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09-14 投稿



insomnious 发音


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insomnious 中文意思翻译



insomnious 相似词语短语

1、insomniacs ─── n.失眠症患者

2、insomnia ─── n.失眠症,失眠

3、innoxious ─── adj.无毒的,无害的

4、ingenious ─── adj.有独创性的;机灵的,精制的;心灵手巧的

5、inharmonious ─── adj.不和谐的;不和睦的

6、insomniac ─── n.失眠症患者

7、insidious ─── adj.阴险的;隐伏的;暗中为害的;狡猾的;n.(Insidious)《潜伏》(电影名)

8、ignominious ─── adj.可耻的;下流的

9、insomnias ─── n.失眠症,失眠

insomnious 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、How to just calculate insomnious disease after all?How does the find oneself when somebody awakes with one individual morning come judge calm. ─── 究竟怎样才算失眠症?有人以一个人早晨醒来时的自我感觉怎样来衡定。

2、Apply to the insomnious disease of in relief excessive of deficiency of yin with irritability. ─── 适用于阴虚阳亢之失眠症。

3、Such vicious circle, accentuated even more the heart declines and insomnious illness. ─── 如此恶性循环,越发加重了心衰和失眠的病情。

4、Accordingly, angst disease patient always accompanies insomnious disease orMorpheusObstacle. ─── 因此,焦虑症患者总是伴随失眠症或睡眠障碍。

5、This kind medicaments is had mix undisturbedly fight angst action, can use at insomnious disease, this medicine basically is used at the nervous angst condition of neurosis. ─── 本类药物具有镇静和抗焦虑作用,可用于失眠症,本药主要用于神经官能症的紧张焦虑状态。

6、This kind of patient often has neurasthenic all symptom, if insomnious companion has the head,unwell, attention cannot be centered, memory difference, easy exhaustion, jelly. ─── 这种患者常具有神经衰弱的全部症状,如失眠伴有头部不适、注意力不能集中、记忆力差、易疲劳、软弱无力等。

7、Psychological element comes on in insomnious disease in hold significant position, reason this psychotherapy not only medicable insomnia disease, of medicable still insomnia accompany a symptom. ─── 心理因素在失眠症发病中占据重要的地位,故此心理疗法不仅可治疗失眠症,还可治疗失眠的伴随症状。

8、Ought to believe, should treat only seasonable, reasonable, insomnious disease is cured not hard. ─── 应当相信,只要治疗及时、合理,失眠症是不难治愈的。

9、Because frequency and make water estimate increase, go up from the body and all can bring about on cerebrum stimulation fall asleep difficulty and insomnious disease. ─── 由于次数和尿量增多,从躯体上和大脑刺激上均可导致入睡困难和失眠症。

10、Have insomnious disease to sufferring fromSenileFor the person, the preparation before sleeping is more important. ─── 对患有失眠症的老年人来说,睡前准备更为重要。

11、Such vicious circle, accentuated even more the heart declines and insomnious illness. ─── 如此恶性循环,越发加重了心衰和失眠的病情。

12、Mental disease companion sends insomnious disease, especially all sorts of mood obstacles, it is the common cause that causes insomnia. ─── 精神疾病伴发失眠症,尤其是各种情绪障碍,是导致失眠的常见原因。

13、Treat insomnious method, need not of medicaments! ─── 治疗失眠的方法,不用药物的!

14、Found a reason, "Suit the remedy to the case " , insomnious problem was solved. ─── 找到了原因,“对症下药”,失眠问题便解决了。

15、My mom says news says insomnious person gets leukaemia easily, is this true? ─── 我妈妈说新闻说失眠的人容易得白血病,这是真的吗?

16、Ought to believe, should treat only seasonable , reasonable, insomnious disease is cured not hard. ─── 应当相信,只要治疗及时、合理,失眠症是不难治愈的。

17、And have remedial effect to insomnious disease. ─── 而且对失眠症有治疗作用。

18、Because negative sentiment is caused neurasthenic wait for a series of disease, and what appear the most easily is insomnious symptom. ─── 因消极的情绪引发神经衰弱等一系列病症,而最易出现的就是失眠症状。

19、Had better use in the bedroom what won't give out noise is horological, in insomnious day, this kind of sound can make a person more irritating. ─── 在卧室最好使用不会发出声响的钟表,在失眠的日子,这种声音会令人更加烦躁不安。

20、No matter from the mankindMorpheuscommon law, the result that still studies from the experiment looks, dream feeling and insomnious unlikelihood are contacted necessarily. ─── 无论从人类睡眠的普遍规律,还是从实验研究的结果看,梦感与失眠未必有必然的联系。

21、Some special medicaments are like prophylactic to wait, cause insomnious side effect likely also. ─── 有的特殊药物如避孕药等,也有可能引起失眠的副作用。

22、Found a reason, "Suit the remedy to the case " , insomnious problem was solved. ─── 找到了原因,“ 对症下药”,失眠问题便解决了。

23、Be in abroad, behavior treatment already was used extensively at treating insomnious disease. ─── 在国外,行为疗法已被广泛用于治疗失眠症。

24、What method can cure insomnious actinium, recently is to sleep to be not worn in the evening. ─── 什么办法可以治好失眠锕,最近都是晚上睡不着.

