shipshape 发音
英:['ʃɪpʃeɪp] 美:['ʃɪpʃep]
英: 美:
shipshape 中文意思翻译
shipshape 网络释义
adj. 井然有序的;整整齐齐的;整洁干净的adv. 整齐地;整洁地
shipshape 词性/词形变化,shipshape变形
名词复数: ships of the line |
shipshape 相似词语短语
1、ship's papers ─── 船舶文件
2、shipmate ─── n.同船水手,同船船员
3、misshape ─── v.损毁……的形状;(使)成畸形;n.外形残缺的廉价巧克力(或其他食品);奇怪形状
4、shiplaps ─── n.用以相接槽口的木板;木板槽口的接合处
5、shiplap ─── n.用以相接槽口的木板;木板槽口的接合处
6、shishas ─── 希沙
7、shisha ─── n.水烟(吸食烟草的一种方式)
8、shiplapped ─── 搭船
9、shipside ─── n.码头
shipshape 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、The probable next government wants to hand the FSA's powers to the central bank, so by the time things look more shipshape, the FSA may well have been liquidated itself. ─── 下届政府可能想要将FSA得权力移交给中央银行,届时FSA将被清算看起来已成定局。
2、After spring cleaning, all was shipshape and Bristol fashion. ─── 春季大扫除之后一切都整整齐齐。
3、The brightness of wooden floor is shown and shipshape, but straight onefold pattern is changed in special in the winter need. ─── 木地板的光亮显和整洁干净,但直线形在冬天非凡需要改变单一的样子。
4、house only needs an occasional coat of paint to keep it shipshape. ─── 房子只需偶尔粉刷一次就可以保持其良好状态。
5、Advertise rockery I in corner side wait, wait me that all shipshape, charming lady warbler warbler. ─── 登假山我在墙角边儿等,等我那,整整齐齐,袅袅婷婷小姐莺莺。
6、Reseda of floor appropriate laid, the ceramic tile of buff or white, such designs the first easy clean, the 2nd shipshape, the 3rd so harmonious colour, can make kitchen more show unified, harmony. ─── 地板宜铺设浅绿色,浅黄色或白色的瓷砖,这样设计第一易打扫、第二整洁干净,第三如此协调的色彩,会使厨房更显统一、和谐。
7、There is a piece of old table of real wood in vitreous house, shipshape ground is putting tea service above, sunshine is bright afternoon, at leisure of vitreous Fang Ningjing. ─── 玻璃房里有一张实木的大桌子,上面整整洁齐地摆放着茶具,阳光灿烂的午后,玻璃房宁静清闲。
8、Well, Captain Smollett, what have you to say? All well, I hope; all shipshape and seaworthy? ─── 好吧,斯莫列特船长,你想说什么?我希望一切顺利,一切准备得井井有条,能经得起风浪。
9、21 Six sticky sucker sticks. Sure the ship's shipshape, sir. ─── 六个粘性吸管被粘住了。但是船还是很整洁干净的,先生。
10、We try to keep the ship shipshape . ─── 我们尽量保持船井井有条。
11、the difference between a business that is shipshape, and one that is like a leaky tub. ─── 其产生的差异正如一个井然有序的企业和一个漏洞百出的企业之间产生的差别一样。
12、orderly; neat and tidy; shipshape; methodical ─── 井然
13、1. The large room where the boys slept was all shipshape and Bristol fashion for the visitors inspection. It was tidier than I had ever seen it before. ─── 为了让访问者参观,男孩子们的大寝室弄得很整齐。它要比我们以前看到的更加整齐。
14、We'll try to make this barn a little more shipshape(Rudyard Kipling. ─── 我们将尽量使这个船只更加井然有序(鲁德亚德 吉普林)。
15、I get the house all shipshape while he is away. ─── 他不在的时候,我把房子打扫得干干净净,整整齐齐。
16、The brightness of wooden floor is shown and shipshape, but straight onefold pattern is changed in special in the winter need. ─── 木地板的光亮显和整洁干净,但直线形在冬天非凡需要改变单一的样子。
17、I want you to get your room in shipshape. ─── Everything is shipshape.一切都好,一切准备就绪。Shipshape指的是军舰上一切都是有条不紊。
18、"We'll try to make this barn a little more shipshape" (Rudyard Kipling). ─── “我们将尽量使这个船只更加井然有序” (鲁德亚德·吉普林)。
19、The large room where the boys slept was all shipshape and Bristol fashion for the visitors. ─── 为了让访问者参观,男孩子们的大寝室弄得很整齐。它要比我们以前看到的更加整齐。
20、Even the barn was shipshape. ─── 连畜棚都井然有序。
21、We try to keep the ship shipshape ─── 我们尽量保持船井井有条。
22、We'll try to make this Barn a little more shipshape ─── 我们将尽量使这个船只更加井然有序
23、shipshape and Bristol fashion ─── 井井有条,整整齐齐
24、If a shipshape ship shop stocks six shipshape shop-soiled ships ,how many shipshape shop-soiled ships would six shipshape ship shops stock? ─── 如果一个井然有序的船店存储了6艘井然有序的废弃的船,那么六个井然有序的船店可以存储多少艘井然有序的废弃的船呢?
