homespun 发音
英:['həʊmspʌn] 美:['homspʌn]
英: 美:
homespun 中文意思翻译
homespun 短语词组
1、homespun linen ─── 家纺亚麻布
homespun 相似词语短语
1、home sign ─── 家庭手语
2、homebound ─── adj.回家的,回家乡的
3、home run ─── 全垒打
4、home in ─── 安全跑回本垒
5、homes in ─── 安全跑回本垒
6、homestand ─── 宅基地
7、homed in ─── 安全跑回本垒
8、home runs ─── 全垒打
9、finespun ─── adj.纤细的,细纺的;过分精密的
homespun 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、The women wore homespun or "linsey-woolsey" dresses, sometimes supplemented by an apron or shawl, and sunbonnets. ─── 妇女身穿土布或“麻毛交织物”缝制的衣服,有时配一件围裙或披肩以及太阳帽。
2、Yet when Jesus addressed the crowds that followed Him, He didn't recite great truths of the Talmud.Rather, He spoke with the homespun style of a storyteller. ─── 然而耶稣在对跟随他的群众演说时,并不是从犹太法典来引经据典,而是以生活化的语言向听众说故事。
3、While I feel Mr. Buffett's homespun wisdom has never been more timely, in my experience it has never been more difficult to implement. ─── 虽然我认为巴菲特素的智慧表达得很及时,但我的经验告诉我,它实践起来从未像现在这样难过。
4、He glanced at the gingham dress and homespun suit, then exclaimed, “A building! ─── 他瞄了一眼条棉布衫和破旧西装外套,然后大声说,“一栋楼!
5、He glanced at the gingham dress and homespun suit, and then exclaimed, "A building! ─── 他瞥了条纹棉布和手纺西服一眼,接着厉声说道:“一座建筑!
6、While many of China's homespun heroes are the creation of the Government's propaganda machine, second right brother's celebrity appears to be entirely organic. ─── 乱翻,应该是“虽然许多中国的平民英雄是政府宣传机器的产物,右二哥哥的成名显然是完全来自民间的。”
7、everlasting cotton homespun ─── 耐用的手工棉织品
8、Dressed as always in his homespun, sacklike dhoti, and leaning heavily on a staff of stout wood, Gandhi,was only a few feet from the pagoda when the shots were fired. ─── 甘地像往常一样穿着肥大宽松的土制印度腰布,费力地拄着粗木棍拐杖,他在离那座小塔几步远的地方遭到枪击。
9、Buffett, the good natured financier, became a homespun folk hero, without the tools and overalls. ─── 善良的金融家沃伦•巴菲特变成了一个朴实的民间英雄,没有工具和工作服。
10、The president rolled his eyes.He glanced at the gingham dress and homespun suit, then exclaimed, “A building! ─── 校长转动着眼珠,瞥了一眼这对夫妇身上的条纹棉布衣服以及土布西装,然后喊道:“一栋大楼!
11、reversible homespun ─── 双面粗花呢
12、homespun cloth of Songjiang ─── 松江土布
13、Xiuyan Jade, produced by the world as "jade homespun" Anshan City in Liaoning Province Manchu Autonomous County of Xiuyan. ─── 岫岩玉,产自被世人誉为“玉乡”的辽宁省鞍山市岫岩满族自治县。
14、"The Great Breakthrough of Homespun Science" May Go to Its Rest ─── "民间科学大突破"可以休矣
15、Once again, we have the same mix of homespun and high tech. ─── 又一次地,我们见到了质朴和高科技的组合。
16、homespun cloth ─── 土布
17、From colorful tall tales to clever barbs aimed at political opponents, Lincoln clothed a shrewd wit in a homespun, backwoods vernacular. ─── 从于政治对手的目的倒钩丰富多彩高大聪明的故事,林肯在土布衣服一个精明机智,巴克伍兹白话。
18、But it is not the first time that Mr Bush has raised eyebrows with his homespun choice of words to articulate pivotal moments in his presidency. ─── 而这样的"语惊四座"早就不是第一次了。布什总统经常在某些重要场合让听众为他笨拙的措辞大跌眼镜。
19、45. Useless for the patriotic Mrs. Merriwether to upbraid her daughter and point out that homespun was the proper bridal attire for a Confederate bride. ─── 爱国心很强的梅里韦瑟太太想批评自己的女儿,并想指出对于一位拥护南部联盟的新娘来说,穿家织布的结婚礼服也很体面嘛,可就是没有用。
20、The homespun shirt was sodden and clove coldly to her shivering body ─── 土布衬衫湿透了,而且冷冰冰地贴在她颤抖的身上。
21、a rough homespun fabric.Something Iharsh is unpleasantly rough, discordant, or grating: ─── 家纺的粗布。描述令人感到不愉快地粗糙、不和谐、刺耳的物体:
22、Berkshire Hathaway’s annual report contains a closely observed “letter to shareholders”, written by Buffett, which is a mixture of homespun wisdom and market savvy. ─── 伯克希尔-哈撒伟的年报包含一封密切观察的“至投资者的信”,该信由巴菲特亲自操刀,并被人们认为是质朴智慧与独到市场见解的结晶。
