humeri 发音
英:[['hju:məraɪ]] 美:[['hju:məraɪ]]
英: 美:
humeri 中文意思翻译
humeri 词性/词形变化,humeri变形
名词复数形式:humeri 原型:humeri
humeri 短语词组
1、epicondylus lateralis humeri ─── [医] 肱骨外上踝
2、collum humeri ─── [医] 肱骨颈
3、margo radialis humeri ─── [医] 肱骨桡侧缘
4、corpora humeri ─── [医] 肱骨体
5、articulatio humeri ─── 肩关节
6、arteria circumflexa humeri ─── [网络] 动脉弯曲肱骨
7、arteriae nutricia humeri ─── [医] 肱骨滋养动脉
8、arteriae circumflexa humeri anterior ─── [医] 旋肱前动脉
9、arteriae circumflexa humeri posterior ─── [医] 旋肱后动脉
10、condylus medialis humeri ─── [医] 肱骨内侧髁
11、articulationes humeri ─── [医] 肩关节
12、capitulum humeri ─── [医] 肱骨小头
13、margo ulnaris humeri ─── [医] 肱骨尺侧缘
14、biceps humeri ─── [网络] 二头肌肱骨
15、caput humeri ─── [医] 肱骨头
16、trochlea humeri ─── [医] 肱骨滑车
17、epicondylus medialis humeri ─── [医] 肱骨内上踝
18、epitrochlea humeri ─── [医] 肱骨内上踝
19、condylus lateralis humeri ─── [医] 肱骨外侧髁
humeri 相似词语短语
1、humeral ─── adj.肱骨的;肩的;肱部的
2、humerus ─── n.肱骨;(昆虫的)肩部
3、humor ─── n.幽默,诙谐;心情;vt.迎合,迁就;顺应
4、hummer ─── n.蜂鸟;蜂鸣器,发嗡嗡声的东西;n.(Hummer)人名;(匈、德、瑞典)胡默;(英)赫默
5、numeric ─── adj.数值的(等于numerical);数字的;n.数;数字
6、humors ─── n.幽默;诙谐;[生理]体液(humor的复数形式);v.迎合;迁就(humor的三单形式)
7、humect ─── 腐殖质
8、humpers ─── n.保险杆
9、hummers ─── n.蜂鸟;蜂鸣器,发嗡嗡声的东西;n.(Hummer)人名;(匈、德、瑞典)胡默;(英)赫默
humeri 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、margo ulnaris humeri ─── [医] 肱骨尺侧缘
2、Thus, 22% of the humeri had an angle outside of this range, making them worthy of study to optimize prosthetic design or surgical technique to accommodate for differences in native anatomy. ─── 这意味着,有22%的人的颈干角度数处于这一范围之外,因此,优化假体的设计和相关手术技术以适应这一类解剖差异是值得研究的课题。
3、Surgery treatment of coronal shear fracture of the capitellum humeri of adults ─── 成人肱骨小头冠状面骨折的手术治疗
4、Surgical Treatment Epicondylus Lateralis Humeri Tennis ─── 肱骨外上髁炎的手术治疗
5、processus supracondylaris humeri ─── 肱骨髁上突
6、septum intermusculare humeri mediale ─── 臂内侧肌间隔
7、Supracondylar fracture of the humeru ─── 儿童
8、Suffer from oblique tones shoulder arm pain, articulatio humeri is many direction activity obstacle. ─── 患侧肩臂疼痛,肩关节多个方向活动障碍。
9、collum anatomicum humeri ─── 肱骨解剖颈
10、facies anterior lateralis humeri ─── 肱骨前外侧面
11、Nature lesion removing shoulder sleeve tearing , articulation humeri tuberculosis , tumour and other purulence at the same time. ─── 同时排除肩袖撕裂、肩关节结核、肿瘤及其它化脓性病变。
12、corpus humeri ─── 肱骨体
13、septum intermusculare humeri laterale ─── 臂外侧肌间隔
14、Method Eigty dry impaired humeri of different origins were used. ─── 方法使用不同地区肱骨80只,将结节间沟分为近侧水平段和远侧垂直段,用量角器和卡尺测量二段的长度及其移行处的角度;
15、The adjustable neck-shaft angle device was best able to reconstruct the native anatomy of these humeri. ─── 而使用可调式假体进行置换,则可最大可能的实现该处的解剖重建。
16、Chinese Medicine in Harmony with Massaging Treatment of Articulatio Humeri Periarthritis ─── 按摩配合中药治疗肩关节周围炎
