Homeric 发音
英:[hoʊˈmerɪk] 美:[həʊˈmerɪk]
英: 美:
Homeric 中文意思翻译
Homeric 网络释义
adj. 荷马时代的;荷马式的;荷马的
Homeric 短语词组
1、Homeric laughter ─── 放声大笑
Homeric 相似词语短语
1、chimeric ─── adj.妄想的;荒诞不经的
2、-meric ─── n.(Meric)(土)墨力克(人名)
3、homesick ─── adj.想家的;思乡病的
4、isomeric ─── adj.[化学]同分异构的;[化学][核]同质异构的
5、uromeric ─── 尿氨酸
6、homeotic ─── 同源异型的
7、Roderic ─── n.罗德里克(男子名)
8、dimeric ─── adj.[有化]二聚的
9、Homeric ─── adj.荷马时代的;荷马式的;荷马的
Homeric 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、In the Homeric poems these Greek tribes speak one common language. ─── 在荷马的史诗里,这些希腊部落操一种共同的语言。
2、Andre: I know Homer the Simpson. ─── 安德列:我知道荷马辛普森。
3、He had dabbled in Homer, but had never yet worked much at the New Testament in the Greek. ─── 他曾涉猎过荷马,但是却从来没对希腊文《新约全书》下过功夫。
4、Kefalonia is thought to be Homer's Same, because a local town is called Sami. ─── 凯法利尼亚被认为是荷马笔下的塞姆,因为当地一个镇子叫做塞米。
5、"Are you Mrs. Santloval?" Homer said. ─── “您是桑多瓦尔太太吗?”霍默问。
6、The Olympic gods became one kind of artistic images that had no religion meanings of primitive worship after the shape of the Homer and Hesiod. ─── 奥林匹克诸神经过荷马和赫西俄德的塑造,已经沦为一种艺术的形象,不再具有其原始崇拜的宗教内涵。
7、It was reported that the violence of his Homeric battle scenes left children wailing in fear. ─── 据报道,他所作的荷马时代的战争场面会让孩子们发出痛苦的嚎啕。
8、There are different ways and means of after virtue from Homer Epic,Socrates,Plato to Aristotle in Ancient Greek. ─── 从荷马史诗、苏格拉底、柏拉图到亚里士多德,表现了对德性统一性追求的不同路径。
9、A ten-acre vineyard will produce only a bath of wine, a homer of seed only an ephah of grain. ─── 三十亩葡萄园只出一吧特酒,一贺梅珥谷种只结一伊法粮食。
10、In the history of literary criticism and literature, Plato and Homer ofthe ancient Greece are most influential. ─── 从文学批评史和文学史上来看,古希腊的柏拉图和荷马是当时最具影响的代表人物。
11、Play as Homer and go in pursuit of a top secret donut in the streets of Springfield. ─── 发挥荷马走在顶级的斯普林菲尔德街头秘密甜甜圈的追求。
12、Even in the Homeric poems, we can see that these ideas are transient. ─── 甚至在荷马诗篇中,我们也还可以看出,这些观念只是暂时的。
13、After reading about Roman gladiators and epic Homeric characters, I decided that I wanted to have a great story of my own. ─── 在阅读了罗马角斗士和荷马史诗之后,我觉得我该有个关于自己的伟大探险故事。
14、"Are you Mrs. Sandoval?" Homer said. ─── “您是桑多瓦太太吗?”霍默问。
15、Among the former -- Sparta is the classic example -- marriage relations are in some ways still more archaic than even in Homer. ─── 前者以斯巴达为典范,他们的婚姻关系在许多方面甚至比荷马本人所描写的婚姻关系还要古老。
16、American painter Winslow Homer died on July 31st at the age of 74. ─── 1910年7月31日,美国画家温斯洛·霍默去世,享年74岁。
17、They talk nonstop, they brag, they dance, they sometimes quote Homer in Greek, and they'll even go stand on their head if attention should flag. ─── 他们无休止地高谈阔论,自吹自擂,手舞足蹈,时而还引用一下荷马的希腊文原句。倘若他人的注意有所转移,甚至会不惜头脚倒立。
18、Iliad is generally fathered on Homer. ─── 人们一般认为《伊利亚特》为荷马所著。
19、The competitive sports in Homeric society ─── 荷马社会中的体育竞技
20、Martinez snapped the tie in the third, belting a two-run homer against Sele, his eighth of the year. ─── Martinez在三局时再次打出二分打点全垒打。
21、In the eagerly-awaited film based on the hit television series, Homer must save the world from a catastrophe he himself created. ─── 在这部备受期待的热门卡通影集改编动画中,荷马必须拯救世界免于一场因他而起的大灾祸。
22、The gnarled, bearded features of homer are dear to me,for he,too,knew blindness. ─── 多瘤而又蓄有长须的荷马让我感觉尤为亲切。因为他了解盲人。
23、Have you read Homer in the original. ─── 你读过荷马的原作吗?
