internality 发音
英:[[ˌɪntə'nælɪtɪ]] 美:[[ˌɪntə'nælətɪ]]
英: 美:
internality 中文意思翻译
internality 词性/词形变化,internality变形
internality 相似词语短语
1、infernality ─── 地狱
2、internally ─── adv.内部地;国内地;内在地
3、internalised ─── v.(使)内在化;获取(语言规则等)知识;把(成本)内化(internalise的过去式及过去分词,internalise等于internalize)
4、eternality ─── 永恒
5、internalize ─── vt.使(习俗等经吸收同化而)内在化;使藏在心底
6、externality ─── n.外在性;外形;外部事物
7、integrality ─── n.完整性;不可欠缺
8、internalise ─── v.(使)(态度、行为)成为本性的一部分;(使)内化;把(社会成本)内化(计入定价机制)
9、internalises ─── v.(使)(态度、行为)成为本性的一部分;(使)内化;把(社会成本)内化(计入定价机制)
internality 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Is there strict request for the working hours for intern in Google? ─── 实习中每天有没有严格的时间要求呢?
2、College degree or above, students with intern experience is ok as well. ─── 大专以上学历,在校学生有实习经验者亦可。
3、And intern with a North Caroline prosecutor's office has been arrested and charged with stealing documents in the killing of a pregnant Marine. ─── 一名具有北卡罗来拿公诉人职务的实习医生被捕,并受到偷窃关于被杀怀孕水兵一案相关文件的指控。
4、Within the first week, I knew that I wanted to do more than just answer the telephones and reply to mail -- the usual duties of an intern. ─── 在第一个星期,我认识到我想做的更多,不仅仅是回答电话和回复邮件--很平常的值班和实习。
5、Accounting information market has the character of internality. ─── 会计信息市场存在着内部性特征。
6、However, I sent it as a gift to my senior intern, who is a herbalist doctor, in my birthday, and I guess I must be crazy. ─── 不管怎么样,在我生日的时候,我把它送给了我的实习医生导师,一个中医。
7、Internal conflicts can only be solved by external forces, because internality requires conventions and inward-looking. ─── 内部矛盾的解决需要依靠外部力量,因为内部永远是守旧的、自我封闭的。
8、It makes economy internality from negative exterior mostly by governmental reward, revenue favour, reform of charges and so on. ─── 国外主要从政府奖励、税收优惠、收费改革等方面,使经济负外部性内在化。
9、He's working with me during the summer months as an intern. ─── 在夏天的这几个月到我这里来当实习生。
10、After that, she worked for 10 months in Latin America as an intern for UNICEF. ─── 之后,她在联合国儿童基金会实习,在拉丁美洲工作了10个月。
11、Yet its internality and tendency of spiritualization endow the principal poetics with a modern connotation. ─── 而作为其应有之义的内在性或心灵化倾向,更赋予主体性诗学一种现代内涵。
12、They know the former intern was killed. ─── 他们知道前见习医生死了。
13、Traineeship language school Madrid, Spain. Our companyis still looking for a new intern for their Madrid office and who can start in January 200... ─── 区:西班牙-|专业领域:行政管理|行业部门:其它|实习开始时间:八月2008|实习种类培训实习
14、Intern ATI onal Business Machines, IBM. ─── 个人计算机业务计入了重组支出。
15、You're kidding? It's the biggest opportunity any intern will ever get. ─── 你在开玩笑吧?这是任何实习生都想得到的最大的机会.
16、Meanwhile, Imaginex Group will be continuing to search SBC’s talents to fill up their more part time and intern positions in near future. ─── 同时,该公司正在为更多的上海理工大学中英国际学院的优秀学生在不久的将来提供兼职和实习机会。
17、Not everyone has a great experience as an(a) intern. ─── 不是每个人都能在实习期获得宝贵的经验。
18、We are searching for an intern for our HR department, here follows the information: Responsibilities: -Work with departments in Delphi DSDPSC fo... ─── 区:中国-浙江|专业领域:行政管理|行业部门:质询顾问|实习开始时间:八月2008|实习种类职业工作
19、I was hired as a software intern at Cray Research in the summer of 1990 to work on a scheduling program for the Cray Supercomputers. ─── 1990年夏天我被聘请为克雷研究所的软件实习生,从事克雷超级计算机的日程计划项目。
20、I worked as an intern for six months. You know. ─── 你知道,我实习过半年的。
21、Intern: Did you ever have rheumatic or scarlet fever as a child? ─── 实习医师:你小时候得过风湿热或猩红热吗?
