, reading softly to the gaunt. ─── 我记得明安,长长的褐发披在前倾的肩上,给那卧病在床的瘦削的身影轻轻朗诵着。

66、an aged thrush, frail, gaunt, and small, / In blast - beruffled plume(Thomas Hardy. ─── 一只脆弱、瘦削且小巧,被风吹乱羽毛的老鸫(托马斯 哈代)。

67、He was concentrating, his face strained and gaunt, as it had been for months ─── 他全神贯注,面容憔悴,这已有好几个月了。

68、Gaunt,skinny,dressed in tatters,bare feet,he was playing in the mud and clay yard in front of the house ─── 他枯槁的形容,消瘦的肌肉,穿件破衣,赤着两脚,在门前淘泥挖土

69、In video of Mr.Kim's rare media appearances, he appears gaunt and infirm . ─── 在金正日极少数的媒体露面中,他看上去非常憔悴,虚弱。

70、"In the hushed room, the tall gaunt President took the boy's hand in his and spoke warm words of encouragement until death came. " ─── 在这个寂静的房间里,高大的总统握着男孩的手,说着体贴入怀的鼓励话语,直到死亡款款而来。

71、I scanned the group twice and focused on a gaunt man in the middle of the pack with gangly facial hair and tattoos. ─── 我扫视了两遍,最后把目光聚焦在队伍中间一个枯瘦憔悴的男人身上,他胡子拉扎,刺着纹身。

72、In the hushed room, the tall gaunt President took the boy's hand in his and spoke warm words of encouragement until death came. ─── 在这个寂静的房间里,高大的总统握着男孩的手,说着体贴入怀的鼓励话语,直到死亡款款而来。

73、I cannot read what I have written with this gaunt hand. ─── 我无法读我这只瘦骨嶙峋的手写下的文字。

74、a nightmare population of gaunt men and skeletal boys ─── 一群大人、孩子都瘦得可怕人

75、Then behold, seven other cows came up after them from the Nile, ugly and gaunt, and they stood by the other cows on the bank of the Nile. ─── 创41:3随后又有七只母牛从河里上来、丑陋、乾瘦、那七只母牛一同站在河边。

76、"For the most part there was silence;gaunt men shuffling, glancing, and beating their arms. ─── 大部分时间都没人说话,形容憔悴的人们挪动着双脚,张望着,拍打着自己的手臂。

77、By evening Perrault secured another dog, an old husky, long and lean and gaunt, with a battle-scarred face and a single eye which flashed a warning of prowess that commanded respect. ─── 傍晚时分,波瑞特又弄来一条老赫基斯狗,又瘦又长,憔悴不堪,一张脸带着战斗后留下的痕迹,那只独眼射出要求敬畏的勇猛警示。

78、an elongate tail tapering to a point; the old man's gaunt and elongated frame. ─── 尖端细成一点的细长的尾巴;老人憔悴而瘦削的轮廓。

79、Do not know why, often hear recently beside many wives say tired, a few alerter also originally beautiful cummer people gaunt with each passing day. ─── 当然,化妆前洗脸利用冷热水交替,涂抹保养品时,先按摩脸部五分钟,这些刺激面部血液循环的方法也不赖。

80、The gaunt and grave civilisation of the thirteenth century was presented with that of the nineteenth, grinning, prosperous, and well armed ─── 十三世纪的贫乏而朴素的文化就和那微笑的,昌盛的而又武装得很好的十九世纪的文明呈现在一起了。

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