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09-14 投稿



eloped 发音

英:[ɪˈləʊpt]  美:[ɪˈloʊpt]

英:  美:

eloped 中文意思翻译



eloped 词性/词形变化,eloped变形

动词过去式: eloped |动词第三人称单数: elopes |名词: elopement |动词过去分词: eloped |动词现在分词: eloping |

eloped 相似词语短语

1、clopped ─── n.马蹄声;vi.发出得得声

2、eloper ─── 私奔者

3、loped ─── v.大步慢跑;n.大步慢跑,大步踏走;n.(Lope)(美、西班牙)洛佩(人名)

4、delopes ─── 德洛普斯

5、elopes ─── vi.私奔;潜逃

6、blooped ─── v.发低沉噪音;出错;击出高飞乌龙球;n.啸声,杂音;错误,纰漏

7、elope ─── vi.私奔;潜逃

8、sloped ─── adj.倾斜的;v.倾斜;使倾斜(slope的过去式)

9、deloped ─── 去毛

eloped 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、All cases showed Jiazhijie seem to have eloped with a lover, including Jia Zhijie, parents believe that the son of long outstanding. ─── 所有情况似乎都显示夏志杰与情人私奔了,包括夏志杰的父母都相信儿子长年在外。

2、They eloped and had been happily married for 27 years! ─── 他们私奔,并已愉快地结婚27年!

3、I really blew my top when my daughter eloped. ─── 当我女儿和人私奔时,我真气坏了。

4、Yates would never have succeeded. She had not eloped with any worse feelings than those of selfish alarm. ─── 朱莉娅所以要私奔,就是由于心里害怕,有些自私的念头,并没有什么更糟糕的想法。

5、The farmer's daughter and the lawyer's son have eloped! ─── 农夫的女儿和律师的儿子一起私奔了!

6、His marriage with Harriet having proved a complete failure, Shelley eloped with Godwin's 15-year-old daugher Mary. ─── 雪莱和哈丽艾特的结合完全破裂以后,他就和葛德文的十五岁女儿玛丽私奔了。

7、Overcoming ill health and the jealous objections of her tyrannical father, she eloped to Italy with Robert Browning and married him in1846. ─── 她克服了疾病和她暴虐父亲的专横反对,与罗伯特·朗宁私奔到意大利,并于1846年与他结婚。

8、His widowed mother and uncles told him to kill the 17-year-old after she eloped with her boyfriend, staining the family's honor. ─── 当时,那个17岁的女孩和她的男友私奔,玷污了家族的荣誉,所以,他寡居的母亲和叔叔们让他杀死这个女孩。

9、Tom's wife eloped with her lover. ─── 汤姆的妻子跟情人私奔了。

10、Liz: He ran off (eloped) with another woman and of course I realize he was trying to string me along. ─── 莉斯:他和其他女人私奔,当然我意识到了他过去一直在欺骗着我。

11、Thirteen years ago Madeleine eloped with Merrick, but Merrick disappeared during their honeymoon. ─── 他只知道自己被人从地中海捞起时,身上遍布了弹孔。

12、"I eloped and were not linked with you, also the Chinese New Year holiday to call home ah. ─── “真和人私奔,不跟你联系,过年过节也该给家里打电话啊。

13、But generallyspeaking, we are facing serious drain brain, not fully dev eloped market offoreign students studying in China and cultural ecological crisis. ─── 但总体来说,我国的留学生教育面临着人才流失严重、来华留学生教育市场尚未得到充分开发和文化生态危机等问题。

14、Since Mary's father would not give his consent to her marriage to the man, she decided to burn her bridges and eloped with him. ─── 因为玛丽的父亲不会同意她和那男人结婚,她决定破釜沉舟,和那男人私奔了。

15、She disowned their son after she eloped. ─── 她私奔后遗弃了他们的儿子。

16、home avoid hotel like a corridor as with a row of several room to occur, or having an affair, and a rare phenomenon eloped and peace. ─── 居家忌象宾馆饭店一样一条长廊连着一排数个房间,否则易发生外遇及私奔现象,难得平安。

17、She eloped with her lover. ─── 她和她的情人私奔了。

18、There came a breeze that his wife had eloped with her lover. ─── 有谣言说他妻子与她情人私奔了。

19、A method for automatic fringe extracting and coding (interferogram charac teristic information extracting) with digital image-processing technique is dev eloped. ─── 介绍了一种用于计算全息数字波面干涉仪中采用数字图像处理技术采集干涉图的特征信息的方法。

20、They eloped last week. ─── 他们上星期私奔了。

21、Our parents didn't want us to marry, so we eloped. ─── 我们的父母亲不同意我们结婚,所以我们便私奔。

22、His elder sister had also des eloped a similar skin pigmentary defect since about the same age. ─── 他的姊姊亦于相近的年龄时在皮肤出现类似的色素异常。

