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09-13 投稿



hutch 发音

英:[hʌtʃ]  美:[hʌtʃ]

英:  美:

hutch 中文意思翻译



hutch 网络释义

n. 笼;小屋;贮藏箱;矿车vt. 把…装箱

hutch 词性/词形变化,hutch变形

动词过去式: hutted |动词过去分词: hutted |动词现在分词: hutting |动词第三人称单数: huts |

hutch 短语词组

1、hutch burn ─── 哈奇烧伤

2、linens and hutch review ─── 亚麻制品和厨具回顾

3、rabbit-hutch ─── 兔笼

4、Mossaenda divaricata Hutch. ─── [医] 白常山

5、cosmosphere hutch ─── 宇宙空间小屋

6、hutch product hutch ─── 产品

7、rabbit hutch ─── 兔棚

8、u-shaped office desk with hutch u ─── 形办公桌,带厨具

hutch 相似词语短语

1、hunch ─── n.预感;大块;肉峰;vt.耸肩;预感到;弯腰驼背;vi.隆起;向前移动

2、mutch ─── n.帽子之一种

3、hatch ─── n.孵化;舱口;vt.孵;策划;vi.孵化;n.(Hatch)(西)阿奇;(英)哈奇(人名)

4、Butch ─── n.布奇(男子名)

5、Kutch ─── 喀奇县(印度地名)

6、hotch ─── vt.使…坐立难安;使…摇摆;vi.坐立难安;不停地换脚

7、Cutch ─── n.儿茶(等于catechu)

8、Dutch ─── adj.荷兰的;荷兰人的;荷兰语的;n.荷兰人;荷兰语

9、hitch ─── v.搭便车;把……钩住;将……栓于;把……套住;猛拉;结婚;攀上,爬上;n.(短暂的)障碍;(把绳子系在某物上的)索结;免费搭便车;服役期;蹒跚;(尤指机动车的拖杆)牵引装置;猛拉;急推;n.(Hitch)(美、英、加、澳、俄、法)希契(人名)

hutch 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Uncaria lancifolia Hutch. ─── 披针叶钩藤

2、The rabbit pop out as soon as we open the color=# cc0066>hutch. ─── 我们一打开兔箱,兔子就突然跑出来了。

3、The hardware of hutch ark deserves to act the role of an one of main component that are contemporary kitchen furniture. ─── 厨柜的五金配饰件是现代厨房家具的重要组成部分之一。

4、Because decorate a budget finite, hutch defends the notion that comes to a lot of decorating realize goodwife through a few detail. ─── 由于装修预算有限,厨卫就通过一些细节来实现女主人许多装修的想法。

5、When it was dark outside, they went into the neighbor's garden and put the rabbit into an empty hutch. ─── 当外面黑下来的时候,他们来到邻居的花园里,把兔子放到一个空着的笼子里。

6、Temperature and Humidity Measuring and Controlling Equipment Used in Rabbit Hutch Based on Digital Sensor ─── 基于数字传感器的兔舍温湿度监控仪

7、But have what will make hutch cabinet with total brick rarely, especially drawer part. ─── 但是很少有用全砖来做厨柜的,尤其是抽屉部分。

8、rabbit hutch ─── n. 兔棚

9、Accordingly, stick the integral hutch ark of the face with ceramic tile, commonner in the Western-style kitchen in villatic residence. ─── 因此,以瓷砖贴面的整体厨柜,较常见于别墅住宅中的西式厨房里。

10、At the same time cast-iron hutch basin hard usage, the surface blows a flower not easily, be infected with not easily smeary, noise is little. ─── 同时铸铁厨盆坚固耐用,表面不易刮花,不易沾染油污,噪音小。

11、Rustic style unifinication eat hutch is everybody probably is yearning, it represented the off way that loosens most. ─── 乡村风格一体化餐厨大概是每个人的向往,它代表了最为放松的休假方式。

