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09-13 投稿



iterance 发音

英:[['ɪtərəns]]  美:[['ɪtərəns]]

英:  美:

iterance 中文意思翻译



iterance 相似词语短语

1、hinderance ─── 阻碍

2、intolerance ─── n.(尤指对别人的意见)不宽容;偏狭

3、utterance ─── n.表达;说话;说话方式

4、iterate ─── vt.迭代;重复;反复说;重做

5、alternance ─── 交替

6、iterant ─── adj.重复的;复述的;反复申说的

7、reiterances ─── 重复

8、reiterance ─── 重复

9、trance ─── n.恍惚;出神;着迷,入迷;vt.使恍惚;使发呆

iterance 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Abstract The cable body of the superconducting busbar conductor for ITER by the multistage twist of the superconductivity strand and the pure copper strand is quite soft. ─── 摘要 国际热核聚变实验堆(ITER)超导电流传输线导体的内部电缆体由超导股线和纯铜股线经多级绞缆后复合而成,相对柔软。

2、a tertio ad quartum ventriculum iter ─── [医] 中脑水管

3、In truth, it could take several more years before scientists and engineers on the project can coax a power-producing plasma from ITER. ─── 事实上,项目科学家和工程师要花几年的时间才能使ITER产生出一个输出能量的等离子体。

4、1.The ITER project, admirable though it is, should be merely a component of a concerted effort. ─── 国际热核聚变能源研究计划,尽管绝妙,本来应当只不过是整个能源研究开发协调努力的一部分。

5、Known as ITER, the project will attempt to harness the same type of energy which powers the Sun and other stars. ─── 该计划将试图利用同样让太阳与其他星体发光的巨大能量;

6、Mechanical structure and support design of ITER poloidal field busbar were expounded and stress analysis was carried out using FEA technique. ─── 摘要阐述了ITER极向场磁体系统超导母线的结构及支撑设计,用有限元分析法对结构进行了分析。

7、iter dentium ─── 牙导管

8、iter ad infundibulum ─── 漏斗口

9、chordae anterius iter ─── [医] 鼓索出口小管, 于吉埃氏管

10、They all bring about the state of illness lingering,deferment and iter... ─── 因此,临证从痰瘀辨治是治疗该病的根本方法。

11、Activation analysis and waste management for the dual functional lithium-lead test blanket module for ITER ─── ITER中国液态锂铅实验包层模块活化特性分析与废料处理

12、ITER vacuum vessel ─── ITER真空室

13、Activation calculation and environmental safety analysis for ITER test blanket module ─── ITER试验包层模块活化计算与环境安全分析

14、Analyzes a load acted on thermal overhead pipeline and calculates pipeline's displacement using infinite element iter... ─── 计算结果表明,分析热力架空管道必须考虑位移的非线性因素,同时必须正确考虑支座摩擦力的影响。

15、Study of improving core fueling with pellet injection in ITER ─── 改善ITER弹丸注入芯部加料的研究

16、iter a tertio ad quartum ventriculum ─── 中脑水管

17、Numerical simulation of the temperature field in the ITER Chinese helium cooled solid breeder test blanket module ─── ITER中国固体实验包层温度场数值模拟

18、When we consider about happiness, we applying consider of event extraordinary, a pinnacle of ITer delight. And those pinnacles seem to get the rare notr, the older we get. ─── 当咱们考虑开心的时间,咱们通常想到一部份不相同寻常的时刻,那绝对喜悦的顶点,而这种时刻随着年龄的增长愈来愈少。

19、Status of Development and Design of Magnetic Confinement Fusion Reactors and ITER Test Blanket Modules ─── 磁约束聚变堆及ITER实验包层模块设计研究进展

20、Detailed scheme of structure design of ITER helium cooled solid breeder (HCSB) test blanket module (TBM) has carried out. ─── 摘要给出了中国ITER氦冷固体增殖剂(HCSB)实验包层模块(TBM)整体结构的初步设计。

21、iter chordae anterius ─── 鼓索小管前部

22、If work on a commercial plant began in parallel with ITER, rather than decades after it goes online, fusion might be ready to scale up for production by midcentury, Najmabadi argues. ─── 纳马巴蒂指出,如果商用电厂和ITER同时发展,而不是浪费几十年等它上线,那麽也许到本世纪中叶,核融合即能提高生产规模了。

23、iter exec a.depends; ─── 听 听 听 List.

