homicidal 发音
英:[ˌhɑːmɪˈsaɪdl] 美:[ˌhɒmɪˈsaɪdl]
英: 美:
homicidal 中文意思翻译
homicidal 网络释义
adj. 杀人的;行凶的;有杀人嗜好的;杀气腾腾的
homicidal 短语词组
1、homicidal mania ─── [医] 杀人狂
2、homicidal wound ─── [法] 被人杀伤
3、homicidal poisoning ─── [法] 毒杀
4、homicidal act ─── [法] 杀人行为
5、homicidal arsonsit ─── [法] 杀人放火犯
6、homicidal offender ─── 杀人罪犯
7、homicidal maina ─── [法] 杀人狂
8、homicidal h ─── 杀人犯h
9、homicidal insanity ─── [法] 杀人狂
10、homicidal strangulation ─── [法] 被人勒杀
11、homicidal death ─── 凶残的死亡
12、homicidal liu ─── 杀人刘
homicidal 相似词语短语
1、homicides ─── n.故意杀人;杀人犯
2、ovicidal ─── 杀卵的
3、herbicidal ─── 除草剂
4、homicidally ─── 杀人的
5、homicide ─── n.故意杀人;杀人犯
6、foeticidal ─── 杀胎儿的
7、homaloidal ─── 霍马拉达尔
8、germicidal ─── adj.杀菌的;有杀菌力的
9、helicoidal ─── adj.螺旋状的,螺旋面的(同helicoid);n.螺旋面
homicidal 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、I'm not now nor have I ever been a homicidal killer. It doesn't interest me even as a hobby. ─── 我现在不是,从来也不是杀人犯!连把它作为爱好也没兴趣。
2、As the solution of thallium salts is colorless,tasteless and highly toxic,homicidal cases of thallium poisoning are increasingly reported in recent years. ─── 由于铊盐溶液无色无味,且毒性剧烈,所以近年来利用铊盐投毒的案例时有报道。
3、He had clear homicidal tendencies. ─── 他有明显的杀人倾向。
4、homicidal wound ─── 他杀伤
5、As the homicidal fury builds to a spine-tingling cliimax, the long-hidden secrets of the screen's most maniacal murderer are revealed ... with shocking results! ─── 自此之后,每年万圣节米高便会回到家乡,带一场腥风血雨的屠杀浩劫,令万圣节突然成了灾难的代名词。
6、I were going to beget a child knowing that the child was going to be a homicidal maniac. ─── 我明明知道自己的孩子将成为杀人疯子还要把孩子生出来。
7、I had a discussion with my editor and I said: 'What if I made this [homicidal bigoted religious sect] a Norwegian organisation? ' ─── 我和我的编辑讨论过,我说:‘如果我在挪威设计一个偏执的宗教性屠杀组织会怎么样?’
8、And spearheading the invasion are not homicidal Martians, but old folk. ─── 而先头部队不是杀气腾腾的火星人,而是老人。
9、Suicidal or homicidal urges. ─── 有自杀或者行凶的冲动。
10、Homicidal=Of, relating to, or affected with coma;unconscious. ─── 昏迷的昏迷的,与之相关或受其形响的;
11、homicidal death ─── 他杀死亡
12、homicidal strangulation ─── 他勒杀死
13、While the toxin doesn't make animals homicidal, the brain damage it causes accounts for the strange behavior patterns that precede death, says Miller. ─── 这种毒素不会使动物互相残杀,但是损伤动物大脑,引发混乱行为模式并导致死亡。
14、Her hand is homicidal. ─── 她的手,是杀人的。
15、homicidal poisoning ─── [法] 毒杀
16、The homicidal cases of thallium poisoning are much inconspicuous,which have brought quite difficulty to crack a criminal case and delayed treatment of the victims due to unclear diagnosis. ─── 利用铊盐投毒隐匿性强,给案件的侦破带来很大难度,同时也因诊断不及时而耽误治疗。
17、For three minutes a day, he is violently homicidal. ─── 宣传语:Harry Benson is a brilliant computer scientist.
18、She does not get PMS, she becomes hormonally homicidal. ─── 她没有月经前不快症,只是荷尔蒙失控。
19、homicidal behavior ─── 嗜杀行为
20、That man is a homicidal maniac. ─── 那人是个嗜杀成性的疯子。
21、THERE is a scene in "Transformers" , a blockbuster that came out last week, in which a mobile phone turns into a homicidal robot. ─── 上周上演的巨片(参1)“变形金刚”中有一个场景,其中一个手机变成了一个杀人机器人。
22、She described a man spiraling out of control, making " homicidal threats, actions, plans. " ─── 这位医师描述埃文斯是一个反复失去控制的人,经常作出“杀人的威胁,行为和计划。”
23、Method:215 schizophrenic patients with homicidal behaviors were investigated with self-developed criminological questionnaire and then the data were analyzed. ─── 方法:采用自编犯罪学调查表对215例精神分裂症行凶者进行统计分析。
24、At least two-thirds of the difficulties in homicidal cases are caused by innocent asses lying for all they're worth. ─── 在凶杀案件中,至少有三分之二的困难是由于那些原本无辜的家伙为了他们各自的利益说谎而造成的。
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