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09-15 投稿



inducer 发音

英:[ɪnˈdjuːsə]  美:[ɪnˈdusər]

英:  美:

inducer 中文意思翻译



inducer 反义词


inducer 短语词组

1、inducer exclusion ─── 诱发排斥

2、artificial inducer ─── 人工催情

3、inducer binding domain ─── 诱导子结合域

4、inducer motor ─── 诱导电机

5、gratuitous inducer ─── 安慰诱导物

6、permissive inducer ─── 允许诱导剂

7、interferon inducer ─── 干扰素诱导剂

8、inducer expulsion ─── 诱导剂驱逐

9、inducer bottle soon empty ─── 诱导瓶即将清空

10、anti inducer ─── 防诱导剂

11、knock inducer ─── 爆震诱导物

12、coma inducer comforter ─── 昏迷诱导器

13、substrate inducer ─── 底物诱导剂

inducer 同义词

inducer 词性/词形变化,inducer变形

动词过去式: induced |动词现在分词: inducing |动词第三人称单数: induces |动词过去分词: induced |形容词: inducible |

inducer 相似词语短语

1、inducers ─── n.[遗]诱导物;引诱者;导流片;电感器

2、induce ─── vt.诱导;引起;引诱;感应

3、inductor ─── n.(电路、电子电路的)感应器;授职者;圣职授予的人

4、conducer ─── 司机

5、-induced ─── adj.感应的;诱发型;v.引诱;说服(induce的过去分词)

6、induced ─── adj.感应的;诱发型;v.引诱;说服(induce的过去分词)

7、inducted ─── vt.引导;感应;使…就职;征召入伍

8、induces ─── vt.诱导;引起;引诱;感应

9、inductee ─── n.应召入伍的士兵;就任者

inducer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、C3-receptor inducer ─── C3受体诱导剂

2、Keywords controlled rolling;controlled cooling;low carbon bainite steel;strain induc ed transformation; ─── 控制轧制;控制冷却;低碳贝氏体钢;应变诱导;

3、Keywords hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy;T lymphocytes;helper inducer;interleukins;infant;newborn; ─── 关键词低氧缺血性脑病;T淋巴细胞;辅助诱导;白细胞介素类;婴儿;新生;

4、SRS2, a preparation of resistance induction in tobacco, was made from elicitors of the hypovirulent strain TBA16 of Alternaria alternata pathogen,combing chemical ID1 as a resistance inducer. ─── 作者在温室、田间小区和大田进行应用示范试验,明确了诱导剂SRS2对烟草赤星病的控制作用。

5、Antiviral agent. Antioxidant. Antitumor compound. Apoptosis inducer. ─── 抗病毒、抗氧化、抗肿瘤化合物。凋亡诱导剂。

6、variable-pitch inducer ─── 变螺距诱导轮

7、artificial interferon inducer ─── 人工干扰素诱导剂

8、T inducer(cell) ─── T诱导(细胞)

9、Backflow phenomena in the inlet of inducer and the flange clearance were described.The cause of pressure diffe-rence between suction surface and press surface was explained. ─── 描述了诱导轮进口及轮缘间隙处的回流现象,解释了回流现象发生的原因,即轮缘处叶片压力面和吸力面存在压差;

10、These results indicate that MAPK signaling functions, at least in part, as the inducer of ameloblast differentiation. ─── 这些结果说明MAPK信号至少部分的诱导了成釉细胞的分化。

11、Study on the Effects of Nutrient and Enzymatic Inducer Regulations in a White Rot Fungal Biofilm Reactor ─── 外源调控对白腐真菌生物膜反应器的影响研究

12、We designed a reliable inducer which heats rapidly and evenly.It successfully uses magnetic field condensor to reduce energy Ioss,to prevent ex-heat of workpiece and toImprove heating efficiency. ─── 分析了高频感应钎焊电磁换向阀的工艺特,点,设计了加热迅速、均匀、工作可靠的感应器,并采用磁场凝聚器成功地减少了能量的损失,防止工件过热,提高了加热效率。

