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09-10 投稿



imperially 发音

英:[[ɪm'pɪərɪəlɪ]]  美:[[ɪm'pɪərɪrlɪ]]

英:  美:

imperially 中文意思翻译



imperially 相似词语短语

1、immaterially ─── 非物质地;无形地;不重要地;非实质地

2、imperials ─── n.厚绒布

3、impartially ─── adv.公平地;无私地

4、immemorially ─── 无法追忆的;远古的;极古的;久远的

5、impersonally ─── adv.与个人无关地

6、imperishably ─── adv.不灭地;不朽地

7、imperial ─── adj.帝国的;皇帝的;至高无上的;威严的;n.纸张尺寸;特等品;n.(Imperial)人名;(西)因佩里亚尔

8、imperativally ─── 命令

9、imperiality ─── n.帝王;帝王之尊

imperially 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Nearly 6 feet tall, imperially slim and sleekly dressed, she is usually the cynosure of attention at any gathering. ─── 六英尺高,端庄匀称的身材,华丽的衣着,这无疑让她成为了今晚聚会的焦点明星。

2、The British public think imperially, whether it be the speed we drive, the distance we travel and the pint we drink. ─── 无论是计算车速、行程还是喝啤酒,英国公众已经习惯了使用英制。

3、When utilizing Imperially prescribed tactics and formations, Nordic soldiers are some of the most dangerous adversaries in any province. ─── 当使用了帝国正规的战斗与列队,诺德士兵在任何省份都是危险的对手。

4、The British public think imperially , whether it be the speed we drive, the distance we travel and the pint we drink. ─── 无论是计算车速、行程还是喝啤酒,英国公众已经习惯了使用英制。

5、Emperor Qianlong had neatened Tibet local affairs after pacification of Gurkha "invasion, and promulgated the 29-article Imperially Approved Ordinance for the More Efficient Governing of Tibet." ─── 乾隆晚年在平定廓尔喀之乱后,对西藏地方事务进行全面整顿,颁布了《钦定藏内善后章程》。

6、When utilizing Imperially prescribed tactics and formations, Nordic soldiers are some of the most dangerous adversaries in any province. ─── 当使用了帝国正规的战斗与列队,诺德士兵在任何省份都是危险的对手。

7、The establishment and perfection of the imperi al examination system in the Tang Dynasty were the inevitable outcome of the high development of the feu dalistic economy. ─── 唐代科举制度的确立与完善,是封建地主经济高度发展的必然结果;

8、imperially appointed officials of the Imperial College ─── 太学学官

9、Clean favored, and imperially slim. ─── 讲究,威严,仪表堂堂.

10、Nearly 6 ft. tall, imperially slim and sleekly dressed, she is usually the cynosure of attention at any gathering. ─── 她身高近6英尺,苗条而有贵族气派,打扮高雅,不论在哪里都是众人瞩目的焦点。

11、America may not be an empire, but it acted imperially after the end of the cold war. ─── 冷战后的美国或无帝国之名,却有帝国之行为。

12、Who tells differ meeting the door is knocked, two polices hand takes certificate to stand in the doorway to say imperially to me: "Say! ─── 谁知不一会儿房门就被敲开,两警察手拿证件站在门口威严地对我说:“说!

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