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09-08 投稿



hemmer 发音

英:[['hemə]]  美:[['hemə]]

英:  美:

hemmer 中文意思翻译



hemmer 相似词语短语

1、emmer ─── n.二粒小麦;n.(Emmer)人名;(法)埃梅;(英、德、捷、匈、意)埃默

2、hummer ─── n.蜂鸟;蜂鸣器,发嗡嗡声的东西;n.(Hummer)人名;(匈、德、瑞典)胡默;(英)赫默

3、hammer ─── n.锤子;链球;击锤;锤骨;音槌;沉重打击;v.锤击;反复敲打;击球;轻松击溃;灌输;(非正式)严厉批评;(股票交易)宣布(某人或公司)无力偿债;n.(Hammer)(美、德、挪、奥、俄、丹、加、巴)阿梅(人名)

4、shammer ─── n.骗子;撒谎者;欺诈者;冒充者

5、hempier ─── 亨皮尔

6、hemmers ─── n.缝边者;缝边器;n.(Hemmer)人名;(英)亨默;(德、捷)黑默尔;(芬、瑞典)赫默

7、gemmery ─── 杰默斯

8、yemmer ─── 总是

9、hemmed ─── 缝好边的;镶好边的

hemmer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、You can let a coat down(lengthen it)by using the hem. ─── 你可以利用下摆把一件外衣放长。

2、In the beginning Hem and Haw also raced toward Cheese Station C every morning to enjoy the tasty new morsels that awaited them. ─── 在开始一段时间里,哼哼和唧唧也是如此行事,每天早上赶到奶酪C站,按部就班的把鞋子挂在脖子上,享用在那里等着他们的美味佳肴。

3、She braided the neckline,hem and cuffs of the dress. ─── 她用穗带装饰连衣裙的领口、摺边和袖口.

4、And ruffles will be absolutely everywhere, softening the neckline of a blouse or adorning the hem of a peasant skirt. ─── 同时作为装饰的褶边当然是必不可少的,适当的使用褶边可以让女士衬衫的领口看上去更柔和一些,也可以作为乡土式衬衫的修饰。

5、Position by aligning the slotted line to the hem or fold line marking. Fuse. ─── 以底边的虚线或直折线定位粘双面粘合衬。

6、To make themselves feel more at home, Hem and Haw decorated the walls with sayings and even drew pictures of Cheese around them which made them smile. ─── 为了使这里更像家的感觉,哼哼和唧唧把墙壁装饰了一通,还在墙上写了一些格言,并精心地画上了一些非常可口的奶酪的图案。他们看着这些图画和格言,会心地笑了。

7、My goodness, did you see her hem?. Six inches deep in mud. ─── 天阿,你看到她的裙摆了吗?六寸深的泥巴。

8、The stitches of the hem worked loose after she wore the skirt many times. ─── 在她多次穿着这套裙子后,裙子下摆的缝线开始松了。

9、Therefore the law is paralyzed, and justice never prevails. The wicked hem in the righteous, so that justice is perverted. ─── 因此律法放松,公理也不显明;恶人围困义人,所以公理显然颠倒。

10、And they made bells of pure gold and attached them around the hem between the pomegranates. ─── 又用精金做铃铛,把铃铛钉在袍子周围底边上的石榴中间

11、He was brought up among church-going people whose faith helped hem bear the poverty. ─── 他是在一群虔诚的教徒中间长大的,信仰使这些人忍受了贫穷。

12、He tell hem to find someone else. ─── 他叫他另找别人去。

13、Cordlock toggle system in hem at side seam facing towards the senter front. ─── 下摆侧缝有拉绳及拉绳调节扣,朝向前中。

14、You hem me in-behind and before; you have laid your hand upon me. ─── 你在我前后环绕我,按手在我身上。

15、As the skirt was too long for her, she had to pin up the hem. ─── 她嫌裙子太长,只得用针把裙边别起来。

16、The hem of her dress was stained. ─── 她的礼服的褶边弄脏了。

17、The edge of the fabric is rolled over the machine stitching to the wrong side and finished with a plain hem stitch. ─── 布边卷过机缝线迹到反面,用包缝缘边针迹完成。

18、The hem of her skirt was nipped in the door of the lift. ─── 她的裙子边被电梯门夹住了。

19、She strokes everybody to kee hem on her side during the bad time. ─── 她巴结每个人,以便在困境时那些人能与她站在一起。

20、Hemmer, T.(1996)On the Design and Choice of Modern Management Accounting Measure. Journal of Management Accounting Research, 8, 87-116. ─── 叶忠达(民85)。全面品质管理在我国高等教育评鑑的应用。教育研究双月刊,48期。页17-25。

21、The lower hem of his new overcoat rucked up. ─── 他的新大衣的下摆起皱了。

22、He began to hem when talking about where he was that night. ─── 一谈到那天夜里他在哪儿,他就开始吞吞吐吐起来。

