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09-06 投稿



hardiness 发音

英:[ˈhɑːrdinəs]  美:[ˈhɑːdinəs]

英:  美:

hardiness 中文意思翻译



hardiness 短语词组

1、purslane hardiness zone ─── 马齿苋抗逆性区

2、drought hardiness ─── 耐旱性

3、hardiness zone ─── 耐寒区

4、degree of hardiness ─── 耐性

hardiness 词性/词形变化,hardiness变形

副词: hardily |名词复数: hardies |形容词比较级: hardier |形容词最高级: hardiest |名词: hardiness |

hardiness 相似词语短语

1、hardies ─── adj.坚强的;勇敢的;能吃苦耐劳的;鲁莽的;n.强壮的人;耐寒植物;方柄凿

2、hardliners ─── n.强硬路线者

3、curdiness ─── 凝乳

4、hard news ─── 重要新闻

5、tardiness ─── n.缓慢,迟延

6、bardiness ─── 吟游诗人

7、hardness ─── n.[物]硬度;坚硬;困难;冷酷

8、hard-news ─── 重要新闻

9、hardeners ─── n.硬化剂

hardiness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、What theyoeally want is a man with a little confidence and uife experience g under his belt.Working too hardi will gjust delay that process. ─── 尽可能延长和享受你的青春吧,即使这意味着你要和室友共享一个公寓,并且在镇上骑着自行车乱逛。

2、The growth rate and winter hardiness trends are the opposite of those found in the interior population . ─── 这种生长速度和耐寒性变化的趋势是与内地群体发现的情况相反。


4、Freezing hardiness ─── 抗霜冻能力

5、Research Progress on Cold Hardiness Physiology of Eucalyptus spp. And the Molecular Mechanisms ─── 桉树抗寒生理及分子机理研究进展

6、Winter Hardiness of Different Mulberry Trees ─── 不同品种桑树抗寒特性的研究

7、Keywords tobacco;farming measures;brown spot;degree of hardiness;regression analysis; ─── 烟草;栽培措施;赤星病;抗性;回归分析;

8、spirit, fortitude, and hardiness that matter more than where you start. ─── 精神、毅力比你的起点更重要。

9、I gave them a hardiness that allows them to keep going on when everyone else gives up, and to take care of their families through sickness and fatigue without complaining. ─── 我给她们勇气,让她们坚忍不拔,碶而不舍,哪怕其他所有人都绝望放弃,让她们无怨无悔的照料她们的家人,带领他们挺过疾病和倦怠。

10、Hardiness in Minnesota is marginal, but the variety easily withstands the winters in most parts of New York. ─── 在明尼苏达州的抗寒的边缘,但在品种,可轻松经受纽约大部分地区的冬季。

11、Every material has different properties - mass, max length and hardiness. ─── 每一个物质具有不同的特性-大众,最大长度和抗寒性。

12、Keywords Resilience;CD-RISC scale;College students;Hardiness;Strength;Optimism; ─── 心理韧性;中国版心理韧性量表;大学生;坚韧;力量;乐观;

13、The same is true of citrus hardi ness. ─── 其中电导法是一项既简便又快速鉴定柑桔抗寒性的方法。

14、A shrub that displays hardiness ─── 生长得很坚实的灌木丛

15、Host-plants are one of the important factors that they affect significantly the cold hardiness of insects. ─── 寄主植物是影响昆虫抗寒力的重要因素之一。

16、A cama is a camel, llama hybrid, created to try to get the hardiness of a camel with some of the personality traits of a llama. ─── 卡马驼是骆驼,美洲驼的杂交种,为了尝试使之有骆驼的耐劳力和美洲驼的一部分性格特点而创造。

17、Cold hardiness of palm leaf beetle, Brontispa longissima ─── 椰心叶甲的耐寒力测定

18、Introduce to cold hardiness varieties and choiceness hybrid in Russia ─── 俄罗斯抗寒葡萄新品种及优良杂种简介

19、Research Progress on Physiology and Biochemistry of Plant Cold Hardiness ─── 植物抗寒性生理生化研究进展

