dynasties 发音
英:[ˈdɪnəstiz] 美:[ˈdaɪnəstiz]
英: 美:
dynasties 中文意思翻译
dynasties 短语词组
1、nine dynasties ─── 九代
2、southern and northern dynasties ─── 南北朝
3、Stone sculptures at mausoleum of the southern dynasties in Nanji ─── 南京 ─── 南朝陵墓石雕
4、successive dynasties ─── 历代
5、senseless dynasties ─── 无谓王朝
6、Juniperus chinensis from Six Dynasties ─── 六朝桧柏
7、ancient dynasties ─── 古代王朝
8、Conquest Dynasties ─── 征服王朝
dynasties 常用词组
five dynasties ─── 五代
dynasties 词性/词形变化,dynasties变形
副词: dynastically |形容词: dynastic |名词复数: dynasties |
dynasties 相似词语短语
1、dynasts ─── n.元首;统治者;王朝的君主
2、dynasticism ─── n.王朝的统治
3、synastries ─── 哮喘
4、dynastic ─── adj.王朝的;朝代的
5、nasties ─── adj.极差的;恶心的;恶意的;有害的;严重的(伤、疾病);粗鲁的,下流的;可恶的;难对付的;n.令人不快的人(或物);可恶;恐怖录像或影片;n.(Nasty)(俄、美、印)耐史迪(人名)
6、epinasties ─── n.偏上性生长;偏上发育
7、amnesties ─── n.大赦,特赦;vt.对…实行大赦
8、beasties ─── n.小动物
9、dynastical ─── 皇朝的;朝代的
dynasties 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Western and Eastern Han Dynasties have been a crucial time when the Chinese ancient ecological thought began to take shape. ─── 而两汉时期正是中国古代生态思想总结定型的关键阶段。
2、A city in east central China; the capital of ancient China during several dynasties. ─── 中国中东部的一个城市;有几个朝代都是古代中国的首都。
3、There are no records about whether he annotates Du's poems in the past dynasties. ─── 关于他是否注杜,历代均无文献记载。
4、Jinmao Hyatt The New South-West Lake, He Fangjie the Ming and Qing Dynasties. ─── 外滩,南京路+小火车,人民广场,远眺东方明珠塔+金茂凯悦,西湖新南线,明清河坊街
5、How many Chinese dynasties can you think of? ─── 你能想出多少中国王朝?
6、The Prince Hui of Qi in the Southern Dynasties composed the "Fayue "Fayue Fanwu". ─── 南齐惠太子制"法乐梵舞"。
7、Beijing now has many stone lions made during the Ming and Qing dynasties. ─── 北京现存有不少明清两代的石狮子。
8、Well, I didn't like history, so that was my worst subject. I was always confused by the years of dynasties. ─── 嗯,我不喜欢历史,因此那是我最差的科目。我总是被朝代的年代搞得糊涂。
9、Indeed, half of the two-dozen dynasties are under minority rulers. ─── 事实上,二十四朝有一半是被少数民族统治。
10、In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, people in the imperial palace all ate flower cakes to celebrate. ─── 在明清时期,皇宫里的人都吃花糕来庆祝。
11、In Beijing, most of the courtyards today were built in the Ming and Qing dynasties. ─── 在北京,大部分四合院建于明、清两代。
12、A year intervened between the two dynasties. ─── 两个朝代之间隔了一年
13、Only the three dynasties, it has twenty eight emperor worship Wanrong earth many times in person. ─── 仅这三个朝代,就有八位皇帝先后二十多次亲临万荣祭祀后土。
14、It is said that as early as late Yin and Shang dynasties, there were activities of Taoist master Taiyi zhenren. ─── 九宫山在宋元时期为皇家道场,九宫山的“幕阜洞天”,就是道教三十六洞天之一。
15、They explain the morals as mettle culture which was highly praised by the benevolent gentlemen in ancient dynasties. ─── 作为精神文化 ,以玉喻德 ,为历代仁人君子所推崇。
16、The two fierce rivals, known as the "Battling Begums" and heirs to political dynasties, were freed to contest the long-delayed election. ─── 这两位宿敌以及两人政治王朝的继任者均获释,得以参加这次一再推迟的选举。
17、The earliest porcelains appeared in the Shang and Zhou dynasties about 3,000 years ago. ─── 原始瓷器出现于三千多年的商周时期,