23、Downstairs, in the museum foyer, another Bible lies open -- this one so homespun as to be homely. ─── 而在楼下的美术馆大厅里,则放着另一本翻开的圣经,这一本十分素,就跟人们家里用的差不多。
24、cracker-barrel philosophy; folksy humor; the air of homespun country boys ─── 民间哲学;民间幽默;朴素的乡下男孩的样子
25、Someone of his importance obviously didn't have the time to spend with them, but he detested gingham dresses and homespun suits cluttering up his outer office. ─── 一些对于他明显重要的人都没有时间接待, 但是他厌恨方格花布礼服和手织的衣服扰乱他的对外办公室。
26、A lady in a faded gingham dress and her husband, dressed in a homespun threadbare suit, stepped off the train in Boston, and walked timidly without an appointment into the president of Harvard's... ─── 一对乡下夫妇来到了波士顿的哈佛大学,他们胆怯的走进了校长办公室。“对不起,我们没有预约,但是,我们想见一下...最佳答案:这是个英文小故事,下面是原版。
27、I was in disgrace once because I went to school in some brilliant blue homespun serge, my mother had bought in Devon- shire, and I was told I must never wear it again. ─── 有次我穿着母亲从德文郡买来的一件亮蓝色家纺毛哔叽衣服去上学,结果校长让我下次别再穿出来,让我很是难堪。
28、Cut flowers, blooming plants, herbs, wreaths and swags with that farm-fresh look are a natural extension of this homespun decor. ─── 插花、开花植物、草本植物、花环和具有乡村气息的垂挂装饰物自然而然成为这种朴素的装饰格调的组成部分。
29、The process of making translucent canes resembles that of homespun yarn, hence the name Spin Cone for the vessel where these canes are used. ─── 做半透明藤条的过程类似于人工纺纱,所以用于制作花瓶的防纱式藤条因此而得名。
30、A rough homespun fabric ─── 家纺的粗布
31、So despite the complexity of today's markets, the lessons in all this are oddly homespun. ─── 因此,无论当今市场如何复杂,其中的教训却出奇的简单。
32、Merriwether to upbraid her daughter and point out that homespun was the proper bridal attire for a Confederate bride. ─── 他还说他在街上已看不到穿宽松长裤的人,因此设想那已经"过时"了。
33、I have to think about it quite hard before I find its faux homespun style annoying. ─── 我也是颇费了一番功夫,才觉得这个故作朴素的词面目可憎。
34、INDIANS are fond of shopping abroad, a habit left over from the era of import substitution, when they had to put up with shoddy homespun goods in the name of national self-sufficiency. ─── 印度人热衷于外国货,这是过去进口替代时代的后遗症,那时候印度人必须在国家自给自足的名义下忍受劣质的国内货。
35、homespun linen; homespun garments. ─── 自家织的亚麻布;自家织的衣服。
36、You might focus on baking sweets and treats, but don’t overlook homespun baking for mealtime, too. ─── 你也许只会想到甜点和美味,但是也不要忽视平常的简单就餐。
37、Colleagues asked if his homespun ways and rustic accent befitted the leader of Germany's oldest political party. ─── 同僚们想知道这位中规中矩且乡音浓重的家伙能否配得上德国最为古老的政党。
38、Homespun remedies for minor ailments ─── 一般小病的简易疗法
39、There is a homespun quality with handmade accessories such as baskets, and florals, checks, calicoes and stripes are the dominant patterns in fabric. ─── 有一些朴素的用人手制成的配饰,例如篮子、花卉、还有织物里主要的格子布、印花布和条纹布。
40、Superiority that the manual homespun cloth is incomparable with other form homespun cloth: 1.Warm in winter and cool in summer;2. ─── 手工老粗布有着其他形式粗布不可比拟的优越性:1、冬暖夏凉;
41、"Most small towns would have gladly forfeited some of their homespun values if it meant luring a firm there" (William Mueller) ─── “大多数小城镇都会乐意牺牲一些他们朴实的价值观,如果这意味着可以把公司引诱到当地来”(威廉·米勒)
42、Rather than lecturing her supporters, she gave them cute, homespun encouragement: "I want for every child born here what I wanted for my own children. ─── 她没有对其支持者们进行说教,反而用讨巧、质朴的故里话语激励他们:“我要为这里出生的每一个孩子努力,就像我为我自己的孩子拼命一样。”
43、You never cheat on her. You treat her like homespun gold. ─── 你不能背叛她,要当她是块儿金子
