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hyperplasia 发音

英:[ˌhaɪpərˈpleɪʒə]  美:[ˌhaɪpəˈpleɪʒə]

英:  美:

hyperplasia 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 增生


hyperplasia 词性/词形变化,hyperplasia变形

形容词: hyperplastic |

hyperplasia 短语词组

1、neoplastic hyperplasia ─── [医] 瘤性增生

2、hyperplasia of endometrium ─── 子宫内膜增生

3、giant follicle hyperplasia ─── [医] 巨滤泡增生

4、cementum hyperplasia ─── [医] 牙骨质增生

5、replacement hyperplasia ─── [医] 更代性增生

6、hyperplasia of adrenal cortex ─── 肾上腺皮质增生

7、polar hyperplasia ─── [医] 极性增生

8、areolar hyperplasia ─── [医] 蜂窝织增生

9、benign prostatic hyperplasia ─── [医]良性前列腺增生:与年龄相关的腺体和基质增生所致前列腺肥大,一般始于5旬,可使尿道受压而致梗阻

10、adenomatous hyperplasia ─── [医]腺瘤型增生过长

11、hyperplasia fascialis ossificans ─── [医] 筋膜骨化增生

12、congenital adrenal hyperplasia ─── [医] 先天肾上腺增生

13、endometrial hyperplasia ─── 子宫内膜增生,内膜增生

14、hyperplasia endothelialis ─── [医] 内皮 ─── [细胞]增生

15、adenomatous intestinal hyperplasia ─── 腺瘤性肠增生

16、hyperplasia endometrii ─── [医] 子宫内膜增生

17、inflammatory hyperplasia ─── [医] 炎性增生

18、Swiss-cheese hyperplasia ─── [医] 瑞士干酪样增生

19、lipoid hyperplasia ─── [医] 类脂组织增生

hyperplasia 常用词组

hyperplasia of mammary glands ─── 乳腺增生

atypical hyperplasia ─── 非典型增生

hyperplasia 相似词语短语

1、hypersplenia ─── n.脾机能亢进

2、hyperalgesia ─── n.[医]痛觉过敏

3、heteroplasia ─── n.[医]发育异常

4、hypoplasia ─── n.(器官等之)[基医]发育不全;细胞减生

5、hyperplastic ─── adj.增生的;增生性的;数量性肥大的

6、homeoplasia ─── n.同质新生,同质形成

7、hyperalgia ─── n.痛感过敏

8、hypermania ─── n.重躁狂症

9、hyperphagia ─── n.摄食过量;食欲过盛

hyperplasia 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Why cancer cell is OK and infinite proliferous, and what restriction does the hyperplasia of normal cell accept? ─── 为什么癌细胞可以无限增殖,而正常细胞的增殖受什么限制?

2、An enlarged prostate, or benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH), usually affects men over 60. ─── 前列腺肥大或BPH,通常影响60岁以上男性。

3、Prostate hyperplasia, hypertrophy becomes the direct inducement that uric road affects again. ─── 前列腺增生、肥大又成为尿路感染的直接诱因。

4、The ARPs val-ues of bone hyperplasia in workers of30 years. ─── 30岁以下骨质增生的ARP均达50%以上,明显高于30岁以上各年龄组。

5、Baseline biopsies revealed endometrial hyperplasia in 21 women who had taken sequential HRT and in one who had taken unopposed estrogen. ─── 21名连续HRT治疗的妇女和1名采用非对抗性雌激素疗法的妇女活组织检查显示有子宫内膜增生。

6、Does mammary gland fibroma belong to mammary gland hyperplasia? ─── 乳腺纤维瘤属于乳腺增生吗?

7、What distinction do breast cancer and mammary gland hyperplasia have? ─── 乳腺癌和乳腺增生有什么区别?