17、The function situation exercising range , upper limb according to clinical symptoms , articulatio humeri carries out valuation. ─── 根据临床症状、肩关节活动范围、上肢功能状况进行评价。
18、Clinical efficacy evaluation of surgical treatment in 16 cases of the capitulum humeri fracture ─── 肱骨小头冠状面骨折16例疗效分析
19、capsula articularis humeri ─── 肩关节囊
20、Objective Discussing the clinical effect of fractures in the Condylus humeri and Suprachondy in children using the Fragment fixation pin. ─── 目的探讨骨片钉治疗儿童肱骨髁上及肱骨髁骨折的临床效果。
21、margo medialis humeri ─── 肱骨内侧缘
22、arteria circumflexa humeri caudalis ─── 旋肱后动脉
23、arteriae circumflexa humeri posterior ─── [医] 旋肱后动脉
24、vena circumflexa humeri ─── 旋肱静脉
25、Condyle Plate Fixation for Twenty Two Cases of Surgical Collum Humeri Combined Humeral Caput Fractures ─── 髁钢板内固定治疗肱骨外科颈合并肱骨头骨折
26、capitulum humeri ─── 肱骨小头
27、arteriae nutricia humeri ─── [医] 肱骨滋养动脉
28、the caput humeri is the head of the humerus which fits into a cavity in the scapula. ─── 肱骨头是和肩胛骨的腔相吻合的肱骨的头。
29、Crista supracondylaris lateralis humeri supracondylar ridge, of humerus, medial ─── 肱骨外上髁嵴:同
30、margo radialis humeri ─── [医] 肱骨桡侧缘
31、A research on improving the articulatio humeri flexibility by masage combined with warming up ─── 按摩配合准备活动对提高女子越野滑雪运动员肩关节柔韧性作用初探
32、epicondylus lateralis humeri ─── [医] 肱骨外上踝
33、Result is cured: Shoulder brachialgia disappears completely , that the function restores the articulatio humeri activity and upper limb is regular; ─── 结果治愈:肩臂痛完全消失,肩关节活动及上肢功能恢复正常;
34、Anterior elbow approach and internal fixation for the treatment of capitulum humeri fractures ─── 肘前入路螺钉固定治疗肱骨小头骨折
35、Suffer from oblique tones shoulder arm pain, articulation humeri is many direction activity obstacle. ─── 患侧肩臂疼痛,肩关节多个方向活动障碍。
36、sulcus intertubercularis humeri ─── 肱骨结节间沟
37、facies posterior humeri ─── 肱骨后面
38、Surgery treatment of coronal shear fracture of the capitellum humeri of adults ─── 成人肱骨小头冠状面骨折的手术治疗
39、crista humeri ─── 肱骨嵴
40、Condyle Plate Fixation for Twenty Two Cases of Surgical Collum Humeri Combined Humeral Caput Fractures ─── 髁钢板内固定治疗肱骨外科颈合并肱骨头骨折
41、arteriae circumflexa humeri anterior ─── [医] 旋肱前动脉
42、Methods: 100 humeri, ulnae and radii of both upper limbs were chasm from 50 male cadavers. ─── 方法:选男性肱骨、尺骨和桡骨50例,左、右共100侧肢体。
43、In pathologic humeri, there is severe distortion of the anatomy, making it more difficult to define the normal neck-shaft angle or the location of the normal articular surface. ─── 在病理状态下,肱骨解剖结构可能存在明显的改变,将使确定其颈干角以及关节面显得更为困难。
44、However, in the humeri with an excessive varus or valgus neck-shaft angle, there was always an obvious gap between the head of the implanted fixed-angle prosthesis and the surface of the osteotomy. ─── 然而,在重度外翻和内翻组中,行固定式假体置换,会导致在肱骨头假体和截骨面之间存在明显的间隙。
45、articulatio capitis humeri ─── 肩关节
46、Chinese Medicine in Harmony with Massaging Treatment of Articulatio Humeri Periarthritis ─── 按摩配合中药治疗肩关节周围炎