25、To the insomnious patient that wakes early in the morning, the effect in should be being used or lasting effect are stable kind of medicaments. ─── 对早晨早醒的失眠病人,应采用中效或长效安定类药物。

26、Master after loosening muscle technology, can use at treating insomnious disease. ─── 掌握放松肌肉技术后,就可以用于治疗失眠症。

27、Apply to the insomnious disease of flourishing of kidney empty liver. ─── 适用于肾虚肝旺之失眠症。

28、1.Find out the cause that causes insomnious symptom, give corresponding processing in the light of the pathogeny. ─── 1.找出引起失眠症状的原因,针对病因给予相应的处理。

29、The person arrivesSenile, insomnious occurence rate is higher, and insomnia became a worrySenileThe difficult problem with vivid life. ─── 人到老年,失眠的发生率较高,而且失眠成了困扰老年人生活的难题。

30、Why am I met always in the evening insomnious forehead? ─── 为什么我晚上总会失眠额?

31、How does insomnious much dream do? ─── 失眠多梦怎么办?

32、How can I solve insomnious problem? ─── 怎么样才能解决失眠问题?

33、Insomnious patient wants as far as possible the habit of seasonable go to bed when education is Mondayish. ─── 失眠的病人要尽可能培养困倦时及时就寝的习惯。

34、To the insomnious disease patient with mental insecurity or obvious worry, still can add with spirit flabby law. ─── 对精神紧张或焦虑明显的失眠症病人,还可加用精神松弛法。

35、Of course, contracted insomnious disease reallySenilePerson, when comply with doctor's advice takes drug, still must search seek the account that forms insomnia. ─── 当然,真的患了失眠症的老年人,在遵照医嘱服药时,还得找找形成失眠的原因。

36、How to improve the insomnious symptom that anaemia causes excuse me? ─── 请问怎么样改善贫血引起的失眠症状?

37、Composed sleeping pill content, just as its name implies is a helpMorpheusmedicaments, treat insomnious drug namely. ─── 镇静安眠药物,顾名思义是帮助睡眠的药物,也就是治疗失眠的药。

38、If insomnious upturn can chase decrescent medicine, but cannot stop drug at a draught, otherwise, effect effect consolidates, can appear even bounce phenomenon. ─── 如果失眠情况好转可逐渐减药,但不可一下子停药,否则,影响效果巩固,甚至会出现反跳现象。

39、To maintainingMorpheusDifficult, nightmare again and again insomnious patient, can choose short effect or in effect is stable kind of medicaments. ─── 对维持睡眠困难,恶梦频频的失眠病人,可选用短效或中效安定类药物。

40、You couldn't have a good sleep because you had a precious treasure on hands and were so excited to be insomnious? ─── 眼力不济,还是独孤兄艺高人胆大,晚上睡得不安稳是因为奇兵在手,兴奋无心睡眠的缘故吧?

41、for insomnious phobia with no response to other treatment. ─── 对于其他治疗无效的失眠恐怖患者有一定疗效。

42、Insomnious patient wants as far as possible the habit of seasonable go to bed when education is Mondayish. ─── 失眠的病人要尽可能培养困倦时及时就寝的习惯。

43、I'd like to hug this burning-hot seasonsOn the shoulders of villege, like my fatherI am looking at golden rice fields. And insomnious ─── 我要拥抱这滚烫的季节在村庄的肩膀上,学着父亲望着金色的稻田失眠

44、What does insomnious reason have? ─── 失眠的原因有哪些呢?

45、Composed sleeping pill content, just as its name implies is a helpMorpheusmedicaments, treat insomnious drug namely. ─── 镇静安眠药物,顾名思义是帮助睡眠的药物,也就是治疗失眠的药。

46、Anyhow, after you use afore-mentioned methods, you can walk out of the trough of the mood not only, still can alter insomnious illness as soon as possible. ─── 总之,当你采用上述方法后,你不仅能走出情绪的低谷,还能尽快改变失眠症。

47、The insomnious disease that the disease causes, often accompany with the disease happen, and having affinity with the lapse to of the disease. ─── 疾病造成的失眠症,常与疾病伴随发生,且与疾病的转归有着密切关系。


49、What can study insomnious method? ─── 有什么可以治失眠的方法?

50、To study the clinical characteristics of patients with insomni a dependent on sedatives and hypnotics, 670 subjects were surveyed. ─── 为研究镇静催眠药依赖性失眠患者的临床特征,通过对670例服用镇静催眠药的失眠症患者的调查。

51、Insomnious youth, majority complains it is difficult to fall asleep, and once fall asleep hind sleep very well; ─── 失眠的年轻人,多数抱怨入睡困难,而一旦入睡后则睡得很好;

52、Because insomnious disease is,this isMorpheusObstacle, in brief sex insomnia or insomnia inchoate, the person can not have amnesia shape; ─── 这是因为失眠症是睡眠障碍,在短暂性失眠或失眠早期,人可无健忘症状;

53、The method with simple what can alleviate insomnious symptom? ─── 有什么简单的方法可以缓解失眠的症状么?

54、Be in abroad, behavior treatment already was used extensively at treating insomnious disease. ─── 在国外,行为疗法已被广泛用于治疗失眠症。

55、How should insomnious symptom prevent and cure, daydream ceaselessly awake ceaselessly. ─── 失眠症状该如何防治,不停做梦不停的醒来.

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