23、A legendary princess of Ulster who eloped with her lover, Naoise, to escape marriage to King Conchobar. After the king murdered Naoise, she killed herself. ─── 狄德丽:爱尔兰传说中乌尔斯特的公主,她为逃避与康乔巴国王结婚,与情人纳奥伊斯私奔。国王谋杀了纳奥伊斯之后,狄德丽自尽而死

24、His mother, Mrs.Yang had to send him to a missionary school in other village, but Er Dong run away from this school, at the same time, he eloped with a young girl who is Yang changer. ─── 二冬的母亲杨氏把他送到外地的教会学校,二冬从那里逃了出来,带着一个叫杨嫦娥的女孩子私奔。

25、he eloped with Frieda von Richthofen. ─── 他和弗莉达·冯·里希托芬私奔了。

26、Nobby cabin,as a retained pianist ,you tried to read the stories of everyone mixed on the crow and you described the woma's mickey which ever told that she eloped with her leman. ─── 华丽的船舱,你作为一名“特聘钢琴师”,试图透过形形色色、斑斑驳驳的人影中读取每个人的背后故事,洞察烦心的经历,你勾勒了与情夫私奔的贵妇的雍容华贵与骄横;

27、The young couple eloped and got married in Las Vegas. ─── 那对年轻夫妇私奔了并且在维加斯结婚了。

28、Meanwhile, the fin model is simplified, and a robotic fish fin driven by shape memory alloy (SMA) is de;eloped. ─── 基于绸带状鱼鳍的这种简化模型设计了形状记忆合金驱动的仿生鱼鳍。

29、The torque computing program is des eloped and the validity of this method is verified through an example. ─── 编制了感应电动机转矩的计算机程序,并用一计算实例对电动机谐波转矩进行了分析和计算。

30、That girl eloped with her lover. ─── 那个姑娘与她的情人私奔了。

31、Her answering machine just eloped with her tape deck, so I'm stuck with taking her calls. ─── 她的电话应答机跟录音带匣私奔出走了,所以我留下来为她留口讯。

32、We know that Arthur and Molly eloped and the implication is that they did so shortly (if not immediately) after graduating from Hogwarts. ─── 我们知道亚瑟和莫丽是私奔结婚的,而且书中暗示,他们毕业后没多久(如果不是马上)就这么干了。

33、This review introduced some new test methods such as accelerated shelf life test (ASLT) and Weibull analysis in terms of the kine tic theory, as well as some new technology for food quality control recently dev eloped. ─── 本文从确定食品保质期的理论角度,介绍了加速破坏性实验、Weibull感官分析等实验方法,同时综述了国外近年来在食品保质期研究领域引入的一些新技术。

34、This paper presents a brief introduction to the newly dev eloped magneto adsorptive wall-climbing robot for cleaning and inspecting wall t ube of boilers in thermal power station. ─── 介绍新研制成功的应用于火力发电站的锅炉水冷壁清扫、测永磁吸附爬壁机器人。

35、They eloped. ─── 他们私奔了.

36、She eloped with her high-school sweetheart. ─── 她也曾在高中跟男友私奔。

37、The ques tions that should be noticed when the asymmetrical Competitive advantage are dev eloped have also been provided at the end of this paper. ─── 最后指出了农村中小企业发展非对称竞争优势应该注意的几个问题。

38、Objective The three-dimensional knee model has been de eloped to compute the kinetics of patella-femoral joint. ─── 摘要目的构建有效的膝关节三维模型以计算髌股关节动力学参数。

39、I can't find Ajiao now!Is she eloped with Xie Tingfeng?! ─── (我找不到阿娇了,她是不是和谢霆锋私奔了?)

40、2 childhood sweethearts, aged 6 and 7, eloped from Hanover in northern Germany on New Year's Eve, wanting to tie the knot under the African sun. ─── 德国北部汉诺威一对年纪分别为6岁和7岁的小情侣新年夜前竟然私奔,他们想跑到非洲的艳阳底下结为连理。

41、Alan and Lucy eloped against Lucy' s parents' wishes last week. ─── 爱伦和罗茜违抗罗茜父母的愿望上星期私奔了。

42、In 1912 Lawrence eloped with Frieda Weekley, his former professor's wife, marrying her two years later, after her divorce. ─── 1912年劳伦斯与弗里达私奔维克利,他的前教授的妻子,娶了她两年后,她离婚。

43、I eloped and were not linked with you, also the Chinese New Year holiday to call home ah. ─── 真和人私奔,不跟你联系,过年过节也该给家里打电话啊。