47、luxatio humeri erecta ─── 肱骨直举性脱位
48、caput humeri ─── 肱骨头
49、crista supracondylaris lateralis humeri ─── 肱骨外侧髁上嵴
50、margo lateralis humeri ─── 肱骨外侧缘
51、labrum glenoidale articulationis humeri ─── 肩关节盂缘
52、Display an effect: Shoulder brachialgia is not obvious , the articulatio humeri function restores % 80-90 , light manual labour is not affected upper limb; ─── 显效:肩臂痛不明显,肩关节功能恢复80-90%,上肢轻体力劳动不受影响;
53、Crista supra condylaris lateralis humeri ─── 肱骨外侧髁上嵴:同
54、trochlea humeri ─── 肱骨滑车
55、The cure of fracture in the Condylus humeri and Suparachondy in children using the Fragment fixation pin ─── 骨片钉治疗儿童肱骨髁上及肱骨髁骨折
56、condylus medialis humeri ─── [医] 肱骨内侧髁
57、Nature lesion removing shoulder sleeve tearing , articulatio humeri tuberculosis , tumour and other purulence at the same time. ─── 同时排除肩袖撕裂、肩关节结核、肿瘤及其它化脓性病变。
58、crista supracondylaris medialis humeri ─── 肱骨内侧髁上嵴
59、tuberositas deltoidea humeri ─── 肱骨三角肌粗隆
60、epicondylus medialis humeri ─── [医] 肱骨内上踝
61、corpora humeri ─── [医] 肱骨体
62、fossa coronoidea humeri ─── 喙突窝, 冠突窝
63、arteria circumflexa humeri anterior ─── 旋肱前动脉
64、collum chirurgicum humeri ─── 肱骨外科颈
65、Innervation of lateral epicondyle humeri: a myoelectric study ─── 肌电观察肱骨外上髁的神经支配
66、Comminuted fracture of collum chirurgicum humeri ─── 肱骨外科颈粉碎性骨折
67、collum humeri ─── [医] 肱骨颈
68、We measured this parameter in the largest number of normal humeri from white and black donors reported in the English-language literature, to our knowledge. ─── 我们对能搜集到的英文文献中大量的来自黑色人种和白色人种的样本进行了测量。
69、articulatio humeri ─── n. 肩关节
70、arteriae nutriciae humeri ─── 肱骨滋养动脉
71、luxatio humeri subcoracoidea ─── 肩关节喙突下脱位
72、Table I shows the anatomic parameters of the humeri selected for this study. ─── 表1中显示了本研究中所以所选肱骨标本的解剖参数。
73、condylus lateralis humeri ─── [医] 肱骨外侧髁
74、facies anterior medialis humeri ─── 肱骨前内侧面
75、The result shows that the alpaca forelimb consists of scapula,humeri,0ssa antebrachii(radius,ulna),0ssa Carpi,0s metacarpale,0ssa digiforum mamus. ─── 结果发现:羊驼前肢骨由肩胛骨、肱骨、前臂骨(包括桡骨和尺骨)与前脚骨(包括腕骨、掌骨、指骨和籽骨)组成;
76、fossa radialis humeri ─── 桡窝桡骨窝
77、Processus supracondylaris humeri jugular process of occipitla bone, lateral ─── 肱骨髁上突:同
78、It is suitable for fracture on forearm, humeri or wrist joint, and strain on wrist joint or fingers.It is adjustable, steady and convenient for use; ─── 适用于前臂骨折、肱骨骨折,腕关节骨折、腕关节扭伤、手指扭伤、上下可调整,固定牢固、使用方便;
79、Crista supra condylaris medialis humeri ─── 肱骨内侧髁上中嵴:同
80、Humeri Clothing ─── 虎门服装
81、articulationes humeri ─── [医] 肩关节
82、Anterior elbow approach and internal fixation for the treatment of capitulum humeri fractures ─── 肘前入路螺钉固定治疗肱骨小头骨折
83、Keywords articulatio humeri periarthritis;massage;Chinese medicine;treatment; ─── 关键词肩关节周围炎;按摩;中药;治疗;
84、condylus humeri ─── 肱骨髁
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