overexcited 发音
英:[ˌəʊvərɪkˈsaɪtɪd] 美:[ˌoʊvərɪkˈsaɪtɪd]
英: 美:
overexcited 中文意思翻译
overexcited 短语词组
1、overexcited debate ─── 过度兴奋的辩论
2、overexcited crowd ─── 过度兴奋的人群
overexcited 词性/词形变化,overexcited变形
原型:overexcited 过去分词:overexcited 过去式:overexcited
overexcited 相似词语短语
1、overexcite ─── vt.过度刺激;使过分激动
2、overexercised ─── 过度运动
3、overexcites ─── vt.过度刺激;使过分激动
4、overexploited ─── adj.开发过度的
5、over-excited ─── 过激励的
6、overexerted ─── vt.用力过度;用力过猛
7、overedited ─── 肥胖
8、overeducated ─── v.使接受过多教育(overeducate的过去式和过去分词);adj.接受过多教育的
9、hyperexcited ─── 兴奋过度
overexcited 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Rockets players have to learn emotional control when playing good basketball on court, do not get overexcited . ─── 火箭球员必须学会在场上打出好球的时候控制情绪,别激动过度。
2、He can not go to sleep that night because he was overexcited. ─── 那天晚上他不能入睡,因为他过分激动。
3、When an overexcited management purchases a business at a silly price, the same accounting niceties described earlier are observed. ─── 当一个过度兴奋的管理层用愚蠢的高价购买一个业务时,前面描述的同样的会计细节也能被观察到。
4、I think I am too overexcited with the announcement of the winner tomorrow. ─── 我看我是因为明天就要宣布获胜者兴奋过度了.
5、He also cautioned farmers in the province against being overexcited about the opening of a tobacco floor market. ─── 他还警告这个省的烟农不要对烟草拍卖市场的开放过度兴奋。
6、We overexcited on the information that Beijing succeed in applying to hold Olympics. ─── 北京申奥成功的消息令我们热血沸腾。
7、Plus, a dog may get overexcited in the car due to passersby or panic from claustrophobia, making dehydration more likely. ─── 另外,狗狗待在车里可能会因为幽闭恐怖症产生的惊慌和脱水的产生而变得过渡兴奋。
8、And people should relax about itcalm down about it rather than getting overexcited about it. ─── 人们应当放松,冷静,而不要过度地慌乱。
9、He can not fall asleep that night because he was overexcited. ─── 可以理解为他是想谁,而且人已上床,但睡不着。
10、Don't get the children overexcited just before bedtime. ─── 临睡前不要让孩子玩得过于兴奋。
11、Usually it will mean that he is a nice person who does not get overexcited about anything and is usually pretty nonchalant. ─── 通常,这句话的意思是,他是一个不错的人,凡事都不过分激动,通常是相当冷静的。
12、But when it's as exciting and giddily joyful as Super Mario Galaxy was, it's a little hard not to get overexcited anyway. ─── 但是,它和《超级马里奥银河》一样,能让玩家开心激动到眩晕,这时候按捺住兴奋有点难度哦。
13、Or, conversely, when suddenly confronted with real live humans, I get overexcited, speak too much, interrupt. ─── 或者,反过来,当我突然面对现实中活生生的人时,会变得过于兴奋,说个不停,爱打断别人的讲话。
14、After drinking, they were overexcited. ─── 喝完酒后他们都兴奋异常。
15、be overexcited ─── 过度兴奋
16、He also cautioned farmers in the province against being overexcited about the opening of a tobacco floor market. ─── 他还警告这个省的烟农不要对烟草拍卖市场的开放过度兴奋。
17、That drug has made him terribly nervous and overexcited; see what you can do to talk him down. ─── 这种药使得他过分紧张和兴奋;看你怎么安慰他,让他镇静下来。
18、Christmas energy as we all know can be extremely pushy, frantic, tangled, overexcited and spin you off into all directions. ─── 众所周知,过圣诞所需的精力会是死缠硬磨的、疯狂混乱的、错综复杂的、过度兴奋的,让你忙得团团转。
19、Rockets players have to learn emotional control when playing good basketball on court, do not get overexcited. ─── 火箭球员必须学会在场上打出好球的时候控制情绪,别激动过度。
20、And in his diaries Gordon, a very devout Christian, had no doubt that the Mahdi and his men were overexcited natives hell-bent on destroying the civilised world. ─── 戈登是一个非常虔诚的基督徒。他无疑会在日记中写道,马赫迪之流是过分激动的当地人,一心想摧毁文明世界。
21、We were all overexcited to learn that our first manned space-flight turned out to be a complete success. ─── 得知我国第一次载人航天飞行取得圆满成功,我们兴奋不已。
22、And people should relax about it and calm down about it rather than getting overexcited about it. ─── 人们应当放松一些,冷静一些,而不要过度地慌乱。
23、He called Ford with the good news, but Ford didn't seem overexcited. ─── 他致电福特告诉了这个好消息,但是福特却显得不那么热情。
24、You'll need to provide continuous, organized entertainment or children may get overexcited. ─── 你得提供持续而有组织的娱乐活动,否则孩子们可能会过度兴奋。
25、He could not go to sleep that night because he was overexcited . ─── 那天晚上他睡不着,因为他太激动了。
26、Leading power factor in AC circuits (0.0 to -1.0) is caused by capacitive loads or overexcited synchronous motors which cause the current to lead the voltage.See Power Factor. ─── 超前功率因数 交流电路中的超前功率因数(0.0 to -1.0)是由电容负荷或者过励的同步电动机引起的,使电流超前于电压。
27、They become nervous and overexcited by noise and too many people. ─── 噪音和太多的人让他们变得紧张,过于兴奋。
28、it makes the men crazy, overexcited, aggressive, and has destroyed many lives. ─── 它使男人慵懒、过度兴奋、好斗,已毁掉许多生命。
29、The value of the Chinese stockmarket tops $1 trillion, but after a huge run-up at the start of this year the market fell when officials sought to calm down overexcited retail investors. ─── 这是一个奇怪的现象。中国股票市场的市值达到了1万亿美元,但是在今年开始的大幅攀升之后,却在官方表示将为兴奋的散户降温后,股市却开始下行。
I've never been this happy.
1. Over the moon 超级开心
I just got a new job. I’m absolutely over the moon. 我刚找到新工作,真的超级开心的啦!
2. Pleased as punch 很开心
3. be tickled pink 脸上挂著大大的笑容,好像你被搔痒一样
4. be on cloud 9 开心到飞上天了
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