22、The intern teacher in the city elementary school has the disturber in practice in the item of role identification and career planning. ─── 四、大学部国小实习教师,在班级管理、教学实施、工作负担、个人发展层面上困扰程度较高。
23、As an intern, when I have free time, should I ask my colleagues to give me some of their jobs to do? ─── 作为一个实习生,当我有时间的时候,我应该向同事要求一些工作来做吗?
24、Later, I entered a large IT company in the identity of a intern student. ─── 后来我以实习生的省份,进入一个大的IT企业实习。
25、I worked as an intern in that firm last summer. ─── 去年夏天我在那家商行实习。
26、Group Reality Therapy can change the locus of control of patients with Anxiety Disorder, and enhance Internality in patients.3. ─── 2.现实治疗取向的团体治疗可以使焦虑症患者的心理控制源发生改变,提高患者的“内控性”。
27、Original completed authority form should be forwarded to the Participating Tertiary Institutions to which the Intern belongs. ─── 填妥的授权书(正本)应交予实习生所属院校,以便院校处理有关申请。
28、Excellent students will get the chance to work at PDE and other encouragements after intern period. ─── 在实习期满优秀学生将会得到PDE公司工作,机会及其他奖励。
29、You're an attending, and I'm your intern. ─── 你是主治医师,并且我是实习医生.
30、He was accused of many marital infidelities, most famously with White House intern Monica Lewinsky. ─── 他曾被指控犯有多次对婚姻不忠的行为,最有名的是与白宫实习生莫尼卡·莱温斯基的丑闻。
31、These services aren’t truly free;you pay for the songs when you purchase a new cell phone, or for signing a contract for broadband intern. ─── 但这些服务并非名副其实地“免费”,因为在购买新手机的时候,你同时也就为歌曲或者签署的宽带服务协议掏了腰包。
32、The intern teacher in the lower grade of the elementary school has the disturber in practice in the item of classroom management and teaching resource. ─── 五、大型实习学校规模的国小实习教师,在工作负担层面上,实习困扰较高。
33、Other all expenses and the responsibility are personally undertaken by the intern. ─── 其他所有费用及责任均由实习生个人承担。
34、Andrew read the rest of the file-including the intern 's note about penicillin allergy. ─── 安德鲁看完了整个记录,包括实习医生关于青霉素过敏的记录。
35、To obtain the mutual impact mechanism of the internality and externality of the comprehensive transportation system. ─── 2得到综合交通系统内部性与外部性的相互影响机制。
36、The intern teacher in the big scale of the elementary school has the disturber in practice in the item of workload. ─── 三、大学部国小实习教师,其整体实习困扰程度较高。
37、Summer Intern Program of Jones Lang LaSalle will be initiated in recent weeks! ─── 仲量联行将于近期启动暑期实习生计划!
38、Our long-term goal is to give every student the chance to study or intern abroad. ─── 大学的长远目标是让每位学生也有机会到海外交流或实习。
39、Adams has admitted to lying about a sexual relationship he had with a young man he met as an intern. ─── 亚当斯承认了他在与一个年轻的男实习医师的性关系问题上撒了谎。
40、Excellent students will get the chance to work at here and other encouragements after intern period. ─── 在实习期满优秀学生将会得到我公司工作,机会及其他奖励。
41、Social control becomes a substitute mechanism as long as excessively high transaction cost fails the market to solve the internality problem. ─── 只有当因交易成本过高使市场解决内部性无效时,社会性管制才作为一种替代性的机制发挥作用。
42、Generally, the intern teacher who graduated from university has disturber in practice. ─── 一、国小实习教师的整体实习困扰属普遍现象。
43、Software Engineer(Intern)Qualifications / Experience Required:Master‘s degree or above in Computer Science, Elec...... ... ─── 公司名称:北京信必优信息技术有限公司工作地点:浙江省杭州市发布时间:2008-11-12
44、Hegelian idealists subscribe to a general doctrine about the internality of relations. ─── 黑格尔唯心主义者赞同这种关于关系的内在性的一般学说。
45、The female internality, as well as the intra-domains, were all attached with this cultural code. ─── 女性的内在、外在全张戴著这个文化符码。
46、I am very honored to become an intern of the CSDL, IBM in April 2005. ─── 2005年4月,我非常荣幸的成为IBM中国软件开发中心的一名实习生。
47、Hello. Are you the new intern Han Jia? ─── 嘉宾:你好。你就是新来的实习生韩佳?