20、Hardiness is the chief essential for success. ─── 坚韧不拔是成功之本。

21、Effects of Temperature and Photoperiod on Frost Hardiness of Needles in Seedlings of Pinus Sylvestris L. Var. Mongolica Litv ─── 温度与光周期对樟子松实生苗针叶抗寒性的影响

22、As evidence of the hardiness and tenacity of life in the galaxy, a world as inhospitable as Mustafar has borne a variety of well-adapted life-forms on and beneath its hellish surface. ─── 据信,银河系中最艰困的生活就在马斯塔法,在这麽不适合居住的环境里有著许多种高度适应的生命型式存在于它地狱般的地表上下。

23、We will continue to flourish because our diverse American society has the strength hardiness and resilience of the hybrid plant we are. ─── 我们会继续繁荣昌盛,因为我们是一株杂交植物,我们多元的美国社会有这一植物的力量、坚韧、适应力。

24、The relativity between hardiness exercise and the hardiness of plant ─── 抗逆锻炼与植物的抗逆性

25、After cold acclimation, 46KD protein content increased sharply, it had something to do with cold hardiness of seedlings. ─── 低温锻炼后,各品种中46KD蛋白质含量剧增,其含量上的增加与幼苗抗寒性有密切关系。

26、Analysis of the Hardiness of the Intergeneric Hybrids between Saccharum L. And Erianthus Michx Subjected to NaCl Stress ─── 甘蔗斑茅属间远缘杂种后代对NaCl胁迫的响应

27、The South Suffolk is noted for its easy lambing (small heads and shoulders well let in), hardiness at birth, prepotency and its early maturity. South Suffolk lambs are uniform in quality. ─── 南萨福克羊被认为是易生产的小羊羔,生命力强,早成熟。萨福克羊羔具备好的质量。

28、Their attractive characteristics frequently include adaptability and hardiness. ─── 它们的魅力特性一般包含适应性与耐久力。

29、But used with caution, African plants help to provide variety and hardiness in Australian gardens. ─── 不过,只要小心慎用,非洲植物还是能为我们提供具有耐久性的更多的选择。

30、As a part of the construction of personality, hardiness should be explored in "Big Five" or "Big Seven". ─── 作为整体人格结构的一部分,人格坚韧性应该从人格“大五”或“大七”结构中探索。


32、Egg Cold Hardiness of the Migratory Locust Locusta migratoria L.Under Different Photoperiod Conditions ─── 光照与飞蝗卵耐寒性的关系

33、Review on Methods for Measuring Frost Hardiness in Woody Plants Abroad ─── 国外木本植物抗寒性测定方法综述

34、In the models established initially, temperature was concerned as the only environmental factor affecting the cold hardiness, and the concept of stationary level of cold hardiness was introduced. ─── 在已建立的数学模型中,初期研究只考虑温度作为影响抗寒性的环境因子,引入了抗寒性固定水平概念;

35、The tolerances of extremely low temperature. It is known as hardiness or frost resistance. ─── 指对极低温度的忍耐能力。也称作耐寒性或耐霜性。

36、Relationship between psychological hardiness and health ─── 心理顽强性与健康的关系

37、Hardiness resistance ─── 抗寒性

38、Effects of Triadimefon on Promoting Hardiness in Plant ─── 三唑酮对提高植物抗逆性的作用

39、During the vernalization, POD isoenzyme activity increased with lengthening of vernalization time and the cold hardiness of wheat improved. ─── 在春化过程中,POD酶活性在适宜春化时间内随春化时间延长而增加,且抗寒性增加。

40、Research progress on buffer action of health-related hardiness ─── 健康相关性坚强的应激缓冲作用研究进展

41、health related hardiness ─── 健康相关性坚强

42、Psychological hardiness ─── 心理顽强性

43、Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy Method for Measuring Cold Hardiness of Plants ─── 测定植物抗寒性的电阻抗图谱法

44、plant hardiness ─── 植物的抗寒性

45、Kobasa(1979) and Maddi(2002) proposed the concept of hardiness as an aspect of personality which buffers the effects of stress on health. ─── Kobasa(1979)和Maddi(2002)认为坚韧性人格可以缓冲压力对身心健康的不良影响,使处于高压力情境下的个体保持身心健康。