44、Assuming that Arthur and Molly eloped immediately and more or less immediately had Bill, he could have been born when Arthur was as young as 19. ─── 假设亚瑟和莫丽刚一毕业就私奔结婚了,而且差不多马上怀了比尔,那么他可能在亚瑟才19岁的时候就出生了。

45、She eloped with an Army officer. ─── 她和一军官私奔了。

46、Because of the deterioration of the global eco-environment, environmental purchase (EP) was put forward in des eloped countries, which includes government EP and enterprise EP. ─── 摘要随着全球生态环境的恶化,发达国家提出了绿色采购,包括了企业绿色采购和政府绿色采购。

47、When he was 19, he eloped with Harriet Westbrook, a girl of 16 whom he scarcely knew But whom he thought he should rescue from a tyrannical family. ─── 他十九岁时,和一个名叫哈丽艾特·威斯特勃鲁克的十六岁女孩私奔,他对她并不了解,但他认为他应该把她从专制家庭中拯救出来。

48、Mother flung her arms up in horror when she heard her daughter had eloped with a merchant. ─── 母亲听说她女儿同一商人私奔了时,惊得目瞪口呆。

49、Finally, the usefulness and effectiveness of the des eloped schemes and system are validated by teleoperation experiments through Internet over long distance. ─── 最后,长距离的网络遥操作实验验证了系统和控制策略的实用性和有效性。

50、* The parents of the eloped couple tried to annul the marriage. ─── *的父母私奔夫妇试图取消婚姻。

51、The couple eloped last night. ─── 昨晚上他们俩私奔了。

52、Since Mary's father would not give his consent to her marriage to the man, she decided to burn her bridges and eloped with him. ─── 因为玛丽的父亲不会同意她和那男人结婚,她决定破釜沉舟,和那男人私奔了。

53、She quailed a little as she thought how white with mortification Ellen would be at hearing that her daughter had eloped with another girl's fiance, but she knew Ellen would forgive her when she saw her happiness. ─── 她设想爱伦听到女儿同另一个姑娘的未婚夫私奔时期得脸色灰白的模样,不由得有点畏缩起来,但是她知道,只要爱伦再看看女儿的幸福光景,也就会原谅她了。

54、He eloped with my money. ─── 他带着我的钱逃走了。

55、Methods An instrument was dev eloped for measuring the beliefs and attitudes of adolescents towards drug abuse . ─── 方法发展一份探讨青少年对滥用药物的信念及态度的问卷,设计和发展一项预防青少年滥用药物的教育计划。

56、Her crime was that her daughter married and eloped with a rebel. ─── 她被打是由于她的女儿与攻击政府者结婚。

57、She eloped with her lover last week. ─── 她和她的情人上星期私奔了。

58、Another described the lacy handkerchief she carried when she eloped with a soldier on the eve of World War II. ─── 另一个则描述着在二战前夜她和一个士兵私奔时带着的一个花边手绢的样子。

59、Wen-answer: We eloped! ─── 温式回答:我们 私奔吧!

60、” Eloped 1 when Karen was 16 and Roy was 20, working low-wage jobs for 12 years before going back to school. ─── 卡伦16岁时和20岁的罗伊私奔了,在做了12年低薪工作后又回到了学校。

61、She eloped with him. ─── 她跟他私奔去了。

62、He and the woman who he loves have eloped. ─── 他和他心爱的人私奔了。

63、Finally, an ICNC based on IPC-WINDOWS dev eloped by authors is presented. ─── 展示在工业PC上Windows环境下实现的智能数控系统的原理方法。

64、9 see joke: A girl eloped with a boy. ─── 9看笑话: 一位女孩跟一位男孩私奔了。

65、An ER damper for controlling machine chatter is dev eloped. ─── 研究开发了一种控制机床颤振的电流变减振器。

66、She does manage to catch Gu's goddaughter and top henchman, only to discover that they have eloped and are being hunted by Gu. ─── 刀子发誓要踏平梁桂凤的小岛。

67、He eloped with one of his students. ─── 他和他的学生私奔了。

68、The young couple eloped because their parents wouldn't let them marry. ─── 这对年轻人因父母不让他们结婚而私奔了。

69、According to report, they eloped. ─── 据说他们私奔了

70、The last time listen to next door Liu2 Da4 Tou2 daughter-in-law's son say, Li3 Cui4 Hua of their factory son eloped with person, end how wear, not just let the handsome to Chuai? ─── 上次听隔壁刘大头他媳妇儿说,他们厂子的李翠花跟人私奔了,最后怎么着,还不是让小白脸儿给踹了?

71、My girlfriend Lynn and I eloped. ─── 我和女友琳恩私奔了。

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