qual 中文意思翻译
qual 短语词组
1、qual o valor de x x ─── 的值是多少
2、dong qual ─── 东哪一个
3、qual high ─── 多高
4、qual fy ─── 什么财政年度
qual 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、The developed index system includes the water quality assessment standard, t he calculation method and the water qual ity meaning of index. ─── 评价指数系统包括评价依据、综合指数的计算以及评价结果的水质含义和报告方法等。
2、Qual: BSEE, 5-10 Marketing ears industry experience. Familiar partners/customers. Referezce design. 4.Layout Physical Verification. ─── 工程,计算机,物理,自动化或相关专业大专及以上学历.
3、The result shows that the CFF of eyes sh ould be regarded as the physiological indexes in choosing and assigning the qual ified race walking judges. ─── 结果表明:双眼的CFF应作为竞走裁判员选材的生理指标;
4、Strengthening the medica l files written canonically and legally has made the quality of the medical qual ity improved obviously. ─── 一年分4个季度随机抽查病历500份及平时抽查科室运行的病历进行质量评审检查分析,对主要存在问题进行归纳分析,及时作出相应的对策。
5、The aging catalysts produced by this method are very close to those of industrial balance-catalysts, the distributing and qual . . . ─── 该方法所得的老化污染剂与工业平衡剂性质基本相近,所得产品分布和产品性质能完全用于模拟工业化装置。
6、The Monographic Teaching and the Cultivation of Students'Ability and Qual ity ─── 专题式教学与能力、素质培养
7、CONCLUSIONS The cream can be prepared simply and feasibly.The method of qual... ─── 结论:该制剂工艺简便易行,其质量控制方法简单、快速,准确。
8、Effects of Total Water Soluble Extract of Fructus Corni on Life Qual ity and Tissue of Adrenal Gland in the Rat of Kidney Yang-deficiency ─── 山茱萸水溶性总提取物对肾阳虚动物模型生命质量和肾上腺组织的影响
9、It has been a long time coming that PD's across the nation should institute a combat qual course. ─── 要等到全国警察部门都设立实战资格训练课程,那还有一段漫长的路。
10、The processing precision and surface quality of diehead spiral gear are improved,resulting in an improvement in the qual... ─── 该工艺铣削出的模头螺旋齿的尺寸精度和表面质量有了大幅度提高,进而提高了铝电解碳阳极的质量,提高了工效,降低了生产成本。
11、This method has very strong programmable character.It can largely alleviate labor strength of scientific researcher,raise efficiency of scientific research and increase flexible qual... ─── 该方法具有很强的可编程性,能极大地减轻科研人员的劳动强度,提高科研效率,增加计算方案的灵活性。
12、teaching qual ity ─── 教学质量
13、The Selection of New Rapeseed Varieties with High Yield and Good Qual ity for the Application in Wuhu Prefecture ─── 芜湖地区优质高产杂交油菜新品种的筛选
14、Through probing into quality in service enc ounter,the present research particularly discusses how to promoting tourist qual ity in service encounter to realize customer satisfaction for tourist enterprise s. ─── 本文通过服务接触质量探讨,着重论述了旅游企业如何提高旅游服务接触质量以实现顾客满意
15、camminate nell’amore come anche Cristo vi ha amati e ha dato se stesso per noi in offerta e sacrificio a Dio, qual profumo d’odor soave. ─── 要凭着爱心行事,好像基督爱我们,为我们舍己,当作馨香的供品和祭物献给 神。
16、The Evening MBA and Weekend MBA Programs offers working students the same degree, taught by the same world-class faculty, with the same peerless standard of qual... ─── 晚上和周末的MBA工商管理硕士课程的学生提供工作的相同程度,教同世界一流的师资,以同样的皮尔利斯质量标准。
17、After improving, the surface temperature of tape drum dropped, the machine efficiency, the qual... ─── 改进后降低了布带轮组的表面温度,提升了滤棒质量和零件的使用寿命。
18、Main responsibilities:- Establish, maintain and optimize company's quality management system to ensure high qual...... ... ─── 公司名称:南京商周企业顾问有限公司工作地点:其他发布时间:2009-5-1
19、Objective To evaluate the qual ity of Chinese literatures on the methodology of D-dimer diagnostic test. ─── 目的评价国内关于D-二聚体的检测文献方法学质量。
20、Fabric/textile background with bachelor. - Experience for wash, jeans product preferable.- More than five years related technology or fabric qual... ─── 招聘人数:1经验要求:5年以上要求学历:本科提供月薪:面议
21、Capillary effect of semi -products, conveyor and dyeing quality should be controlled to improve the qual ity of frosted corduroy. ─── 为提高霜花灯芯绒的质量,必须从半制品毛效、履带板印和染色质量等三方面进行控制,以生产出高质量的产品。
22、The yellow serofluid esterified fluid after the treatment such as precipitation and decoloration etc.was used directly in liquor blending,which could improve liquor quality and increase qual... ─── 将经沉淀、脱色等酯化技术处理后的黄浆水酯化液用来直接勾兑白酒,可提高酒的质量和优质品率,并可大幅度降低生产成本。
23、I Giudei allora presero a dirgli: Qual segno ci mostri tu che fai queste cose? ─── 犹太人就问他:“你可以显什么神迹给我们看,证明你有权作这些事呢?”