48、"Somebody needs to come out that's an expert. I would love to see some entomology intern come out and study this," she said. ─── 她说:“有人需要到户外。这样的人要是专家。我会很希望看见某位昆虫学实习生来对这进行研究”
49、The world is rooted out, you also feel the comes over of that strength, please seek a spade to dig into the internality of yourself.Never plan to build a wall. ─── 世界被铲平,当你也感受到铲过来的那股力量时,请也找一把铲子向自己的内心挖进去,千万别想要筑墙。
50、In a word, supported by virtue, one's internality and externality tend to the ideal harmony. ─── 概言之,即借助于道德,使人的内在与外在趋于理想中的和谐。
51、"buy i ding" can cohere with texts , also can be used link with modality adverb, and composes book which has internality relativity. ─── “不一定”能够衔接篇章,可以和语气副词连用,组成有内在联系的篇段。
52、My undergraduate education included a semester working as an intern at the French Embassy in Washington, D.C. ─── 在我的大学本科教育阶段,我在华盛顿D.C.的法国大使馆做了一个学期的实习。
53、In a deep sense, poor management benefit and weak interior- control system are the internality reason. ─── 从深层次来看,企业经营效益欠佳,内控不严是其内在根源。
54、Salesman to intern's backwards. ─── 从推销员倒退到实习生?
55、Dr. irus: When I was an intern, I gae someone fluid and put them into fatal heart failure because I misunderstood what to do. ─── 传染科医生:当我还是实习医生的时候,我给患者输注某种液体导致他们致命性心衰,因为我没有搞清楚要做什么。
56、Carter Duryea: You an intern or something? ─── 妳是实习生还是其他的工作人员呢?
57、The internality of the benefits well balanced requests to have three aspects:the benefits direction is explicit,the benefits behavior norm and the benefits result share. ─── 利益均衡的内在要求有三:利益导向明确、利益行为规范和利益成果共享。针对当前社会中一系列利益矛盾,构建和谐社会利益均衡有四条基本途径:以人为本、树立科学发展观;
58、When ancient people used both internality and externality,it always meant import ance and less importance. ─── 古人在将“内”与“外”并用时,常有轻重主次之别。
59、If you have sex relationship, things will become very different, both in your internality and the outside environment. ─── 一但你们有了性关系,事情就不一样了,你们内心的感觉和外界如何看待,都会不一样.
60、Crawford, an aging teamster, limped into the office where I worked as a field examiner intern for the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). ─── 他是以进入我的办公室,当时我正作为国际劳力联席委员会的领域研究实习教师。
61、We are searching for an intern to assist the CEO. Below you can see the information and requirements. Job Responsibilities: Executive Office dis... ─── 区:中国-浙江|专业领域:行政管理|行业部门:其它|实习开始时间:八月2008|实习种类职业工作
62、I did intern in that company last summer. ─── 去年夏天我在那家公司实习。
63、When it comes to pursuing professional goals, Miss Brown likes to shoot for the stars, which is why she became an intern at the White House. ─── 在事业方面,布朗小姐是有远大抱负的人,这也是她为什么在白宫实习的原因。
64、Not everyone has a great experience as an intern. ─── 不是每个人都能在实习生期间获得伟大的经验。
65、As an intern for the X Company,I received some of the highest evaluations that had been given in years. ─── 在公司实习时,我获得了该公司给予起员工的几项最高评价。
66、Intern:Have you had any chills? ─── 实习医师:你有过寒战吗?
