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09-10 投稿



hornbeam 发音

英:[ˈhɔːrnbiːm]  美:[ˈhɔːnbiːm]

英:  美:

hornbeam 中文意思翻译



hornbeam 网络释义

n. 角树材;角树;鹅耳枥

hornbeam 短语词组

1、hop hornbeam ─── 铁木属 (Ostrya) 植物; 北美 ─── 铁木(Ostrya virginiana); ─── 铁木材

2、hornbeam wood ─── 千金榆丛

3、European hornbeam un. ─── 欧洲鹅耳枥 [网络] ─── 欧洲角木;榛科; ─── 欧洲角树

4、American hornbeam 【 ─── 植物】美洲榛树(Carpinus caroliniana)

5、Japanese Hop Hornbeam ─── 日本Hop Hornbeam

6、Eastern hop hornbeam ─── [网络] 东方跳角豆

7、Old World hop hornbeam ─── [网络] 老世界hop hornbeam

8、Hornbeam Maple ─── 号角枫树

hornbeam 相似词语短语

1、hop hornbeam ─── 铁木

2、cornbread ─── n.玉米面包(等于cornbread)

3、horsebean ─── n.蚕豆

4、hornbeak ─── n.霍恩比克(美国地名)

5、moonbeam ─── n.月光

6、hornbeams ─── n.角树材;角树;鹅耳枥

7、hornbag ─── n.荡妇

8、hornbeaks ─── 角豆

9、hornyhead ─── 角头

hornbeam 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Yes. . . hornbeam and dragon heartstring? ─── 是啊,角树材,龙心弦?

2、Gray-green bark of hornbeam tree or something like. ─── 使具有特定结构图片 Texture #9.

3、But not hornbeam trees: these were tall palms, and they were growing, like the trees in Oxford, in a row along the grass. ─── 不过这不是角树:这些是高大的棕榈树,就像在牛津大学那样沿着草坪成排的生长着。

4、hornbeam wood ─── 千金榆丛

5、Viktor Krum's wand is made of hornbeam (GF). ─── 多尔·克鲁姆的魔杖就是铁木做的(火焰杯)。

6、she answered.' Go thou to-night, and stand under the branches of the hornbeam, and wait for my coming. ─── 打紧,”她回答,“今夜你立在角树的枝杈下等我。”

7、Any of numerous trees, such as the hornbeam and the hop hornbeam, that have very hard wood. ─── 铁木鹅耳枥和铁木等许多树的任一种,木质坚硬

8、She padded across the road and towards the bushes the hornbeam trees, and there she stopped. ─── 她轻轻地穿过马路,朝着角树林后面的灌木丛走去。在那儿她停了下来。

9、Pollen captures on hornbeam and field maple appeared to be higher than those on dogwood and hazel. ─── 角树和野外枫树上捕获的花粉要比山茱萸和榛树上的多。

10、Hornbeam Maple ─── 鹅耳枥叶槭(槭树科)


12、Wutong Bridge is another landscape here hornbeam yellow wood, hundreds of majestic trees vigorous, un such as cover, tree , Street, along the tree, formed a five-Bridge unique scenery. ─── 五通桥的另一景观是这里的黄木角树,几百株苍劲雄伟,枝繁叶茂,童童如盖,树沿着河,街沿着树,形成了五通桥独特的风光。

13、medium-sized hop hornbeam of eastern North America. ─── 北美洲东部的中等大小铁木。

14、hornbeam oak forest ─── 鹅耳枥 栎手

15、Yam Lingshan, dense forests, trees and more particularly, there are 600 years old, called "Tree King" yellow hornbeam, there overcast Lingshan unique trees over thousands of "nine to ax. ─── 阴灵山,林木茂密,古树尤多,有树龄600年,人称“树王”的黄角树,有阴灵山独有、树龄逾千年的“九地斧”。

16、Hornbeam line pattern virus ─── 鹅耳枥线纹病毒

17、Japanese Hop Hornbeam ─── 铁木(桦木科)

18、There is some tall palm trees, rather than the hornbeam, like Oxford, the trees are arranged in rows along the grass. ─── 那是一些高大的棕榈树,而不是角树,像在牛津一样,那些树木沿着草地排列成行。

19、Chinese heartleaf hornbeam root-bark ─── 小果千金榆

20、A preliminary study on the structure and dynamics of Pubescent hornbeam population in Karst Mountain of Guiyang ─── 贵州喀斯特山地云贵鹅耳枥种群结构和动态初探

21、She padded across the road and towards the bushes just beyond the hornbeam trees,and there she stopped. ─── 她轻轻地穿过马路,朝着角树林后面的灌木丛走去。在那儿她停了下来。

22、American Hornbeam ─── 美国鹅耳枥(桦木科)

23、Hop hornbeam ─── 苗榆属(Ostrya)植物,铁木(Ostrya virginiana), n. 霍布叶铁木

24、The product has the dry flowered picture series, the shell picture series, the sea hornbeam series, the nonframe picture series, the oil painting series, the lacquer painting series and so on. ─── 产品有干花画系列、贝壳画系列、海铁树系列、无框画系列、油画系列、磨漆画系列等。

25、The 6th kind of method is: Written guarantee black hornbeam the Chinese honey locust that give boils bath hair, make a hair pitch-black shine. ─── 第六种方法是:把皂角树结出的皂荚煮成水洗发,使头发乌黑发亮。

26、She padded across the road and towards the bushes just beyond the hornbeam trees , and there she stopped . ─── 它轻轻地穿过马路,朝着树林另一边的灌木丛走去,然后在那儿停了下来。

27、Shek Pik onlook wearing yellow rock bouldering hornbeam, spring green. ─── 石壁上,藤萝垂青,黄角树穿岩抱石,绿茵融融。

28、But not hornbeam trees: these were tall palms, and they were growing, like the trees in Oxford, in a row along the grass. ─── 不过这不是角树:这些是高大的棕榈树,就像在牛津大学那样沿着草坪成排的生长着.

29、The 7th kind of method is: Written guarantee black hornbeam the Chinese honey locust that give boils bath hair, make a hair pitch-black shine. ─── 第七种方法是:把皂角树结出的皂荚煮成水洗发,使头发乌黑发亮。

30、Suddenly son seemed to see father smiled, as bright as flowering hornbeam. ─── 忽然儿子好像看到父亲笑了,笑得像铁树开花一样灿烂。

31、Mossy side of the hornbeam tree. ─── 使具有特定结构图片 Texture #10.

32、The hop hornbeam, which grows up to about 1,200 meters above sea level in the Schnalstal, flowers only in late spring and early summer. ─── 在许纳斯佗,这种矮树最高生长在海拔1200公尺处,到了春末或夏初才开花。

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