12、Tripterygium hypoglaucum (level) Hutch ─── 昆明山海棠

13、Gilligan got you to feed me that shite about Hutch. ─── 是吉利根让你告诉我那些关于哈奇的鬼扯的。

14、If be merely,be in so in residential design expand according to not contemporaneous standard ceaselessly " hutch, defend " it is absolutely and insufficient that the area thought to finish the job. ─── 所以在住宅设计中假如仅仅是按照不同时期的规范而不断扩大“厨、卫”面积就认为完成了任务是绝对不够的。

15、He caught sight of the two little ragged boys behind the green swan-hutch. ─── 他看见两个衣衫褴褛的小男孩站在绿天鹅窝后面。


17、Taught you the method that when this chooses, why to choose oneself enchanted hutch ark, decorate the kitchen? ─── 教了你这几点挑选的方法,何不去挑选一个自己心动的厨柜,把厨房装饰一下?

18、But once had chosen a faucet, hutch sanitation of future need not worry about again alive. ─── 但是一旦选好一个水龙头,未来的厨卫生活就不必再操心了。

19、Uncaria scandens (Smith)Hutch. ─── 攀茎钩藤

20、Fight corrupt the air exhauster of the hutch ark equipment with delicate and extremely strong ceramic tile, economic capacity, powerful exhaust, be asked to have real function. ─── 抗污能力极强的瓷砖、精致实用的厨柜装备、强大排气的抽风机,都被要求具有实实在在的功能。

21、So consumer should select the product with reliable quality when ark of hutch of whole of choose and buy, not by the price cheap and place of quality unwarranted product puzzles. ─── 所以消费者在选购整体厨柜时要选质量可靠的产品,不要被价格低廉且质量无保证的产品所迷惑。

22、The kitchen of open mode gives kitchen and dining room with space of ark of a group of hutch two functions area. ─── 开放式的厨房以一组厨柜分隔出厨房和餐厅两个功能区。

23、There was nothing in the hutch, but there were a few apples in the fruit-closet, --the remains of the winter's provision. ─── 兔子窝里没有兔子,果子架上却还有几个苹果。这是剩余的过冬食物。

24、It is to use desk of a piece of luncheonette to break up commonly, facilitate housewife sends already so meal, can rise to break up the action of eat hutch again. ─── 一般是用一张便餐桌来作分割,这样既便于主妇递送饭菜,又能起到分割餐厨的作用。

25、Not quite good do. What do hutch ark business now is very much. ─── 不大好做啊.现在做厨柜生意的很多.

26、All his valuables are in the hutch. ─── 他所有值钱的东西都在那个贮藏箱里。

27、Ambry has already in our country, but traditional domestic ambry structure is simpler, the function is singler, basically be " hearth + bowl hutch " means. ─── 橱柜在我国早已有之,但传统的家庭橱柜结构比较简单,功能比较单一,基本上是“灶台+碗厨”的方式。

28、Slowly you can discover, his experience is a matter that makes this hutch art school different. ─── 慢慢地你会发现,他的经验正是令这所厨艺学校不一样的一个原因。

29、" in addition, the kitchen relies on ark of a inside ligneous hutch to also match so that humorous of colour and lustre moves with smallpox, one integrated mass. ─── 此外,厨房靠里面的一排木制厨柜也与天花搭配得色泽谐调,浑然一体。

30、tripterygium hypoglaucum hutch tablet ─── 昆明山海棠片(免疫抑制药)

31、Their pet rabbit had gone to the great rabbit hutch in the sky. ─── 他们的宠物兔已回到西天的兔宫了。

32、most hooey knowing ingredient: Develop hutch art, food reducing weight must be done delicately goluptious! ─── 最知味傻事:发挥厨艺,减肥食物一定要做得美味可口!

