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09-06 投稿



intrinsical 发音

英:[[ɪn'trɪnsɪkəl]]  美:[[ɪn'trɪnsɪkəl]]

英:  美:

intrinsical 中文意思翻译



intrinsical 反义词


intrinsical 短语词组

1、intrinsical value ─── 内在价值

intrinsical 词性/词形变化,intrinsical变形

副词: intrinsically |

intrinsical 同义词

organic | intrinsical | basic | inherent | fundamental | component | deep-rooted | central | subjective | innate | key | underlying | essential | core | deep-seated | constitutional | original

intrinsical 相似词语短语

1、extrinsicals ─── 外在的

2、intrinsicate ─── 内在的

3、extrinsically ─── adv.非本质地;非固有地

4、intrinsicalness ─── 内在性

5、intrinsic ─── adj.本质的,固有的

6、intrinsically ─── adv.本质地;内在地;固有地

7、intrinsicality ─── 内在性

8、intrinsic value ─── 内在价值,固有价值

9、extrinsical ─── adj.非固有的;非本质的(等于extrinsic)

intrinsical 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、intrinsical demonstration ─── 内象

2、Because GI and TM had intrinsical differen-tiations, TRIPS Agreements just built up GIP principles with difference of TM. ─── 由于地理标志与商标有着本质的区别,TRIPS协议才对地理标志建立了与商标权不同的特殊保护原则。

3、Intrinsical safety of products is the important guarantee of improving labour conditions and raising safety standards of human society. ─── 产品的本质安全化,是改善劳动条件,提高全社会安全水平的重要保障。

4、intrinsical generation of cold ─── 寒从中生, 寒从内生

5、Chinese and Western arts both pursue the unity of opposites, but Chinese arts lay particular stress on the harmony of intrins ic mentality and Western arts on extr i ns i c form. ─── 中西和谐美都是追求对立因素的融合统一,但中国偏于内在心理的和谐,西方则偏于外在形式的和谐。

6、The measurement system of backward phase switching time has been mended to be closed to the intrinsical switching time. ─── 改进了反向开关时间测试系统,使得测试结果与本质的反向相变时间更为接近。

7、Abstract: Design plays an important role on construction safety.Improving safety design is the necessi?鄄ty of the construction intrinsical safety. ─── 设计对建筑施工安全的影响较为显著,推进安全设计是建筑施工本质化安全的必然。

8、People used to categorize these two usages into a flexible usage field, which neither possesses theoretical proof nor reveals the intrinsical law profoundly and wholly. ─── 长期以来,人们大都习惯将其归入词类活用的范畴,其局限性在于缺乏理论依据,而且未能深刻和全面地揭示其内在规律。

9、Painting requires taking a deep fiew of the intrinsical structure and disposing the object image in consecution, regulariztion and abstraction so as to show arts' activity and subjective impression. ─── 绘画应该深入观察其本质结构,把客观物象作条理化、秩序化和抽象化的艺术处理,以展示艺术家在客观物象面前的能动思维和主观感受。

10、intrinsical strengthening ─── 守中道

11、Safey evaluation of products is the main besis for judging intrinsical safety of products. ─── 产品的安全性评价,是判断产品本质安全程度的主要依据。

12、intrinsical control ─── 元精

13、Compared with the statistical probability model used for engineerings in the patst, the distribution shape can reflect better the intrinsical features of structure plane dist... ─── 应用分形模型比以往工程上的统计概型更能反映结构面分布的本质特征。

14、The device was designed with intrinsical and safe circuit, and adapt to low-voltage systems of 380 V, 660 V, 1140 V.It has high reliability. ─── 该装置采用本质安全电路设计,可适用于380V、660V、1140V等各种低压系统,可靠性高。

15、intrinsical safety ─── 本质安全性

16、Development of intrinsical conduction polymers for electromagnetic interference shielding ─── 本征型导电高分子电磁干扰屏蔽材料研究进展

17、Thinking can indirectly and resumptively reflects intrinsical attribute and inherent rule of existent in the function of human brain. ─── 思维是人脑对客观事物本质属性和内部规律性的间接的、概括的反映。

18、Risks of assembly occupancies have source complicacy, intrinsical dualism, effect ponderance, limited calculability and spatio-temporal characteristics. ─── 人员密集场所的风险具有来源的复杂性、本质的双重性、后果的严重性、有限可计算性和时空特性。