25、I got the house all shipshape while he was away. ─── 他不在的时候,我把房子打扫得乾乾净净,整整齐齐。
26、even the barn was shipshape ; a trim little sailboat. ─── 连畜棚都井然有序;整齐的小帆船。
27、It's more important to keep everything shipshape when there isn't enough space. ─── 当没有足够空间时,保持整洁就更重要了。
28、It appears a project will need to be finished within four days of this date, and with Saturn in hard angle to this full moon, it won't be easy getting all the details shipshape. ─── 看来一个工程需要在这个日期的四天之内完成,土星合满月成一个hard的角度,致使一切不是那么轻松的井然有序。
29、I get the house all shipshape while he is away. ─── 他出远门时,我把房子收拾得整整齐齐。
30、get the room all nice and shipshape ─── 把房间收拾得井井有条.
31、even the barn was shipshape; a trim little sailboat. ─── 连畜棚都井然有序;整齐的小帆船。
32、Six sticky sucker sticks. Sure the ship's shipshape, sir. ─── 六个难以操作的吸附式操作杆,请确保船上的一切井然有序,先生!
33、1.The large room where the boys slept was all shipshape and Bristol fashion for the visitors inspection. ─── 为了让访问者参观,男孩子们的大寝室弄得很整齐。
34、The Bicubic Bezier Curved Surface and the Application to the Design of Shipshape Surfaces ─── 双三次贝齐尔曲面及其在船体曲面设计中的应用
35、Lie by the guest transformed cloakroom, goodwife professes to have the love that hides a thing, it is to like the home actually in in perfect order, shipshape. ─── 由客卧改造的衣帽间,女主人自称有藏东西的喜好,其实是喜欢家里井井有条,整洁干净。
36、Give me the gift of a pair of drip-dry, shipshape, tiptop socks. ─── 给我一双滴乾的、整洁的、最好的短袜作礼物。
37、orderly; shipshape ─── 秩然不紊
38、I got the house all shipshape while he was away ─── 他不在的时候,我把房子打扫得乾乾净净,整整齐齐
39、'Like enough,' said he. 'I would set no limits to what gentlemen might consider shipshape, or might not, as the case were. ─── “也许吧,”他说,“事情已经到了这一步,诸位绅士认为怎么合适就怎么做吧,我随你们的便。
40、The Indian women's task is the cook so the kitchen is the main activity place for them.All the kithens I have been to Indian families are all clean and shipshape. ─── 印度的妇女们的主要任务是厨艺,因此厨房是女人们主要的活动场所.我去过的印度家庭里面,厨房无不干干净净,整整齐齐的.
41、He glanced around. 'This courtyard was her pride and joy and she liked to keep it shipshape . ─── 他瞅了四周一眼,“这个院子,是她的骄傲与快乐,她喜欢把它弄得井井有条。”
42、If a shipshape ship shop / stocks six shipshape shop-soiled ships / ,how many shipshape shop-soiled ships / would six shipshape ship shops stock? ─── 如果一个井然有序的船仓库存了六只陈列船,那么六个井然有序的船仓库能放置多少只陈列船?