23、He caught at the hem of the secret. ─── 他隐隐约约领悟到了那奥秘。

24、In order to stiffen floor joists and add to their strength, it is normal in Britain to fix strutting between hem at regular intervals. ─── 在英国,为了加固楼板的支承梁并加强其强度,通常在楼板梁之间安装一定间隔的剪刀撑。

25、For the slip hem, the raw edge is often finished by pinking. ─── 为了便于暗缝缲边,毛边常用锯齿切裁的方法进行修整。

26、The model can be used to study cerebral AVM hem... ─── 为研究具有复杂结构的脑AVM血液动力学的特征,提供了一个有效的工具。

27、And besought him that they might only touch the hem of his garment: and as many as touched were made perfectly whole. ─── 只求耶稣准他们摸他的衣裳?子,摸着的人,就都好了。

28、A bell and a pomegranate, a bell and a pomegranate, on the hem of the robe all around to minister in; as Jehovah had commanded Moses. ─── 一个金铃一个石榴,一个金铃一个石榴,在袍子周围底边上,用以供职;是照耶和华所吩咐摩西的。

29、This is a close-up view of an old skirt hemmer. ─── 这是一个老式裙子缝边器的特写镜头。

30、But the length suited her, so that's where the hem went. ─── 不过这个长度对她特别合适,所以她就把裙边裁到那里。

31、Does your supervisor hem and haw when you ask for long-term assignments? ─── 你向上司申请长期工作任务时他却总是闪烁其词?

32、The hem of her dress is decorated with rhinestones and printed stars which bring out the true twinkling beauty of Angelica Eve. ─── 她的裙摆上印刷着闪烁的星星作为装饰,带出天使般的耀眼光芒。

33、The folded edge of the hem or binding may be used with this finish. ─── 下摆折边或滚边可用这种针迹来处理。

34、To alter the hem of(a garment) so as to fall evenly at a specified height. ─── 修改衣服边缘修改(女裙)的下摆以使它最终有一个特定的长度

35、Before using these spotting agents on delicate garments and on textiles with poor color fastness we recommend to carry through a hem test. ─── 对于精细织物或易褪色织物在去渍前,应进行衣角折边测试。

36、What have you just done? Why is the lower hem of your clothers wet? ─── 你刚刚干什么去了,怎么衣服下半截都是湿的?

37、The seamstress carefully stitched the hem of the garment. ─── 女裁缝师小心缝著衣服的摺边。

38、She sat on the kitchen chair, crossed her legs, and the hem of her skirt rode up well above her right knee. ─── 她坐厨房椅子上,翘着二郎腿,裙边掀到右膝以上。

39、The seamstress bound the hem of the dress with a ruffle. ─── 女裁缝用褶裥饰边给女上衣镶边。

40、As the skirt was too long for her, she had to pin upthe hem. ─── 她嫌裙子太长,只得用针把裙边别起来。

41、A hem test should be carried out first on intensively dyed articles, if colour fastness is uncertain. ─── 在皮革染色牢度不确定的情况下,建议在使用前做边角测试。

42、They made pomegranates of blue, purple and scarlet yarn and finely twisted linen around the hem of the robe. ─── 在袍子底边上,用蓝色,紫色,朱红色线,并捻的细麻作石榴

43、BOTTOM hem facings must be fixed at All vertical dividing seams of outer shell to avoid falling down . ─── 底部的边缘面料一定在所有的垂直分度外部贝壳的缝合线被修理避免跌倒。

44、I caught the hem of my dress in the brambles. ─── 在荆棘丛中我突然抓住了衣服的边缘。

45、Can you help me to hem the skirt? ─── 你能帮我给裙子缝边吗?

46、"The men that breed from them they traffic up and down, but cling to their cities' hem as a child to the mother's gown. ─── “靠这些城市抚育着人们,让他们来来往往,但仅仅依附于城市的折缝之中,有如孩子依附于母亲的睡袍一样。”

47、Hem and Haw awoke each day a little later, dressed a little slower, and walked to Cheese Station C. ─── 哼哼和唧唧每天起得晚了,穿戴也慢了,然后漫步走到奶酪C站。

48、The gold bells and the pomegranates are to alternate around the hem of the robe. ─── 一个金铃铛一个石榴,一个金铃铛一个石榴,在袍子周围的底边上。

49、To hem in,hinder,or restrict with or as if with a hedge. ─── 围住,包围用树篱或者好象用树篱包围、设障碍、阻碍。

50、Awide purple band called clavus, insignia of rand, ornamented center front from neck to hem of the senator's tunic. ─── 女性会在丘尼卡外面再套一件长及脚面的“斯多拉“。

51、Surely you can take up the hem . ─── 你可以把折边收起一点,这没问题吧。

52、To make it exciting, buy a pair of jeans with a fringed hem or a simple leather belt. ─── 如果想加点街头时尚的味道,可以买一条有穗边或配有简单皮带的裤子。

53、The hem on her skirt needs sewing. ─── 她裙子上的褶边需要缝一缝。

54、Two were mice named “Sniff” & “Scurry” and two were little people named “Hem” & “Haw”. ─── 两个是小老鼠,一个名子叫嗅嗅,另一个叫匆匆。

55、Download VII. Hem - Lord, Blow The Moon Out Please. ─── 兔子说:嫦娥姐姐,请把月亮吹下来吧。

56、Pls advise if it is possible not to have a stitched line for front hem tie on lift side As worn? ─── 建议前身下摆左侧结用针织代替线缝?