8、Visible, lumbar grows spur, not be lumbar hyperplasia sex (corpulent sex) rachitis. ─── 可见,腰椎长骨刺,并不都是腰椎增生性(肥大性)脊柱炎。

9、Endometrial hyperplasia usually results from chronic estrogen stimulation unopposed by progesterone. ─── 子宫内膜增生过长经常是由于长期无孕激素拮抗的雌激素作用所引起。

10、Objective: To investigate the expression and clinical significance of FHIT in endometrial hyperplasia and adenocarcinoma of endometrium. ─── 摘要目的:探讨FHIT在子宫内膜增生性病变及子宫内膜腺癌中表达的临床意义。

11、Hyperplasia and hyperemia existed in matrix and ovary. ─── 子宫、卵巢组织发生不同程度的增生与充血。

12、Immunohistochemistry results demonstrated marked inflammation and hyperplasia of fibroblast in adventitia in the control group. ─── 免疫组化结果证实对照组的外膜有明显的炎症反应及纤维母细胞增生。

13、The occurrence of hypokaliemia in both hyperplasia Cushing syndrome patients and those with adrenoma was all higher, accounting for 30.43% and 33.33%. ─── 库欣综合征中增生型及腺瘤型患者低钾血症的发生率均较高 ,分别为 30 .4 3%及 33.33%。

14、If a biopsy shows hyperplasia, your doctor can put you on a chemoprevention program. ─── 如果组织活检显示增生,你的主管医生会安排你做预防化疗。”

15、Eversion of the mucosal hyperplasia, performance can also be a rugged, relatively easy bleeding. ─── 外翻的粘膜过度增生,表现也可呈现高低不平,较易出血。

16、Atypical ductal hyperplasia is abnormal cells that grow in the milk ducts of the breast. ─── 非典型腺管增生是一种生长在乳导管里的不正常细胞。

17、Extended thymectomy was applied to MG patients with thymus hyperplasia or thymic tumor. ─── 扩大性胸腺切除手术则用于合并胸腺增生或胸腺肿瘤的MG患者。

18、An old, old man the disease is usually composed of prostatic hyperplasia of the disease to complications. ─── 老人老年人患上此病通常是由前列腺增生症的并发症导致的。

19、Cannot mammary gland hyperplasia drink honey water? ─── 乳腺增生不能喝蜂蜜水吗?

20、Focal nodular hyperplasia (FNH) of liver is a benign lesion that is often asymptomatic. ─── 摘要局限性结节增生是一良性肝脏病杜,临床上常无症状,约佔原发性肝肿瘤的8%。

21、More florid ductal epithelial hyperplasia of the breast is shown here. ─── 多形性乳腺上皮细胞增生。

22、In 1995,Denmark forbade Avoparcin,because it causes hyperplasia of drug-resistance bacterium. ─── 1995年丹麦因阿伏霉素会导致抗药菌的增殖而将其禁用。

23、A 52-year-old male presented with a history of erythema,tubercles,verrucous hyperplasia for 5 years was misdiagnosed as tuberculosis verrucosa cutis. ─── 患者男,52岁。右上肢红斑、结节、疣状增生5年,无明显自觉症状。

24、The stromawas thicken and collagen fibers were edema and hyperplasia. ─── 基质增宽,胶原纤维增生、水肿。

25、In pathologic hyperplasia, if the stimulus abates, the hyperplasia disappears. ─── 在病理性增生中,如刺激消除,增生也消失。

26、In the Hep-2 cell system,the ED50 of ACV in inhibiting the hyperplasia of HSV-2 333 strain was 10.85ug/ml. ─── 在Hep-2细胞系统中,ACV对HSV-2333株增殖抑制的ED50为10.85ug/ml。

27、There can be ductal epithelial hyperplasia, or prominent periductular edema as seen here. ─── 可见到导管上皮细胞增生或如这里所见有明显的导管水肿。

28、Adenocarcinoma may also coexist with hyperplasia. ─── 另外,腺癌可与增生共存。

29、How to complete the treatment of lumbar disc hernia, bone hyperplasia, spur? ─── 怎样彻底治疗腰椎盘突出,骨质增生,骨刺?