43、2. I get the house all shipshape while he is away. ─── 他不在的时候,我把房子打扫得乾乾净净,整整齐齐。
44、A bookcase caused our attention, a few book book are shipshape, have thick have thin, without common spine of a book, cover, it is to use maize paper to pack, headline is printed. ─── 有一个书柜引起了我们的注重,几排书册整整洁齐,有厚有薄,没有普通的书脊、封面,都是用黄色的纸张包装,标题是打印的。
45、Shipshape Fitness Center And SPA ─── 健身中心和水疗
46、Those books are shipshape on the shelf. ─── 书整齐有序地摆在书架上。
47、Six sticky sucker sticks. Sure the ship's shipshape,sir. ─── 先生,有六个粘糊糊的吸盘棒,请确保船的清洁。
48、to get the house shipshape ─── 把房子打扫得干干净净,整整齐齐
49、keep everything shipshape ─── 把每一样东西都放得井然有序
50、Same room, hold the furniture of same space, some families appear extremely messy, some is shipshape however. ─── 和室是近段时间非常流行的装饰元素,一些小户型家庭也希望能拥有一个和室,既能作为客房有时又可以作为休闲室。
51、If a shipshape ship shop stocks six shipshape shop-soiled ships, how many shipshape shop-soiled ships would six shipshape ship shops stock? ─── 如果一个整齐的船只零售商储存了六个整齐的放置已久的穿,那么这六个整齐的船只零售商该储存多少个整齐的放置已久的船只呢。
52、’ He glanced around. ‘This courtyard was her pride and joy and she liked to keep it shipshape. ─── 他瞅了四周 一眼,“这个院子,是她的骄傲与快乐,她喜欢把它弄得井井有条。”
1.ShipShape水疗按摩: 想要感受全身舒畅,不妨到海洋水手号邮轮的水疗按摩浴池享受具有镇静作用的按摩、或泥浆浴,以及修脸、修趾甲与指甲的服务。 2.ShipShape健身中心: 海洋水手号邮轮船上健身中心的特色包括--有氧运动、舞蹈教室、伸展课程、举重练习与其他健身的器材,例如--脚踏车机、踏步机、跑步机及其他心脏耐力锻炼器材。 3.维京皇冠酒廊: 维京皇冠酒廊位于海洋水手号邮轮船上的最高点,并具有360度观景设施。 4.海洋水手号邮轮中庭: 设计成豪华旅店中的中庭开放空间,多层楼设计的中庭中央区,恰位于船只的核心部位,因此总是生气蓬勃,充满朝气。这里有贩卖各种物品的商店与精品店,贩卖的物品由珠宝到水手服都有,当然也少不了免税商品。 5.啤酒吧: 与钢琴吧是大同小异的,但可以观赏海上风光与壮观的海景。 6.**赌场: **赌场是介于拉斯维加斯与蒙地卡罗间的赌场,不论您玩的是二十一点、**、双骰子游戏、加勒比海沙蟹扑克牌戏或吃角子老虎,都将带给您无限的欢乐。 7.帆船咖啡厅: 帆船咖啡厅是享用非正式餐点的好去处,从早餐到自助式午餐、下午茶及冰淇淋,甚至非正式的晚餐都有供应。 8.海上历奇中心: 从早到晚,海洋水手号邮轮上有专业人员督导的各式休闲活动,并依孩童的年龄从3-17岁分为五个等级,让您的孩子也充分的享受旅游的乐趣。 9.**散步及购物大道: 有四层楼高、两个足球场的长度,这是海洋水手号邮轮上创新的设计,提供二十四小时无休的餐饮与娱乐选择,以及购物天地。 10.海洋水手号邮轮具品味的餐点: 休闲地散步后,到散步咖啡厅啜饮一杯香浓的咖啡,到岛屿烧烤餐厅,在充满热带风情的气氛中悠闲地享用午餐,晚餐到意大利式波特芬诺餐厅(**),享受两人独处的亲密时光。 11.运动第一: 挑战世界首次搬上船的攀岩墙,到运动场上打打篮球、排球,或者到滚轴溜冰鞋场与慢跑步道上转转。对于高尔夫球迷而言,不妨到九个洞的迷你高尔夫球场去享受挥杆之乐,或者可以租一双溜冰鞋到世界首创的海洋水手号邮轮船上溜冰场去玩玩。 12.宁静的片刻: 当您想好好地安静片刻时,海洋水手号邮轮也有许多气氛融洽的地方可供选择,例如-行家具乐部,享用一杯上好白兰地。香槟吧,品尝一流的开胃酒。七颗心,可以玩扑克牌与各种桌上型的游戏。图书馆,是一个相连的二层楼建筑。鸦巢观景酒廊,在这个酒廊中可以观看到雄伟壮观的海景。 13.极致的享受: 海洋水手号邮轮有各种不同的舱房选择,从极其豪华的**套房,到前所未有的中庭观景舱房,其窗户可以观看到**散步大道。
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