57、The hem of your gown, when the tip of your shoe peeps from beneath, upsets me. ─── 只要你的鞋子尖儿从你裙袍下伸出来,我便会心慌意乱。

58、Carefully she rubbed and ironed every fold and every hem. ─── 她小心翼翼、一丝不苟地熨着每一个褶痕和贴边。

59、The hem of her skirt is way too high! ─── 她裙子的缝边高得太离谱了。

60、Vertical darts should be pressed towards the center, horizontal darts towards the hem (where possible). ─── 垂直省应朝中心线熨烫,横省朝下(合适的位置)。

61、A golden bell and a pomegranate, a golden bell and a pomegranate, upon the hem of the robe round about. ─── 34一个金铃铛一个石榴,一个金铃铛一个石榴,在袍子周围的底边上。

62、He stitched weights into the curtain's hem. ─── 他幕脚中缝进了重物。

63、Forty years he had wielded the brush without getting near enough to touch the hem of his Mistress's robe. ─── 他耍了四十年画笔,可是和艺术女神隔着相当距离,连她长袍的边都碰不到。

64、As the skirt was too 1ong, she had to pinup the hem. ─── 因为裙子太长,她只得把裙摆别起来。

65、He covertly removed the chewing gum from my hem. ─── 他偷偷地拿掉了粘在我衣摆上的口香糖。

66、You'll command any audience wearing a bold woodblock batik print with low-cut neck and asymmetrical hem. ─── 奶奶穿过的衣服经常让妳爱不释手。

67、He stepped on the hem of her long gown. ─── 他踩在她的长礼服的褶边上。

68、The days will come upon you when your enemies will build an embankment against you and encircle you and hem you in on every side. ─── 44并要扫灭你,和你里头的儿女,连一块石头也不留在石头上。因你不知道眷顾你的时候。

69、To Hem, Cheese was becoming A Big Cheese in charge of others and owning a big house atop Camembert Hill. ─── 对哼哼来说,拥有奶酪可以使他成为大人物,可以领导很多很多人,而且可以在卡米伯特山顶上拥有一座华丽的宫殿。

70、A bell and a pomegranate, a bell and a pomegranate, round about the hem of the robe to minister in; as the LORD commanded Moses. ─── 一个铃铛,一个石榴,一个铃铛,一个石榴,在袍子周围底边上用以供职,是照耶和华所吩咐摩西的。

71、A place gathering becomes a hem field of a mysterious mountain now. And it is surrounded in the topography which is steepness. ─── 一个地方聚集,成为下摆领域的一个神秘的山区。这是包围在地形是陡直。

72、The hem shall be free of puckering, broken runs, double runs, thread clusters and or skipped stitches. ─── 下摆无起皱、运线中断,线迹重合,线结松散或跳针。

73、Upturn Pocket Hemmer for Double Needle Machine ─── 双针袋口卷边器

74、And they said no word at all, but only cast themselves down before him, and touched the hem of his garment in token of their healing. ─── 他们默默不语,只是俯在他的面前,触碰他的衣边,示意他们已经痊愈。

75、The hem of your dress needs to be let down an inch. ─── 你衣肤的折边有必要放长1英寸。

76、Inside each pocket is the end of the bottom hem shock cord adjustment.They're lined with tricot brushed mesh material. ─── 在每个口呆的里面是底部折线减震绳的末端。

77、To hem in, hinder, or restrict with or as if with a hedge. ─── 围住,包围用树篱或者好象用树篱包围、设障碍、阻碍

78、Actually, the figure floated there; the hem of its robe billowed gently an inch or two above the ramp. ─── 实际上,那个身影是漂浮的。长袍的底边在坡道地面上方一两英寸的地方轻拂波动。

79、She braid the neckline, hem and cuff of the dress. ─── 她用穗带装饰连衣裙的领口、摺边和袖口。

80、Bottom hem elastic adjustment - The bottom hem has elastic shock cord and can be cinched tight to keep wind out. ─── 底部弹性调节褶边--底部弹性可调节褶边的弹力绳可拉紧不让风吹入。

81、They made two gold rings and fixed them to the lower corners of the Breastpiece, on the inner hem, next to the Ephod. ─── 又做了两个金环,安在胸牌下两端,靠近厄弗得的内边缘上。

82、The bridal dress flows fluidly from the bust to the hem with an unbroken line. ─── 做模拟目的是要准备08年考试中新的题型,所以也要认真对待。

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