46、vital hardiness ─── 生活抵抗力抗热力

47、I work hardI can get along well with others.I'm good at Englishespecially my spoken English is very good. ─── 仅有的工作经历而没有自身的优势和特长,也很难求得称心如意的工作。

48、Hardiness in Minnesota is marginal, but the variety easily withstands the winters in most parts of New York. ─── 在明尼苏达州的抗寒的边缘,但在品种,可轻松经受纽约大部分地区的冬季。

49、Many psychological scales are used in research on hardiness, the health related hardiness scale being the most famous. ─── 在许多用于坚韧性测量的问卷中,使用最为广泛的是健康相关坚韧性量表。

50、I gave them a hardiness that allows them to keep going on when everyone else gives up,and to take care of their families through sickness and fatigue without complaining. ─── 我给他们一抗寒性,使他们能够跟上去时,其他所有人放弃,并以照顾他们的家人通过疾病和疲劳而不抱怨。

51、Investigation on Hardiness of Plum Resources in National Germplasm Repository for Plums and Apricots ─── 国家果树种质熊岳李杏圃李资源抗寒性调查

52、Advances of the Studies on the Inheritance and Breeding of Cold Hardiness Variety in Fruit Crops ─── 果树抗寒性的遗传与育种研究进展

53、The order of determined the cold hardiness basicly reflected characteristic of several apple rootstocks. ─── 测得的砧木抗寒性顺序基本反映了砧木的特性。

54、Variations of oxidase activity in the branches of several grapes varieties and the comparison of their cold hardiness ─── 几个葡萄品种枝条中氧化酶活性变化规律及抗寒性比较

55、Technique of Improving the Winter Hardiness of Alfafa in Cold North of China ─── 提高北方寒区紫花苜蓿越冬率的综合技术措施

56、The possibility of applying the experimental results to banana classification, stress physiology and hardiness breeding is discussed in this paper. ─── 文中还讨论了上述研究结果在香蕉分类、逆境生理和抗性育种上应用的可能性.

57、But the Houyhnhnms train up their youth to strength, speed, and hardiness, by exercising them in running races up and down steep hills, and over hard stony grounds; ─── 但是“慧骃”却要训练它们的孩子在陡峭的山坡上来回奔跑,或者在坚硬的石子地上奔来奔去,它们以此来锻炼孩子们的体力、速度和毅力;

58、If the vernalization time was too long, the cold hardiness would descend. ─── 但同时也发现春化时间超过适宜范围后,抗寒性又下降这一现象目前尚未见报道。

59、Feasibility analysis of living through the winter and cold hardiness on grapevine in Beijing area ─── 浅析北京地区葡萄露地越冬表现及抗寒栽培的可行性

60、It concludes the positive affect, locus of control, hardiness, hope and self-efficacy. ─── 即正面情绪、主控信念、坚强人格、希望和自我效能。

61、Sports games could not only foster students characters of esprit ,bravery and hardiness, but also improve their habitues and abilities of basic activities. ─── 游戏可以培养学生的机智、勇敢、顽强等意志品质,并能提高学生的各项身体素质和基本活动能力。

62、2.I have observedthat only those plants in nature which are strongest survive andreproduce themselves. It seems to me that hardiness is the chiefessential for success. ─── 据我观察,在自然界中,只有那些最强壮的植物才能立足、生存和繁殖。依我看,坚韧不拔乃成功之要素。

63、The sponsors will give you a weekly sum based on the Division Hardiness of your league. ─── 每周您将从上周商店卖掉的球衣中获得一小部分收入。

64、Hardiness has been good at Geneva, New York, and the vines are resistant to several major diseases. ─── 抗寒一直很好在日内瓦,纽约,葡萄藤也耐受几种主要疾病。

65、Le Hardi ─── 勇敢是法国制造的护卫舰

66、Comparatively, hardiness predicts mental health better in male than that's in female. ─── 比较而言,坚韧性人格对男性心理症状的预测作用要好于女性。

67、“Change is here to stay,” says Asus Hardi, an independent editor. ─── 独立编辑华硕哈尔迪说:“变革自此向前”。

68、Moreover, the curing time, hardiness, flexility and several chemical resistant of the coating which was cured by UV curable jet inks are measured. ─── 将经过研磨处理的颜料配制成UV喷墨油墨,通过SEM研究了颜料的粒径及分布,并对油墨固化时间、涂膜性能、耐化学性进行了测试。