24、For example, the painting Groping depicted Homer and other ancient European philosophers exploring the true meaning of life together. ─── 如《摸索》,描写了以荷马为首的世界各国先哲跟随其共同探索人生真谛的内容。
25、Evea n Homer sometimes nods. ─── 人非圣贤,孰能无过。
26、B: My goodness! You should have been more careful. Anyway, Homer sometimes nods. ─── 天哪,你应该小心才是。不过,智者千虑,必有一失嘛。
27、In the Odyssey Homer tells of lotus-eaters who live in dreamy indolence. ─── 在《奥德赛》中,荷马记述了生活在梦想中的忘忧国的吃莲花的人。
28、The homer played beautifully. ─── 号手吹奏得很优美。
29、Secondly, the matriarchy before Homeric Age remain an influence; ─── 荷马时代前的母权制的余烟的影响;
30、Odysseus has the defining character traits of a Homeric leader: strength, courage, nobility, a thirst for glory, and confidence in his authority. ─── 他献木马计里应外合攻破特洛伊。
31、Also he flung aside his books of poems Mition, Tennyson, Browning, even Homer. ─── 他还抛开了那些密尔顿,坦尼逊和白朗尼的诗集,甚至也抛开了荷马的诗集。
32、Posada cut the gap in half with his homer, and then Damon, a former Royal, greeted Andrew Sisco with a tying, two-run single. ─── 厚黑的全垒打把四分差距追到只剩一半,紧接著前皇家队员大门则用一支两分安打向他的前队友打招呼。
33、She opened the box at the table and in it Homer saw a strange kind of candy. ─── 她将盒子打开放在桌子上,霍默看见里面有一种非常奇怪的糖果。
34、This is the special gift you are to offer: a sixth of an ephah from each homer of wheat and a sixth of an ephah from each homer of barley. ─── 你们当献的供物乃是这样:一贺梅珥麦子要献伊法六分之一;一贺梅珥大麦要献伊法六分之一。
35、They told me how Mr. Gladstone read Homer for fun, which I thought served him right. ─── 他们告诉我格列史东先生读荷马为乐,我觉得他是自讨苦吃.
36、When is the last time that I was laugh like a Homeric laughter? ─── 上一次的开怀大笑是什麽时候?
37、Homer composed two epics: (the) one is about the fall of Troy,the other about Ulysses' journey. ─── ‘荷马写过两部史诗,一部关于特洛伊的陷落,另一部关于尤里西斯的旅行。’
38、Even Homer nods. ─── 即使荷马也疏忽
39、Homer can be analyzed, as we have essayed to do here, but he cannot be interpreted. ─── 后来那些以寓意流派也曾试图将他们的诠释本领运用到荷马作品上来,但是没有成功。
40、Gypsy in heart, but real homer in soul. ─── 你们怎么能忍心这样......
