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09-04 投稿



nictitating 发音


英:  美:

nictitating 中文意思翻译



nictitating 短语词组

1、nictitating membrane tests ─── [医] 瞬膜试验(检肾上腺素)

2、nictitating spasm ─── [医] 瞬目痉挛

3、nictitating membrane n. ( ─── 某些动物的)瞬膜; 第三眼睑

nictitating 词性/词形变化,nictitating变形

动词现在分词: nictitating |异体字: nictate |名词: nictitation |动词过去分词: nictitated |动词过去式: nictitated |动词第三人称单数: nictitates |

nictitating 相似词语短语

1、nictating ─── vi.眨眼;瞬目

2、micturating ─── vi.排尿

3、inactivating ─── n.钝化;v.使不活动;使钝化(inactivate的ing形式)

4、nictitation ─── n.快速眨眼,瞬目

5、irritating ─── adj.刺激的;气人的;使愤怒的;烦人的,使人恼火的;vt.刺激;激怒;使烦恼;使发炎,使不适;使不耐烦;使(身体某部分)疼痛(irritate的现在分词)

6、militating ─── vi.有影响;产生作用

7、imitating ─── v.模仿,仿效;仿造,伪造(imitate的现在分词)

8、activating ─── v.使活动;激活;活性化(activate的现在分词)

9、dictating ─── n.口述;v.听写;命令(dictate的现在分词)

nictitating 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、nictitating spasm ─── [医] 瞬目痉挛

2、nictitating membrane ─── n. (某些动物的)瞬膜

3、nictitating fold ─── 瞬褶(动)

4、Neimoidians are tall humanoids, with mottled green-gray skin and smooth noseless faces. A nictitating membrane protects their large red-orange eyes. ─── 涅莫迪安人是身材高大的类人种族,有著斑驳的灰绿色皮肤和平坦无鼻的面孔,他们橘红色的大眼睛有一层膜状物保护著。

5、is a exploring research on a simple and easy method for establishing the animal model of nictitating membrane conditioned reflex with rabbit. ─── 建立一种简单的方法来建立兔硝化膜条件反射动物模型是一项探索性研究。

6、nictitating membrane test ─── 瞬膜试验:检肾上腺素

7、They also have a third eyelid, called a nictitating membrane, which protects their eyes, particularly when they attack. ─── 眼部还有一个第三眼睑,叫做瞬膜,可以在猛禽发动攻击时保护它们的眼睛。

8、nictitating membranes ─── 瞬膜

9、nictitating reflex ─── 眨眼反射

10、Ziro blinked, passing the nictitating membranes across his eyes with slow deliberation. ─── 齐罗眨眨眼睛,让瞬膜故意慢慢翻过眼球。

11、Objective It is a exploring research on a simple and easy method for establishing the animal model of nictitating membrane conditioned reflex with rabbit. ─── 目的探讨利用家兔建立瞬膜条件反射动物模型对脑记忆功能的影响。

12、How time flies!It seems that I just entered the campus, these six terms passed when I was nictitating. ─── 时光穿梭,仿佛我才进入这所大学,六个学期就在我眨眼间流逝了。

13、Ziro blinked, passing the nictitating membranes across his eyes with slow deliberation. ─── 齐罗眨眨眼睛,让瞬膜故意慢慢翻过眼球。

14、They also have a third eyelid, called a nictitating membrane, which protects their eyes, particularly when they attack. ─── 眼部还有一个第三眼睑,叫做瞬膜,可以在猛禽发动攻击时保护它们的眼睛。

15、nictitating membrane response ─── 瞬膜反应

16、nictitating eyelid A transparent, moveable membrane or inner eyelid that protects and helps keep the eye clean. Found particularly in sharks. ─── 瞬眼睑一个透明又可动的薄膜或内部的眼睑,可保护和使眼睛保持乾净。特别地发现于鲨鱼中。

17、Abstract Classical conditioning of the rabbit nictitating membrane(NM) response was accomplished by standard delay procedure of paired tone (CS) and airpuff(US) stimuli. ─── 摘要 以音调结合气流刺激兔角膜的训练建立瞬膜条件反射。

18、Under water, a transparent nictitating membrane lubricated by special glands, protects the eye. The crocodile can also partially retract its eyes to protect them from damage. ─── 在水下,会有一种由特别的分泌腺润滑的透明薄膜保护眼睛.鳄鱼亦能部分地缩小眼球以避免伤害.

19、nictitating membrane The movable inner eyelid of, e.g. sharks. ─── 瞬膜可动内部眼睑,例如鲨鱼的。

20、nictitating membrane tests ─── [医] 瞬膜试验(检肾上腺素)

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