hotfoot 发音
英:[ˈhɑːtfʊt] 美:[ˈhɒtfʊt]
英: 美:
hotfoot 中文意思翻译
hotfoot 网络释义
adv. 急忙地;火急地vi. 急行n. 恶作剧
hotfoot 词性/词形变化,hotfoot变形
hotfoot 短语词组
1、hotfoot it ─── 急匆匆地走
hotfoot 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Life's not worth living unless he can win the hearts of the fairest maidens, then hotfoot it off the premises ASAP. ─── 美女们的芳心,如果无法赢取,苟活在人间世,还有什么情趣?如果真是那样,不如让它遛掉,远离这付皮囊,而且越早越好。
2、The movie will begin in five minutes. We'd better hotfoot it to the theater. ─── 电影还有五分钟就要开场了!我们最好快一点去电影院!
3、sent ambassadors hotfoot to the Turks-Francis Hackett; drove hotfoot for Boston ─── 火速送大使去土耳其-弗朗西斯. 海克特;火速驾车到波士顿
4、We ran hotfoot to find out the news. ─── 我们赶忙奔去打听消息。
5、Like Bernard Shaw, he has tickled his readers' funny bone with a cultural hotfoot . ─── 他和萧伯纳一样,以文化觉醒来撩拨读者的兴趣。
6、The children come running hotfoot when they hear tea is ready. ─── 孩子们听说茶点已准备好了,便赶紧跑过来。
7、The children came running hotfoot when they heard tea was ready. ─── 孩子们听说茶点已准备好了,便赶紧跑过来。
8、sent ambassadors hotfoot to the Turks- Francis Hackett; drove hotfoot for Boston. ─── 火速送大使去土耳其-弗朗西斯. 海克特;火速驾车到波士顿。
9、hotfoot it out of town. ─── 匆忙出城
10、The children come running hotfoot when they hear tea is ready. ─── 孩子们听说茶点已准备好了,便赶紧跑过来。
11、hotfoot it ─── 匆匆地走; 急急赶路
12、1. The children came running hotfoot when they heard tea was ready. ─── 孩子们听说茶点已准备好了,便赶紧跑过来.
13、He had just arrived hotfoot from London. ─── 他刚从伦敦匆匆赶来。
14、He was running hotfoot after the pickpocket. ─── 他在急忙追赶扒手。
15、2. Like Bernard Shaw, he has tickled his readers' funny bone with a cultural hotfoot . ─── 他和萧伯纳一样,以文化觉醒来撩拨读者的兴趣。
16、The movie will begin in five minutes. We'd better hotfoot it to the theater. ─── 电影还有五分钟就要开场了!我们最好快一点去电影院!
17、I have an unnerving sensation that someone is giving me a hotfoot in my left shoe. ─── 我有一种令人紧张的感觉,好像有人在我的左鞋里恶作剧。
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