41、The name Pieria has been connected to the Homeric meaning “fat”, which metaphorically refers to “fertile land”. ─── “比爱利亚”这个词最早在希腊文中有“肥”的意思,意指“肥沃的土地”。
42、Studying Greek to read Homer in the original. ─── 学习希腊文是为了读荷马原著。
43、In Homer’s works, however, Aphrodite was the daughter of the goddess Dione and Zeus. ─── 但在荷马的作品中,阿芙罗狄忒是女神狄俄涅和宙斯的女儿。
44、Like Greek poet Homer, Pindar's works are both literature and history. ─── 像古希腊诗人荷马的作品一样,他的文字既是文学,又是历史。
45、They tell me how Mr. gladstone read homer for fun, which I though serve him right. ─── 人家告诉我,格莱斯顿先生如何为消遣而读荷马,我认为他活该如此。
46、Homer is often called the first tragedian. ─── 人们经常将荷马称之为第一悲剧作家。
47、My goodness!You should have be more careful. Anywany, Homer sometimes nods. ─── 天哪!你应该小心才是。不过,智者千虑,必有一失嘛。
48、Guillen's homer was his second in postseason play. ─── 卡勒斯的全垒打是生涯在季后赛的第二发。
49、To Homer the Mexican woman was beautiful. ─── 在霍默看来,这位墨西哥妇人是很美的。
50、So I bought her for fifteen shekels of silver and about a homer and a lethek of barley. ─── 于是,我用一百七十一克银子,一百五十公斤大麦,买她回来归我。
51、An ancient Hebrew unit of dry measure, equal to! /10 homer or about one bushel(35 liters). ─── 伊法希伯来古干量单位,等于十分之一霍默,约合一蒲式耳(35升)
52、Trojan horse may be widely redistributed as part of a computer virus.The term comes from Homer's Iliad. ─── 一个特洛伊木马(程序)也可以再次被复制从而更广泛的传播开来,就像某些计算机病毒一样。
53、Homer Beggs, J.P.Monroe Twp. ─── (荷马贝格斯,太平绅士梦露的双程证。
54、In the Homeric Hymn to Demeter, Hermes conducts the Kore safely back to Demeter. ─── 在《荷马史诗》中有关得墨忒耳的部分,赫密士引导科尔安全地返回得墨忒耳身边。
55、Keats is referring to epic poetry when he mentions Homer's 'proud demesne'. ─── "当济慈提到荷马的'骄傲的领域'时,他指的是史诗。"
56、Also he flung aside his books of poemsMition, Tennyson, Browning, even Homer. ─── 他还抛开了那些密尔顿,坦尼逊和白朗尼的诗集,甚至也抛开了荷马的诗集。
57、Homer's Odyssey is one of the greatest epics of the ancient world. ─── 奥德赛>是西方文学史上最早的冒险故事,也是最伟大的经典史诗巨著之一。
58、3 - The Homeric gods were the gods of a conquering aristocracy, not the useful fertility gods of those who actually tilled the soil. ─── 荷马的神祇们乃是征服者的贵族阶级的神祇,而不是那些实际在耕种土地的人们的有用的丰产之神。
59、"No mortal could vie with Zeus" (Homer). ─── 任何凡人都没法与宙斯匹敌” (荷马)。
60、Wang's specialty is ground balls, but David Ortiz smashed a homer into the third deck in the first inning. ─── 小民向来的专长是滚地球,不过乌铁厝第一局就把球轰上全垒打墙外的第三层看台。
61、No mortal could vie with Zeus(Homer. ─── 任何凡人都没法与宙斯匹敌(荷马)。
62、Even homer sometimes nod. ─── 巨匠也有败笔。
63、While in control group, there were only weak expressions of Homer 1a in neurons. ─── Homer1b/c,Homer2a/b和Homer3在对照组神经元中即有一定程度表达,机械性损伤后,其表达量无明显变化。
64、What would not a man give if he might converse with Orpheus and Musaeus and Hesiod and Homer? ─── 如果能够与俄尔普斯、缪萨尤斯、赫西阿德、荷马交流思想,有什么不可舍弃的呢?