19、The systemic renin-angiotensin system (RAS) is known to be very importance for the regulation of blood pressure, but the intrinsical pathogenesis is not known. ─── 以往研究已证实盐及肾素-血管紧张素-醛固酮(RAS)系统在高血压发病中占重要地位,但确切机制尚不清楚。

20、Because GI and TM had intrinsical differentiations, TRIPS Agreements just built up GIP principles with difference of TM. ─── 由于地理标志与商标有着本质的区别,TRIPS协议才对地理标志建立了与商标权不同的特殊保护原则。

21、The eigen permeabilities and eigen waves of the basic transmission modes arededuced,which play intrinsical roles in the propagation of plane waves in anunreciprocal medium. ─── 导出了平面波在非互易媒质中传播时,起本质作用的本征导磁率和基本传输模式本征波,本征导磁率对应本征波中的传输常数。

22、Keywords intrinsical;conducting polymer;electromagnetic interference shielding;shielding effectivenesa;polyaniline;polypyrrole;polythiophene; ─── 本征型导电高分子;电磁干扰屏蔽;屏蔽效能;聚苯胺;聚吡咯;聚噻吩;

23、The dielectric constant、dielectric loss and alternating conductivity of the composites mainly lied on the content、dispersal and intrinsical properties of modified MWNTs in the epoxy matrix. ─── 其介电常数与介电损耗及其交流电导率与改性碳纳米管在环氧树脂中的分散性、改性碳纳米管的性质以及其在还氧树脂中的含量密切相关。

24、which mainly includes composite conducting polymer and intrinsical conducting polymer. ─── 主要包括复合型和结构型导电聚合物。

25、The concept, intrinsical characters, and objects of CRMMC are researched in detail in this paper.The method of how to carry CRMMC into execution is also provided.2. ─── 全文主要内容如下:1.从理论上对CRMMC的概念、本质特征以及实施目标进行了研究,并给出了CRMMC的实施方法;

26、intrinsical value ─── 内在价值, 实际价值, 实值, 固有值; 货币含金价值

27、intrinsical cultivation of triple yin ─── 内养三阴

28、Syndrome of myalgic encephalomyelitis tips intrinsical malignance. ─── 肌痛性脑脊髓炎引起的综合症暗示了其内在的恶性程度。

29、The rational deployment of teacher resource is the intrinsical requirement and essential premises as well as the hinge of achieving balanced development of basic education. ─── 教师资源的合理配置是基础教育的本质要求,也是普及基础教育的前提条件,更是实现区域教育均衡发展的关键所在。

30、Development of intrinsical conduction polymers for electromagnetic interference shielding ─── 本征型导电高分子电磁干扰屏蔽材料研究进展

31、intrinsical regulation of qi ─── 内调气法

32、intrinsical dlosure ─── 内楗

33、Syndrome of myalgic encephalomyelitis tips intrinsical malignance. ─── 肌痛性脑脊髓炎引起的综合症暗示了其内在的恶性程度。

34、Reflective TFT-LCD keeped intrinsical predominance and features of LCD,becomed a great development trend of LCD today,yet among important support of future LCD standing development. ─── 反射式TFT-LCD保持了液晶显示原有的优势与特点,已成为当今液晶显示一大发展趋势,更是未来液晶显示持续发展的重要支柱之一。

35、The global modeling is the intrinsical method for the vairous interactions in microwave devices and circuits. ─── 全域建模是解决微波器件和电路中各种相互作用问题的根本方法。

36、Keywords Nano-measurement Critical dimension Line edge roughness Intrinsical material roughness Scanning electron microscopy(SEM) Atomic force microscope(AFM); ─── 纳米计量;临界尺寸;线边缘粗糙度;材料本质粗糙度;扫描电子显微镜(SEM);原子力显微镜(AFM);

37、The measurement system of backward phase switching time has been mended to be closed to the intrinsical switching time. ─── 改进了反向开关时间测试系统,使得测试结果与本质的反向相变时间更为接近。

38、Intrinsical safety of products is the important guarantee of improving Labour conditions and raising safety standards of human society. ─── 产品的本质安全化,是改善劳动条件,提高全社会安全水平的重要保障。

39、intrinsical fatigue ─── 内拙

40、intrinsical obstruction ─── 内魔障

41、Intrinsical aging ─── 自然老化

42、Only the intrinsical characteristic of materials have been well cognized, could the needed physical form be well shaped and refined. ─── 只有充分认识材料的本质特性,才能去塑造并提炼所需要的物质形态。

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