13、Keywords CYP2B6;Substrate;Inducer;Inhibitor;Genetic polymorphism; ─── 底物;诱导剂;抑制剂;基因多态性;

14、In addition,the conversion rate of resting c ells was increased by 10 2% when 3 0 g/L cytosine was added into its culture m ed ium in shaker as enzyme inducer. ─── 摇瓶培养基中加入 3 0g/L胞苷诱导核苷磷酸化酶 ,静息细胞的酶转化率提高了10 2% ;

15、Reducing hydraulic noise of fluid in the impeller inlet by means of adding front inducer ─── 加装前置导翼降低叶轮入口处流体噪声

16、Keywords Salivary gland tumuor;Matrix metalloproteinases;Extracellular matrix metalloproteinase inducer(EMMPRIN);Invasion; ─── 唾液腺肿瘤;基质金属蛋白酶;细胞外基质金属蛋白酶诱导因子;侵袭性;

17、If food protein is not properly digested, it's a significant inducer of immune activation in the gut, and it can maintain this disease indefinitely. ─── 如果不正确消化食物中的蛋白质,它的一个显着的诱导剂在肠道的免疫激活,它可以无限期地保持这种疾病。

18、double stranded RNA interferon inducer ─── 双股核糖酸干扰素诱导剂

19、To avoid these, he used patch cords, miniature alligator clips, and black tape to wire the inducer to a battery-operated ASP deck. ─── 为了避免这种情况,他用接插电缆、小型鳄鱼嘴夹、以及黑胶带将诱导器连接到了一个ASP终端。

20、The new stage addition mode of inducer can not only effectively relieve inhibition but also improve the enzyme activity when fermentation method is modified. ─── 新的发酵工艺采用诱导剂分批加入方式,不仅可以有效解除诱导剂对细胞生长抑制,并且酶活也有较大的提高.

21、substrate inducer ─── 底物诱导物

22、Moreover, satisfactory cavitation performances were achieved by using the proposed method to design the variable-pitch inducer. ─── 按照该方法设计的诱导轮可获得良好的汽蚀性能。

23、1. the vertical axis generator with wind-speed accelerating and double inducer combines pneumatic turbine technique. ─── 1.引入组合式气动涡轮技术,设计了带风速提升和双重导流的垂直轴组合风轮。

24、inducer T cell ─── T诱导细胞

25、TNF-like weak inducer of apoptosis ─── TWEAK

26、permissive inducer ─── 容许的诱导者

27、W-Co alloy was electrodeposited in the holes in the oxide film on aluminum by using Co as the inducer. ─── 利用铝基阳极氧化膜的孔隙导电性,用钴作诱导剂,可以在铝基氧化膜的孔隙中电沉积出钨钴合金。

28、prophage inducer ─── 原噬菌体诱导剂

29、Transmissible gastroenteritis immunity inducer ─── 传播性胃肠炎免疫诱导剂(动)

30、compressor inducer ─── 压缩器导流叶轮

31、Double Strande dRNA Interferon Inducer ─── 双股核糖核酸干扰素诱导剂

32、plane type helical inducer ─── 平面型螺旋电感器

33、The results show that inducer shroud bleeding has a remarkable effect on the centrifugal compressor performance improvement. ─── 从数值模拟的结果中,可以看到该项技术对离心压气机性能改进的明显效果。

34、front inducer ─── 前置导翼

35、The paper introduced research development in male haploid inducer of maize, haploid induction, doubling methods and development of the research in Helongjiang province. ─── 摘要介绍了玉米父本单倍体诱导系的研究现状、单倍体诱导和加倍方法及黑龙江省在该领域研究的进展。

36、Keywords Laryngeal neoplasms;Carcinoma;squamous cell;Matrix metalloproteinase inducer; ─── 喉肿瘤;癌;鳞状细胞;基质金属蛋白酶诱导因子;

37、The production of AM and DSB- signal of LEET in sleeping- inducer ─── 失眠治疗仪中调幅信号产生器的设计

38、Model test of axial flow pump with inducer ─── 带前置导轮的轴流泵装置模型试验结果及分析

39、The invention relates to a plant stress-resistant inducer, which takes Chitosan oligosaccharide solution as an effective active component. ─── 本发明涉及植物抗逆性诱导剂,其以壳寡糖溶液为有效活性成份。