30、Endometrial hyperplasia with atypia is a premalignant condition, preferably treated with hysterectomy. ─── 内膜增生过长伴有不典型增生属于癌前病变,行子宫切除术更为适合。

31、Cao LS, Zhang PF, Luo YL, et al.Adrenal cortical and medullary hyperplasia (report of 9 cases)[J].Chin J Endocrin Metab, 1998, 14(5): 299-301. ─── [9]曹林升,张鹏飞,罗义麒,等.肾上腺皮质、髓质增生症(附9例报告)[J].中华内分泌代谢杂志,1998,14(5):299-301.

32、Method: Analysis on 60 cases with endometrial hyperplasia symptom through transvaginal ultrasonography inspection. ─── 方法:对60例经阴道超声检查发现子宫内膜增生的病例进行分析。

33、Hyperplasia of interstitium occured at the periphery of hepatic portal tracts and bronchi and glomerulus swelled. ─── 守宫木主要引起小鼠肝脏汇管区增生、肺脏细支气管和血管周围间质增生以及肾脏血管球肿胀等病变,有“嗜管”现象。

34、Hyperplasia of synovium leads to formation of pannus which destroys cartilage and bone in the affected joint. ─── 大量增生的滑膜组织会导致血管翳的生成,进而逐渐侵蚀软骨,造成关节的损伤。

35、Fibroids and breast lobular hyperplasia an average of three months or effectively eliminate the tumor. ─── 局部歼灭的治疗方案来达到彻底消灭癌细胞的目地”。

36、Disease of mammary gland hyperplasia is a kind of common disease, frequently-occurring disease. ─── 乳腺增生症是一种常见病、多发病。

37、The expression of FHIT in adenocarcinoma endometrium was lower than in endometrial hyperplasia(P

38、Nerve is invaded all round, nerve bundle a connective tissue hyperplasia, leprosy bacili can be found in the cell that make flourishing. ─── 四周神经被侵入,神经束间结缔组织增生,许旺细胞中可以找到麻风杆菌。

39、Hemorheology change was the physiological basis of that inhibitory action to vascular intimal hyperplasia. ─── 血液流变学的变化是大黄抑制血管搭桥术后血管内膜增生的生理学基础。

40、Duct hyperplasia of mammary glands common for pregnant woman after breast-feeding. ─── 准妈妈哺乳后常见腺导管增生。

41、Objective: To investigate the combination of traditional Chinese and western medicine treatment of breast hyperplasia. ─── 摘要目的:探讨中西医结合方法治疗乳腺增生症的疗效。

42、Bilateral massively enlarged adrenal glands were screened on CT scan in 4 cases, pathologically presented as macronodular or adenomatoid hyperplasia. ─── 4例患者行CT检查示双侧肾上腺大结节样增生改变,所有患者均经病理检查证实为双侧肾上腺大结节样或腺瘤样增生。

43、The heart, liver and kidney had different degeneration degree.Reactive hyperplasia presented in bronchales lymphonodi. ─── 另外心、肝、肾也均有不同程度的变性,淋巴结呈反应性增生。

44、The indication is prostatic hyperplasia in side leaf or middle leaf with less than 3cm protruding into bladder. ─── 手术适应症为前列腺侧叶增生及中叶增生突入膀胱小于3cm者。

45、We conclude that TUNA is effective for patients with urinary retention due to benign prostatic hyperplasia. ─── 我们认为摄护腺内高温疗法对于由摄护腺肥大引起之尿滞留是有效的。

46、The morphology of other lesions including atrophy, adenosis and basal cell hyperplasia, and also seminal vesicle epithelium was studied. ─── 同时也研究其他病灶,如萎缩、腺体增生、基底细胞增生,以及贮精囊上皮之形态。

47、Twenty-eight cases with hyperplasia, including 2 Graves disease and 26 nodular hyperplasia. ─── 增生性病变28例,Graves病2例,结节性增生26例。

48、Objective: To observe therapeutic effect of electroacupuncture on benign hyperplasia of prostate. ─── 摘要目的:观察电针治疗良性前列腺增生的疗效。

49、The expression level of PTEN decreased progressively, and was 95.0%, 40.0%, 31.1% respectively in normal, atypical hyperplasia endometrium and EEC. ─── PTEN在正常子宫内膜、不典型增生和内膜腺癌中的阳性表达率逐渐降低,分别为95.0%、40.0%、31.1%。

50、What should flocculus hyperplasia notice, need an operation to treat? ─── 小叶增生应该注意什么,需要手术治疗吗?