24、It is as a Germany saying going, “Wer die Wahl hat, hat die Qual” ("He who has the choice, has the distress. ─── 德国人有一句谚语:谁有选择,谁就有痛苦。
25、(The fashionable tidal current waistband, is suitable for the four seasons women stylish clothing, the leisure, noble, I take charge of by the low-price qual... ─── 时尚潮流腰带,适用于四季女式时款服装,休闲,高贵,我司以价廉物美,无铅无粒,质量保证!
26、Per la qual cosa trovano strano che voi non corriate con loro agli stessi eccessi di dissolutezza, e dicon male di voi. ─── 他们见你们不再与他们同奔那纵情放荡的路,就觉得奇怪,毁谤你们。
27、It is of professional qual... ─── 1.专业品质,安全无忧.
28、E il governatore prese a dir loro: Qual de’ due volete che vi liberi? E quelli dissero: Barabba. ─── 总督问他们:“这两个人,你们要我给你们释放哪一个?”他们说:“巴拉巴!”
29、Dennis saying they can go for victory, whereas in France he said they were gunning for a podium after qual. ─── 丹尼斯在排位赛后说,他们明天将向胜利前进,在法国他则说将为领奖台而战。
30、The syrup of low fermentation de-gree could be pr epared by twice liquefaction and then it could be applied in the brewing of qual ified low alcohol beer. ─── 采用二次液化法可生产出低发酵度的低醇啤酒专用糖浆,并用其可生产出合格的低醇啤酒。
31、Sweden, Italy, U.S.A, Japan and Holand etc.have developed PET plastic packing successively which has properties of longer fresh preservation, light qual... ─── 瑞典、意大利、美国、日本、荷兰等国家相继开发出PET塑料啤酒瓶,共同特点是保鲜时间长、质地轻、不易碎、方便贮运、降低成本、可回收利用等。
32、A high price is often a result of several of these items. Excellent printing and paper qual ... ─── 标签:印刷,数字印刷,商业印刷,印刷业,三维打印趋势
33、Qual novella? ─── 有什麽消息?
34、QUAL model ─── QUAL模型
35、EPC casting process with adopting hollow EPS pattern and EPMMA pattern to elimi nate car burization,wrinkle and inclusion defects was introduced,and high qual ity grinding balls were produced. ─── 介绍了采用空心EPS模样、EPMMA模样解决增碳、皱皮、夹杂缺陷的工艺途径,生产出优质的磨球。
36、Use a qualifier of your preference, in our case qual. ─── 使用您首选的限定词,在我们的案例中是QUAL。
37、The tea quality was appraised by comparing it with Longjin Tea, and the relationship between tea qual... ─── 通过与龙井茶元素含量的对比,评价了本区茶叶质量,探讨了茶叶内在品质与地质、地球化学背景的关系。
38、Intern's responsibilities Job responsibilities of interns joining a medical internship in Kenya vary with education, skills, experience, and qual... ─── 区:肯尼亚-|专业领域:医学|行业部门:非盈利|实习开始时间:十一月2009|实习种类实习工作
39、According to the requirements of company‘s operation system, make the quality system driven.- Leading the qual...... ... ─── 公司名称:西艾意汽车零部件(上海)有限公司工作地点:其他发布时间:2009-5-16
40、I've offered Qual-Kehk my ideas on how to break the siege, but he dismisses them. ─── 我已经告诉夸尔凯克打破这一次围城的计画,但是他并没有理会。
41、6 Cantatas, The Flowering and Fading of Love: VI. Ahi qual cruccio, qual pena, La gelosia ─── 六首康塔塔,“爱情之花的盛开与凋谢”:第六首:哎呀,多么悲伤,多么痛苦,“嫉妒”
42、Generally, the number of HHR increased and their qual... ─── 权力下放政策实施后,卫生人力的数量、素质、结构有所改善。
43、The aging catalysts produced by this method are very close to those of industrial balance-catalysts,the distributing and qual... ─── 该方法所得的老化污染剂与工业平衡剂性质基本相近,所得产品分布和产品性质能完全用于模拟工业化装置。
44、Qual suon! Alcun s appressa! ─── 那是什麽声响?有人来了!
45、Info:Offered in a wide assortment of colors, our range of colored yarn is fabricated from the finest qual ...... ─── 主要材质:涤纶次要材质:涤纶颜色:有色的用途:梭织
46、Wahl ist qual,Was vorbei ist vorbei. ─── 决定了!我要一个人勇敢地回家.