40、In our study, we found that methadone is also a potent inducer of cell death in leukemia cells and we clarified the unknown mechanism of methadone-induced cell killing in leukemia cells. ─── 在我们的研究中,我们发现美沙酮也是白血病细胞死亡的强有力的诱导者,我们阐明了在白血病细胞中美沙酮诱导细胞死亡的未知机理。

41、In some cases another molecule, an inducer, may bind to the repressor, weakening its bonds with the operator and depressing the gene , allowing transcription to proceed. ─── 在某些情况下,另外一种分子,即诱导物,可能与抑制子结合,减弱它与操纵子的结合作用,使基因去阻抑,转录可以进行。

42、Suppression of Super-Synchronous Vibration of the LE-7 LOX Pump Inducer :Technical rept ─── LE-7LOX泵进口段超同步振荡的抑制/技术报告

43、Extracellular matrix metalloproteinases inducer ─── 基质金属蛋白酶诱导因子

44、In the process of the flow field calculation, the loading of blade inlet under non-cavitating condition was analyzed;the cavitation performance for the inducer was calculated. ─── 在流场计算研究中,分析了无汽蚀条件下叶片前缘的负荷,然后进行了诱导轮汽蚀性能的计算。

45、The potential in osteogenous differentiation of rBMSCs be evaluated by the osteogeneic inducer kit. ─── 倒置光学显微镜下观察细胞形态及生长特征,绘制细胞生长曲线。

46、Soluble expression of recombinant human ciliary neurotrophic factor in e. Coli using lactose as inducer ─── 乳糖诱导重组人睫状神经营养因子在大肠杆菌中的可溶性表达

47、haploid inducer ─── 单倍体诱导系

48、inteferon inducer ─── 干扰素诱导剂

49、Keywords IPTG;Lactose;Inducer;Fermentation; ─── 乳糖;诱导剂;发酵;

50、tandem bladed inducer ─── 串联诱导叶轮

51、Cardiac microenvironment is thought to be the key inducer in directing the site-specific differentiation of MSCs. ─── 心脏的微环境被认为是诱导干细胞发生定向分化的决定因素。

52、DCE Whitening Foundation Cream contains liquorice essence, multiple vegetable essences and Vitamin C inducer to prevent dark pigments from generating, regulate skin to be moist; ─── DCE嫩白隔离粉底霜以甘草精华为主要成份,并添加了各种植物精华、维生素C诱导体。能抑制暗色素的生成,调理出滋润的肌肤;

53、DEX is a typical inducer of CYP3A4, by a pregnane X receptor (PXR) mediated mechanism. ─── DEX是典型的CYP3A4诱导剂,其诱导机制由PXR介导。

54、Keywords mitomycin C;cytochrome P450;inducer;inhibitor;liver microsomes; ─── 丝裂霉素C;细胞色素P450;诱导剂;抑制剂;肝微粒体;

55、Smiling stimulates our brain reward mechanism in a way that even chocolate -- a well-regarded pleasure inducer -- cannot match. ─── 微笑刺激我们的大脑奖励机制,在某种程度上,甚至连巧克力,一个公认的快乐诱导物,都无法比拟。


57、The deterioration process of inlet low pressure area caused by backflow on cavitations characteristics of inducer was analyzed. ─── 分析了回流引起的进口低压区对诱导轮汽蚀性能恶化的过程;

58、Influence of ectogenetic nitric oxide inhibitor and inducer on the proliferation of smooth muscle cells in the aorta of hypertensive rats ─── 外源性一氧化氮抑制剂和诱导剂对高血压大鼠主动脉平滑肌细胞增殖的影响

59、The Effect of 4-MC-An Inducer of NGF on the Learning and Memory Function of Old Mice ─── 4-甲基儿茶酚:一种神经生长因子诱导物对老龄鼠学习记忆功能的影响