51、If the injury is not cured in time or is cured unsuitably, it will lead to periosteum hyperplasia or incurable fatigue fracture. ─── 如果不及时治疗或治疗不当,会引起骨膜增生,甚至会引起疲劳性应力性骨折。

52、Method: The muclear envelope of gland cells in endometroal hyperplasia and andenocarcinoma had been studied by the method of stereologic morphometry. ─── 方法:采用体视学方法对子宫内膜增生过长与内膜腺癌腺上皮细胞核膜进行形态定量分析。

53、At higher magnification, the enlarged prostate has glandular hyperplasia. ─── 增生前列腺的腺体增生。

54、Can toe produce bone hyperplasia? Serious when can you perform an operation? ─── 脚趾会不会发生骨质增生呢?严重时会动手术吗?

55、The seizure can be enhanced by CBX pretreatment and it may relate with astrocytic hyperplasia and the increasing expression of Cx43 in astrocytes. ─── 在整体动物甘珀酸预处理可以导致癫痫发作增强,这可能与星形胶质细胞增生及其连接蛋白43表达升高有关。

56、However, researchers showed that raloxifene in combination with systemic oestrogen results in an increase in hyperplasia, she said. ─── 然而她说,研究人员指出,雷洛昔芬的全身雌激素效应会导致异常增生增加。

57、However, adenomatous hyperplasia is premalignant. ─── 但是腺瘤状内膜增生可进展为癌。

58、The LST cell strain derived from villous adenoma displayed various atypical hyperplasia. ─── LST细胞株的组织来源为轻度不典型增生绒毛状腺瘤。

59、The expression decrease of IGF2 may be related to adipocyte hyperplasia. ─── IGF2基因表达水平的降低可能与脂肪细胞的增殖有关。

60、Note also the hyperplasia of the basal cells, and the presence of intraepithelial inflammatory cells (green arrow). ─── 同时,绿箭头示基底细胞的增生增厚,上皮内可见炎细胞。

61、A diagnosis of simple or complex hyperplasia with or without atypia was reached if both pathologists agreed on the diagnosis. ─── 如果两个病理学专家就具或不具异型性的单纯增生或复杂增生的诊断意见达成一致,得出诊断结果。

62、Laterly,hyperplasia of lymphoid follicle and change of the metaphase of B cells with little lymph follicles appeared. ─── 接着淋巴滤泡增生,但滤泡多较小,是以B细胞相对增生的中期改变;

63、To grasp histopathological feature of marginal gingivitis and gingiva hyperplasia. ─── 了解边缘性龈炎及龈增生的组织病理特点。

64、Clinically localized pain, often appear in sync with her menstrual cycle, the general in mammary gland is pure and cystic hyperplasia. ─── 临床上出现局部疼痛,常与月经周期有关,一般多见于乳腺的单纯和囊性增生。

65、Results Endoscopic observations revealed that there was no cicatricial tissue hyperplasia in rabbits of control group. ─── 结果经内窥镜观察,对照组动物气管未发现瘢痕组织增生;

66、Objective To evaluate the therapeutic effect of selective artery embolism on the hepatic focal nodular hyperplasia (FNH). ─── 摘要目的探讨选择性动脉栓塞治疗肝脏局灶性结节增生的治疗效果。

67、The hair cause of disease of disease of mammary gland hyperplasia because still very not clear. ─── 乳腺增生症的发病原因尚不十分清楚。