67、We are looking for an intern to teach english at our school in Merida, Venezuela. There are 3 types of lessons to give specified below: OPTION A... ─── 区:委内瑞拉-|专业领域:师范培训教育|行业部门:教育和培训|实习开始时间:八月2008|实习种类职业工作
68、The internality of the benefits well balanced requests to have three aspects: the benefits direction is explicit, the benefits behavior norm and the benefits result share. ─── 利益均衡的内在要求有三:利益导向明确、利益行为规范和利益成果共享。
69、But the hospital insisted this is a case where an intern violated hospital regulations. ─── 但院方坚持认为这仅仅是一起实习生违规的个别事件。
70、Intern: Have you noticed any of these symptoms recently? ─── 实习医师:最近你注意到这些症状了吗?
71、Responsibilities: The intern will work on low level component on Windows Mobile system. There wi ll be lots of chance to learn new technical and swi... ─── 区:中国-浙江|专业领域:其它学科|行业部门:消防,警察和安保|实习开始时间:八月2008|实习种类高级学徒实习
72、The intern teacher in the middle and higher grade of the elementary school has the disturber in practice in the item of teaching and career planning. ─── 六、都市实习的国小实习教师,在角色认同、个人发展层面上,实习困扰较高。
73、Not everyone has great experiences as intern. ─── 作为实习生,并不是每个人都能学习到宝贵的经验。
74、He'll have to work as an intern before he can become a doctor. ─── 他必须先当实习医师后才能成为医生。
75、A medical student or intern. ─── 医学生,实习医生
76、The intern teacher cannot stand the snicker among the class, she grabs the small sheet. ─── 同学仔细声讲大声笑,又响度传纸仔,实习老师终于忍无可忍,拦途截击。
77、As an intern with the NLRB, I investigated unfair practices by employers as well as by unions. ─── 在NLRB实习时,我从调查中发现雇主和工会对员工所做出的不公平对待。
78、An intern with a North Carolina prosecutor's office has been arrested and charged with stealing documents in the killing of a pregnant Marine. ─── 一名在北卡罗莱纳州检察官办公室实习生遭到逮捕,并被指控偷窃有关怀孕女海军陆战队员被杀一案的文件。
79、To train or serve as an intern. ─── 做实习生作为一名实习生而培训或服务
80、They can enjoy not only static effects such as trade creation, trade diversion and trade terms improvement, but also dynamic effects such as economic internality and externality. ─── 两岸整合将带来贸易创造、贸易转向及贸易条件的改善等静态效应,又带来内部经济、外部经济等动态效应。
81、As a Chinese saying goes, "the man takes charge of external matters and woman takes charge of intern... ─── 中国有“男主外,女主内”的说法,意思是,男人应该在外面交际应酬,而女人要处理好家里的事情。但是,在现...
82、She could very easily see the internality of many affairs and she taught me a lot of things. ─── 她可以很容易地看穿很多事情,她教了我很多东西。
83、Ms.Vallas, 21 and a student at Grinnell College in Ohio, spent the summer as an intern at the Queens Library HealthLink. ─── Vallas小姐,21岁,俄亥俄州格林内尔大学的学生,整个夏天都在女王图书馆健康网络实习。
84、Intern:Have you had any chest pain? ─── 实习医师:你有过胸痛吗?
85、Job Description: The Business Analyst Intern will get a first-hand look at the consulting world by working as part of a project team. Business Anal... ─── 区:英国-|专业领域:行政管理|行业部门:其它|实习开始时间:八月2008|实习种类培训实习
86、In the past I didn't have much passion for anything - whether it was studying or working as an intern. ─── 回想自己以往无论读书或实习时,都抱著得过且过的心态,浪费了不少时间。
87、In fact, it's probably not appropriate for you to be "friending" her or the cute summer intern in the first place. ─── 事实上将你的助手或美丽的暑期实习生加为好友在一开始就并不合适。
88、Intern: Is there any history of heart disease in your family? ─── 实习医师:你的家庭成员中有心脏病史吗?
89、There is internality connection between the immoral behavior and the dissymmetry relation. ─── 败德行为与不对称关系有着内在联系。
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