24、Structural design and optimization of cryostat feedthrough for ITER magnet ─── ITER磁体过渡馈线的结构设计与优化

25、ITER aims to do this at a scale and in conditions that will demonstrate the scientific and technological feasibility of fusion as a practical energy source. ─── ITER计划旨在证明在这样的规模和条件下,核融合作为一个实用能源的科学理论和技术都是具有相当可行性的。

26、In this paper, the ITER project, the ITER test blanket module (TBM) program and its origin are introduced briefly. ─── 摘要简要介绍了ITER计划的发展历程;综述了ITER实验包层模块计划(ITER-TBM)的历史、主要技术路线和最新的设计与研发进展;

27、iter update (List.tl file_l); ─── 听 听 听 听 听 听List.

28、Results show th at our analysis method is more suitable to be implemented by computers, the iter ation times aredecreased obviously. ─── 本文还给出了纳米测量中微动工作台涉及的柔性铰链有限元分析计算实例。

29、For example, in *++iter the increment changes the value of iter , and the (changed) value of iter is then used as the operand to * . ─── 例如,*++iter表达式的自增操作修改了iter的值,然后将iter(修改后)的值用作*操作符的操作数。

30、ITER gravity support ─── ITER重力支撑

31、Thermomechanical analysis of the DFLL test blanket module for ITER ─── ITER中国液态锂铅实验包层模块结构热应力数值模拟

32、ad infundibulum iter ─── [医] 漏斗口

33、In June of 2005, the parties agreed to build ITER in the south of France at Cadarache. ─── 2005年6月,各方同意在法国南部Cadarache建造ITER。

34、iter of Sylvieus ─── 西耳维厄斯(氏)管, 中脑水管

35、Iterator iter = session.iterate("from cat in class eg. ─── 关系也是延迟装载的。

36、A mathematical model describing the complex fluid-dynamics of a bubble extractor from liquid LiPb loop for ITER was presented. ─── 建立了1个描述ITER液态锂铅回路鼓泡提取器复杂的流体动力学的数学模型。

37、Didn't these nations already agree to build ITER last year? ─── 去年这些国家不是已经同意建造ITER了么?

38、The helium cooling system is an important ancillary system of the dual-functional lithium lead test blanket module(DFLL-TBM) for ITER. ─── 氦气冷却系统是ITER中国液态锂铅实验包层模块(DFLL-TBM)在ITER装置内进行实验的重要辅助系统。

39、ITER is an experimental reactor which will reproduce the physical reaction of fusing the nuclei of atoms that occurs in the Sun and stars. ─── ITER计划是要设立一个实验反应炉,以再现太阳和其他恒星内部的原子核融合反应。

40、Wr iter applies the hydraulic theory often calculating,find a way to measure leak in center pipe and introduced how adopt the meth od in practice. ─── 笔者利用水力学理论,经过反复推算,找到一种简易可行测试中心管漏点方法,并介绍如何在实验中运用这种方法。

41、chordae posterius iter ─── [医] 鼓索入口, 鼓索小管鼓索口

42、Hydraulic and thermal analyses of the shield block have been done to examine whether the current design meets the ITER requirements or not. ─── 摘要对ITER靠近中性束端口的标准屏蔽包层模块进行了热工水力与热应力计算与分析。

43、Power Flux Calculation of First Wail, Divertor Plate and Wall of ITER ─── ITER第一壁、偏滤器靶板和壁的热负荷计算

44、ITER(International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) is a planning international Tokamak reactor designed to demonstrate the feasibility of the full dimensions controlled nuclear fusion technology. ─── 国际热核聚变实验实验堆)是规划建设中的一个为验证全尺寸可控核聚变技术的可行性而设计的国际托卡马克实验堆。

45、dentium iter ─── [医] 牙导管

46、The European Union (EU), United States, Japan, South Korea, Russia, China and India all signed an agreement to build ITER. ─── 欧盟、美国、日本、韩国、俄罗斯、中国和印度都签署了建造ITER的协议。

47、The activation results demonstrate that the current HCSB-TBM design can satisfy the ITER safety design requirements from the activation point of view. ─── 活化计算结果表明,当前的HCSB-TBM设计从中子活化角度满足ITER安全设计需求。

48、Critics say ITER is unsafe, discourages conservation, and draws funds from renewable energy development. ─── 批评人士则认为ITER计划不但不安全、还有损保育工作,甚至排挤再生能源发展的经费。