68、Methods Divide 80 breast lobule hyperplasia cases randomly into two groups of tiaozhou as therapy and rupixiao as control group each with 40 cases. ─── 方法80例乳腺小叶增生患者,随机分治疗组(40例)和对照组(40例),对两组疗效进行观察。

69、They can also be seen in atypical adenomatous hyperplasia (AAH), PIN, and other conditions. ─── 嗜酸性结晶体还可见于非典型性腺瘤样增生(AAH)、PIN和其他情况下。

70、Above results suggest that CIG was a benign hyperplasia, approaching normal. ─── 上述结果提示CIG是一种近似正常的良性增生。

71、Autonomous abnormal hyperplasia of malignant tumor cells. ─── 恶性肿瘤细胞的自主性异常增生。

72、Reactive lymph node hyperplasia is usually transient and self-limited in response to a local or systemic infection. ─── 淋巴结反应性增生通常是对一个局部或全身感染的有限短暂性的反应。

73、They have the disease-resistant poison, character that fights hyperplasia and immunity to adjust. ─── 它们具有抗病毒、抗增生及免疫调节的特性。

74、We present a case with bilateral intratesticular masses and incidental adrenal nodular hyperplasia. ─── 我们在此介绍一位年轻男性有著双侧睪丸肿瘤和意外发现的肾上腺结节样增生。

75、How is hyperplasia of reactivity lymph node treated? ─── 反应性淋巴结增生怎样治疗?

76、Exogenous estrogen. Continuous exposure to unopposed estrogen results in endometrial hyperplasia. ─── 外源性雌激素:长期暴露与无拮抗的雌激素环境下可导致内膜增生过长。

77、Congenital adrenal hyperplasia is a genetic disorder transmitted by autosomal recessive pattern. ─── 摘要先天性肾上腺增生症是一种自体隐性遗传病。

78、If a biopsy shows hyperplasia, your doctor can put you on a chemoprevention program. ─── 如果活检显示增生,医生会给你安排防癌治疗计划。

79、Much abler cell issues hyperplasia to update in specific small ambient conditions. ─── 多能干细胞在特定的微环境条件下增殖更新。

80、Hyperplasia of the median lobe of the prostate produces a polypoid mass that protrudes in the bladder lumen. ─── 前列腺中叶异常增生,表现为息肉样肿物,突入膀胱腔内。

81、CK19 is a valuable marker in the distinction of papillary carcinomas from papillary hyperplasia. ─── CK19在区分甲状腺乳头状癌和乳头状增生中是一个很好的标志物。

82、People calls leukaemia " hematic cancer " have stated reason, leukaemia is the leucocyte in blood malign hyperplasia, treat hard like general cancer. ─── 人们把白血病称为“血癌”是有一定道理的,白血病就是血液中的白细胞恶性增殖,像一般癌症一样难以治疗。

83、P504S was negative in entire 8 cases of basal cell hyperplasia (BCH) and in 3 cases of ASAP. ─── 在3例ASAP中未见阳性。

84、Objective: To evaluate the comprehensive imaging finding of focal nodular hyperplasia (FNH) of the liver. ─── 摘要目的:研究肝脏局灶结节性增生(FNH)的影像表现。

85、Methods:TURP were concomitantly performed for 102 cases of large volume benign prostatic hyperplasia. ─── 方法:采用经尿道前列腺电切(TURP)治疗重度前列腺增生患者102例。

86、Sitting lumbago, have sciatic, be still fracture hyperplasia? ─── 坐着腰痛,是不是有坐骨神经,还是骨折增生?

87、I is this bone hyperplasia? In which hospital good? ─── 我这是不是骨质增生?在哪医院好呢?

88、Basal cell hyperplasia is usually seen in the transition zone. Occasionally, it may be encountered in needle biopsies (which sample peripheral zone). ─── 基底细胞增生通常见于前列腺移行区。在前列腺针刺活检标本中偶尔可以见到。

89、However, prostatic hyperplasia is not a premalignant lesion. ─── 不过,前列腺增生不是癌前病变。

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