60、artificial labour inducer ─── 人工引产仪

61、Nitric oxide synthase traffic inducer ─── 一氧化氮合酶运输介导物

62、impeller inducer ─── 导流叶轮

63、separator inducer ─── 分流式导流轮

64、Objective: to search for tumor cell apoptosis inducer. ─── 目的:寻找新的肿瘤细胞凋亡诱导剂。

65、Monocyte-granulocyte inducer type 2 ─── 单核细胞-粒细胞诱导剂2型

66、exogenous interferon inducer ─── 外源性干扰素诱导剂

67、Application of Cationic Propyl Gallate as Inducer of Thrombocyte Aggregation for Evaluating the Platelet Function of Platelet Donors ─── C-PG血小板聚集试验在单采血小板捐献者筛查中的应用

68、artificial labor inducer ─── 人工引产器

69、Put E. coli BL21(DE3) into LB medium containing ampicillin and make them propagate until A600=0.6, then add inducer IPTG to induce hRI express. ─── 将BL21(DE3)置于含有氨苄青霉素的LB培养基中扩增至A600=0.6后加入诱导剂IPTG,诱导hRI的表达。

70、Evaluation of the Platelet Function of Platelet Donors by Using Two Thrombocyte Aggregation Test with Cationic Propyl Gallate(CPG) as the Inducer ─── 两种CPG血小板聚集试验在血小板捐献者筛查中的应用

71、The design of laser fiber inducer attached two channels with the function of exhausting smoke and illumination ─── 一种带抽烟吸引及照明通道的激光光纤导引器的设计

72、Design Procedure and Parameter Selection on Variable-pitch Inducer ─── 变螺距诱导轮的设计步骤及参数选择

73、The preparation and application of self-made roller singeing machine we re briefly reviewed, including the characteristics of the latest developed induc tion electric heating machine. ─── 感应电热式圆筒烧毛机系采用半导体变频装置,将电流变换成单向中频交流电,然后根据电磁感应原理,加热烧毛圆筒。本文对该机试制经过及其特性作了介绍。

74、differentiation inducer ─── 分化诱导物

75、Different inducer,inducing method and inducing concentration have great effect to plant acquired resistance. ─── 不同的诱导物、诱导方法、诱导浓度对植物获得抗病性有很大影响。

76、Keywords Lipoprotein lipase;Gene polymorphism;Pregnancy induc ed hypertension; ─── 妊娠并发症;脂蛋白酯酶;多态性;

77、Numeric Simulation of Inducer Shroud Bleeding Effect on Centrifugal Compressor Performance ─── 导风轮轮罩引气对离心式压气机性能影响的数值研究

78、chemical inducer ─── 化学诱抗剂

79、Study on effects of differentiation inducer on adhesion, movement and invasion of chordoma cell line in vitro ─── 分化诱导剂对脊索瘤细胞体外粘附、移动和侵袭的作用

80、If an inducer molecule is present, it binds to repressor and changes its conformation so that it is unable to bind to the operator. ─── 但是,某些称为共同抑制物的分子可以与阻遏蛋白质结合,并改变它的构造,使得它能与操纵基因结合。

81、Applying ABT rooting inducer on cutting propagation of Hamamelis mollis ─── ABT生根粉在金缕梅扦插繁殖中的应用

82、stress-resistance inducer ─── 抗逆诱导剂

83、Lactose might be an ideal inducer for the expression of recombinant protein. ─── 乳糖可以作为基因工程重组蛋白的理想诱导剂。

84、A vertical flange used for installing the motor is arranged at an end cover or a motor shell close to the impeller inducer end. ─── 在靠近风叶端的电机机壳或其端盖上配置一立式安装电机用的法兰;

85、Dairy products and turkey contain tryptophan, which acts as a natural sleep inducer. ─── 奶制品和火鸡含有色氨酸,这种酸是一种天然导睡剂。

86、gratuitous inducer ─── 安慰诱导物

87、The combination of BTH with oxalic acid or BABA did not more significantly increase the induce effect than simple inducer. ─── 复合诱导剂和相应的单一诱导剂的诱导效果相比,霜霉病的病情指数并没有显著差异。

88、High Density Fermentation Using Lactose as Inducer ─── 以乳糖为诱导剂的高密度发酵

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