33、The two girls went to the hutch that stood in a corner, and looked at the great black-and-white rabbit. ─── 两个姑娘走到院子角落里的一只兔笼前,观望起那只黑白两色的大兔子。

34、Their pet rabbit had gone to the great rabbit hutch in the sky. ─── 他们的宠物兔已回到西天的兔宫了。

35、Archaism character: Civilian it is a day in order to feed, can say now: Hutch is under the person happy. ─── 古语言:民以食为天,现在就可以说:人以下厨为乐。

36、Additional, basin of man-made stone hutch is touched more easily add smeary, still can produce break, cleaning so with maintain go up to be bothered quite. ─── 另外,人造石厨盆比较轻易沾附油污,还会产生裂缝,所以在清洗与保养上比较麻烦。

37、Be in abroad, major hutch report is by ambry business is sold go out, home appliance sells take fraction only. ─── 在国外,大部分厨电是由橱柜商卖出去的,家电卖场只占小部分。

38、But Hutch retains the right to develop such assets itself if the trustee manager decides not to take up the option. ─── 但如果信托管理公司决定放弃收购,和黄有权自行开发。

39、Tiny four-old-month Thumper had the tops of his ears hacked off in the cruel attack when yobs snatched him from his hutch. ─── 某个游手好闲的坏蛋把四个月大的小兔子Thumper从笼子里抓出来残忍的把他的耳朵切下来一半。

40、The rabbit pop outas soon as we open the hutch. ─── 我们一打开兔箱,兔子就突然跑出来了。

41、Compound Tripterygium Hypoglaucum (Levi.) Hutch Granules ─── 复方昆明山海棠颗粒剂

42、"Yesterday morning, I found one of my rabbits dead in its hutch. ─── “昨天早上,我发现我的一只兔子死在了它的笼子里。

43、Space of open mode kitchen is broad, ark of deep wood lubricious hutch and white atelier form sharp color contrast, inspect effect to abound. ─── 开放式厨房空间宽广,深木色厨柜与白色工作室形成强烈的颜色反差,视效丰富。

44、The FTIR spectra of Tripterygium hypoglaucum Hutch(THH) and Celastrus orbiculatus Thunb were studied. ─── 比较了卫矛科的昆明山海棠和南蛇藤粉末和醇提物的红外图谱特征。

45、so hutch ark company buys, its install behoove to be in charge of by hutch ark company. ─── 如是厨柜公司购买的,其安装理应由厨柜公司负责。

46、Dactylicapnos scandens Hutch ─── 攀援指叶紫堇

47、But, the living standard of people develops continuously, to hutch, defended understanding notion, also changing ceaselessly. ─── 但是,人们的生活水平是持续发展的,对于厨、卫的熟悉观念,也在不断变化着。

48、Clean neatly on the ground, ingle has not gone out, the tableware on bowl hutch is glisten. ─── 地上打扫得干干净净,炉火还没有熄灭,碗厨上的餐具闪闪发光。

49、Keywords Tripterygium Hypoglaucum (Levl) Hutch;apoptosis;microscope;electron;phosphatidylserine; ─── 昆明山海棠;细胞凋亡;显微镜;电子;磷脂酰丝氨酸;

50、If be the hutch that already decorated,defend, notice to examine floor drain catchment even smooth, whether is the ground met seeper or to water of the ooze outside the room; ─── 假如是已装修的厨卫,还要注重查看一下地漏排水是否顺畅,地面是否会积水或向房间外渗水;

51、Particieboard of A, entrance: Euramerican a few days ago almost all hutch ark factories use particieboard, the BERLONIROSSI of if Germany is long negative great reputation, S - use particieboard BEKA. ─── a、进口刨花板:日前欧美几乎所有的厨柜厂都使用刨花板,如德国久负盛名的BERLONIROSSI、S-BEKA等都使用刨花板。

52、Article hutch: If look now, I most those who value is community of mobile phone game, we feel the successful mode from Japan will look, game community is pattern of the most successful a trade. ─── 文厨:现在来看的话,我最看好的是手机游戏社区,我们觉得从日本的成功模式来看,游戏社区是最成功的一个商业模式。