47、Job Description:1 To conduct inspection on daily production and subcontracted parts to ensure compliance to qual...... ... ─── 公司名称:百利得安全气囊国际贸易(上海)有限公司工作地点:浙江省湖州市发布时间:2009-3-30
48、Dennis saying they can go for victory, whereas in France he said they were gunning for a podium after qual. ─── 丹尼斯在排位赛后说,他们明天将向胜利前进,在法国他则说将为领奖台而战。
49、After improving, the surface temperature of tape drum dropped, the machine efficiency, the qual. . . ─── 改进后降低了布带轮组的表面温度,提升了滤棒质量和零件的使用寿命。
50、Among the key function: 1.Assumes responsibility for supervision of construction activities to achieve project objectives, e.g. safety, qual... ─── 德希尼布工程咨询(上海)有限公司-工作地点:上海
51、These com'panies charge high fees, and they provide' advice' or ser'vices which will not help you to qual'ify' for a vi'sa. ─── 这些公司收取高的费用,并且,他们提供将不帮助你获得签证上所需要的资格的劝告或服务。
52、Design of Future network on Circumstance Air Qual ity in Thermal Power Plant ─── 火电厂环境空气质量未来监测网络设计
53、Keywords Luzhou-flavor Daqu liquor;Taishan Tequ Liquor;improvement of qual ity;technical measures; ─── 浓香型大曲酒;泰山特曲;提高质量;技术措施;
54、With the exception of Qual -Kehk, the townspeople do not see what I see -- the massacre we face. ─── 除了夸尔凯克以外,城镇中的居民都看不到我眼中所见-我们面临的惨败。
55、Caregivers are energetic, creative, and committed people who work one-on-one with individuals with autism and other disabilities to improve their qual... ─── 区:美国-|专业领域:行政管理|行业部门:其它|实习开始时间:九月2009|实习种类职业工作
56、Liquor manufacturers should pay more attention to not only economic benefits but also social benefits.They should produce more qual... ─── 让酒为沟通亲情友情、密切人际关系、点缀美好生活、获得高雅享受,为建设和谐社会发挥积极的作用。
57、You are a person, not a beast. Pay attention to your qual... ─── 你是一个人,不是一个野兽。注意你的品行。
58、I am GAOYU office make furniture co.,ltd in China.We supply office furniture and sofa with good qual... ─── 发布者:谭铭丽所在地:广东佛山市行业:其他职位:外销员工作年限:
59、This article describe s the use of the artificial neural netw ork technology to study the service qual i ty of AE signal’s recognition and AE sou rce pattern’s classification for the sphe re vessel. ─── 利用人工神经网络技术 ,对球形容器声发射检测信号进行有效性识别及源模式分类研究。通过对所得典型实验数据进行有效性分析。
60、Qual e lo sportello per la spedizione di pacchi? ─── 哪个窗口办理邮寄包裹?
61、I think for foreign visitors they come to China I think the most um important thing and the most uh important thing they will appreciate is the enhance of the citizens qual , uh, uh qualities. ─── 我想对于外国游客,他们来到中国.我想他们欣赏的最重要的事是市民素质的提高.
62、Now one of our members want to import all kinds of Home Interior products(furnitureaccessories like lamp, etc... )Italian design and good qual... ─── 求购家庭用品的价格和详情英文内容: We are Eximpro Group - the export promotion Website in Vietnam.
63、These new compound rolls are contributing the high productivity of rolling and improvement of sheet qual... ─── 这种新的复合轧辊提高了轧钢生产率、改善了钢板的质量。
64、Hof und Ehe sind mir eine Qual. ─── 朝政和婚姻对我来说都是折磨。
65、Based on analyzing the factors that may influence the quality of practice,some countermeasures are put forward for improving the qual... ─── 本文通过分析影响临床实习质量的因素,并提出了一些对策,以期提高七年制医学生的临床实习质量。
66、Act II No. 16: Terzetto: Ah!qual colpo inaspettato! ─── 第二幕,第十六曲:三重唱:啊!
67、Wer die Wahl hat, der hat die Qual. ─── 是有强调的意思在里头,听起来。
68、Win32 API, X programming skills are plus.Secondary Skill Remarks with Java programming skill Qual ... ─── 内容提要:Primary Skill Remarks C++ Strong skills on Windows programming and/or Linux programming.
69、This paper analyzes blacking filming mechanism,selects a new combi nation method,which can control filming speed reasonably and raise blacking qual ity effectively. ─── 对发黑成膜机理作了分析,选用了新的结合方式,合理控制成膜速度,有效提高了发黑质量。
70、qual destino ti furo'? ─── 是谁蒙蔽了你的双眼?
71、Wer die Wahl hat, hat die Qual... ─── 阴天的傍晚, 莫名的恐慌.
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