18、From the Five Dynasties(907-960) on,Dhyana was widely spread in eastern Hunan. ─── 唐五代以来,禅宗在湘东得到广泛传播和发展。
19、The Xus have been ranking officials in three succeeding regimes. Dynasties may change, but the Xus' power never wanes. ─── 他许家是三朝元老。改朝换代,改不了他许家的天下。
20、Tang Costume got its name because China became known to other countries during the Han and Tang dynasties. ─── 唐装之所以得名,是因为中国在汉唐时期为其他国家所熟知。
21、Accordingly, axiomatic face up to now, annatto furniture is in in past dynasties popular. ─── 因此,自明朝至今,红木家具在历代都在流行。
22、During the Kory? and Chos?n Dynasties, the Office of the Inspector General held regular tea ceremonies. ─── 在**和***王朝时期,总检查员机关(?)负责举行定期的饮茶仪式。
23、Emperors in all dynasties wanted to dominate the whole world and put an end to the disunited nation. ─── 历代的皇帝都想一统天下,结束分裂的局面。
24、How was the Great Wall built in the Qin and Han dynasties? ─── 在秦汉时期长城是怎样修建的?
25、From the Jin to the Sui dynasties, tea drinking became popular among the common people. ─── 从晋朝到隋朝,老百姓逐渐喜欢饮茶。
26、in its long glorious history , a brilliant art and craft has been handed down and masters have been brought up in a number of dynasties. ─── 千多年来,悠久而灿烂的历史进程,给后世留下了精湛绝伦的技艺,也造就了历代数不清的艺术匠师。
27、Xidi village: The museum of Chinese ancient residential houses in Ming and Qing Dynasties. ─── 中国明清民居博物馆。
28、This was followed by the Han, Sui, Tang, the Five Dynasties, Song, Liao, Kin, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties. ─── 其后是汉、隋、唐、五代、宋、辽、金、元、明和清等各朝代。
29、The mint art further exceeded former dynasties, characters cast by various mints were different. ─── 其钱艺术远超前朝,各局所铸文字多有不同
30、A series of six dynasties followed. ─── 从此先后出现了六代王朝。
31、In this respect, we have valuable historical experience from the Han and Tang Dynasties. ─── 中国的汉唐时代,都曾在这方面留下了宝贵的历史经验
32、Weiqi was introduced to Japan in the Sui and Tang Dynasties and to Europe in the 19th century. ─── 围棋在隋唐时期传到了日本,19世纪传入了欧洲。
33、He inherited and developed the Tang, Five Dynasties, Song bird has a fine tradition of fine brushwork. ─── 他继承并发扬了唐、五代、两宋以来工笔花鸟画的优秀传统。
34、The ancient official title is often used as an appellation term,especially since Tang and Song Dynasties. ─── 古代官名用于称谓的现象很多、特别是唐宋以来。
35、He is a Ph.D. who specializes in the Northern operas of the Jin and Yuan dynasties. ─── 他是文学博士,专门研究金元北曲。
36、The hill is dotted with over 340 Buddhist grotto statues dating from the Five Dynasties. ─── 另外,山上遍布五代以来的佛教石窟造像,数量多达340馀尊。
37、Stone Sculptures at Mausoleums of the Southern Dynasties in Danyang. ─── 丹阳南朝陵墓石刻。
38、In the succeeding dynasties people kept coming and giving expression to their admiration in poetry. ─── 在唐以后的各个朝代中不断有人游览黄山,在诗中表达他们的赞美之情。
39、It was called ”thousand miles pine fores“t in the Liao and Jing dynasties,and was the hunting place for emperors. ─── 在我国的辽、金时期,被称作“千里松林”,曾作为皇帝狩猎之所。
40、How many dynasties are there in China's history? ─── 中国历史上有多少个朝代?
41、Stone Sculptures at Mausoleums of the Southern Dynasties at Nanjing. ─── 南京南朝陵墓石刻.