44、be homespun ─── 手织物手织的
45、book is simple homespun philosophy. ─── 该书阐述的是简单而朴实的哲学。
46、Someone of his importance obviously didn't have the time to spend with nobodies, but he detested gingham and homespun suits cluttering his office. ─── 但他觉得条纹棉布和手纺西服在他办公室里碍眼,只想快点打发他们。
47、We used this homespun method to collect foreign guns ─── 我们就是用这种土办法拉洋炮。
48、homespun virtues ─── 朴素的美德
49、It might be part of his own humble sensibility, a particular homespun attitude toward the everyday life of his milieu as can be gleaned in a previous series. ─── 从前面的系列中不难看出,他对清贫的环境有特殊的感情,也特别敏感,这可能与他日常家居生活的简单、朴素有关。
50、A peasant girl in a homespun skirt-some ostler's daughter most likely, by the jug she balanced on her shoulder-hurried past up the street. ─── 一个穿着朴素裙子的农家女孩--从她放在肩头的水壶来看,可能是哪个马夫的女儿--匆忙穿过街道。
51、A lady in a faded gingham dress and her husband, dressed in a homespun threadbare suit, stepped off the train in Boston. ─── 一个穿着退色的带条纹棉布衣服的女士和她的丈夫,一个穿着粗糙的已经是磨破了的套装的男士,走出了波士顿的火车站。
52、Examples of plain weave fabric include muslin, percale, cheesecloth, chambray, gingham, batiste, organdy, chiffon, shantung and homespun. ─── 典型的平纹织物包括:平纹织物、高级密织薄纱、干酪包布、色经白纬平布、方格色织布、法国上等细亚麻织物、蝉翼纱、雪纺绸、山东绸和钢花呢。
53、Homespun yarn ─── 火姆司本纱
54、Ohioan Danny Back, who with his wife, Sue, has sailed on the paddleboat five times, loves the steamboat feel and sound, and its homespun itineraries. ─── 俄亥俄州人丹尼.拜克和妻子苏曾搭这艘明轮船五次,他热爱蒸汽船的气氛和声响,也喜欢该船朴实无华的航程。
55、Useless for the patriotic Mrs.Merriwether to upbraid her daughter and point out that homespun was the proper bridal attire for a Confederate bride. ─── 不过,即使有这种闲言碎语在背后流传,如果他认为值得的话,他还是可以保持自己的声望的。
56、He glanced at the gingham dress and homespun suit, and then exclaimed, ”A building! ─── 玫琳凯的制度是非常公平的,也是非常有效的。
57、a rough homespun fabric.Something Iharsh is unpleasantly rough,discordant,or grating ─── 家纺的粗布。描述令人感到不愉快地粗糙、不和谐、刺耳的物体
58、homespun cloth of Nantong ─── 南通土布
59、Mary is truly a homespun girl from the country. ─── 玛丽实实在在是一位来自乡村的朴实的女孩。
60、Most small towns would have gladly forfeited some of their homespun values if it meant luring a firm there(William Mueller) ─── 大多数小城镇都会乐意牺牲一些他们朴实的价值观,如果这意味着可以把公司引诱到当地来(威廉·米勒)
61、39. Perhaps it is that mix of the vulnerable, the stylish and the homespun which makes her such a fans' favourite. ─── 也许正是这种敏感、尚和朴实的交融使她成为如此受影迷欢迎的女演员。
62、A homespun tablecloth. ─── 土制台布
63、For long periods of time, ladies and gentlemen wore homespun garments in testimony to their patriotism and their resistance to what they considered to be unjust taxes. ─── 很长的一段时间当中,淑女和绅士扪穿着素的衣服以显示他们的爱国心和抵抗他们认为不合理的税。
64、Television programs with unsophisticated or homespun themes that comfort or provide solace. ─── 主题纯真朴实,看了使人舒心或给人以慰藉的电视节目。
65、What is more, China's all-powerful state television, which built itself this monument, often enough faces criticism for being a stilted propaganda organ providing only homespun content. ─── 况且,中国强大的国家电视台要建成一座经典建筑,往往要面对说它是呆板的宣传机器,只会提供平淡无奇内容之类的批评。
66、Simple farmers who live on pickles and dress in homespun at least know the joys of family life together. ─── "田舍之家,虽齑盐布帛,终能聚天伦之乐"
67、Homespun is a cloth of coarse weave. ─── 土布是一种织得粗糙的布。
68、Application for homespun fabric product function with nanometer technical ─── 家纺产品功能化与纳米技术的应用
69、the air of homespun country boys. ─── 朴素的乡下男孩的样子。
70、He glanced at the gingham dress and homespun suit, then exclaimed, "A building! ─── 他瞧了一眼他们条纹衣服和磨破的套装,然后大叫:“一栋建筑!