50、Although the ILC's price tag may seem steep, it is roughly comparable to the costs of large science programs such as the LHC and the ITER nuclear fusion reactor. ─── ILC的造价看似昂贵,它倒还和LHC与ITER核融合反应器等大型计画的花费约略相当。

51、Preliminary structure design of helium cooled solid breeder test blanket module for ITER test blanket programme ─── ITER氦冷固体氚增殖剂实验包层模块结构设计

52、Tritium extraction system design of the dual functional lithium lead test blanket module for ITER ─── ITER中国液态锂铅实验包层模块氚提取系统设计

53、She is an idiot on computer, so, as a ITer, resolving problems of our computer is my duty-bound job. ─── 在电脑方面,我姐姐是个“白痴”。所以,作为一个IT人,解决我们的电脑问题就成了我义不容辞的工作。

54、During the operational time of the ITER, the cooling water will remove 80% of the fusion energy depositing in the shield blanket. ─── 在ITER的运行过程中,80%的聚变能都要通过屏蔽包层里面的冷却水带出到环境中。

55、The siler iterance! -- only minding, Dear, ─── 说你爱我,你爱我,一声声敲着银钟!

56、Thermal hydraulic design and analysis of the dual-function lithium-lead test blanket module for ITER ─── ITER中国液态锂铅实验包层模块热工水力学设计与分析

57、iter continuity x-velocity y-velocity energy k epsilon time/iter Error: Floating poi. ─── 刚学Fluent,迭代进行不下去,不提示错误信息如下,请高手赐教!

58、ITER aims for three principal goals. ─── ITER有三个主要目标。

59、Some say ITER will draw more power from the French electricity grid than it will produce. ─── 有些人士认为ITER计划将会消耗掉法国电力网络的电力资源,远远超出它所能生产的电力。

60、insert (iter, pair (j, zero)); ─── 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 iter = v.

61、erase( iter ); ─── 听 听 听 听 mBrowserWindowMap.

62、ITER project ─── ITER工程

63、silver iterance! —only minding, Dear. ─── 一声声敲着银钟! 只是要记住。

64、The preliminary design of the helium cooling system for the dual-functional lithium lead test blanket module for ITER ─── ITER中国液态锂铅实验包层模块氦气冷却系统初步设计研究

65、In-wall shielding structural features of ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) vacuum vessel were introduced.The virtual design system model was applied. ─── 摘要介绍了ITER(国际热核聚变实验堆)真空室内屏蔽结构的特点,提出了内屏蔽结构的虚拟设计体系结构模型。

66、ITER transfer cask ─── ITER运输车

67、Power Flux Calculation of First Wall, Divertor Plate and Wall of ITER Exploratory Study of Blanket Liquid Curtain ─── ITER第一壁、偏滤器靶板和壁的热负荷计算包层液帘的探索性研究

68、ITER gravity support system ─── ITER重力支撑系统

69、. iter . ─── * 正向遍历 .

70、725. The peer's queer peering is a ITer sneer. ─── 贵族的奇怪盯着看是完全讽笑。

71、ITER; International Thesaurus of Refugee Terminology; ─── 国际难民术语词汇;

72、The 2005 TBWG Final report.EU report to the ITER Test Blanket Working Group,ftp.itereu.de 2005 ─── 刘松林.汪卫华.龙鹏程.吴宜灿聚变发电反应堆双冷液态锂铅包层模块结构设计与分析[期刊论文]-核科学与工程2005(1

73、The silver iterance! -- only minding, Dear, ─── 说你爱我,你爱我,一声声敲著银钟!

74、The dual functional lithium lead test blanket module and the testing strategy for ITER[J].Chin J Nucl Sci Eng,2005,25(4):347-360(in Chinese). ─── ITER中国液态锂铅实验包层模块设计研究与实验策略[J].核科学与工程,2005,25(4):347-360.

75、iter Condition.signal s.queues ; ─── 听 听 听 听 听 听 List.

76、Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) ─── 国际热核聚变实验堆(ITER)

77、Virtual Design of ITER Vacuum Vessel In-wall Shielding Structure ─── ITER真空室内屏蔽结构的虚拟设计


79、select,or,end;iter until while end; ─── Jackson伪代码:seq,end;

80、iter chordae posterius ─── 鼓索小管后部

81、The construction of International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) makes a great effect on fusion materials research and development. ─── 摘要当前国际热核实验堆(ITER)的建造对推动聚变材料研究起着关键作用。

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