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09-09 投稿



dailiness 发音


英:  美:

dailiness 中文意思翻译



dailiness 词性/词形变化,dailiness变形

名词复数: dailies |名词: dailiness |

dailiness 反义词

nightly |weekly | annual | monthly

dailiness 同义词

by | diary | dairy | paper | day-by-day | day-to-day | day after day | casual | publication | circadian | accustomed | regularly | organ | periodical | customary | quotidian | sheet | per diem | every day | day by day | newspaper |everyday | regular | day | diurnal | servant | day-after-day

dailiness 相似词语短语

1、dolliness ─── 美元

2、daintiness ─── n.优美;美味;过分的讲究

3、dailies ─── n.日报;供导演审查的样片(daily的复数)

4、earliness ─── n.早熟

5、gainliness ─── n.优美

6、daffiness ─── 愚蠢

7、deadliness ─── n.致命;深仇大恨;不共戴天

8、airiness ─── n.通风;空虚;微妙

9、dailyness ─── 日常生活

dailiness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、 双语使用场景

2、In the north of the long and narrow flatland between Canshan Mountains and Erhai, Xizhou Village lies in Daili Autonomous Prefecture of Bai Nationality, northwest of Yunan Province. ─── 喜洲村位于云南省西北部的大理白族自治州,苍山与洱海之间狭长的平坝地带北端。

3、By allowing the dailiness of life to step forward again, we become, in a sense, our own parents, saying "Welcome home" after each of our creative flights. ─── 通过允许生活的"日常"特点再一次迈向走到前面,我们从某个意义上说成为了我们的父母。

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