69、Kalgan:Hardiness is being changed to a 15% duration reduction on stuns. In fact, the next update (not today's) will have a large number of changes to racials. ─── 兽人的抗晕变成减少15%晕厥时间,下个版本将迎来大规模种族特长变动。

70、Study on Physiological Response of Maize to Low Temperature and Comparison of Frost Hardiness Varieties ─── 玉米对低温胁迫的生理响应及不同品种间耐低温能力比较

71、Analysis on Hardiness and Influencing Factor of Winter Injury of Barley Variety ─── 大麦品种对春季冻害抗性及影响因素分析

72、Relationship between the soluble sugar content, proline content and the hardiness of pear cultivars ─── 梨品种枝条可溶性糖、脯氨酸含量变化规律与抗寒性的关系

73、Study on Cold Hardiness of Overwintering Larvae, Phthonandria atrilineata Butler ─── 桑尺蠖越冬幼虫的耐寒性研究

74、Yi Jin,Gu Anlin,Jia Guanghong,Wu Xiao.Studies on the drought hardiness in seedling of Leymus Hochst[J].Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment,2001.15 (5):47-50. ─── [5]易津,谷安琳,贾光宏,吴萧.赖草属牧草幼苗耐旱性生理基础的研究[J].干旱区资源与环境,2001,15(5):47-50.

75、The protein's chemical hardiness is also scrutinized. ─── 另外,蛋白质的化学耐性也被仔细检查。

76、The results concerning the quality of the TBCs, such as the thickness, microstructure, compositions, hardiness as well as the state of the stress are provided and discussed. ─── 提供了关于涂层的厚度、微观结构、成分组成、硬度分布及应力状态等综合的分析结果,所采取的分析方法具有工程可行性和实用性。

77、Overview and evaluation of research methodology for insect cold hardiness ─── 昆虫耐寒性的测定与评价方法

78、I have observed that only those plants in nature which are strongest survive and reproduce themselves. It seems to me that hardiness is the chief essential for success. ─── 根据我观察,在自然界中,只有那些最强壮的植物才能立足、生存和繁殖。依我看,坚韧不拔乃成功之要素。

79、hardiness personality ─── 坚韧性人格

80、Keywords larix principics-repprenti;nutrient;elements enzyme activity;hardiness; ─── 关键词华北落叶松;营养元素;酶活性;抗逆性;

81、The contents include:brief breeding history,regional test and hardiness research,methods of multiplication,cultivation and application. ─── 内容主要包括:地被菊的育种简史, 地被菊的区域化试验和抗逆性研究,地被菊的繁殖栽培及应用状况。

82、The reaction of rice varieties to winter hardiness was evaluated in the first crop of 1970 at the Chiayi Agricultural Experiment Station. ─── 摘要嘉义农业试验分所于民国五十九年第一期作就水稻品种之耐寒性反应做初步之观察。

83、Correlation analysis of hardiness indexes showed that it was scientific to use average of SF for evaluating grape hardiness, so it can he used to evaluate cold hardiness of new Vitis germplasm resources. ─── 抗寒性指标间相关性分析表明,利用平均隶属度评价葡萄抗寒性最为科学,为鉴定葡萄新种质提供了依据。


85、Custer also overestimated the stamina and hardiness of his troops. ─── 库斯特还高估了自己部队的耐久力和防御力。

86、So some strongheterosis combination that has the characteristics of early spike differentiation and good winter hardiness could be selected through crossing between different ecotype varieties. ─── 不同生态类型品种间杂交,有可能选育出幼穗分化早、越冬性好的强优势组合。

87、Research progress in cold hardiness of orchard trees ─── 果树抗寒机制研究进展

88、The breed is renowned for it's mothering ability and it's hardiness outdoors.The breed is also an excellent grazer. ─── 具有母系种族的特点和较强的户外生存能力,很受欢迎,是非常好的杂交品种。

89、Effect of Cold Acclimation and ABA on Cold Hardiness, Contents of Proline in Tea Plants ─── 冷驯化和ABA对茶树抗寒力及其体内脯氨酸含量的影响

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