intransigent 发音
英:[ɪnˈtrænzɪdʒənt] 美:[ɪnˈtrænzɪdʒənt]
英: 美:
intransigent 中文意思翻译
intransigent 网络释义
adj. 不妥协的;不让步的n. 不妥协的人
intransigent 词性/词形变化,intransigent变形
副词: intransigently |名词: intransigence |
intransigent 相似词语短语
1、intransigently ─── 不妥协地,不让步地
2、intransigents ─── adj.不妥协的;不让步的;n.不妥协的人
3、intransigeant ─── 顽固的
4、intransigency ─── n.不妥协态度;不让步
5、intransigentism ─── 不妥协
6、intransigeantly ─── 顽固地
7、intransigentist ─── 不妥协
8、intransigence ─── n.不妥协;不让步;不调和
9、intransigeance ─── 不妥协
intransigent 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、As if she was on the point of death as some rumors have suggested, the guerillas might be less intransigent. ─── 因为,如果如传言所说,她已经到了死亡的边缘,那么反动分子也许就不会做出这一让步了。
2、He can be intransigent and pigheaded at times. ─── 他有时候会很固执,寸步不让。
3、“Some buyers have been intransigent in the face of losses. ─── “有些购买商明知损失的存在也不让步。
4、He is very intransigent; although everyone thinks he is wrong he will not change his decision. ─── 他一点都不妥协;即使每个人都认为他不对,他仍不改变他的决定。
5、He has faced accusations of indecision on the US campaign in Afghanistan and intransigent congressional opposition to his efforts at a bipartisan compromise on healthcare. ─── 他受到多方非难,一是美国对阿富汗战争的态度迟疑,二是遭国会反对他致力于达成两党就医疗问题的妥协。
6、" But the reality is that the Bush administration is letting an intransigent regime off the hook.Administration officials explain Ms. ─── 但高级政府官员表示他们不指望金正日政权将在未来九个月交出它的钚。
7、the trait of being intransigent; stubbornly refusing to compromise ─── 不妥协;坚决拒绝妥协
8、Now, however, business objectives are the drivers, and represent the most intransigent aspect of this effort. ─── 现在商业目标是推动者并代表此工作的最不妥些的方面。
9、take an intransigent attitude ─── 采取强硬态度
10、the Merseyside story offers hope that savings can be made in even the most intransigent public services-by preventing problems rather than merely coping with them. ─── 默西·赛德郡的事例表明,即使是最不妥协的公共部门都有望节省开支——通过预防问题而不仅仅只是解决问题。
11、As if she was on the point of death as some rumors have suggested, the guerillas might be less intransigent. ─── 因为,如果如传言所说,她已经到了死亡的边缘,那么反动分子也许就不会做出这一让步了。
12、He has faced accusations of indecision on the us campaign in Afghanistan and intransigent congressional opposition to his efforts at a bipartisan compromise on healthcare. ─── 他面临着种种指责:美国在阿富汗战役中的迟疑不决,他致力于达成两党关于医保问题的妥协而国会却对此坚决持反对意见。
13、1.stubborn; intransigent; mulish; obstinate; pigheaded 2.against changes on principle3.to die hard ─── 顽固
14、Owiersto their intransigent attitude we is unable to reach an agreement ─── 由於他们态度僵硬, 我们无法达成协议
15、But that the typically intransigent regime might actually be pushed to action on human rights issues -- and by a movement of individuals, not governments -- has caught many off guard. ─── 然而,光依靠几位人士的行动,而非政府的推动,来促使这个一直顽固不化的政权在人权上有所作为,确实让很多人感到意外。
16、If you decide that being right is what matters to you, you are too intransigent to be a boss at all. ─── 作为一个读者来信专栏的作者,我见惯了人们向我诉说他们的工作毫无意义。
17、Hazlitt followed Mises's example of intransigent adherence to principle, and as a result was pushed out of four high-profile positions in the journalistic world. ─── 黑兹利特以米塞斯为榜样,在原则问题上毫不妥协,他也因此被迫放弃了四个新闻舆论界的高薪职位。
18、Venus Allied with Taurus, the planet of love becomes passionate and intransigent. ─── 金星与金牛宫结盟,主宰爱情的行星使人充满热情和不妥协。
19、Let us not forget that the Japanese are an intransigent people. ─── 吾人慎勿忘日本乃一顽强之民族。
20、He was a tireless builder of monasteries as well as an intransigent penitential preacher, spending all his energy to nourish the Christian roots of Europe, which was being born. ─── 他是不知道疲倦的修道院建造者,也是永不妥协的苦行忏悔的倡导者。他用自己所有的精力来浇灌生他养他的欧洲基督宗教根基。
21、The intransigent can be isolated. ─── 不妥协的人就会被孤立。
22、He also said the U.S. and its allies will draft a package of sanctions 'over the next several weeks' to show an intransigent Iran 'the importance of having consequences. ─── 奥巴马还表示,美国及其盟国将在未来几个星期制定一套制裁方案,向固执的伊朗展示“后果的重要性”。
23、' Cramer railed in a column this weekend, 'We are at this extreme because our policymakers have simply been lazy, wrong, intransigent and foolish. ─── (金融市场评论员)克莱默在本周的专栏中写道,我们面临如此的困难局面,是因为我们的决策者们一直懒惰、错误、顽化和愚蠢;
24、Owing to their intransigent attitude we were unable to reach an agreement. ─── 由于他们态度僵硬,我们无法达成协议。
25、an intransigent attitude ─── 不肯让步的态度
26、intransigent parties to the dispute ─── 争论中的不妥协的各方
27、As fin intransigent non-objective painter, he is antipathetic to figuration, especially Expressionist and decorative. ─── 作为一个不妥协的非客观画家,他憎恶具体的形象,特别是表现主义和装饰风格。
28、As a result, when the commission showed it was willing to be as intransigent as Mr Welch, the merger was abandoned. ─── 结果,当欧盟宁愿像韦尔奇一样表现得不妥协,该合并交易最终被抛弃。
29、In addition,the Iran rulers will be more intransigent to U.S. after bombing. ─── 此外,轰炸会使伊朗统治者对美国持更加不妥协的态度。
30、2. owing to their intransigent attitude we were unable to reach an agreement. ─── 由于他们态度僵硬,我们无法达成协议.