65、If it appealed to you, you could be reading Homer in the original Greek or Dostoyevsky in Russian. ─── 如果你感兴趣的话,你可能读希腊原文的荷马史诗或俄文版的陀思妥耶夫斯基的作品;
66、Two perfect innings morphed into two messy ones, and a two-out homer in the fifth ended his day. ─── 两局完美的投球,演变成两局糟糕的投球,而一支两出局后的全垒打,结束了他今天的投球。
67、"Mrs.Sandoval," Homer said swiftly, "your son is dead. ─── “桑多瓦尔夫人,”霍默敏捷地说,“您的儿子死了。
68、Some few words passed between them in that sonorous language in which Homer makes his gods converse. ─── 他们又用荷马写史诗的那种音调铿锵的语言交谈了几句话。
69、The writings of Homer,including Iliad and Odyssey is the origins of kinds of literature traditions in the west. ─── 《荷马史诗》(包括《伊利亚特》和《奥德赛》)是西方多种文学传统的源头。
70、With a nifty solder-gun and his small engraving lathe he could make an American typewriter speak 145 different tongues, from Russian to Homeric Greek. ─── 只用一把好用的焊枪和一个小型的镌板机床,泰特尔就能让一台美式打字机说145种不同的语言,从俄语到希腊语。
71、His proposals for the reform of poetry, especially Homeric poetry, represent clearly a radical departure from Greek educational practices and beliefs. ─── 他对诗学的改革的提议,尤其是荷马诗学,清楚地代表着彻底的背离了希腊的教育实践和信仰。
72、Formerly they were ascribed to a particular blind bard, Homer, who was supposed to have sat down and composed them as Milton composed Paradise Lost. ─── 以前史诗被认定为某一独特的盲吟游诗人荷马所作,人们猜想他坐下来创作时,弥尔顿正在创作《失乐园》。
73、He had tried to construe a passage from Homer. ─── 他曾尝试注释荷马著作的一段文字。
74、Well, one answer is to follow Homer's advice. ─── 一种回答就是听从荷马的忠告。
75、Troy is the name of an archaeological site, the traditional location of Homeric Troy. ─── 特洛伊是一个考古遗址的名称,荷马史诗特洛伊传统的位置。
76、Strangely, Posada called his only changeup of Wang's game on Broussard's homer. ─── 吊诡的是,厚黑在这场小王的比赛中所配出的第一个变速球,竟然就被布劳沙”猫”出了全垒打。
77、As important for Chinese culture as the Homeric epics have been for the West, this fourteenth-century masterpiece continues to be loved and read throughout China today. ─── 如重要的对如荷马的史诗华人文化是到西部,这个第十四的世纪杰作在今天在中国各处被爱而且读。
78、Sherman /by Jacob Zeitlin and Homer Woodbridge. ─── 书名 :Life and letters of Stuart P.
79、To make a leadoff homer stand up and to do it against the AL champions?You can't say enough. ─── Morrow也锁好门.在美联冠军前打了全垒打,真的有好多可以说的.
80、He clubbed a two-run homer over the right field fence. ─── 他打了一个引跑两圈的全垒打,过了右外场。
81、Their second homer with Bob Allison aboard. ─── 垒上的鲍勃·艾里森击出了他们的第二个本垒打。
82、He had dabbled in Charke's Homer, but had never yet worked much at the New Testament in the Greek. ─── 他曾涉猎过荷马,但是却从来没对希腊文《新约全书》下过功夫。
83、As to the employment of the chariots, this paper argues that even though it was common in the Homeric wars, it was neither absolutely necessary, nor decisive. ─── 关于战车,本文认为,它是一种常见装备,但不具有决定作用。
84、A little history: During the post-World-War-II era, the Japanese economy often lived up to its Homeric epithet: the Miracle Economy. ─── 先回顾一下历史。二战之后,日本经济的表现的确可以用史诗般的语言来描述:经济奇迹。
85、"Mrs. Rosa Sandoval, 1129 G Street." Homer said. ─── “G大街1129号罗莎难能可贵瓦尔太太的,”霍默说。
86、Homer Epic is a wonderful book, from which I have learned a lot. ─── 口语)《荷马史诗》是一本很精彩的书,我从中学到了很多。
87、Yet “The Tale of Genji” is in every way Japan's equivalent of Homer's “Iliad”. ─── 1008年末,这部小说首次以日记出现,距今一千年整。
88、The Curative effect after ten and five times to treat the soft tissue injure in Homer is better than in libon(P< 0.001). ─── 两组 5次及 10次疗后对比均有非常显著差异 (P< 0.001)。
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