42、Cutting into halves was not an excruciation only in late Tang Dynasty or previous Dynasties, which had existed in the early Tang Dynasty. ─── 腰斩唐前期既已存在,并不仅仅是唐代后期或者前代酷刑等等。
43、It contains 408 Buddhist words, 2,653 words coming from Pre-Qin, Western and Eastern Han Dynasties and 533 new words. ─── 全经包含外来佛教词语408个,承秦汉而来的词语2,653个,新出现的词语533个。
44、Weiqi was introduced to Japan in the Sui and Tang Dynasties (AD581~AD907) and to Europe in the 19th century. ─── 围棋在隋、唐时期(AD581~AD907)被传到日本,19世纪传进入了欧洲。
45、But after the rise of neo-Confucianism in the Song and Ming Dynasties, Buddhism, together with Taoism, was relegated to the wilderness. ─── 但宋明理学兴起,佛教被划为与道教同属的活动,一起被打入山林退隐了。
46、Governments of all dynasties stationed troops here. ─── 历代的官府都会派军队在这里驻扎。
47、River County, east-west flow, before the Ming and Qing Dynasties in this frame there is amu ban qiao , named Panchiao. ─── 县川河东西流过,明清以前在此架有木板桥一座,故名板桥。
48、Ancient discipline to twelve month disposable December, the beginning of the dynasties of the time of the year was different. ─── 古代纪月以十二支配十二月,各朝代一年开端的时间定得不同。
49、His calligraphy follows the prevailing customs of the Wei and Jin dynasties. ─── 他的书法承袭了魏晋的流风。
50、The understanding of splenic constipation in all dynasties. ─── 历代对“脾约”的认识有:脾阴虚;
51、The fable of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. ─── 九、元明清时期寓言。
52、Their works had a big influence on the development of landscape painting in the later Ming and Qing dynasties. ─── "元四家"的作品对相继的明清山水画发生了巨大的影响。
53、All previous dynasties researcher as if mostly vision focusing in Xie Lingyun scenery poetry. ─── 历代的研究者似乎大都把目光聚焦在谢灵运的山水诗歌上。
54、Trade between the West and the settled and prosperous Chinese dynasties introduced new forms and different technologies. ─── 西方国家和繁荣稳定的历代中国朝代之间的贸易促使双方互相引入了新的形式和不同的技术。
55、A wall painting at Tunhuang from the Five Dynasties period (907 to 959). ─── 五代敦煌壁画,菩萨手捧石榴花果。
56、The country was hence formed, and was passed down to Han and Tang Dynasties. ─── 乃成国家,传之汉唐。
57、Beijing is teh captial of New China and previously the capital for nine dynasties in Chinese history. ─── 北京是新中国的首都,也是先前中国历史上九个王朝的建都之地.
58、How many Chinese dynasties can you? ─── 你能想出多少中国的朝代?
59、Finally, we make a systemic research of the glossary of the epitaphs in five dynasties. ─── 具体的研究分为两个步骤: 第一,系统研究五代墓志特色词汇。
60、It had a great influence on the advocacy of non-being (wu) in the Xuanxue hermeneutical school in the Wei and Jin dynasties. ─── 并通过注解《道德经》阐发玄学理论,对魏晋玄学尤其是玄学贵无论风尚的形成有着重大影响。
61、With a total area of 68.2 ha., Beihai Park was "the Imperial Garden" in the Liao, Jin, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. ─── 北海公园原是辽、金、明、清历代封建帝王的“御花园”。总面积共有68.2公顷。
62、In the subsequent dynasties, the Great Wall was rebuilt many times. ─── 在后来的各个朝代,长城又被多次修建。
63、Weiqi was introduced to Japan in the Sui and Tang Dynasties (AD581~AD907) and to Europe in the 19 th century. ─── 围棋在隋、唐时期(AD581~AD907)被传到日本,19世纪传进入了欧洲。
64、The late Tang and Five Dynasties, warlordism, Yangzhou was severely damaged. ─── 唐末五代,军阀混战,扬州遭到严重破坏。
65、The SevenTreasuresTutoringTemplewas first built during the Five Dynasties period. ─── 七宝教寺,始建于五代。
66、In the Ming and Qing dynasties, painted clay figurines were very popular. ─── 在明清以后,民间彩塑赢得了老百姓的青睐,