53、On the other hand, consumer is faced flock and enter, the businessman of numerous hutch ark of the good and bad are intermingled, temporarily dazzling, do not know how the choose and buy is good. ─── 另一方面,消费者面对蜂拥而入、良莠不齐的众多厨柜商家,一时眼花缭乱,不知如何选购是好。

54、After having a look, Qiuqiu's grandma led her off for the small hutch. ─── 奶奶看了看,拉着秋秋出了家门,往小茅屋走去。

55、Keywords Compound Tripterygium Hypoglaucum (Levl.) Hutch Granules;photoallergic reaction;pharmacodynamics; ─── 复方昆明山海棠颗粒剂;光变态反应;药效学;

56、But defend like hutch kind bibcock, clean is provided etc, next water pipe fitting are whole set, inn-keeper cannot ravel will sell additionally; ─── 但像厨卫类的龙头、洁具等,下水管件是成套的,店家不能拆开来另卖;

57、Hutch eat syncretic or the design that are syncretic of hutch eat, daily life, all involve equipment eat and have dinner two big main component. ─── 厨餐合一或是厨餐、起居合一的设计,均涉及备餐及用餐两大重要组成部分。

58、All along backward Changjiang Delta market, hutch clean provides product amplitude to break up two times, of 60 % add the market newly to result from consumer whole set is bought. ─── 一向落后的江南市场,厨洁具产品增幅翻两番,60%的新增市场源于消费者成套购买。

59、Of the kitchen decorate a form to be decided according to kitchen area size, can eat hutch is apart, also but eat hutch syncretic. ─── 厨房的布置形式根据厨房面积大小来定,可以餐厨分开,也可餐厨合一。

60、The design of hutch ark colour and design, still answer to decorate photograph harmony with whole house, avoid to be in alone severally, antipathetic. ─── 厨柜色彩与款式的设计,还应与全屋装饰相和谐,避免各自独处、格格不入。

61、The arrangement when its semifinished product, hall is hall, the room is a room, toilet and hutch room orderly trenchant. ─── 其毛坯时的安排,厅是厅,房是房,卫生间与厨房间都井然分明。

62、Mossaenda divaricata Hutch. ─── [医] 白常山

63、Yesterday morning, I found one of my rabbits dead in its hutch. ─── 昨天早上,我发现我的一只兔子死在了它的笼子里。

64、The two girls went to the hutch that stood in a corner, and looked at the great black-and-white rabbit. ─── 两个姑娘走到院子角落里的一只兔笼前,观望起那只黑白两色的大兔子。

65、Bitter lesson tells us, hutch is defended decorate carelessness to be not gotten! ─── 惨痛的教训告诉我们,厨卫装修大意不得!

66、Accordingly, duplicity is the common phenomenon that place of hutch ark industry exists, on certain level, contain beguiling sex. ─── 因此,表里不一是厨柜产业所存在的普遍现象,一定程度上,带有欺骗性。

67、Effects of Total Alkaloids of Tripterygium Hypoglaucum Hutch on tk Gene of Mouse Lymphoma Cells ─── 昆明山海棠总生物碱诱导小鼠淋巴瘤细胞tk基因突变的研究

68、They built a hutch behind the house. ─── 他们在房子后面盖了个小屋。

69、Comparison of catechu and tripterygium hypoglaucum hutch tablet in treating oral lichen planus of erosion type ─── 儿茶解毒冲剂与昆明山海棠片治疗糜烂型口腔扁平苔藓的临床比较

70、Appraisal on the Toxicity of TH5 of the Male Antifertility Activity Extracts in Tripterygium Hypo- glancum( Levees) Hutch. ─── 昆明山海棠雄性抗生育活性提取物TH5的毒性评价