71、cracker-barrel philosophy; folksy humor; the air of homespun country boys. ─── 民间哲学;民间幽默;朴素的乡下男孩的样子。
72、Someone of his importance obviously didn't have the time to spend with them, but he detested gingham dresses and homespun suits cluttering up his outer outer office. ─── 但是他不喜欢那些穿着破旧的人站在他的办公室前面。
73、And he sighed in exasperation and nodded.Someone of his importance obviously didn't have the time to spend with them, but he detested gingham dresses and homespun suits cluttering up his outer office. ─── 他不耐烦地叹了口气点点头,相对于他的重要客人,他明显没有时间花在这对夫妇身上.但他不想衣著简陋的人呆在他的办公室外.
74、Somewhere a barefoot army in dirty homespun was marching, fighting, sleeping, hungry and weary with the weariness that comes when hope is gone. ─── 有的地方,一支光着脚、穿着脏粗布衣裳的军队还在行进、战斗,打瞌睡,饿肚子,疲惫不堪而希望业已消失。
75、Trial-production of homespun with Sichuan mohair ─── 四川马海毛钢花呢的试制
76、I'll love you in buckskin Or skirts that I've homespun ─── 如果你穿着鹿皮裤或者手织的衬衣我会爱死你
77、Buffett is known as “the Sage of Omaha”, after the town where he was born and where he has spent most of his life, and much is made of his small-town homespun values. ─── 巴菲特被美誉为“奥马哈圣贤”,这一称号来源于他的出生地同时他大部分的时光也是在那里度过的,这也使得小镇身价倍增。
78、The manual homespun cloth must experience 72 working procedures, with 22 basic lines fluctuating out more than 1990 kinds of gorgeous designs. ─── 手织粗布要经历大小72道工序,以22种基本色线变幻出1990多种绚丽多彩的图案。
79、A plain, coarse, usually woolen cloth made of homespun yarn ─── 土布普通的、粗制的,家织物做成的布
80、Someone of his importance obviously didn’t have the time to spend with nobodies, but he detested gingham and homespun suits cluttering his office. ─── 校长很有尊严而且不甘情愿地面对这对夫妇。
81、” What Miss Berry’s mother might have said, when doling out the homespun wisdom, is that if you can’t be best at something then strive to be the worst. ─── 也许贝瑞妈妈所说的话中蕴含的朴素智慧是:如果不能流芳百世,那就努力遗臭万年吧。
82、The Age of Homespun: Objects and Stories in the Creation of an American Myth. New York: Knopf, 2001. ─── 《手织物的年代︰一个美国神话产生的目标和故事》,纽约︰诺普夫出版社,2001。
83、but he did not present as imposing an appearance as she, in his homespun farmer's frock. ─── 不过他的表现没有她那么有派头,他只是穿了一身农家土布做的农夫装。
84、My world history teacher, Paul Root, was a short, stocky man from rural Arkansas who combined a fine mind with a homespun manner and an offbeat, wicked sense of humor. ─── 我的世界历史老师保罗.鲁特来自阿肯色乡下。他矮小敦实,头脑机灵,举止不张扬,幽默中不乏叛逆与淘气。
85、a reddish brown homespun fabric. ─── 略带有红褐色的手织纤维。
86、homespun linen. ─── 家织亚麻
87、a sweater knitted of nubbly homespun yarns. ─── 一件由块状手工纱线编织成的毛线衫。
88、Someone of his importance obviously didn't have the time to spend with them, but he detested gingham dresses &homespun suits cluttering up his outer office. ─── 像他这样的重要人物显然没有时间花在他们身上。
89、Brief Talking about Construction Technique for Homespun Retardation of Reflection Rift of Cement Concrete Pavement Asphalt Paving Layer ─── 土工布减缓水泥混凝土路面沥青加铺层反射裂缝施工技术浅谈
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