67、Successive dynasties employed a master of esoterica who would record and interpret floods, famines and other disasters. ─── 世袭王朝雇用通灵的大师用来记录和解释洪水、饥荒以及其它灾害(的意义)。
68、Glimpse of imperial examination life in past dynasties of China II. ─── 中国历代科举生活掠影2。
69、Pao An was once a frontier stronghold, during the Chin and Tang dynasties, against the nomadic invaders to the north. ─── 在秦朝和唐朝的时候,保安曾是抵御北游牧民入侵的边防要塞。
70、A succession of French dynasties ruled Navarre after 1234. ─── 1234年后由几个法国王朝统治了那瓦尔。
71、The trend of paying great attention to the rhymes of the poems appeared during Liang and Chen dynasties. ─── 和诗重视用韵的倾向出现在梁、陈时期,经唐、宋得到发展,尤其盛行于明、清时期。
72、Construction of the Maijishan Grottos went on from the Northern Wei till the Qing (1644-1911) dynasties. ─── 从北魏至清代,历代有凿窟,
73、Summary on the Jiangxi economic history research of Ming and Qing dynasties over the last ten years. ─── 十年来明清江西地区经济史研究综述。
74、The Chinese culture is based on Confucianism which is highlighted in the Chou, Chin, Sung, and Ming Dynasties. ─── 中华文化以儒家思想为主流,而儒家思想,周秦及宋明先后辉映。
75、The works of all previous dynasties handed down from ancient times have been scattered around the world. ─── 历朝书法家的传世作品散落在世界各处。
76、When did Beijing begin to be the capital of the five dynasties after Yan Kingdom? ─── 在燕国之后,北京何时开始成为五朝的古都?
77、Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties witnessed the birth and development of the Chinese slave society. ─── 夏商周时期是中国奴隶社会产生、发展及向封建社会转化的重要历史时期。
78、Beijing was the capital city of the Liao, Jin, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties of China. ─── 北京是辽、金、元、明、清5个朝代的都城。
79、As long as the Han and Tang Dynasties operating Tea, Tea Jian kilns, Tan Yi tea, teapots. ─── 只要经营汉唐茶具,建窑茶具,檀艺茶具,茶壶。
80、Calvin: I can see the progress of civilization from the changes of these dynasties. ─── 从朝代的更替中,我可以看到文明的进步。
81、The Imperial Tombs of the Ming and Qing Dynasties in China were inscribed on the World Heritage List in 2000. ─── 中国的明清朝皇家陵墓,已在2000年的时候就被世界遗产名录记录在内了。
82、In the 1990s, Chicago Bulls GM Jerry Krause had one of the great dynasties of the modern era. ─── 在90年代,芝加哥公牛队的总经理杰里-克劳斯打造了现代最伟大的王朝之一。
83、Contemporary historical dynasties in different parts of the world often had great gap in economy and culture. ─── 世界历史上处于同一时期但不同地理位置的王朝在经济文化上往往有很大差距。
84、For three dynasties, for nearly 800 years, they fulfilled a special duty: announcing the time to the city. ─── 三朝代以来,将近800年,他们实现了特别的责任:宣布对城市的时候。
85、Of perpetuum mobile that lasts you for seven lean dynasties since the last fat one. ─── 以无穷动的摇晃令你带着上一个富足朝代的书香度过七个贫瘠的王朝。
86、As an independent art form, Chinese dance declined in the Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties. ─── 作为一门独立的表演艺术,中国舞蹈发展到明(1386-1644)、清(1644-1911)呈衰落趋势
87、Pottery development in the Shang and Zhou dynasties was mainly grey-either grey clay pottery or grey sandy pottery. ─── 商周时期陶器的发展以灰色为主--灰土或灰沙陶器。
88、Inept dynasties augur instability and are overthrown. ─── 坏的王朝就会出现不稳定预兆然后被推翻。
89、But the interation of the Dynasties' influences and the local societies was a long and complex interactive process. ─── 但是,王朝教化与地域社会之间的契合,却经历了长期复杂的互动过程。
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