71、tripterygium hypoglaucum hutch ─── 昆明山海棠, 六方藤, 紫金藤, 紫金皮, 火把花

72、Elizabeth Glaser was a beautiful, intelligent woman, the wife of Paul Michael Glaser, who had starred in the successful TV series Starsky and Hutch. ─── 伊丽莎白·格拉泽是一个美丽聪明的女子,是保罗·迈克尔·格拉泽的妻子,她丈夫曾在大获成功的电视连续剧《警界双雄》中出任主角。

73、Tripterygium hypoglaucum(Lever) Hutch cream ─── 昆明山海棠霜

74、New hutch defends those who advocate at present people pays attention to kitchen, toilet more and more to decorate, pledge in material, with pay attention to on makings high-grade. ─── 新厨卫主张目前人们越来越注重厨房、卫生间的装修,在材质、用料上都讲究高档。

75、The rabbit hutch is the first to actually come together, and it has worked phenomenally. ─── 不过兔舍是第一个改变而且已经不可思议的开始起了作用。

76、Keywords tripterygium hypoglaucm hutch;THH;eye drops;uveitis; ─── 昆明山海棠;滴眼液;葡萄膜炎;

77、Because the decoct in Chinese meal fries the composition of boil blast,basically be more, a hutch lampblack rise from all directions, need to keep apart so, firm ground is kept apart. ─── 主要是因为中餐中煎炒烹炸的成分较多,一开厨便油烟四起,所以需要隔离,果断地隔离。

78、We all know who pulled that one, don't we, Hutch? He threatened me. ─── 我们都知道谁开的枪,不是吗,哈奇?他威胁过我。

79、The Effects of Compound Tripterygium Hypoglaucum Hutch on Photoallergic Contact Dermatitis of Murine Model ─── 昆明山海棠抗接触变应性光皮炎的研究

80、Before both already was washed out gradually, and ark of hutch of combination of woodiness board type watchs fashionable whole world with using the United States actually however. ─── 前两者已渐渐被淘汰,而木质板式组合厨柜却以其实用美观风靡全球。

81、Nevertheless, in the depth of the heart of people, still having to exotic it seems that cannot the preference of dictum, even if is hutch ark market not exceptional also. ─── 不过,在人们的内心深处,似乎对舶来品还是有着一股无法言明的偏好,即便是厨柜市场也不例外。

82、I cannot express what a satisfaction it was to me, to come into my old hutch , and lay down in my hammock-bed. ─── 回到老家,我躺在吊床上,心里有说不出的高兴和满足。

83、But if be small-sized kitchen, can use a few caddy, small basket, put be inside hutch ark or on workbench, can receive a lot of dot classify scientifically rise. ─── 但假如是小型厨房,便可以利用一些小盒子、小篮子,放在厨柜内或工作台上,即可将许多小东西分门别类有系统地收纳起来。

84、Later, domestic hutch of Kou Zhun also follows made this kind of snack, kou Zhun took an Orphean name to it according to its characteristic, be called " crystal cake " . ─── 后来,寇准的家厨也仿照做出了这种点心,寇准据其特点给它取了一个好听的名字,叫做“水晶饼”。

85、When it was dark outside, they went into the neighbor's garden and put the rabbit into an empty hutch. ─── 天黑的时候,她们就去了邻居的花园里并且把兔子放到空兔子窝里。

86、In numerous money model in hutch ark, the hutch ark that ceramic tile sticks a face is very those who individualize. ─── 在众多款型的厨柜中,瓷砖贴面的厨柜是很有个性的。


88、The 5th hutch of their choose and buy of TCL freezer BCD-225S defends home appliance or mix eat about. ─── TCL冰箱BCD-225S他们选购的第五件厨卫家电还是和吃有关。

89、The idea of people had brand-new change, stylist plans to go out ceaselessly accordingly more the eat hutch space that accords with contemporary and live need. ─── 人们的观念有了全新的变化,设计师因此不断规划出更符合现代住家需要的餐厨空间。

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