31、Having failed to secure his demands, his position became increasingly intransigent and unacceptable. ─── 在他的要求得不到保障的时候,他的位置变得越来越不妥当和无法令人接受.
32、An intransigent conservative opposed to every liberal tendancy. ─── 反对任何自由主义倾向的固执的保守派。
33、Certainly the religious traditions have a deeply intransigent strain. ─── 当然,在宗教传统里面存在着深远的却同时也是扭曲的不妥协态度。
34、the trait of being intransigent; stubbornly refusing to compromise. ─── 不妥协;坚决拒绝妥协。
35、Well, maybe the idea was that the parties would compromise out of fear that there would be a political price for seeming intransigent. ─── 哎呀,当初的设想是,出于对坚持顽固不化立场带来的政治代价的恐惧,两党会做出妥协。
36、From my point of view he was intransigent, patronising and utterly insufferable. ─── 在我看来,他倔强、高傲、完全无法忍受。
37、Bosnia won the deal only after its intransigent leaders wore down their EU partners into accepting a watered-down version of reform for Bosnia's police. ─── 只有在其顽固的领导人让其欧盟伙伴接受波斯尼亚警察改革的精简版本,波斯尼亚方可在协议胜出。
38、As befits a nation originally settled by misfits,con-victs,adventurers,and religious fanatics (a demo-graphic mix that has changed hardly at all in nearly 400 years),the United States retains a strong flavour of intransigent noncooperation. ─── 最初来到这片土地的是一些不适应环境的人、罪犯、冒险家和宗教狂热分子(将近四百年来,这种群体构成几乎没有什么变化)。与此相应,美国有一种强烈的绝不合作的气氛。
39、All of a sudden, she was overcome with joy and her face lit up, but to my surprise she was still intransigent: “Voting is a sacred and personal duty for me. ─── 妻子一听,顿时心花怒放,喜上眉梢,但她毫不妥协的态度却出乎意料:“投票是个人的神圣义务,我坚决反对你越俎代庖!”
40、In the face of such points he tends to adopt the stance of the intransigent prophet. ─── 在这些方面,他倾向于采取不妥协的先知的立场。
41、intransigent:Refusing to moderate a position, especially an extreme position;uncompromising. ─── 不妥协的:拒绝缓和态度,特别是极端态度的;
42、It’s quite the opposite.In a speech to students at Harvard medical school, Witty laid out a three-fold plan to tackle the intransigent issue of neglected diseases in the developing world. ─── 正好相反,在一次在哈佛医学院对学生的讲话中,威蒂对发展中世界被忽视的疾病痼疾问题订出了3倍的解决计划。
43、To become powerful and intransigent ─── 飞扬跋扈
44、Owing to their intransigent attitude we were unable to reach an agreement ─── 由於他们态度僵硬,我们无法达成协议
45、He can be intransigent and pig-headed at times. ─── 他有时候会很固执, 寸步不让。
46、Having China draw down economic ties with Iran might further help moderates within Tehran's fractured leadership to gain some sway over Iran's intransigent policy. ─── 美国和其他大国提出在一系列问题上与伊朗对话,如果伊朗停止铀浓缩,可以帮助伊朗建造核电厂。
47、On the core question of Palestine, what may be the Israelis' most intransigent government ever elected faces off against a deeply divided and dysfunctional Palestinian camp. ─── 在巴勒斯坦这一核心问题上,以色列要面对的是一个四分五裂,政府职能低下的巴勒斯坦阵营。
48、This intransigent attitude of Stravinsky's may be due to the fact that so many people have tried to read different meanings into so many pieces. ─── 斯特拉文斯基的这一不妥协的态度,可能是由于那么多人曾试图在那么多音乐作品中读出不同意义。
49、If you decide that being right is what matters to you, you are too intransigent to be a boss at all. ─── 如果你认为,对你来说,自己做得对更重要,那你就太不懂妥协了,根本不能当老板。
50、On the other side, leftwing parts of the Democratic party have been equally intransigent. ─── 而另一方,民主党左翼派系同样寸步不让。
51、Mankind are born to be intransigent ! ─── 人生下来就是为了不妥协!
52、They promoted an intransigent revolutionary strategy ─── 他们采取一种毫不妥协的革命战略。
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